SCOReD50371 2020 9251002
SCOReD50371 2020 9251002
SCOReD50371 2020 9251002
Abstract — Electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structures applications is to utilize the EBG structure as a high
structure has become a major revolution in radio frequency impedance ground plane for low-profile antennas to enhance
(RF) and microwave applications due to its unique their performance, and decreases the surface wave. There are
characteristics of in-phase and band gap in certain frequency two noteworthy factors of EBG structure [4], [5].
ranges. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the
implementation of EBG in several antenna applications. It • In-phase reflection: This characteristic empowers the EBG
shows that EBG has multiple advantages in antenna design, surface to act similar to PMC that has a reflection phase of
such as suppressing surface waves, reducing mutual coupling, 0ͼ but does not exist in nature. The EBG phase is varying
creating band notch, controlling radiation patterns, improving from -180ͼ to +180ͼ across a given frequency range, and
RFID transmission, enhancing gain and bandwidth, and act as crossing 0ͼ at the resonant point. The bandwidth of in-
isolation between the antenna and body. It is hoped that this phase features is full within the range from -90ͼ to +90ͼ
review will lead to more efforts to develop more compact, where the original current and the image current are in-
broadband and efficient EBG structures to improve the phase, which result in enhancing the radiation and
performance of antennas and other microwave devices. efficiency of the antenna.
Index Terms— EBG, AMC, surface wave, mutual coupling, • Surface wave suppression: By preventing the propagations
Gain, bandwidth, radiation pattern and high impedance surface of surface EM wave in particular frequency bands, EBG
could be utilized to forbid the propagations of the wave
and lead them in preferred directions. Compared to a metal
“Electromagnetic Band-Gap” (EBG) becomes an ground plane, EBG plane prohibits surface waves that
interesting topic in the field of electromagnetic and antennas result in reducing the backward radiation of antennas.
which turns out to be a favorite subject of research by several Hence, power wasted in the unwanted directions are
academicians, researchers and engineers throughout the globe. reduced. This feature aids to enhance the antenna's
Generally, this can be known as “artificial effectively performance, such as reducing back radiations and
homogeneous electromagnetic structures with unusual increasing the antennas gain.
properties not readily available in nature”. They also can be
described as the “artificial periodic (or sometimes non-
periodic) objects that prevent/assist the propagation of
electromagnetic waves in a specified band of frequency for all
incident angles and all polarization states” [1], [2].
EBG structure had the capacity to influence the
propagation of electromagnetic wave to levels that were
impractical before. Besides, they can produce a wide range of
(a) (b)
designs for academicians, researchers and engineers working
Fig.1. (a) EBG parameter, and (b) equivalent LC models of EBG unit cell
in the field of microwave, photonics, and RF system. [5].
Moreover, they can be utilized as a part of RF and microwave
systems to enhance the efficiency, improve the radiation II. OPERATION MECHANISM OF EBG
patterns and gain as well as to reduce the noise in signal
The EBG unit cell generally composed of periodic
transmission. Furthermore, they also well-known as “high
arrangements of radiating element and/or dielectric. The unit
impedance surface” (HIS) because of their capability to
cell composed of a patch element connected to a reference
eliminate the excitation of surface waves at specific operating
ground plane through a vias (Fig.1). This conventional EBG
frequency [3].
structure resembles a mushroom-like shape. Thus structure
EBG structures were considered as valuable due to its was first presented in [5]. The relevant parameters are denoted
ability to offer distinct properties in controlling the in Fig.1. Some notable parameters are radius of the vias (r),
propagations of electromagnetic waves. One of the specific dielectric constant of the substrateሺߝ ሻ, substrate height (h),
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gap separation between patches (݃), and patch width (ܹ). require no grounding vias to make it easily fabricated and
When the value of (ܹ ݃) is much less than the operating integrated with various applications. The first uni-planar
wavelength, the operating mechanisms of EBG can be studied shaped EBG has been presented in [8]. The structure consists
by utilizing an effective medium model where the of a square lattice of square metallic pads and narrow lines
electromagnetic property was decreased to an equivalent with insets, as illustrated in Fig.3, where the narrow strips
lumped LC circuit as illustrated in Fig.1(b). have connected the insets together producing an equivalent
inductance L whereas the gap between the conductor edges of
two adjacent cells introduces an equivalent C [7] ,[8].
A. Surface Wave Suppression
In common designs of microstrip antennas, unwanted
surface wave was excited in the substrate. This surface wave
leads electromagnetic waves to propagate along the ground
(a) (b)
plane rather than radiating into free space. The excitation of
Fig.2. (a) Plane view of the mushroom EBG cell 3 x 3 arrays, and (b) side surface wave had several effects such as (i) increase in the
view of the mushroom EBG cell 3 x 3 arrays [7]. back-lobe radiations that could induce radiation into the body,
(ii) causing mutual coupling in array configuration design
III. TYPES EBG STRUCTURE which results in blind scan angles in phased array system, and
There are varieties of planar EBG configurations, but, the (iii) reducing the signal-to-noise ratio in wireless
two most common are Uniplanar Compact-EBG and communication systems such as GPS receivers. Therefore, the
mushroom EBG. Several other EBGs are variants of these two band-gap characteristic of EBG structure was found useful
EBGs, which is why it is essential to explain their applications in suppressing the surface wave in a variety of
characteristics [6], [7]. antennas design either used as an isolation barrier between the
antenna and ground plane or replaced between the antenna
A. Mushroom EBG structure elements. EBG exhibits a frequency band-gap that can
suppress the surface wave within it and would not allow it to
The mushroom EBG structures were arranged in a 2-D propagate, which results in improving the antenna
pattern and can be envisaged as mushroom protruding from performance such as decreasing back radiation, increasing the
the surface, so the structure was called mushroom EBG as gain and reducing the size. The following subsection shows
shown in Fig.2. The structure can be viewed as a type of the usefulness of EBG in suppressing the surface waves [1],
electric filter, and its feature can be clarified utilizing a simple [2], [9]-[12]. After effectively applying the EBG structures in
circuit model, as illustrated in Fig.2 (b). Based on the diagram, a single microstrip antenna, the incorporation of the EBG
the capacitance representation is due to the proximity of the structures with the microstrip antenna array was investigated
top metal patches (in Fig.2 (a)), while the inductance was due with the aim of decreasing the mutual coupling between the
to the current loops within the structure through the exit via at elements of the antenna arrays [9], [13], [14].
its centre. The structure however needs a non-planar
fabrication process for the vias, which could result in Mutual coupling is one of the major problems in antenna
complicated fabrication [5], [7]. arrays. The effect came from the excitation of surface wave
between the elements patch. As a result, it will depredate the
performance of the antenna array in term of increase the side-
lobe level, decrease the bandwidth, and deviates the radiation
pattern [9], [14], [15].
In [16], it has been shown that the EBG structure
constructed by microstrip technology was an appealing
method to alleviate the mutual coupling problems. They
proposed UC-EBG structure to reduce mutual coupling
between the radiating elements of the array antenna and to
reduce the size of the antenna array structure. The UC-EBG
structures were placed on top of the antenna layer. It was
(a) (b)
Fig.3. (a) Plan view UC-EBG array, and (b) side view UC-EBG array [7].
found that with the used of EBG between the elements of the
radiating patch, the mutual coupling reduced by 10 dB.
B. Uniplanar Compact EBG Cell (UC-EBG) Furthermore, the size of the proposed design was reduced by
0.31 ߣ , as compared to the initial array structure. The
The mushroom-like EBG structure as discussed earlier has reduction of mutual coupling results in a relatively higher
an effectual planar shape; nevertheless, the disadvantage is directivity.
that the wavelength is large. Additionally, the manufacturing
and fabrication process is complex due to the existence of a A uni-planar EBG structure with a double folded bend
grounded via in the substrate. Depending to the fabrication connecting bridge was presented in [17] which resonated at
quality, the vias may perhaps lead to differences between the 2.4 GHz. The double folded bend connecting lines was
simulation and measurement results. This issue attracts introduced for size reduction. The size was reduced by 61%
attention to researchers to examine the latest development of compared to the theoretical calculation. The band-gap of the
the Uni-planar Compact EBG (UC-EBG) structures which EBG covered from 1.91 to 3.11 GHz. To show the usefulness
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of EBG, a 2×5 unit cells EBG was placed between the two B. Band-notched Antenna
elements of the patch antenna array which operates within the
stop band of the EBG along E-plane as displayed in Figure EBG structure can also be used as band reject mechanism
4(a). Figure 4(b) illustrates that by introducing EBG between when a surface is desired to pass specific band and reject
the two radiation elements, the mutual coupling was reduced another. This is useful especially for ultra-wideband (UWB)
by 17 dB without any adverse impact on the radiation applications. Thus suppression can be achieved by creating
performances; rather, it was slightly improved. EBGs band-gap to fall in the frequency band where rejection
was desired and let the pass-band fall outside the band-gap of
the EBG.
A UWB circular monopole antenna was presented in [19]
to operate from 3.1 GHz to10.6 GHz with an acceptable band-
rejection feature. The rejection band was generated employing
integrated mushroom-like EBG structures with monopole
antenna, as displayed in Fig.6 (a). The interference from
unwanted frequencies can be rejected by designing the
surface-wave band gap to lie within the suitable frequency
ranges. The authors showed that the EBG can be used to
successfully reject and with gap of about 0.7 GHz, as
presented in Fig.6 (b).
(a) (b)
(b) Fig.6. (a) UWB antenna with EBG, (b) measured and simulated VSWR of
Fig.4. (a) Fabricated antenna array alone and with EBG and (b) S11 and S21of with and without EBG [19].
the antenna arrays [17].
A compact mushroom-like EBG structure was presented
in [18] for mutual coupling reduction in antenna arrays for A CPW ultra-wideband (UWB) monopole antenna was
multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) applications. The presented in [20]. The ultra-wideband antenna was designed
original antenna array design suffered from high mutual to have a bandwidth from 2.7–11.7 GHz with two notched
coupling, therefore, an 8×3 EBG array was introduced and bands. The first notched band was at S-band WiMAX
placed between the two patches along y-axis, to reduce the application at 3.4 GHz and the second notched band was at C-
mutual coupling, as displayed in Fig.5 (a). After introducing band IEEE INSAT applications at 6.9 GHz. To achieve these
EBG in the design, mutual coupling was reduced by 8.13 dB two notched bands while maintaining the UWB performance,
as shown in Fig.5 (b)-(c). As a result, a better far-field p-shaped slot and a pair of EBG structures were embedded on
radiation patterns were achieved. the ground plane as shown in Fig.7 (a) with resulting VSWR
as plotted in Fig.7 (b).
(a) (b)
Fig.7. (a) Proposed prototype, and (b) VSWR of the design [20]
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methods had appeared to achieve pattern reconfiguration. generate band notch operation. The EBGs were aligned and
Reconfigurable EBG antennas can be utilized as an alternative placed underneath the feed line. The EBG purpose was to
to conventional pattern switching technologies. suppress surface wave through the feed line. Therefore, the
transmission lines over EBG behaves as a band stop filter. A
A rectangular antenna surrounded by mushroom like EBG switch is located on each of the EBG unit cells that allow
structure was presented in [21] to control the antenna radiation obtaining the reconfigurable band stop operation. By
pattern along E-plane and H-plane. A switch pin diode was appropriate tuning of the band notch operation of the EBG,
utilized to connect the vias to the ground plane. The radiation three band notch frequencies can be reconfigured as seen in
pattern was controlled by using EBG as band-stop and band- Fig.10.
pass features. The band-stop feature was obtained when the
switch is ON while the band-pass feature was obtained when
the switch was OFF, thus yielding the beam steering into the
pass-band sector. Based on these concepts, the radiation along
x-z and y-z was controlled as shown in Fig.8 and Fig.9,
respectively .The details of beam scanning can be found in
(a) (b)
Fig.9.Along y-z plane (a) Theta = 18ͼ and, (b) Theta = -18ͼ [21]
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impedance matching. Furthermore, sensitivity and reading antenna without EBG-FSS showed an omnidirectional
distance of the tag with EBG was examined. It is observed that radiation pattern which can radiate towards the body, besides
the minimum sensitivity was -17 dBm and the longest reading that when the antenna placed close to the boy, its
distance was 12.2 dBm that is 1.7 times the reading distance performances and efficiency degraded, and the level of
of commercial tag (ALN-9540). specific absorption rate is increased which exceeds the safety
limits. To overcome this problem, the antenna placed above
ON THE BODY. EBG-FSS, which decreases the backward radiation as well,
Condition type On the human model reduced the SAR by 95%. Furthermore, the EBG-FSS
Tag without EBG Tag with EBG contribute to enhance the gain and the front-to-back ratio by
Parameter 6.55 dBi and 13 dB receptively compared to the basic antenna.
Realized gain 2.44 dBi 5.01 dBic The simulated and measured results revealed that the CPW
Predicted reading range 5.34m 17.7m antenna incorporated with EBG-FSS can tolerate loading by
Measured reading range 6m 15.7m human tissue as well as bending.
Radiation efficiency 13.1% 48% A monopole antenna backed with a 2 × 1 EBG structures
was presented in [38] to operate at 2.45 GHz. With the used
of EBG, it shows that the antenna retains its impedance
A miniaturized cross-dipole antenna was proposed for
matching when located on human body with bandwidth of 5%,
UHF RFID on-body applications to obtain a longer read range
whereas it reveals a gain of 6.88 dBi. The EBG structures not
[26]. The crossed dipole antenna produced a circularly
only serve to isolate the antenna from the human body, but
polarized wave because of the 90° phase difference between
also contribute towards improved radiation efficiency, and
the orthogonal current on the crossed dipole arm and the
significantly decreased the SAR level inside the body.
crossed dipole feed point. The overall size of the cross-dipole
antenna was 105.8×105.8 ×3.2 mm3. The measured cross- V. CONCLUSION
dipole antenna shows a read range of 17 meters in free space
when the tag has a sensitivity of 16.9 dBm while in case the A comprehensive overview of EBG structures is presented
design placed close to the human body, the result was not in this paper. There are three types of EBG structures which
stable when the design placed at various parts of the human are three dimensional (3-D) EBG, two dimensional (2-D)
body. In order to overcome the influence of lossy human body, EBG and one dimensional (1-D) EBG structures. The 2-D
the design was placed over 3×3 EBG, as shown in Figure 18 EBG structure is preferred in several applications, because of
in order to achieve a high gain and isolate the influence of the low cost, ease of fabrication and lightweight. The two well-
human body. The comparison with and without EBG when known 2-D EBG structures are UC-EBG and mushroom-like
placed on a boy is tabulated in Table 1. EBG where other EBGs are a variation of these two EBGs. It
was found that EBG structures possess an interesting
A meander dipole tag antenna placed over a spiral EBG electromagnetic property such as in-phase reflection
shaped for European UHF RFID applications as depicted in coefficient and a surface wave band-gap. To characterize these
Figure 19 was proposed in [27]. It was revealed that by features, different methods can be conducted including
employing EBG, the structure was insensitive to the presence dispersion diagram, reflection phase, and suspended
of metallic objects; hence, the gain of the tag and its reading microstrip line. Dispersion diagram and reflection phase
distance was increased. The design achieved a gain of 6.39 dB methods are based on the infinite unit cell while suspended
and efficiency of 90% at 868 MHz while its reading range is microstrip line is based on array EBG. Each method used its
35 m up to 46 m which was considered appropriate for suitable boundary conditions to imitate the periodic nature.
applications where the tag profile is not a critical parameter Due to its unique features, EBG has been applied in several
like road tolls, aircraft, moving vehicles, parking garages, applications to improve antenna performance. Besides,
cargo containers and railroad cars. The design was a good extensive examples have been provided to show the potential
candidate for various UHF RFID applications requiring long benefit of EBG in the area of antenna applications. The results
reading distance. Furthermore, because of its symmetry, the showed that the EBG not only improves the performance of
EBG can be utilized with a circularly polarized antenna as traditional antennas such as wired and microstrip antennas but
well. as well brings novel radiator concepts such as surface waves
and reconfigurable antennas as described herein. Based on this
F. Wearable Antenna
review, EBG can be seen as a new paradigm for antenna
EBG has also been extensively employed in wearable engineering, providing many future opportunities for antenna
medical applications, as reported in [28]-[37]. Due to its in- engineers.
phase reflection feature that can mimic the characteristic of
“Perfect Magnetic Conductors” (PMC) that doesn’t exist in ACKNOWLEDGMENT
nature, it is found that EBG structures have been effectively The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Education
used to enhance the radiation pattern, reduce backward Malaysia for supporting this research under Fundamental
radiation and thus enhance the Front to Back Ratio (FBR), Research Grant Scheme Vot No.
increase in the gain and reduce the SAR value of low profile FRGS/1/2019/TK04/UTHM/02/13 and partially sponsored by
printed antennas. Even when the antenna designs were placed Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.
close to the human body, they still maintain similar
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