00 p02 Detail Project Brief
00 p02 Detail Project Brief
00 p02 Detail Project Brief
Students are required to conduct a site study on the selected project site according to the From the conclusion obtained, students are also required to produce an ideation
topic given. This is a group work project. It includes the data collection, analysis dan manifesto based on the genius loci of the site. The manifesto must be expressed on an A3
presentation preparation. The study parameter is shown in the table below. board size using any materials that can reflect the idea & the site.
• Environmental character (rain pattern, temperature, humidity, sun & Materials/ colour/ • Liberate. Must be able to reflect the genius loci of the site
shadow casting, smell, ) artistical approaches
Parameter • Demography (history, socio‐culture, population, activities)
• Natural physical character (trees, shrubs, fauna, soil condition)
• Man‐made physical character (buildings, structures, hard‐scape,
• Circulation (vehicle, human & animal)
P02a Assessment/ scoring criteria % High Moderate Low
CLO4 / PLO4 Data Collection Comprehensive & accurate data Data collection is conducted as Incomplete data collection.
(Leadership/ collection. per requirement but Unacceptable data analysis/ no
Able to conduct site study in group. To show the (completeness
team working) Clear data analysis & can questionable accuracy. data analysis
qualities of communication, work coordination, & accuracy) & 3 significantly contribute to the Acceptable data analysis
and decision making among the team members Data Analysis design works
in completing the task. (SWOT)
CLO5/ PLO5 Fulfil presentation req, Fulfil presentation req, clear Incomplete work/ messy&
(Presentation) Able to present the study outcomes verbally interesting & clear presentation presentation board & inorganize presentation board
Presentation 5 board & meticulous quality moderate quality sculpture & poor workmanship sculpture
and graphically.
sculpture model model model
Total 10%
CLO3 / PLO3 Ability to identify sources of inspiration and Clear expression on architectural Acceptable expression on incomprehensible expression
(Critical skillfully manipulate them to develop their own design ideation that digested architectural design ideation on architectural design
unique design concept for the project. This from site appreciation outcome. that digested from site ideation that digested from
thinking) Originality and Clear design direction appreciation outcome. Has site appreciation outcome.
includes demonstrating creativity, originality, 5
creativity design direction Has no design direction
and a clear understanding of how to integrate
and transform the selected inspiration into a
cohesive architectural design solution.
Total 5%