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Delhi Sultanate 1206 - 1526

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Delhi Sultanate 1206 - 1526

1. Introduction
2. Slave / Mamluk empire (84)
3. sultan Qutbuddin Aibak
4. Sultan shams din Altamish
5. Rizya Sultana
6. Sultan Balbun
7. Khalji Dynasty (30)
8. Sultan Aladdin khalji
9. Tughlug empire (93)
10. Ghayas din Tughlug
11. Sultan Muhammad Tughlug
12. Sultan Feroze shah Tughlug
13. Invasion of Timor (1498)
14. Lodhi empire (75)
15. Bahlol Lodhi
16. Skandar Lodhi
17. Conclusion
1: Slave/ Mamluk Dynasty 1206-1287 (sultan Qutbuddin Aibak)

 Introduction
 Background
 Shahab bu din Ghuri
 Qutbuddin Aibak (Slave)
 Qazi Fakhru din (Master)
 Qutbuddin Aibak as a governor (1192-1206)
 Delhi conquered (1192)
 Attack on Ajmer and RANTHOMBAR (1193)
 Aligarh conquered (1194)
 War in Behar and Kanauj – Mahmud Gori
 Banaras under Delhi
 Again attack on Ajmer
 anhilwara 1197
 Badiyun, Banaras, kanauj conquered (1197-1199)
 Qutbuddin Aibak as a Sultan (1206 -1210)
 Crown ceremony – Lahore
1: sultan Qutbuddin Aibak

 Revolts
 Tajjudin Yalduz – Punjab
 Marriage alliance
 Death of Aibak 1210
 Estimate of Aibak
 Buildings of Aibak
 Quwat tul Islam mosque Delhi
 Qutab Minar
 Conclusion
2: Sultan shams din Altamish 1211-1236

 Introduction
 Albari Tribe
 Yusuf 2nd
 3 masters
 Finally –sold to Qutbuddin Aibak
 Ghakkar war- became Aibak son in law
 Background
 Death of Aibak –Aram Shah 1210
 Accession of throne (1211)
 Initial difficulties
 1. Ali Mardan – Bengal and Behar
 2. Nasiruddin Qabacha- Multan and ouch
 Parts of Punjab -occupied
 Yalduz occupied Punjab (1214)
 War of Tarawari (1216)
 Imprisoned in Badiyun fort
 Qabacha again occupied Lahore
 Qabacha defeated (1217)
 Qabacha attack and defeated again
 Qabacha occupied Sind till death (1228)
2: Sultan shams din Altamish 1211-1236

 Mongol attack (1220-1224)

 Changiz khan-army
 Kharwazm shah of Ghazni- defeated
 Jalaludin kharwazm shah
 War with Qabacha (1228)
 Ouch fort occupied
 War in Bengal and Behar -1225
 Ali Mardan- murdered
 Ghaysudin on Throne
 Nasiruddin – governor (son of Altamish)
 Bengal part of Delhi sultanate-1226
 Death- Nasiruddin –revolt (malik Khalji)
 Bengal and Bihar again occoupied-1230
 War of Ranthambor (1226)
 Attack on Gwalior-(1231-32)
 Conquest of Malwa and Ujjain
 Ujjain – Mahakaleshwar (lord Shiva)
 Ottoman Khalafat (1229)
 Death of Altamish (29 April 1236)
2: Sultan shams din Altamish 1211-1236

 Buildings
 Qutab Minar
 Addition in Masjid Quwat tul Islam
 Mosque in Ajmer
 Estimate of Altamish
 Khawaja Qutbuddin Bukhtayr Kaki and Altamish
 Founder of Delhi
 Founder of Chalysia
3: Rizya Sultana 1236-1240

 Introduction
 1st woman sultan on Delhi
 Background
 Death of Altamish
 Gwalior expedition – Rizya
 2nd Mother (shah Tarkan)- Ruknuddin
 Altamish died 1235
 Accession difficulties
 Ruknuddin-on throne (Feroz shah)
 Revolt of Governors
 Ruknuddin murdered
 Rizya on throne
 Accession 1236
 Initial problems
 Nobles problem
 Revolt- Lahore
 Nasiruddin Tusi (Badiyun Governor) helped
3: Rizya Sultana 1236-1240

 Rajputs issue
 Ranthambor and Gwalior
 Mongol issue – peace
 Other problems
 Nobel issues
 Chalysia
 Love affair – Yaqoot slave
 Revolts
 Punjab and Sir hind
 Yaqoot murdered
 Malik Altonia imprisoned Rizya
 Removal
 Muzuddin Bhram Shah-1240
 Death
 Married with Altonia
 Murdered- jat and Ghakkar
 Another point of view on death
4: Sultan Balbun 1266-1287
 Introduction
 Family background
 Mongol captured
 Sold -1232
 Background
 Balbun under Sultan
 Part of Chalysia
 Rizya Sultana
 Muzuddin Bhram Shah 1242
 Nasiruddin Mahmud
(grandson of Iltutmish)
 Personal advisor 1246-1265
 Nasiruddin Mahmud -death
 Accession of throne 1266
4: Sultan Balbun 1266-1287
 Policies of Balbun/Balbun kingship rules
 End of Chalysia
 Royal grace
 Fear and terror
 Royal prestige
 Evil justice
 Law and order
 Mawati looters 1266
 Kashmir and do Aab looters
 Khokar’s issue 1228-29
 Military reestablishment
 No lands allotted
 Amadul malik (defiance minister )
 Salaries of solders increased
 Military became strong
 Forts on Military check posts
 Border military with commander
 Postings of army
 Delhi military
4: Sultan Balbun 1266-1287

 Spy system
 Check on nobles
 Check on administration
 Justice system
 Strong justice system
 Evil justice
 Punishments
 Habit khan story
 Sher khan and Mongol
 Mongol attacks
 Sher khan commander- border
 Prince Muhammad
 1279 and 1285
 Prince Muhammad martyred
 Death on Balbun
 Estimates of Balbun 1287
 New style of kingship
 Royal style
5: Khalji Dynasty: Sultan Alauddin khalji

 Introduction
 2nd khalji ruler
 Genius of his time
 Background
 Jalaludin din Firuz Khalji –killed
 Uncle and father in law
 Malika Jahan and Rukn ud din khalji
 Kingship theory of Aladdin
 Causes of Revolts-Aladdin
 Drinking vine in noble parties- (abolished)
 Unawareness of king -(central control)
 Noble family relations -(banned )
 Unlimited wealth and lands of nobles -(end)
5: Sultan Alauddin khalji

 His conquest
 Gujarat -1299
 Ulag khan and Nasrat khan
 Slave malik kafur –became general
 Ranthambor -1301
 Shelter to rebels
 Conquest of Mewar -1302
 Chittor undefeated –Rana Rattan Sing
 Rani Padmavati
 Malwa and Ujjain 1305-
 Deogari -1307 (Ram Chandra )
 Warangal -1309 (Raja Partaprudra)

5: Sultan Alauddin khalji

 Reforms under Alauddin  Barely: 4 Jitals/ mound

 Military reforms  Fixation of prices
 Balbun policy with strong hold  Grains collection in where houses
 Repair old forts  transportation system
 Build new forts  cloth control :
 Centralize army  Fine cloth: 1 Taka /20 yards
 Cash payment-salary  Silk cloth: permission for minister
 Branding of horses  Animal rate control:
 Competent solders  1st class : 100-120
 Agricultural reforms  2nd class : 80-90
 A. recovery of lands  3rd class : 65-70
 B. land measurement  Pony : 10-25
 C. tax rate 50 %  Cow : 3 -4
 D. tax collection  She Goat: 10-14
 Economic system  Spy system
 price control system  Price controller with authority
 Grains :  At the spot punishment
 Rice: 5 Jitals /mound  Jizya –Hindu
 Wheat: (7.5 Jitals/ mound)
5: Sultan Aladdin khalji

 Causes of price control system

 Benefits
 State income increased
 Army increased
 Stability
 People became fair
 Control of slaves
 Slaves price fix
 Theory of Religion
 Religion and politics – separate
 Political thoughts
 Death
 Estimate of Aladdin
6: Tughlug empire: Ghyasuddin Tughlug

 Introduction
 Turk
 Malik Tughlug- slave of Balbun
 Mother – Jat
 Background
 Khazir khan –elder son of Alauddin
 Executed-Qutbuddin Mubarak shah
 Qutbuddin Mubarak shah -khasro shah (Hindu)
 Killed Qutbuddin Mubarak shah- khasro shah
 Ghyasuddin murdered- khasro shah 1320
 Accession (8th sep 1320) old age
 Kind hearted king
 Rule with justice
 Initial problems
 Instability is everywhere
 Lands and portfolio
 5 sons –high portfolio
 Administrative problems
 Social problems
6: Ghyasuddin Tughlug (Ghazi Malik)
 Reforms
 Agriculture reforms
 Encourage formers for production
 Reduce tax rate-20%
 Tex on production not land
 Take help from local landlords
 Spy system- banned (allegation)
 Trust building with Governors – 5% share
 Social policy
 Encourage hard work
 baggers training
 Promote forming
 Funding-social works
 Hindu policy
 Manageable way- middle way
6: Ghyasuddin Tughlug

 Military control
 Deal with love
 Military expeditions
 Attack on Warangal (Telangana )1321-22
 Jona khan – Muhammad Tughlug
 Again in 1322-23
 Bengal and Tarhat 1324-25
 Death
 Afghan pur incident 1325
 Estimate of Ghayas din Tughlug
 Kind hearted
 Loving
 Just
 conclusion
07: Sultan Muhammad Tughlug 1325
 Introduction
 Fakhruddin Muhammad – real name
 His time’s genius
 Philosopher
 Bad luck
 Accession march 1325
 Initial period –peaceful
 Do aab tax increased
 War with looters –old army solders
 Famine 1330-1337 Do AAB
 Well managed
 Projects
 Change of capital 1327
 Cause
 Doulat Abad Deccan
 Bild road
 Help people to shift
 But too far away
 Result: fail – returned back
07: Sultan Muhammad Tughlug 1325-1351
 Issuing of Mint 1330  Result : Fail
 Cause  Estimate of sultan
 Result :fail (Hindu mint production)  Causes of failure
 PAY from royal treasure  Bad execution of plans
 Mongol policy  Not his times ides
 Good relation with money  Results
 Khrasan expedition  Royal treasure empty
 Mongol help
 Advance salary –solders
 But Mongol leader killed
 Result : Fail
 Royal treasure –expenses
 Tibet expedition
 Khasro malik brother in law
 But monsoon started
 Solders died
 Only 10 returned back
07: Sultan Feroze shah Tughlug 1351-1388
 Introduction
 Kind hearted, justice lover
 Good administrator
 His policy of kingship
 Quality not quantity
 State building policy
 Administration reforms
 Renew Landlord system
 Abolition of taxes – other then Islamic
 Govt. incomes 1/5 (tax)
 Royal treasure-decreased
 Military reforms
 Allocation of lands
 Good relations-nobles and Ulema
 Ulema in king’s court
07: Sultan Feroz shah Tughlug 1351-1388

 Religious policy
 Follow Sufi orders
 Hindu mother – dipal pur
 Against Hindu and shia
 Strictly follow Islam
 Justice system
 Islamic principles
 Social welfare works
 Buildings
 Mosques (50), Maddrsa (30), Palace (20) ponds(30), towns (700), inns (100),
hospitals (100), walls (10), bridges (150)
 Canals and Gardens increased royal income
 Slave ministry
 Health care centers
 Sultan in History Trike Feroz Shahi
 Famous places:
 Feroz shah kotla stadium, Madrassa I Feroz shahi, Featherbed, Hisar froze shahi.
8: Invasion of Timor (1498)

 Introduction
 Samarkand
 Conquered : Iraq, Iran, Russia, C. Asia
 Invasion on India
 Causes of invasion
 Loot , wealth of India
 Weak system
 Invasion 1398 (Ghyasuddin Tugliq II)
 Grandson – peer Muhammad
 Attack on Multan
 Captured: Ouch and Multan
 Timor – April 1398
 Lahore then Talmba (Tariq Jamaal SB)
 Pakpattan (sheikh baba Fared Gnang Shakr)
 Sarsuti , kithal , Panipat and Delhi (dec 1398)
 Return – 15 days
 1 year in India
 Effects
 Syed dynasty
Lodhi Dynasty 1451-1526

• Introduction
• 9: Bahlol Lodhi 1451- 1481
• Introduction
• Afghan dynasty Delhi- founder
• Nephew and son in law-malik sultan shah Lodhi
• Malik sultan – sir hind Governor
• Bahlol Lodhi – mother died before birth
• Background
• Syed dynasty
• Capture Delhi-Bahlol Lodhi
• Important event
• War with Jonpur -1486
• Estimate of Bhlul Lodhi
• As a general
• As a ruler
Lodhi Dynasty 1451-1526

 10: Skandar Lodhi (1489–1517)

 Introduction 2nd son of Bahlol
 Accession 15 July 1489
 founded of Agra 1504
 Rebuilt after earthquake
 Capital shift-Agra
 Poet- Gulruk pen name
 conquest and annexation of Bihar
 Reforms
 Landlord
11. Ibrahim Lodhi (1517–1526)
 Agra construction Introduction youngest son of Skandar
 Religious policy faced numerous rebellions
 Fine arts Panipat war 1526
 Death Babur and Ibrahim Lodhi
Mughal Dynasty Started 1526
 Estimate of Skandar Lodhi
 Conclusion
Fall of Delhi sultanate
• Introduction
• Causes of fall
• Military power decline
• Bad policies
• Un just system

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