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Reincarnation and Karma

re - again in enter into carna (lat.) - flesh (ie. body)

As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.
Bhagavad-gita 2.22

For many centuries, great thinkers and scientists from the whole world have been trying to fathom the phenomenon of life after death and the mysteries of remembrance of previous lives.

Famous persons who were aware of the laws of reincarnation: 1) Jesus Christ, 2) Flavius Josephus (Jewish historian from Jesus times), 3) Origen (a church father from the 2nd century), 4) Socrates, 5) Jalalu Rumi (Islamic poet from the 13. century), 6) Paul Gaugin, 7) Arthur Schopenhauer, 8) Voltaire, 9) Honore De Balsac, 10) H.D. Thoreau, 11) Mahatma Ghandi, 12) Albert Einstein, 13) J.W. Goethe, 14) Count Leo Tolstoy, 15) R.W. Emerson, 16) Walt Whitman, 17) Benjamin Franklin, 18) Mark Twain, 19) Jack London, 20) Henry Ford, 21) Carl Jung, 22) George Harrison ... and many others.

Jesus Christ in the Gnostic gospel Pistis Sophia: The souls in this world transmigrate from one body to another.

Due to political aspirations, at the infamous council in Nicaea in the year 325 early Christian texts about reincarnation and vegetarian diet were ruled out of the Bible.

For centuries the leading world religions have not taken the laws of reincarnation seriously enough.

In the year 1600, prosecutors of the Inquisition tortured and burned the Dominican priest and philosopher Giordano Bruno.

He was proclaimed a traitor and a heathen because he preached about life after death.

Reincarnation is an expression of Gods mercy.

God is not so brutal as to throw sinners into eternal suffering in hell.

On the contrary, He is so merciful that He offers new chances for redemption from accumulated sins even to the most sinful.

Along with making great progress in psychology and science in general, in modern times there have been many scientists who, by their scientific research, have proven the continuation of life after the demise of the material body.

That cycle of births and deaths is known in the language of ancient Vedas as samsara from the time immemorial . It is depicted by the symbol of a time-wheel.

Dr. Ian Stevenson (USA) Psychiatrist and author of several books about documented examples of proof of reincarnation. Dr. Brian L. Weiss (USA) Hypnotherapist and psychiatrist. Author of books about documented examples of proof of reincarnation. Tom Shroder (USA) Author of three books. The most prominent is Old Souls. Dr. Michael Newton (USA) Hypnotherapist and author of four books.

... and many others.

Do you think you are the body you see in the mirror?

In the oldest sacred books in the world (the Vedas), which originate from God Himself (Krishna), it is written that what we identify with is nothing but a blend of subtle and gross material bodies.

Subtle (astral) body Mind Intelligence False ego

The functions of the mind Feeling Willing Thinking

The functions of the intelligence

Resourcefulness in new situations Distinguishing between good and bad Control of the senses

False ego forces us to think that the gross material or subtle body is our real identity.

False ego is the most subtle material element. Due to false ego, we think of ourselves in terms of illusory identifications ...

... such as body type, gender, race, nationality, religion, profession, etc.

Forgetfulness of our eternal spiritual nature and identification with illusory identities is known in the language of the Vedas as maya, that which is not.

The subtle body sometimes gets out of the gross body - for example, at the time of a car accident, a trauma, during a surgical operation, under the influence of narcotics, etc.

In some cases it is a clinical death ...

... and sometimes astral projection exiting the body during deep sleep or conscious exiting in wakeful state.

There is a vast number of documented cases of people who could remember in great detail some of their previous incarnations, speak the language from a past life, or master some skills they had learned long ago (in some previous lives).

The spirit soul (our real identity), covered by the subtle body, transmigrates into another material body at the time of death.

If we are not the subtle body, is there any point in identifying with the gross material body...

... which is subjected to various diseases, old age and death?

The body has its beginning ... ... and its frequently unpredicted end.

It is made of fragile and perishable materials.

It is subjected to endless diseases.

The beauty of the body is only skin deep.

And yet most people

think that the body

... is meant exclusively for enjoyment.

Thus, they are too concerned about the body

and disregard their real identity.

It is just like polishing a birdcage without feeding the bird within.

In this allegory the cage represents the body and the bird, the soul.

The Vedas inform us that there are 8.400.000 species of living beings in the universe.

These are only some of them

So, if we are neither subtle nor gross material body who are we in the first place?

The spirit soul located in the heart

is of an atomic size.

For the soul there is never

birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.

Bhagavad-gita 2.20

The symptom of presence of the soul is consciousness which animates the body and gives it life.

Without the soul, the body is nothing but a lump of lifeless chemicals.

As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.
Bhagavad-gita 2.13.

By a certain law, the soul transmigrates from one type of the body into another.

That law is called

The law of action and reaction

Example 1.

According to the infallible law of karma, those who kill and eat animals have to take an animal body in the next life in order to go through the same experience.

Example 2.

Those who are pious and do good things to other living beings are rewarded by various conveniences in the next life.

Example 3.

Good and bad karma constantly intertwine.

It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable, immutable, and unchangeable. Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body.

Bhagavad-gita 2.25

The body is merely a vehicle for the soul, which moves the body just as a driver moves a car.

According to our karma, we drive a good car or a bad car.

What happens when the soul leaves the body?

Right before or at the time of death, people see the movie of life...

... the light at the end of a tunnel,

... and some subtle beings.

According to the activities during life, at the time of death some people meet angelic beings and some meet monstrous ones.

Why do we have to constantly change bodies?

It is due to universal law of karma, which forces us to enjoy or suffer the outcomes of our activities (good or bad deeds).

This law is also known as as you sow, so shall you reap.

Sinful activities are the main reason for suffering. These may be categorized into four groups.

They are ...

Eating meat, fish and eggs

Illicit sex


Gambling and cheating

In spite of numerous, indisputable proofs of life after death, many people do not believe in reincarnation. They are guided by slogan: I believe only those things I can perceive by my senses.

But our senses are extremely limited and imperfect.

Eye can see mostly gross matter. It cannot see microorganisms, distant objects, nor anything in pitch darkness. Ear can hear only sounds in the frequency between 20Hz and 20.000Hz. We cannot hear hyper-sounds and ultrasounds. Nose cannot perceive scents perceivable by dogs, who have 15 times better sense of smell. The same limitations are applicable to senses of touch and taste.

The world we perceive is but a small part of reality, just as we can see only the tip of an iceberg.

Just as the larger part of an iceberg is hidden under the water, likewise, the larger part of our (spiritual) individuality cannot be perceived by our imperfect material senses.

Who governs the universal laws of karma and cycle of reincarnation? God (Krishna) is situated in the heart of every living being as the witness of all our activities, thoughts and desires. He is not partial to anyone, and He awards everyone as they deserve.

According to our desires and activities, we receive and change our bodies just as actors change roles and costumes.

What happens with the sinful and the pious people at the end of life?

The sinners are cast into one of 28 hellish planets situated at the bottom of the universe.

After suffering on the hellish planets, they take birth in some lower species or as a human being who will continue to suffer due to bad karmic reactions.

Who is truly pious?

The pious are not those who merely pray in the church, mosque, synagogue or temple. Neither are they those who merely believe in God. (Nor are they those who are simply dressed in priestly garb).

The pious are those who according to the principles of their religion, who do good deeds to other living beings, and who are free from anger and greed - i.e. those who indeed understand and closely adhere to the fundamental principles of the religion they follow.

How to get out from an unending cycle of birth and death and achieve the meaning of human life?

Every living being (the soul) have their eternal spiritual form (either male or female), which becomes fully manifested when we achieve the perfection of human life ...

... unending and selfless love of Krishna.

The soul in the form of a tiny spark which gives consciousness and life to the material bodies ...

... in the spiritual world resumes its eternal body, full of transcendental knowledge and bliss - a body which is not subjected to the laws of the material energy.

However, a perfect spiritual body cannot be achieved merely by pious activities. At best, pious activities can take us only to heaven (which is a part of this temporary material world).

The heavenly planets are located in the top of the material universe, and their inhabitants are also subjected to births and deaths. Enjoyment in the heaven is not eternal.

According to their original nature, the living beings are sat - eternal, cit full of perfect knowledge, and ananda unlimitedly blissful.

When eternal living being gets entangled in Krishnas lower, material energy - it identifies itself with the material body which is asat - perishable, acit - full of ignorance and anxiety , and nirananda - full of miseries.

Every living being is free to choose the world in which they wish to live.

The world of selflessness and loving service, or ...

... the world of vanity, evil and avarice. The choice is always ours.

Krishna is the creator and owner of all opulence, spiritual and material. If we approach Krishna with an attitude of humble service and with a pure heart, all divine opulence will be available to us, too.

If we selfishly approach Krishnas opulence, neglecting its true owner, our every attempt at enjoyment will be as ephemeral as a sand castle.

Finally, how can we achieve the perfection of life - awaken our dormant love for Krishna and return back to the spiritual world?

By the exchange of selfless spiritual love.

Krishna created all living beings in order to exchange pure, unselfish love with them. Those who by free choice agree to such an exchange of love are called bhaktas (devotees) who render devotional service (bhakti) to Him.

Bhakti can be expressed through

prayers, music, dance, writing, speech, listening about spiritual topics, etc.

Author of the presentation: Vladimir Pavi (Vrsabha das) ISKCON International Society for Krishna Consiousness (Founder A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

Please visit our website and read some of our books which convey the ancient wisdom that has been preserved by generations of saints through thousands of years. This slide presentation has been made according to the philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita and the teachings of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, a genuine spiritual master who made the spiritual tradition of the ancient Vedic literatures available to the whole of humanity.

The end?

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