INTRO Sept 5-9, 2022
INTRO Sept 5-9, 2022
INTRO Sept 5-9, 2022
Department of Education
Makiling, Calamba City, Laguna
Week 3 (Sept 5-9, 2022) Learning Area Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person
Note: As per instruction by the Division Office the school shall conduct psychosocial activities for two (2) weeks and identify the learning loss/gaps under numeracy and
-Adjustment on Time schedule (40 minutes per class) as per instruction by the school principal) Two weeks profiling of learners for identifying learning gasp, then another
two weeks for bridging the gasp
2 The students should be Diagnostic Test Day 3 Ask the learners to read their Introduction to
AURIGA Know the prior Begin with classroom routine: Let them accomplish the given activities on a
knowledge of the separate sheet of paper.
students regarding the a. Prayer
subject matter b. Reminder of the classroom safety and health
c. Learning Task 1
c. Checking of attendance
Learning task 2 and 3
d. Quick “kamustahan”
3 The students should be Diagnostic Test Day 4 Ask the learners to read their Introduction to
able to: Philosophy of the Human Person Module Quarter 1
Wednesda Begin with classroom routine:
y Know the Let them accomplish the given activities on a
prior e. Prayer
separate sheet of paper.
9:00-10:10 knowledge of f. Reminder of the classroom safety and health
the students protocols
regarding the g. Checking of attendance
12:10 d. Learning Task 1
subject matter h. Quick “kamustahan”
Learning task 2 and 3
Conduct of Diagnostic Test
4 The students should be Readings/Materials Day 4 Ask the learners to read their Introduction to
able to: provide by Filipino Philosophy of the Human Person Module Quarter 1
Thursday Department Begin with classroom routine:
Know the prior Let them accomplish the given activities on a
8:00-9:00 i. Prayer
knowledge of the separate sheet of paper.
j. Reminder of the classroom safety and health
Betelgeuse students regarding the
protocols a. Learning Task 1
subject matter
k. Checking of attendance b. Learning task 2 and 3
l. Quick “kamustahan”
Realize the value of Review the previous class discussion/activity about Intro to
doing philosophical philosophy
reflection from various B. Motivation (Engage)
Determine the prior knowledge of the learners by an
activity: Unscramble the set of words below, based on the
3. W I D S O M- application of knowledge
F. Evaluation
Let the learner answer the given task: Write True if the
statement is correct and False if it is wrong with the word or
words that make it incorrect.
Ask the learner: Reflect on your life so far. Can you say
that you have lived a meaningful life, considering all your
experiences and achievements? What do you consider as the
“highlights” of your life? What things are you looking
forward to in the future?
Content- 10
Structure/ Organization- 5
Total: 15