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SOAPStone Graphic Organizer for Rhetorical Analysis

Citing Evidence in Persuasive Text

CLOSE READING How do you know? Cite specific evidence in the text.
S Who is the  Who is the speaker?
Speaker?  Identify the speaker’s age, gender, class, and education.
 The voice tells the story. Whose voice is being heard within
the text?
 What can you tell or what do you know about the speaker that
helps you understand the point of view expressed?
O What is the  What is the time and place of the piece? What is the current
Occasion? situation (that prompted the writing)?
 Is this a political event, a celebration, an observation, a critique,
or …?
 Identify the context of the text.
A Who is the  Who are the readers to whom this piece is directed? It may be
Audience? one person or a specific group.
 Does the speaker specify an audience?
 What assumptions exist in the text about the intended audience?
P What is the  What is the purpose behind the text? Why did the author write
Purpose? it? What is his goal? (To find the purpose, ask, “What did the
author want his audience to think or do as a result of reading this
 What is the message?
 How does the speaker convey this message?
S What is the  What topic, content, and ideas are included in the text?
Subject?  State the subject in a few words or a short phrase.
 Is there more than one subject?
 How does the author present the subject? Does he introduce it
immediately or do you, the reader, have to make an inference?
TONE TONE  What is the attitude of the author?
What is the  Is the author emotional, objective, neutral, or biased about
Tone? this topic?
 What types of details “tell” the author’s feelings about the topic?
 What types of diction (choice of words), syntax (sentence
structure), and imagery (metaphors, similes, and other types of
figurative language) help reflect the tone?
 How would you read the passage aloud if you were the author?

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