The Big Lie Duet Scene
The Big Lie Duet Scene
The Big Lie Duet Scene
ONE is a teacher, TWO is a student. Both characters I be if I let you crouch there? What kind of cruel
can be of either gender. Mr. Montgomery becomes person would I be if I made you squat for the
Miss Montgomery, Mrs. Nelson becomes Mr. Whole. Entire. Class?
TWO: Is that a yes?
ONE is at a table organizing papers. She is
extremely prim with a ramrod straight back. TWO ONE: Sit.
sneaks onstage and tries to get into a seat without TWO sits. ONE slowly approaches TWO with a
ONE seeing. TWO slowly crawls along the floor. certain amount of menace.
He gets to his seat and slowly starts to crawl into
place. ONE: What time is it, Mr. Montgomery?
TWO: (as if this is a bad thing) It’s just that we’re TWO: A lie!
studying The Depression and I think it’s a really ONE: It is not!
interesting time and I thought I would come early…
and ask… you… some… questions. TWO: Liar, liar, pants on fire! You love teaching!
ONE: Are you actually saying the reason you ONE: Shut up, shut up!
came to class early is because (with disgust) you’re
TWO: And you love kids!
interested in learning?
ONE shrieks.
TWO: I didn’t know that was wrong!
TWO: You DO care about your students!
ONE: Don’t be smart with me!
ONE claps her hands to her chest. She staggers
TWO: (sincere) Sorry!
back onto the desk.
ONE: Do you want to give your fellow students
ONE: (defeated) Low blow, Mr. Montgomery. Low
a bad name?
TWO: No.
Now it is TWO who advances slowly on ONE.
ONE: No one comes to class early, and they
TWO: Try to deny it. Just try it. I’ve seen the way
certainly don’t ask questions. Haven’t you seen
you teach. You’re the best teacher I’ve ever had
them? Don’t you know how you’re supposed to
and I don’t care who knows it. (calling out) Mrs.
Nelson’s a good teacher!
TWO: I guess not.
ONE: (holding out her hands as if warding off
ONE: Are you trying to give me a bad name? Make blows) Enough! No more! (she takes a breath) Well.
me look like I care about my students? Mr. Montgomery. Clearly you have me behind the
eight ball. (she stands up straight and looks TWO
TWO: (blurting out, frustrated) But you’re a good in the eye) What are your terms?
TWO: What do you mean?
There is a long pause as ONE slowly gives TWO
an evil look. ONE: What’s your price? What do I have to do
to stop you spreading this vicious, malevolent,
ONE: What did you say? gossip about me?
Continued Next…