Kedah2014p1 (Q)

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Diagram 1 shows an organelle found in a cell.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan organel yang terdapat dalam sel.

Diagram 1 / Rajah 1

Which of the following process takes place in this organelle?

Antara proses berikut, yang manakah berlaku dalam organel tersebut?

A Respiration / Pernafasan C Lipid synthesis / Sintesis lipid

B Photosynthesis / Fotosintesis D Energy production / Penghasilan tenaga

1/KEDAH/2014/Cell Structure And Cell Organisation

Diagram 2 shows the specialisation of plant cells which leads to formation of tissue X.
Rajah 2 menunjukkan pengkhususan sel-sel tumbuhan membentuk tisu X.

Diagram 2 / Rajah 2

What is tissue X / Apakah tisu X?

A Epidermis / Epidermis C Xylem / Xilem

B Guard cell / Sel pengawal D Phloem / Floem

2/KEDAH/2014/Cell Structure And Cell Organisation

Diagram 3 shows a type of tissue / Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu jenis tisu.

Diagram 3 / Rajah 3

Which organelle is found in abundance in the tissues as shown above?

Apakah organel yang ban yak terdapat di dalam tisu yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di atas?

A Golgi apparatus / Jasad Golgi C Lisosome / Lisosom

B Mitochondria / Mitokondria D Ribosome / Ribosom

3/KEDAH/2014/ Cell Structure And Cell Organisation

Diagram 4 shows the structure of plasma membrane.

Rajah 4 menunjukkan struktur membran plasma.

Diagram 4 / Rajah 4

What is the main component of P and Q / Apakah komponen utama P dan Q?

A Lipid / Lipid Carbohydrate / Karbohidrat
B Carbohydrate / Karbohidrat Lipid / Lipid
C Protein / Protein Lipid / Lipid
D Lipid / Lipid Protein / Protein

4/KEDAH/2014/Movement Of Substance Across The Plasma Membrane

A stalk of mustard green is cut longitudinally into four equal strips.
All the strips were immersed for 30 minutes in sucrose solution of different concentrations.
Which strip was immersed in hypotonic solutions?
Batang sawi telah dipotong memanjang kepada em pat keratan yang sama saiz. Semua keratan
tersebut direndam dalam larutan sukrosa yang berbeza kepekatan selama 30 minit.
Keratan manakah yang direndam dalam larutan hipotonik?



5/KEDAH/2014/Movement Of Substance Across The Plasma Membrane

The graph shows the result of an experiment to determine the concentration of the cell sap of potato.
Graf menunjukkan keputusan satu eksperimen untuk menentukan kepekatan sap sel ubi kentang.

At which point A, B, C or D, the concentration of sucrose solution is hypertonic to the cell sap of
Yang manakah antara titik A, B, C atau D, merupakan kepekatan larutan sukrosa yang hipertonik
terhadap sap sel ubi kentang?

6/KEDAH/2014/Movement Of Substance Across The Plasma Membrane

Diagram 4.1 shows a set up of apparatus to study the action of pepsin on protein.
Diagram 4.2 shows the result of the experiment after one hour.
Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan satu set radas untuk mengkaji tindakan pepsin ke atas protein.
Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen tersebut selepas satu jam.

Diagram 4.2 / Rajah 4.2

The experiment in diagram 4.1 is repeated for different temperature which is 35°C, 40°C and 60°C
using 4 ml of 1% pepsin. Which of the following is the result of the experiment after one hour in
temperature 60 °C?
Eksperimen dalam rajah 4.1 diulang dengan menggunakan 4 ml 1% pepsin bagi suhu 35°C, 40°C
dan 60 °C. Antara yang berikut, yang man akah merupakan keputusan eksperimen tersebut selepas 1
jam bagi suhu 60 °.


7/KEDAH/2014/Chemical Composition Of The Cell

Diagram 5 shows changes of a protein structure causes by factor X
Rajah 5 menunjukkan perubahan struktur protein yang disebabkan oleh faktor X.

Diagram 5 / Rajah 5
What is factor X / Apakah faktor X?

A Temperature 10°C / Suhu 10°C C Temperature 37°C / Suhu 37°C

B Temperature 27°C / Suhu 27°C D Temperature 60°C / Suhu 60°C

8/KEDAH/2014/Chemical Composition Of The Cell

Diagram 6 shows the action of enzyme to form a disaccharide.

Rajah 6 menunjukkan tindakan enzim untuk menghasilkan sejenis disakarida.

What is S and T / Apakah S dan T?

A Galaktose / Galaktosa Maltose / Maltosa
B Glucose / Glucosa Sucrose / Sucrosa
C Galactose / Galaktosa Sucrose / Sucrosa
D Glucose / Glucosa Maltose / Maltosa

9/KEDAH/2014/ Chemical Composition Of The Cell

Diagram 7 shows a stage of cell division in an organism.
Rajah 7 menunjukkan satu fasa semasa pembahagian sel dalam suatu organisma.

Diagram 7 / Rajah 7

Which statements are true / Pernyataan manakah yang benar?

A The diploid number of this organism is 6 / Nombor diploid untuk organisma ini ialah 6
B The stage of the cell division is metaphase I
Peringkat pembahagian sel di atas adalah metafasa I
C The haploid number of this organism is 4 / Nombor haploid untuk organisma ini ialah 4
D The stage of the cell division is prophase I
Peringkat pembahagian sel di atas adalah profasa I

10/KEDAH/2014/Cell Division

Mitosis produces two genetically identical cells. Which of the followings involve mitosis?
Mitosis melibatkan pembahagian nukleus yang menghasilkan dua sel anak dengan komponen genetik
yang sama. Antara berikut yang manakah melibatkan mitosis?

A Formation of clone / Penghasilan klon

B Formation of new species / Penghasilan spesies baru
C Formation of pollen grain / Penghasilan butir debunga
D Formation of sperm cells / Penghasilan sel sperma

11/KEDAH/2014/Cell Division

Diagram 8 shows a type of technique used in the agricultural sector.
Rajah 8 menunjukkan sejenis teknik yang digunakan dalam sektor pertanian.

Diagram 8 / Rajah 8

What is the advantage of the techniqe process / Apakah kelebihan teknik di atas?

A To produce more healthier plants / Menghasilkan tumbuhan yang Iebih sihat

B Maintains the genetic materials of the chromosome in the plants
Mengekalkan bahan genetik kromosom dalam tumbuhan
C All the clones have different resistance towards diseases.
Semua klon mempunyai daya rintangan penyakit yang berbeza.
D Plant produced are differ from parent’s cell.
Tumbuhan yang terhasiI berbeza dengan sel induk

12/KEDAH/2014/Cell Division

Table 1 shows four type of cells that have undergone cell division and their chromosomal
numbers before and after the cell division.
Jadual 1 menunjukkan empat jenis sel yang mengalami pembahagian sel dan bilangan kromosom
masing-masing sebelum dan selepas pembahagian sel.

Chromosomal number
Type of cell Bilangan kromosom
Jenis sel Before cell division After cell division
Sebelum pembahagian sel Selepas pembahagian sel
A 28 14
B 14 14
C 32 64
D 23 46
Table 1/ Jadual 1

Which types of cells A, B, C or D has undergoes meiosis?

Manakah antara sel-sel A, B, C atau D yang mengalami meiosis?

13/KEDAH/Cell Division

Diagram 9 below shows part of the human digestive system.
Rajah 9 di bawah menunjukkan sebahagian daripada sistem pencernaan manusia.

Diagram 9 / Rajah 9

Which part of A,B,C or D produces enzyme which responsible for the digestion of lipid?
Bahagian manakah A,B,C atau D yang bertanggung jawab menghasilkan enzim bagi pencernaan


Diagram 10 shows a food guide pyramid / Rajah 10 menunjukkan piramid makanan.

Diagram 10 / Rajah 10

Which are most probably the examples of food levels P, Q, R and S?

Yang manakah mungkin contoh-contoh makanan pada aras P, Q, R dan S?

A Vegetables Cereals Meats Fats
Sayur-sayuran Bijirin Daging Lemak
B Cereals Fruits Beans Sugar
Bijirin Buah-buahan Kekacang Gula
C Beans Cereals Vegetables Cheese
Kekacang Bijirin Sayur-sayuran Keju
D Rice Chickens Sweet Vegetables
Beras Ayam Gula Sayur-sayuran

15/KEDAH /2014/ Nutrition

The following statement refers to a process which occurs after the process food digestion.
Pernyataan berikut merujuk kepada satu proses yang berlaku selepas proses pencernaan

A process of utilization of digested nutrient to form complex compounds.

Proses penggunaan nutrien untuk membentuk sebatian kompleks.

What is the process / Apakah proses tersebut?

A Assimilation / Asimilasi C Deamination / Deaminasi

B Absorption / Penyerapan D Defaecation / Penyahtinjaan


Pancreas is the importance organ to maintains the glucose level in the blood.
Pankreas adalah organ yang penting untuk mengekalkan aras glukosa di dalam darah.

A medical check-up shows that a patient’s pancreas is damaged and has to be removed.
Pemeriksaan perubatan menunjukkan pankreas seorang pesakit rosak dan perlu dibuang.

Which of the following should be done by the patient to maintain a normal blood sugar level?
Antara berikut, manakah yang perlu dilakukan oleh pesakit itu untuk mengekalkan aras gula
darah yang normal?

A Taking glucose injections / Mengambil suntikan glukosa

B Taking a balanced diet / Mengamalkan pengambilan gizi yang seimbang
C Taking insulin and glucagon injections / Mengambil suntikan hormon insulin dan glukagon
D Reduce intake of high calories food / Mengurangkan pengambilan makanan berkalori tinggi


Digestion of food involves several organs and secretion of enzymes. Which of the following is
true about the organ?
Pencernaan melibatkan beberapa organ dan rembesan enzim.
Manakah antara berikut adalah benar mengenai organ-organ tersebut?

Organ / Organ Secretion / Rembesan Enzymes / Enzim

A Mouth / Mulut Saliva / Air liur Maltase / Maltase
B Liver / Hati Bile / Hempedu Bile / Bile
C Pancreas / Pankreas Pancreatic juice / Jus pankreas Lipase / Lipase
D Stomach / Perut Gastric juice / Jus gastrik Trypsin / Tripsin


Which type of carbohydrate is found in abundance in liver?
Apakah jenis karbohidrat yang ban yak dijumpai dalam hati?

A Starch / Kanji C Glucose / Glukosa

B Sucrose / Sukrosa D Glycogen / Glycogen


A student takes part in a 200 m sprint event.

Which equation represent his respiration process after he has run the first 100 m?
Seorang pelajar mengambil bahagian dalam acara larian pecut 200 m. Persamaan manakah
yang mewakili proses respirasi setelah berlari 100 m pertama?

A Glucose → Lactic acid + Energy / Glukosa → asid laktik + tenaga

B Glucose + Oxygen→ Lactic acid + Energy / Glukosa + oksigen → asid laktik + tenaga
C Glucose → Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy
Glukosa → Etanol + karbon dioksida + tenaga
D Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy
Glukosa + oksigen → Karbon dioksida + air + tenaga


The following information describe the content of cigarette smoke.

Maklumat berikut menerangkan kandungan asap rokok.

Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 different chemicals and at least 43 of them are
Asap rokok mengandungi Iebih 4,000 bahan kimia yang berbeza dan 43 bahan daripadanya
adalah bersifat karsinogenik.

Which of the following disease is most probably will be caused by carcinogens?

Manakah penyakit berikut berkemungkinan disebabkan oleh bahan karsinogen?

A Bronchitis / Bronkitis C Emphysema / Emphysema

B Asthma / Asma D Lung cancer / Kanser paru-paru


The following equation shows a process that occurs in a cell P of an organism.

Persamaan berikut men unjukkan proses yang berlaku dalam sel P sejenis organisma.

Lactic acid carbon dioxide + water + energy

karbon dioksida + air + tenaga
Asid laktik

What is cell P / Apakah sel P

A Nerve cell / Sel saraf C Muscle cell / Sel otot
B Red Blood Cell / Sel darah merah D Liver cell / Sel hati


Diagram 11 shows the respiratory system of an insects. Air enter the trachea through an opening
labeled X.
Rajah 11 men unjukkan sistem respirasi serangga, Udara memasuki trakea melalui liang yang
berlabel X.

Diagram 11 / Rajah 11

Which of the following is X / Manakah antara berikut adalah X?

A Air sac / Kantung udara C Bronchiole / Bronkiol

B Spiracle / Spirakel D Tracheole / Trakeol


Diagram 12 shows the rising of a dough during the process of bread making.
Rajah 12 menunjukkan adunan tepung menaik semasa proses membuat roti.

Before / Sebelum After / Selepas
Diagram 12 / Rajah 12

Which of the following causes the dough to increase in size?

Antara berikut yang manakah menyebabkan adunan roti bertambah saiz?

A Water / Air C Lactic acid / Asid lactik

B Ethanol / Etanol D Carbon dioxide / Karbon dioksida


Diagram 13 shows a type of an interaction of an organism.
Rajah 13 menunjukkan sejenis interaksi bagi suatu organisma.

Diagram 13 / Rajah 13

What is type of the interaction / Apakah jenis interaksi ini?

A Comensalism / Komensalisma C Mutualism / Mutualisma

B Saprophytism / Saprofitisma D Parasitism / Parasitisma

25/KEDAH/2014/Dynamic Ecosystem

Diagram 14 shows the three types of plants in a mangrove forest.

Rajah 14 menunjukkan tiga jenis tumbuhan di hutan paya bakau.

Diagram 14 / Rajah 14

Which of the following is the correct root system in plants, labelled P, Q and R.
Manakah antara berikut adalah sistem akar yang betul bagi tumbuhan berlabel P, Q dan R.

A Prop roots Buttress roots Cable root
Akar jangkang Akar banir Akar bercabang luas
B Buttress roots Prop roots Cable root
Akar banir Akar jangkang Akar bercabang luas
C Cable root Prop roots Buttress roots
Akar bercabang luas Akar jangkang Akar banir
D Cable root Buttress roots Prop roots
Akar bercabang luas Akar banir Akar jangkang

26/KEDAH/2014/Dynamic Ecosystem

Diagram 15 show four types of plants K, L, M, and N in an abandoned pond.
Rajah 15 menunjukkan empat jenis tumbuhan K, L, M dan N dalam kolam yang terbiar.

Diagram 15 / Rajah 15

Which of the following shows the sequence of succession in the pond?

Manakah antara berikut menunjukkan urutan sesaran dalam kolam tersebut?


27/KEDAH/2014/Dynamic Ecosystem

A student used the quadrat sampling technique to find the percentage cover of grass P in the
school field. The area of each quadrat is 1 m2. Table 2 shows the results obtained.

Pelajar menggunakan teknik persampelan kuadrat untuk mencari peratus liputan bagi rum put P
di padang sekolah. Luas setiap kuadrat ialah 1 m2, Jadual 2 menunjukkan hasil yang diperolehi.

Quadrat / Kuadrat Area covered by grass P (m2) / Luas diliputi rumput P (m2).
I 0.35
II 0.75
III 0.68
IV 0.14
V 0.25
VI 0.10
Table 2 / Jadual 2

Which of the following is the percentage coverage of grass P in the school field?
Manakah antara berikut peratus liputan bagi rum put P di padang sekolah?

A 2.27% C 0.38%
B 22.7% D 37.8%

28/KEDAH/2014/Dynamic Ecosystem

Diagram 16 shows part of the nitrogen cycle.
Rajah 16 menunjukkan sebahagian daripada kitar nitrogen.

Diagram 16 / Rajah 16

Name bacteria X / Namakan bakteria

A Decaying bacteria / Bakteria pereputan

B Nitrifiying bacteria / Bakteria penitritan
C Denitrifying bacteria / Bakteria pendenitritan
D Nitrogen fixing bacteria / Bakteria pengikatan nitrogen

29/KEDAH/2014/Dynamic Ecosystem

Table 3 shows content of pollutant in the river of P,Q ,R and S.

Jadual 3 di bawah menunjukkan kandungan bahan buangan yang terdapat dalam sun gai P,Q,R
dan S.

River Organic matter Suspended solids Nitrates and phosphate Soil and sediment
Sungai Bahan Organik Pepejal terampai Nitrat dan Fosfat Tanah dan sedimen
p √ X √ X
Q √ √ X X
R X √ X √
S X X X √
Table 3 / Jadual 3

Based table which of the following river have higher value of BOD?
Berdasarkan jadual di atas sungai manakah mempunyai nilai BOD yang paling tinggi?


30/KEDAH/2014/Endangered Ecosystem

Diagram 17 shows a human activity. Rajah 17 menunjukkan satu aktiviti manusia

Diagram 17 / Rajah 17

Which of the following is the effect of the activity?

Antara berikut yang manakah kesan daripada aktiviti tersebut?

A B.O.D value in the river decrease / Nilai B.O.D di dalam sungai menurun
B The habitat of the flora and fauna increase / Habitat flora dan fauna meningkat
C The temperature in north pole decrease / Suhu di kawasan kutub utara menurun
D The carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere increase
Paras karbon dioksida dalam atmosfera meningkat

31/KEDAH/2014/Endangered Ecosystem

The following information is on the impact of a phenomenon.

Maklumat berikut ialah berkenaan impak satu fenomena.

Excessive ultraviolet rays cause skin cancer in humans, reducing the rate of photosynthesis in
plants and disrupt the food chain.
Sinar ultraungu berlebihan mengaktifkan kanser kulit pada manusia, merendahkan kadar
fotosintesis tumbuhan serta mengganggu rantai makanan

Which of the following is the phenomenon / Yang manakah antara berikut fenomena tersebut?

A Thermal pollution / Pencemaran termal

B Global warming / Pemanasan global
C Greenhouse effect / Kesan rumah hijau
D Thinning of ozon layer / Penipisan lapisan ozon

32/KEDAH/2014/Endangered Ecosystem

The following statement is about eutrophication.
Pernyataan berikut adalah mengenai eutrofikasi.

L : Excess fertilisers from agriculture lands flow into lakes

Lebihan baja dan kawasan pertanian mengalir ke tasik
M : Bacteria grow rapidly / Pertumbuhan bakteria sangat cepat
N : Algae grow rapidly and covers the surface of the lake
Alga mengalami pertumbuhan yang cepat dan menutupi permukaan tasik
O : The value of BOD increase / Nilai BOD meningkat

What is the correct sequence of the eutrophication process?

Apakah urutan yang betul untuk proses eutrofikasi?

A O, L, M, N C L, M, O, N
B L, N, M, O D O, M, L, N

33/KEDAH/2014/ Endangered Ecosystem

Diagram 18 shows a human heart structure / Rajah 18 menunjukkan struktur jantung manusia.

Diagram 18 / Rajah 18

Which of the valves labelled A, B, C and D can prevent the backflow of the blood from the aorta
to the left ventricles?
Injap manakah berlabel A, B, C dan D yang dapat menghalang darah daripada berpatah balik
daripada aorta ke ventrikel kiri?


Diagram shows how does the blood can be divided into its components.
Rajah menunjukkan bagaimana darah dapat dibahagikan kepada komponennya.

Diagram 19 / Rajah 19

Which of the following is true about P and Q / Antara berikut manakah benar tentang P dan Q?

A Platlets Erythrocytes, leucocytes and blood plasma
Platelet Eritrosit, leukosit dan plasma darah
B Leucocytes Erythrocytes, platlets and blood plasma
Leukosit Eritrosit, platelet dan plasma darah
C Erythrocytes Blood plasma, leucocytes and platlets
Eritrosit Plasma darah, leukosit dan platelet
D Blood plasma Erythrocytes, leucocytes and platelets
Plasma darah Eritrosit, leukosit dan platelet


Diagram 20 shows a condition of a disease suffered by a boy.

Gambar 20 menunjukkan keadaan penyakit yang dihadapi oleh seorang budak lelaki.

Diagram 20 / Rajah 20

What types of immunity received by the boy after he recovers from the disease?
Apakah jenis keimunan yang diperoleh oleh budak lelaki mi selepas Ia sembuh daripada

A Natural Acquired Active Immunity / Keimunan Aktif Semulajadi

B Artificial Acquired Active Immunity / Keimunan Aktif Buatan
C Natural Acquired Passive Immunity / Keimunan Pasif Semulajadi
D Artificial Acquired Passive Immunity / Keimunan Pasif Buatan


A doctor listened to Ahmad’s heart beat by using a stethoscope. He heard the sound of “lub-hiss,
lub-hiss” sound instead of the normal “lub-dup” sound. Which of the following is most likely the
cause of the “hiss” sound.
Seorang doktor mendengar degupan jantung Ahmad. Dia mendengar bunyi “lub-hiss, lub - hiss”
berbanding bunyi jantung yang normal iaitu bunyi ‘lub dup” Manakah yang berikut adalah
disebabkan dengan bunyi “ hiss “ tersebut.

A Clotted coronary artery / Koronari arteri yang tersumbat

B A defective semilunar valve / Kecacatan injap sabit
C High blood pressure / Tekanan darah tinggi
D A damaged pacemaker (SAN) / Perentak (SAN) bermasalah


Diagram shows a type of virus of HIV that can cause a fatal disease.
Rajah menunjukkan sejenis virus penyebab kepada penyakit yang boleh membawa maut.

Diagram 21 / Rajah 21

Which of the following is the major effect of the virus.

Manakah yang berikut kesan utama daripada virus tersebut.

A lead to cell destruction / mengakibatkan kemusnahan sel

B lead to cell division / mengakibatkan pembahagian sel
C disrupted the circulatory system / mengganggu sistem peredaran darah
D weaken the body’s immune system / melemahkan sistem keimunan badan


Diagram 22(a) shows a cross-section of the root of a dicotyledonous plant.

Rajah 22(a) menunjukkan satu keratan rentas akar bagi satu tumbuhan dikotiledon.

Diagram 22(a) Diagram 22(b)

Rajah 22(a) Rajah 22(b)

If the ring of the stem shown by the shaded area A and B are being removed as in diagram 22( a)
while diagram 22 (b) shows the ringing of the bark, predict what would happened to the plants
after a month?
Sekiranya gelang pada batang seperti ditunjukkan pada bahagian berlorek A dan B dibuang
sepertimana yang ditunjukkan pada rajah 22 (a) manakala rajah 22 (b) menunjukkan
penggelangan kulit pokok itu, apakah yang akan berlaku kepada tumbuhan tersebut selepas

A Translocation does not occur / Translokasi tidak berlaku

B Transpiration does not occur / Transpirasi tidak berlaku
C Gutation does not occur / Gutasi tidak berlaku
D Water flows is blocked / Pengaliran air disekat
Diagram 23 shows the structure of the muscles in a leg and an forearm.
Rajah 23 menunjukkan struktur otot-otot dalam kaki dan lengan.

Diagram 23 / Rajah 23

Flexor is the muscle which bends the joint while extensor is the muscle which straightens a joint.
Which of the following muscles are known as flexor?
Fleksor adalah otot yang membengkokkan sendi manakala extensor adalah otot yang meluruskan
sendi. Manakah otot yang berikut dikenal sebagai fleksor?

A Quadriceps femoris and triceps / Kuadrisep femoris dan trisep

B Quadriceps femoris and biceps / Kuadrisep femoris dan bisep
C Biceps femoris and triceps / Bisep femoris dan trisep
D Biceps femoris and biceps / Bisep femoris dan bisep

40/KEDAH/2014/Support And Movement

Diagram 24 shows the human vertebral column with the numbers of the vertebrae and two types
of vertebrae, K and S.
Diagram 24 menunjukkan kolum vertebrata manusia dengan jujukan nombor vertebra dan dua
jenis vertebra K dan S.

Diagram 24 / Rajah 24

Which of the following shows the correct vertebrae number for vertebrae K and L?
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah menunjukkan nombor vertebra yang padan dengan tulang
vertebra K dan L?

Number of vertebra K Number of vertebra S

A 4 17
B 5 19
C 7 23
D 9 25

41/KEDAH/2014/Support And Movement

Diagram 25 shows the movement of an earthworm.
Rajah 25 menunjukkan pergerakan seekor cacing tanah.

Diagram 25 / Rajah 25

On which of the following surface will the earthworm move the fastest?
Di atas permukaan yang manakah cacing tanah bergerak paling cepat?

A Glass / kaca C Plastics / plastik

B Wood / kayu D Metal plate / kepingan logam

42/KEDAH/2014/Support And Movement

Diagram 26 shows the wrong way and the right way to lift a heavy object.
Rajah 26 men unjukkan cara yang salah dan cara yang betul semasa mengangkat sesuatu objek
yang berat.
Which of the following part of the body will have the highest risk to suffer from injury?
Bahagian badan yang manakah akan mengalami risiko cedera yang paling tinggi?

The wrong way / Cara yang salah The right way / Cara yang salah

Diagram 26 / Rajah 26

43/KEDAH/2014/Support And Movement

Diagram 27 shows three types of human organs, the heart, the forearm and the stomach. These
organs are made up of different type of muscles..
Rajah 27 menunjukkan tiga jenis organ manusia iaitu jantung, lengan dan perut. Organ-organ ini
diperbuat daripada otot-otot yang berlainan jenis.

Diagram 27 / Rajah 27

Which of the following are muscle X, Y and Z?

Otot-otot yang berikut manakah merupakan otot X, Y dan Z?

Muscle X Muscle Y Muscle Z


44/ KEDAH /2014/Support And Movement

Diagram 28 shows cross section of the human skin.

Rajah 28 menunjukkan keratan rentas kulit manusia

Diagram 28 / Rajah 28

What happen to P and Q during cool day?

Apakah yang berlaku kepada P dan Q semasa hari sejuk?

A Lie flat / Baring Contract / Mengecut
B Stand upright / Berdiri tegak Relax / Mengendur
C Lie flat / Baring Relax / Mengendur
D Stand upright / Berdiri tegak Contract / Mengecut

45/KEDAH/2014/Coordination And Response

Diagram 29 shows the structure of a nephron.

Rajah 29 menunjukkan struktur satu nefron

Diagram 29 / Rajah 29

Which of the following activities cause X to be more permeable to water?

Antara aktiviti berikut, yang manakah akan menyebabkan X Iebih telap kepada air?

P - Eating salty foods / Makan makanan yang masin

Q - Drinking a lot of carbonated drinks / Banyak minum air berkarbonat
R - Exercise a lot / Banyak bersenam
S - Drinking a lot of water / Banyak minum air

A P and Q / P dan Q C P,Q and R / P, Q dan R

B P and R / P dan R D P, R and S / P, R dan S

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Diagram 30 below represents a dialysis machine.
Rajah 30 di bawah mewakili satu mesin dialysis.

Diagram 30 / Rajah 30

Which substances in the dialysis fluid must be at the same concentration as that in blood?
Manakah bahan-bahan dalam bendalir dialisis mesti sama kepekatannya seperti dalam darah.

A Amino acids and urea / Asid amino dan urea C Glucose and urea / Glukosa dan urea
B Glucose and amino acids / Glukosa dan asid amino D Urea and salts / Urea dan garam

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The information below is about a neurological disease.

Pernyataan di bawah adalah berkaitan penyakit neurologi.

 Loss of memory and intellectual ability / Hilang ingatan dan kebolehan intelek
 Shrinkage of brain tissues / Pengecutan tisu otak
 Lack of neurotransmitters such as acetylcoline / Kekurangan bahan pemancar seperti asetikolina

What is the disease / Apakah penyakit itu?

A Parkinson’s disease C Osteoporosis

B Alzheimer’s disease D Arthritis

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Graph shows the blood glucose concentration in a healthy person before, during and after a meal.
Graf menunjukkan kepekatan glukosa darah pada seorang yang sihat sebelum, semasa dan
selepas makan.

What causes the decrease in glucose level 3 hours after the meal?
Apakah yang menyebabkan aras glukosa berkurang 3 jam selepas makan?

A Antidiuretic hormone / Hormon antidiuretik C Glucagon / Glukagon

B Insulin / Insulin D Oestrogen / Estrogen

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Diagram 31 shows part of human brain. A man complaining of breathing difficulties after being
infected by a virus.
Rajah 31 menunjukkan sebahagian otak manusia. Seorang lelaki mengadu kesukaran bernafas
selepas dia didapati dijangkiti oleh virus.

Diagram 31 / Rajah 31

Which part of the brain is injured / Bahagian otak yang manakah cedera?


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