MCD573X DS T811019 en e
MCD573X DS T811019 en e
MCD573X DS T811019 en e
MCD 573X
Multi criteria smoke and heat detector
The MCD 573X is an individual addressable automatic fire detector
for smoke and heat.
The MCD 573X can be programmed and set according to its field
of application. The most important settings are:
Selecting the smoke responsiveness; at 80% (higher respon-
siveness), 100% (normal responsiveness) and 120% (lower re-
sponsiveness) of the alarm threshold
Selection of heat classes according to EN 54-5;
Class A1, A2, B inclusive index R (for unheated rooms) and in-
dex S (for kitchens) for all 3 heat classes.
Fig. 2 Dimensional drawing MCD 573X
Activating/deactivating the fire characteristic smoke and/or heat
Alarm output for external alarm display, programmable as out-
put independent of own alarm LED
Voltage alarm output 5V, 6.8V
Current limiting alarm output 0.1mA, 1mA, 5mA
Fault message “Over temperature"
Self-acting short circuit detection at start-up.
Function up to a cable length of 3.5 km
(at 25°C ambient temperature)
Connection Revision
The MCD 573X may only be tested with Securiton smoke detector
The max. number of detectors on a ring circuit test gas. The appropriate group must be connected to the central
must be calculated. The current consumption, the fire alarm system in revision mode before testing. The detector
installation, further SecuriLine (SecuriLine eXten- can only be tested with the test gas in revision mode or via signa-
ded) devices and the valid regulations/ guidelines ture triggering during normal plant operation.
must hereby be observed.
Terminal strips located in the base USB 501 are used to connect The provisions of the respective country in which the facility is op-
to the electric circuit. A 5-pin strip connects the alarm and socket erated basically apply for maintenance and inspection work on
electrically. danger alarm systems. The following apply e.g.:
In GERMANY the DIN VDE 0833 part 1 + 2 and the DIN 14675
Terminal Signal SecuriFire SecuriPro In SWITZERLAND the VKF Guideline and the Technical guide-
1 GND C1/C2 U/Y line of the SES (TR SES)
3 DATA B L2 X The national guidelines partly refer to the manufacturer’s instruc-
4 GND alarm output tions concerning the inspection intervals.
5 + alarm output
6 Terminal point (shielding) shield shield Securiton fire alarms have a detector self-test, with which the de-
tector is automatically subjected to an extensive electronic function
control. They are also equipped with automatic contamination
The alarm output on terminal 5 may not be loaded
compensation. It is nevertheless necessary to accomplish a physi-
with more than 5mA (or 1mA, 0.1mA respectively in
cal function test on the alarm onsite in regular intervals. Securiton
the extended mode of function)
recommends for this purpose:
The terminal of base USB 501 is designed such that the Se- Maintenance and inspection work should be accomplishing
curiLine (SecuriLine eXtended) is closed on removal of the detec- regularly and only by trained technical personnel (electrical
tor MCD 573X. specialist).
The base types USB 501-6 / USB 501-6 MC are not equipped with At least once a year, a function and visual inspection has to be
a loop contact. Therefore, SecuriLine (SecuriLine eXtended) will carried out according to the Securiton maintenance instruc-
not be closed when the detector is removed. tions:
A short circuit separator in the MCD 573X ensures that a short cir-
cuit in the installation (ring) is disconnected in the area of the
damage. The detector therefore continues to work properly.
smoke-/ heat
Under the conditions listed below, detectors on the SecuriLine Visual examination of the detector fastening (base) X
(SecuriLine eXtended) are possibly no longer detected: Visual examination of the detector (damages) X
Detector defect (short circuit/interruption) Visual examination of the detector
Multiple short circuit or interruption upstream or downstream of (label of detection zone)
the detector Examination of the monitoring range
short circuit or interruption in stub lines (free space not limited around the detector)
Triggered with test gas (Aerosol) X
Connection example SecuriFire Triggered with hot air/heat X
Examination of the alarm LED X
Examination of the proper functioning of the alarm
Alarm output X
Plus GND path form the detector to the control centre
Data A
Shield Data B GND
This product complies with the requirements of di-
rective 2002/95/EC „RoHS“.
Although the product is not subject to the EU-
Guideline 2002/95/EEC (RoHS), we comply with this
4 3 Guideline voluntarily (the product is also not subject to
5 2 2002/96/EEC (WEEE), Cat. 9 (according to the leaflets "WEEE,
6 1 RoHS…" Version 21/07/05 ZVEI Installation equipment and sys-
USB 501
Shield Shield
L2 L1
C2 C1
Fig. 3 Connection MCD 573X
Technical data
Functional principle combined smoke/heat detector (Tyndall effect, NTC sensor
Monitoring area, mounting height dependent on active detection principle (smoke or heat detector) 1)
permissible air speed max. 20 m/s
Responsiveness smoke detector
Responsiveness acc. to EN 54-7 100% Sensitivity
Responsiveness acc. to EN 54-7, not VdS approved 80% Sensitivity
Responsiveness not acc. to EN 54-7 120% Sensitivity
Responsiveness heat detector acc. to EN 54-5 Class A1 (Factory setting and after reset)
Class A2, Class B
(Index S and R)
Signal transmission serial biphase data transmission, 2-wire-system
Operating voltage range (inkl. modulation swing)
for SecuriLine operation 11 to 31 V DC
for SecuriLine eXtended operation 7 to 31 V DC
Current consumption
quiescent typ. 120 µA; max. 150 µA
in alarm max. 20mA (pulsed)
alarm output-LED active max. 2.5mA
alarm output active 5mA (1mA, 0.1mA) max. 7.5mA (2.1mA, 0.7mA)
Alarm output 2) 3)
output voltages +6.8V DC (-10%. +15%)
+5.0V DC (+1V, -0.3V)
output current short circuit proof min. 5mA (min 1.0mA, min 0.1mA)
Line insulator::
Nominal direct current max. 160 mA
Nominal switching current max. 300 mA
Leakage current max. 0,1 mA
Switching impedance max. 0,5Ω.
Protection system in connection with base USB 501 IP 44 4)
Approval by VdS G210152 according to CEA 4021 part B and C EN 54 part 7, 5 and 17
CPD approval 0786-CPD-21020
Ambient temperature range (continuous) -25 ... +60 °C
Ambient conditions humidity 10 ... 95 % rel/F
(continuously, without condensation) at ≤ 34 °C
Ambient conditions humidity max. 35 g/m³
(continuously, without condensation) at > 34 °C min. 10% rel/F
Dimensions without base Ø x H see dimensional drawing
Housing colour white similar to RAL 9003
Housing material ABS/PC
Weight 125g
Values dependent on the ceiling structure (height, inclination), according to country-specific project planning guidelines.
At an output voltage of +5V the activation of the alarm output must only be carried out if the alarm indicator lamp is connected.
Only the following external display lamps may be connected: RAL 720, RAL 721, RAL 722, MEA 720
For use in environments with fluctuating, briefly increased humidity, model MCD 573X CP may be used.