PST UnitIV TravellingWaveinTransmissionLine SilasStephen
PST UnitIV TravellingWaveinTransmissionLine SilasStephen
PST UnitIV TravellingWaveinTransmissionLine SilasStephen
a2V aV
-a2V -a3V
-a4V -a3V
a4V a5V
The following table gives convenient way of keeping track of the open end voltage.
Time (t) V0(t)
1T V1= 2Va
2T V2= 2V a =V1
3T V3= 2Va+(-2Va3) = 2Va(1-a2)
4T V4= V3
5T V5= 2Va -2Va3+2Va5= 2Va(1-a2+a5)
6T V6= V5
7T V7= 2Va -2Va3+2Va5-2Va7= 2Va(1-a2+a5-a7)
8T V8= V7
9T V9= 2Va -2Va3+2Va5-2Va7+2Va9=2Va(1-a2+a5-a7+a9)
10T V10= V9
N VN= V1- a2 VN-2
N+1 VN+1= VN
According to this procedure, the final value is
V∞ = 2V a (1-a2+a4-a6+……)
= 2V a /(1+a2)
Problem : Find the value of open end voltage at ∞th reflection for a=0.96, if V is the
supply voltage connected to open ended transmission line. Also, draw the bewley
lattice diagram.
0.962V 0.96V
-0.962V -0.963V
-0964V -0.963V
0.964V 0.965V
2 2T V2= 2V a = 1.92 V
4 4T V4= V3 =0.15 V
6 6T V6= V5 =1.78 V
8 8T V8= V7 =0.28 V
or until it encounters a boundary with another medium. This type of wave pattern
which is seen travelling through a medium is sometimes referred to as a travelling
A standing wave also known as a stationary wave, is a wave that remains in a
constant Position. This phenomenon can occur because the medium is moving in the
opposite direction to the wave, or it can arise in a stationary medium as a result of
interference between two waves travelling in opposite directions.
Standing waves are confined to a given space in a medium and still produce a regular
wave pattern which is readily discernible amidst the motion of the medium.
Standing waves are also observed in physical media such as strings and columns of
air. Any waves travelling along the medium will reflect back when they reach the
end. This effect is most noticeable in musical instruments where, at various multiples
of a vibrating string or air columns natural frequency.
A standing wave is created, allowing harmonics to be identified.
Nodes occur at fixed ends and anti-nodes at open ends.
If fixed at only one end, only odd-numbered harmonics are available.
At the open end of a pipe the anti-node will not be exactly at the end as it is altered by
it's contact with the air and so end correction is used to place it exactly.
The sum of two counter-propagating waves (of equal amplitude and frequency)
creates a standing wave.
Standing waves commonly arise when a boundary blocks further propagation of the
wave, thus causing wave reflection, and therefore introducing a counter-propagating
Node: A node is a point along a standing wave where the wave has minimal
amplitude. This has implications in several fields. For instance, in a guitar string, the
ends of the string are nodes. By changing the position of one of these nodes through
frets, the guitarist changes the effective length of the vibrating string and thereby the
note played. The opposite of a node is an anti-node, which is the farthest point from
the node on a wave.
Standing wave ratio (SWR) is the ratio of the amplitude of a partial standing wave
at an antinode (maximum) to the amplitude at an adjacent node (minimum), in an
electrical transmission line.
The SWR is usually defined as a voltage ratio called the VSWR, for voltage standing
wave ratio.
For example, the VSWR value 1.2 : 1 denotes a maximum standing wave amplitude
that is 1.2 times greater than the minimum standing wave value.
It is also possible to define the SWR in terms of current, resulting in the ISWR, which
has the same numerical value.
The power standing wave ratio (PSWR) is defined as the square of the VSWR.
d 2Vx
p 2Vx (1)
d 2Ix
p2I x (2)
The Solution of the Wave Equation is,
Vx Ae px Be px (3)
Ix ( Ae px Be px ) (4)
Consider the boundary condition x = 0, voltage and current is V0 =VR and I0 =IR,
Substituting the boundary conditions in (3) and (4),
VR A B (5)
I R Z0 A B (6)
VR I R Z 0 2 A
VR I R Z 0
VR I R Z 0 VR I R Z 0
2 2
Substituting A and B in (3),
(VR I R ) Z 0 px (VR I R ) Z 0 px
Vx e e (7)
2 2
VR px px
e e I R Z 0 e px e px
2x 2x
V x V R Cos jI R Z 0 Sin (Since, j 2 ) (8)
1 V R px
Z0 2
e e px I R Z 0 e px e px
VR 2x 2x
Ix j Sin I R Cos (10)
Equations (8) and (10 shall be interpreted as standing waves,
Considering equation (8), Voltage Vx at any point x on the line from the load end
consists of two parts.
First term:
At x = 0 (load end) VR cos (2 x/ ) has the value VR and stands on the line
as a cosine wave of decreasing amplitude as x increases towards the sending
or source end.
At x = L, it has the value VR cos (2 L/ ).
Second term:
At x =0, zo IR sin(2 L/ ) has the value zero.
At x =L, the term has the value zo IR sin(2 L/ )
Considering equation (10), Current Ix at any point x on the line from the load end
consists of two parts.
First term:
At x = 0 (load end) IR cos (2 x/ ) has the value IR and stands on the line as
a cosine wave of decreasing amplitude as x increases towards the sending or
source end.
At x = L, it has the value IR cos (2 L/ ).
Second term:
At x =0, VR / Z0 sin(2 L/ ) has the value zero.
At x =L, the term has the value VR / Zo sin(2 L/ )
First Term of Vx , Ix and their Vector Diagram:
EZ 2 EZ 1 EZ 2 EZ
Z2 Z 1
2Z 2
Z 2 Z1
Both these surges are a definite fraction of the incident surge.
Therefore, The transmission factor and a reflection factor are defined as:
2Z 2 Z 2 Z1
Z 2 Z1 Z 2 Z1
i. When the junction is matched, Z1 = Z2, then there is no reflection and the
reflection factor can be seen to be zero.
ii. When the line Z1 is open circuited at the far end (i.e. Z2 = ), then the full wave is
reflected back and the reflection factor becomes 1.
iii. When the line Z1 is short circuited at the far end (i.e. Z2 = 0), then no voltage can
appear and the full wave is reflected back negated so as to cancel the incident
wave and the reflection factor becomes - 1.
Coefficients of Reflection and Refraction for Voltage and Current:
i. Reflection coefficient for voltage:-
Z 2 Z1
γv= Reflected voltage at junction / Incident voltage at junction=
Z 2 Z1
ii. Refraction coefficient or transmission coefficient for voltage:-
2Z 2
βv= Refracted voltage at junction / Incident voltage at junction= = 1+γV
Z 2 Z1
iii. Reflection coefficient for current:-
Z1 Z 2
γi= Reflected current at junction / Incident current at junction = = - γv
Z 2 Z1
iv. Refraction coefficient or transmission coefficient for current:-
i= Refracted current at junction / Incident current at junction = =1+ i
Z 2 Z1
Reflection and Refraction at Open Circuited Line fed from an Infinite Source
The generator now sends a voltage surge E accompanied by a current surge I, and the
process described repeats again.
Zt Z0
Reflection Co-efficient, V
Zt Z0
Z t 1
Z t 1
Z t
Reflection and Refraction at Short Circuit Line fed from an Infinite Source:
Zt Z0
Reflection Co-efficient, V
Zt Z0
Open Circuited line, Zt =0,
V 1
Zo Zt
Reflection Co-efficient for Current, i V
Z 0 Z 0t
i (1) 1
If a surge voltage of magnitude E is incident on the junction with two other lines (Z2
and Z3) from a line (Z1), then the transmitted and reflected surges are given by:
E = Z1 I,
ER = - Z1 IR,
E2 = Z2 I2 , and
E3 = Z3 I3
The total voltage and the current on either side of the junction are same.
E2 = E3 = ET = ER + E, and
IR + I = I2 + I3
These may be solved to give the following expressions for the transmitted and
reflected surges.
1 1 1
Z1 Z2 Z3
1 1 1
Z1 Z2 Z3
Similarly, E R E
1 1 1
Z1 Z2 Z3
Extension of the latter method to a multiline junction is very much easier, as in this
case only the parallel equivalent of a larger number of lines needs to be obtained.
An underground cable of inductance 0.189mH/Km and of capacitance of 0.3 microfarad
per Km is connected to an overhead transmission line having inductance and capacitance
of 1.26mH/Km. calculate transmitted and reflected voltage ¤t waves at the
junction, If a surge of 200Kv travels to the junction along the cable and along overhead
transmission line.
L 0.189 *10 3
Surge impedance of cable(Z0C) = = 25.1
C 0.3 *10 6
L 1.26 * 10 3
Surge impedance of line(Z0L) = = 374.2
C 0.009 *10 6
When surge travels along the cable:
Zo = Z0C Zt = Z0L
Z t Z 0 374.2 25.1
Reflection coefficient for voltage, V = = 0.8742
Z t Z 0 374.2 25.1
refractedvoltagewave 25.16KV
Transmitted or Refracted current wave= 1.006KA
Zo C 25.1