VEXiQ Assignement Bebe2023
VEXiQ Assignement Bebe2023
VEXiQ Assignement Bebe2023
RobotC Graphical
(& vr.vex)
Robot Programming
Esa Virta
Assistant lecturer
With these tasks we get to robot programming and you can test your program first in
simulation and finally with a real robot.
RobotC 4.X
ROBOT C-programming platform is available for download at https://www.vexrobot- for free. Choose your operating system.
1. Open Graphical RobotC for making the program for VEX iQ robot.
2. Test your programming in the lab in contact lessons with a real VEXiQ-robot.
There is no need to buy any programs or licenses to VEX platform to test your pro-
gramming, it is not required nor recommended.
Assignment 1. – ”Acceleration”
Make a program to VEXiQ robot which makes the robot to accelerate speed steadily for
5 seconds moving straight forward and then stop.
There is VEX Game Platform at the HAMK IoT lab in size of 3 x 4 slates (or more) and
on its’ sides are barriers where the robot may be allowed to touch (ref. use of the sen-