Comparative - Wind National Annexes
Comparative - Wind National Annexes
Comparative - Wind National Annexes
ABSTRACT: The current state of the adoption of National Annexes to EN 1991-1-4 [1] is reported. Moreover, the fundamental
values of the basic wind velocity, vb,0, and of the basic velocity pressure, qb,0, for more than 30 countries in the EU and in the
adjacent countries are compared. In the next step, peak velocity pressures qp are calculated using a unified fundamental value of
the basic wind velocity of vb,0 = 25 m/s, two different terrain categories and building heights of 12 m and 50 m. Only few small
countries limit themselves to defining the fundamental values of the basic wind velocity, vb,0. Most countries use the wide
variety of opportunities to choose Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs). Some countries such as Germany and the UK
even alter the basic formulae given in the Eurocode which are not allowed for national choices.
KEY WORDS: Peak Velocity Pressure; Fundamental Value of the Basic Wind Velocity; European Wind Loading Standards;
National Annexes to EN 1991-1-4; Nationally Determined Parameters; Comparative Study.
14th International Conference on Wind Engineering – Porto Alegre, Brazil – June 21-26, 2015
· Russia and Azerbaijan are still using the standard of the former USSR [32].
· Israel does have an independent wind loading standard.
Official wind loading standards were found by means of the web search neither for Albania and Moldova, nor for Egypt,
Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. Yet, unofficial wind loading recommendations exist in many if not in all of these
14th International Conference on Wind Engineering – Porto Alegre, Brazil – June 21-26, 2015
Turkey still uses a step profile, based on the 1986 version of DIN 1055-4 [31]. The given steps range from 28 to 46 m/s
corresponding to a range of 0.5 to 1.3 kN/m² and depend on the height. At a height of 10 m, a wind velocity of 36 m/s and a
peak velocity pressure of 0.8 kN/m² have to be applied. As the Turkish code does not give any equation to calculate vb,0 from the
reference peak velocity pressures, Turkey is not included in Table 1.
However, Russia is included in the comparison. The Russian Standard, which includes the entire former USSR, gives
fundamental values of the basic wind velocity between 19.6 m/s and 43.6 m/s.
The gust factor, the ratio of peak wind velocity to mean wind velocity, is 1.9 in Switzerland [41]. Therefore, the reference
peak velocity pressures which are in a range of 0.9 to 1.3 kN/m² except in the Alps and in the Jura [33] can be traced back to
basic wind velocities of 20 m/s to 24 m/s. However, peak velocity pressures up to 2.4 kN/m2 in the Jura and even up to
3.3 kN/m2 in the Alps are given in [33]. In the commentary to SiA 261 [41] these values are referred to as “rare peak gusts”. In
addition, the following statement is found in [41]: “The gust of wind refers to an instantaneous velocity over 0.1 s of duration
which is additionally increased by 10% to account for the inertia of the anemometer.” For comparison, the peak wind velocities
given in DIN EN 1991-1-4/NA:2010-12 [6], the German National Annex, refer to mean values over 2 to 3 seconds [39].
14th International Conference on Wind Engineering – Porto Alegre, Brazil – June 21-26, 2015
Figure 1. European comparison of peak velocity pressures qp in terrain category III at a height of 12 m based on the national
standards of 34 countries; the black line indicates the average value.
Figure 2. European comparison of peak velocity pressures qp in terrain category III at a height of 50 m based on the national
standards of 34 countries; the black line indicates the average value.
As described in Section 6.4 of the commentary to SiA 261 [41] rare peak gusts of 0.1 s of duration have to be applied in
Switzerland. The 0.1-s duration of peak velocity pressure is equivalent to a 3-s peak velocity pressure multiplied by a 1.2 factor
[42]. Additionally, as stated in [41], topographic effects are already included in the reference peak velocity pressures given in
14th International Conference on Wind Engineering – Porto Alegre, Brazil – June 21-26, 2015
the Swiss wind map. These two features of SiA 261 [33] are believed to explain the high peak velocity pressure of 0.94 kN/m² in
Figure 1, as well as the other outliers in Figure 2 to Figure 4.
Figure 3. European comparison of peak velocity pressures qp in terrain category II at a height of 12 m based on the national
standards of 34 countries; the black line shows the average.
Figure 4. European comparison of peak velocity pressures qp in terrain category II at a height of 50 m based on the national
standards of 34 countries; the black line shows the average.
14th International Conference on Wind Engineering – Porto Alegre, Brazil – June 21-26, 2015
Following the Russian standard, in TC III at a height of 12 m a very low peak velocity pressure of 0.55 kN/m² is calculated. In
the comparison this qp-value is the smallest one. However, a literature research has shown that the w0-values given in the
Russian standard represent a five year return period. According to Popov [40] a factor of 1.4 has to be applied to this peak
velocity pressure to convert it into a peak velocity pressure for a return period of 50 years. This conversion is included in all
Figures and results for the calculation given in Figure 1 in a peak velocity pressure of 0.75 kN/m² which is in a similar range as
the qp-values of most countries.
Figure 3 and Figure 4 show similar outliers as Figure 1 and Figure 2 with the exception of Turkey. The Turkish standard [36]
does not give any terrain categories. On the basis of the given step profile, at a height of 12 m a value of 0.8 kN/m² is found,
whereas at a height of 50 m a value of 1.1 kN/m² has to be applied. In terrain category III at a height of 12 m this value is
significantly higher than the average, whereas at 50 m height the value is about average. However, in terrain category II the peak
velocity pressures calculated for Turkey are below average.
The rather small values for the peak velocity pressure as calculated by the Dutch National Annex [18] originate from the
altered roughness lengths. For terrain category II the Eurocode gives a value for z0 of 0.05 m, whereas in the Netherlands this
value is increased to 0.2 m. In terrain category III an increase from 0.3 m to 0.5 m is found. Moreover, the Dutch terrain
categories are not fully comparable to those in the Eurocode, as only three different terrain categories are defined:
0 = Sea and coastal areas
II = not built-up areas
III = built-up areas.
Especially ‘small’ countries follow the recommendations given in the Eurocode. Some ‘small’ countries such as Iceland,
Latvia or Cyprus give only fundamental values of the basic wind velocity and do not define any other Nationally Determined
Parameters (NDPs). However, plenty of countries make numerous use of the option to give Nationally Determined Parameters.
Countries such as Germany and the United Kingdom even alter the basic formulae given in the Eurocode which are not
allowed for national choices.
However, the similar level of peak velocity pressures in most countries may not lead to the conclusion that an intensive study
of the National Annexes is not necessary. Some national standardization organizations have published extensive National
Annexes. The NDPs defined therein may have a large impact on the peak velocity pressure calculation.
14th International Conference on Wind Engineering – Porto Alegre, Brazil – June 21-26, 2015
[20] ÖNorm B 1991-1-4:2013-05-01: Nationale Festlegungen zu ÖNORM EN 1991-1-4 und nationale Ergänzungen, Österreichisches Normeninstitut (ON),
Vienna, 2013
[21] PN-EN 1991-1-4:2008/NA:2010-09: Dotyczy PN-EN 1991-1-4:2008 – Eurokod 1 – Odd¬ziaływania na konstrukcje – Część 1-4: Oddziaływania ogólne
Oddziaływania wiatru, PKN, Warsaw, 2010
[22] NP-EN 1991-1-4:2010: Eurocódigo 1 – Acções em estruturas, Parte 1-4: Acções gerais, Acções do vento, Instituto Português da Qualidade, Caparica,
[23] SR EN 1991-1-4/NB:2007-06: Eurocod 1: Acţiuni supra structurilor – Partea 1-4: acţiuni generale – Acţiuni ale vântului – Anexa naţională, Asociaţia de
standardizare din România, Bucharest, 2007
[24] SS-EN 1991-1-4:2005/Bilaga NA:2008-10: Eurokod 1: Laster på bärverk – Del 1-4: Allmänna laster – Vindlast, Swedish Standards Institute, 2008
[25] STN EN 1991-1-4/NA/Z1:2010-04: National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on Structures – Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions, Slovenský ústav
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institute za standardizacijo, Ljubljana, 2008
[27] ČSN EN 1991-1-4/NA:2013-07: National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on Structures – Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions, Česky normalizačni
institute, Prague, 2013
[28] MSZ EN 1991-1-4:2007-12: NA nemzeti melléklet (előírás), Magyar Szabványügyi Testület, Budapest, 2007
[29] NA to BS EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010: UK National Annex to Eurocode 1 – Actions on Structures – Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions, BSi,
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[30] NA to CYS EN 1991-1-4:2005:2010-10: National Annex to CYS EN 1991-1-4:2005 – Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures – Part 1-4: General actions –
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[31] DIN 1055-4:1986-08: Lastannahmen für Bauten; Verkehrslasten, Windlasten bei nicht schwingungsanfälligen Bauwerken, Beuth-Verlag, 1986
[32] SP 20.13330.2011: Loads and impacts, the Ministry of Regional Development of Russian Federation, Moscow, 2011
[33] SiA 261/1:2014: Bauwesen, Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke – Ergänzende Festlegungen, Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein, Zurich, 2014
[34] Documento Básico SE-AE: Seguridad Estructural, Acciones en la edificación, AENOR, Madrid, 2003
[35] BFS 2013:10: EKS 9, Boverkets författningssamling, Swedish Standards Institute, 2013
[37] DBN.1.2–2:2006: STATE BUILDING CODE OF UKRAINE, System Reliability and Safety of Buildings, the Loads and Impacts, the Ministry of
Construction of Ukraine, Kiev, 2006
[38] Il Ministro delle infrastrutture, Norme tecniche per le costruzioni, Italy, 2008
[39] H.J. Niemann, Anwendungsbereich und Hintergrund der neuen DIN 1055 Teil 4, Der Prüfingenieur, 21, 35-45, 2002
[40] N.A. Popov, The wind load codification in Russia and some estimates of a gust load accuracy provided by different codes, Journal of Wind Engineering
and Industrial Aerodynamics, 88, 171-181, 2000
[41] Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein, D0188, Wind, Kommentar zum Kapitel 6 der Normen SiA 261 und 261/1 (2003), Einwirkungen auf
Tragwerke, Zurich, 2006
[42] J.A. Hertig, Peak pressure coefficient distribution around low-rise buildings, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 23, 211-222,
14th International Conference on Wind Engineering – Porto Alegre, Brazil – June 21-26, 2015