**Practical Significance**:
JavaScript is a widely used programming language for web development. Understanding how to
evaluate expressions and display messages is fundamental to web programming. In this assignment,
we will create a simple web page that allows users to enter expressions, evaluates them, and displays
the results.
**Practical Outcomes**:
- Create a web page with an input field for expressions.
**Practical Number**: Practical Assignment #2
**Practical Significance**:
In web development, making decisions and using looping statements are essential skills for
controlling the flow of a program. In this assignment, we will create a web page that demonstrates
the use of decision-making constructs (if statements) and looping statements (for and while loops) in
**Practical Outcomes**:
- Implement JavaScript code that utilizes decision-making constructs (if statements) to make choices
based on user input.
- Implement JavaScript code that uses looping statements (for and while loops) to repeat actions
based on user input.
**Practical Number**: Practical Assignment #3
**Practical Significance**:
Arrays are fundamental data structures used in programming for storing collections of values.
Understanding how to work with arrays is crucial for manipulating data efficiently. In this assignment,
we will create a web page that demonstrates various JavaScript array functionalities.
This exercise enables students to gain practical experience in using JavaScript array methods. It
enhances their ability to work with arrays effectively, a crucial skill for web development. Students
learn to apply array methods for tasks like sorting, filtering, mapping, and reducing data, which are
essential in real-world programming. This exercise emphasizes the importance of data manipulation
skills in software development.
**Practical Outcomes**:
- Create a web page with input elements and buttons for user interaction.
- Implement JavaScript code that showcases various array operations, including adding/removing
elements, searching, and performing operations on array elements.
**Practical Number**: Practical Assignment #4
**Practical Significance**:
Functions are essential building blocks in JavaScript for structuring and organizing code.
Understanding how to define and use functions is crucial for creating reusable and maintainable
code. In this assignment, we will create a web page that demonstrates various JavaScript function
**Practical Outcomes**:
- Implement JavaScript code that showcases function declarations, parameter passing, return values,
and function invocation.
**Practical Number**: Practical Assignment #5
**Practical Significance**:
Strings are fundamental data types in programming and are commonly used for text processing.
Understanding how to work with strings is essential for tasks like data validation and manipulation. In
this assignment, we will create a web page that demonstrates various JavaScript string
**Practical Outcomes**:
- Implement JavaScript code that showcases string manipulation, searching, and validation.