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Pak affairs

India before Arab conquest of Sindh
 Introduction
 India divided into small territories
 Independent rulers
 Sindh before Arab conquest
 Raja Dahir
 Buddhism
 Chach-Father of Dahir
 Minister under Rai Sahay II 489-632
 Relations with Rani Sub Davi
 Death of King-Became king
 Chach_Barhman (Barhman Dynasty)
 Dahrasya, Dahir and Rani Bai
 Chander –Brother of Chach
 Buddist – 8 year Rule
 Death of Chander
 Divide in two parts Raj (Barhmanabad), Raja Dahir (Arror to Debal)
 Dahrasya (Barhmanabad)
 Dahir Marriage –Rani Bai
Causes Arab Conquest
 Introduction
 Arab Trade
 Indian Products
 Causes of Arab Conquest
 Plundering of Muslim Ships
 Attitude of Raja Dahir
 Hajjaj Bin Yousaf_Baghdad
 Abdul Malik –Calipha
 Waleed Bin Abdul Malik
 2 fail expeditions
 Abdullah bin Nabihan and Badial
 Jay singh defeated both –Son of Dahir
 Muhammad Bin Qasim -3rd -711
Muhammad Bin Qasim
 Introduction
 Conquest of Debal
 Conquest of Neron koat
 Conquest of Rowar
 Conquest of Arror_712
 Against Raja Dahir
 Raja Dahir Killed
 Rani Bai Satti
 Conquest of Multan -714
 A debate Muhammad Bin Qasim
 Daughter of Raja Dahir- Surya Devi, Pamla Devi
 Death of Muhammad bin Qasim
 Iraq Jail death 715
Ghaznavid dynasty (977-1186)

 Inroduction
 Subtagin- slave
 Abu al Qasim Mahmud
 War with Jay pal 1001-captured Peshawar
 Conquest of Multan- Dawood (Karamata 1005)
 Conquest of Punjab 1020-21
 Bheem pal (Son of Trilochan)
 Ayaz Governor Lahore
 Conquest of Somnath 1025-26
 Shave G Mandir
 Conquest of Sindh 1027
Ghurid Dynasty (1186-1206)

Sultan Shihab ad-Din Ghori )1203-1206(

 He was also known as Muazuddin.
 He was born in Ghor in 1149.
 He died on March 15, 1206.
 He ruled from 1173 to 1203 with his brother Ghiyasuddin Ghori.
 After his death in 1203, he was the sole ruler until 1206.
 The shrine of is in Jhelum.
Ghurid Dynasty (1186-1206)
 Battle of Tarian 1191

 Sultan defeated –Prathvi Raj

 Escaped

 Battle of Tarian 1192

 Army 4 parts –War strategy

 Prathvi Raj Captured and killed

 Qutbu din Aibak –Govenor Lahore.

 Start of Dehli Sltanate 1206-1526

‫سل ن‬
‫دہ لی ط ت ( ‪)1526-1206‬‬
‫مغلوں کی آمد تک دہلی پر پا نچ مختلف خاندانوں نے حکومت کی۔‬
‫‪1‬۔ خاندان غالمان یا ترک سالطین‬
‫(‪1206‬ت‪G‬ا ‪)1290‬‬ ‫قطب ال‪G‬دین ایب‪G‬ک‪ ،‬التمش‪،‬رض‪G‬یہ س‪G‬لطانہ‪ ،‬س‪G‬لطان ناص‪G‬ر ال‪G‬دین محم‪G‬ود‪ ،‬بلبن‬
‫‪ 84‬سال‬
‫‪2‬۔خاندان خلجی‪:‬‬
‫(‪ 1290‬ت‪G‬ا ‪)1320‬‬ ‫جالل ال‪G‬دین خلجی‪ ،‬عالؤ ال‪G‬دین خلجی‪ ،‬مب‪G‬ارک خلجی‬
‫‪ 30‬سال‬
‫‪3‬۔ خاندان تغلق‪:‬‬
‫(‪ 1320‬ت‪G‬ا ‪ 93 )1413‬سال‬ ‫غی‪G‬اث ال‪G‬دین تغل‪G‬ق‪ ،‬محم‪G‬د تغل‪G‬ق‪ ،‬ف‪G‬یروز تغل‪G‬ق‬
‫‪4‬۔سید خاندان‪:‬‬
‫(‪ 1414‬ت‪G‬ا ‪ 37 )1451‬سال‬ ‫خض‪G‬ر خ‪G‬ان‪ ،‬مب‪G‬ارک ش‪G‬اہ‪ ،‬محم‪G‬د ش‪G‬اہ‪ ،‬ع‪G‬الم ش‪G‬اہ‬
‫‪5‬۔ خاندان لو دھی‪:‬‬
‫(‪ 1451‬ت‪G‬ا ‪ 75 )1526‬سال‬ ‫بہل‪G‬ول ل‪G‬ودھی‪ ،‬س‪G‬کند ل‪G‬و دھی‪ ،‬اب‪G‬را ہیم ل‪G‬و دھی‬
‫‪(1206-1290) Mamluk Dynasty /slave dynasty‬‬
‫‪A‬۔قطب الدین ایبک (‪1210‬۔ ‪)1206‬‬
‫‪B‬۔س‪GGGG‬لطا ن ش‪GGGG‬مس ال‪GGGG‬دین التمش‬
‫‪C‬۔سلطانہ رضیہ (‪1240‬۔‪)1236‬‬
‫‪D‬۔س‪GGG‬لطان ن‪GGG‬ا ص‪GGG‬ر ال‪GGG‬دین محم‪GGG‬و د‬
‫‪E‬۔غیا ث الدین بلبن (‪1286‬۔‪)1266‬‬
Qutbuddin Aibak (1206-1210)
 Introduction
 Shahab bu din Ghuri
 Qutbuddin Aibak (Slave)
 Qazi Fakhru Din (Master)
 Qutbuddin Aibak as a Governor (1192-1206)
 Delhi conquered (1192)
 Qutbuddin Aibak as a Sultan (1206-1210)
 Crown ceremony –Lahore
 Revolts
 Tajjudin Yalduz-Punjab
 Nasirduddin Qabacha Sindh
 Marriage Alliance
 Death of Aibak 1210
 Quwat tul islam mosque Dehli
 Qutab Minar
2. Sultan Shams Din Altamish 1211-1236

 introduction
 Al-bari tribe
 Yusuf 2nd
 3 masters
 Finally sold to Qutbuddin Aibak
 Ghakkar war –became Aibak Son in law
 Death of Aibak-Aram shah 1210
 Accession of throne 1211
 Nasiruddin Qabacha –Multan and Ouch
 Parts of Punjab-occupied
 Yalduz occupied Punjab (1214)
 War of Tarawari 1216
 Imprisoned in Badiyun Fort
 Qabacha again occupied Lahore
Sultan Shams Din Altamish 1211-1326

 War of Ranthambor 1226

 Bengal and Bihar occupied 1230
 Attack on Gwalior 1231-1232
 Conquest of Malwa and Ujjain
 Death of Altamish 1236
 Qutab Minar construction
 Addition in Masjid Quwat tul Islam
 Khawaja Bukhtayr kaki and Altamish
 Founder of dehli
 Founder of chalysia
3. Razia Sultana1236-1240

 Introduction
 1st women Sultan on Delhi
 Death of Altamish
 Gwalior Expedition-Rizya
 2nd mother (shah Tarkan)- Ruknuddin
 Altamish died 1236
 Ruknuddin on Throne (Feroz Shah)
 Revolt of governors
 Ruknuddin Murdered
 Rizya on throne
 Initial problem-Nobles problem
 Love affair- Yaqoot Salve
 Revolts- Punjab and Sir hind –Malik altonia- Yaqoot Murdered
 Malik altonia imprisoned Rizya
 Married with malik Altonia
 Muzuddin Bharam shah-1240
 Death
4. Sultan Balban 1266-1287

 Introduction
 Al bari tribe
 Sultan altamish purchased-1232
 Balban under Sultan Altamish – Part of Chalysia
 Rizya Sultana
 Muzuddin Bhram Shah 1242
 Nasiruddin Mahmud (Grandson of iltamish ( personal advisor 1246-1265
 Nasiruddin Mahmud death- Accession of throne-1266
 Policies
 End of chalysia
 Royal grace
 Evil justice
Sultan Balban 1266-1287

 Military re-establishment
 No land allotted
 Salaries of soldiers increased
 Amadul Malik –defense minister
 Forts on military check posts
 Border military with commander
 Spy system
 Check on nobles
 Check on administration
 Death of Balban 1287
Khalji dynasty (1290-1320)
Name End of reign Notes
of reign

Jalal-ud-din Khalji 13 June 19 July

(Firuz II) 1290 1296

November 4 January Nephew of Jalal-ud-din

Alauddin Khalji
1296 1316 Khalji.

5 January
Shihabuddin Omar April 1316 Son of Alauddin Khalji.

Qutbuddin 14 April
1 May 1320 Son of Alauddin Khalji.
Mubarak Shah 1316
1. Sultan Alauddin Khalji 1296-1316

 Introduction
 Genius of his time
 Background
 Jalaludin Firuz Khalji- Killed (Uncle and Father in Law)
 Malika Jahan and Rukn ud din Khilji
 Kingship theory of Alauddin
 Causes of Revolts
 Drinking wine in Noble parties- abolished
 Unawareness of king (central control)
 Noble Family relations (Banned)
 Unlimited wealth and lands of Nobles (end)
1. Sultan Alauddin Khalji 1296-1316

 His conquest
 Gujrat -1299
 Ulag khan and Nusrat khan
 Slave malik Kafur-Became general
 Conquest of mewar-1302
 Chittor undefeated –Rana rattan singh
 Rani padmavati
 Reforms
 Military reforms
 Balbun policy with strong hold
 Repair old forts
 Build new forts
 cash payment salary
1. Sultan Alauddin Khalji 1296-1316

 Agricultural reforms
 Recovery of lands
 Land measurement
 Tax rate 50%
 Tax collection
 Economic system
 Price control system (fixed price of every thing)
 Spy system
 Price controller with authority
 At the spot punishment
 Jizya-Hindu
1. Sultan Alauddin Khalji 1296-1316

 Causes of price control system

 Benefits
 State income increased
 Army increased
 Stability
 People became fair
 Control of slaves
 Slaves price fix
 Theory of religion
 Religion and politics separate
Tughluq dynasty (1320–1414)
Beginning of
Name End of reign Notes
8 September 1 February
al-Din Tughluq
1320 1325
(Tughluq I)
Muhammad bin Tughl 1 February 20 March Son of Ghiyath al-Din
uq 1325 1351 Tughluq.
(Muhammad II)
Firuz Shah Tughlaq 23 March Son-in-law of Ghiyath
(Firuz III) 1351 al-Din Tughluq.
Tughluq Khan 20 September 14 March Grandson of Firuz
(Tughluq II) 1388 1389 Shah Tughlaq.
15 March Grandson of Firuz
Abu Bakr Shah August 1390
1389 Shah Tughlaq.
Nasir ud din Muhamm 31 August 20 January Son of Firuz Shah
ad Shah III 1390 1394 Tughlaq.
(Muhammad III)
February Son of Nasir ud din
March 1394
1413 Muhammad Shah III.
1. Sultan Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq (Tughluq I) 1320-1325

 Introduction
 Turk
 Malik Tughluq (father ) slave of Balban
 Mother Jat
 Background:
 Kafur convened a meeting of important officers (maliks and amirs), and appointed Shihabuddin as the new
 disinherited his eldest son Khizr Khan and appointed Shihabuddin as his successor.
 To maintain his control over the throne, Kafur had Alauddin's sons Khizr Khan and Shadi Khan blinded.
 Kafur killed by Mubarak Shah.
 In April 1316, Mubarak Shah detained Shibabuddin, and became the Sultan.
 Mubarak Shah killed by khasro shah (Wazir of Mubarak shah)
 Ghyasuddin murdered khasro shah 1320.
1. Sultan Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq (Tughluq I) 1320-1325

 Accession 1320 old age

 Kind hearted king
 Initial problem
 Instability is everywhere
 5 sons –high portfolio
 Social problem
 Reforms
 Reduce tax rate 20%
 Tax on production not on land
 Spy system banned
 Military expeditions
 Attack on Warangal Telangana (1321-1322) with son Jona Khan
 Again in 1322-23
 Bengal and Tarhat 1324-1325
 Death
2. Muhammad bin Tughluq (Muhammad II) 1325-1351

 Introduction
 Fakhruddin Muhammad –real name
 His time genius
 Philosopher
 Initial period –peaceful
 Do aab Tax increased
 Famine 1330-1337
 Change of capital 1327
 Doulatabad Deccan
 Issuing of Mint 1330
 Mongol policy
 Good relation with money
 Khorasan expedition
 Mongol help
 Advance salary soldiers
 But Mongol leader killed
2. Muhammad bin Tughluq (Muhammad II) 1325-1351

 Tibet expedition
 Khasro malik brother in law
 But monsoon started
 Soldiers died
 Only 10 returned back
 Result failed
3. Firuz Shah Tughlaq (Firuz III) 1351-1388

 Introduction
 Kind hearted, justice lover
 Good administrator
 His policy of kingship : quality not quantity
 Abolished of taxes –other then Islamic
 Good relation with Nobles and Ulema
 Military reforms : allocation of lands
 Religious policy: follow sufi orders
 Hindu mother : Dipal pur
 Against Hindu and Shia: strictly follow islam
 Social welfare works
 Mosques, palace, towns (700), bridges, hospital.
 Canals and garden royal income increased
 Slave ministry
 Trike Feroz shahi book
 Famous places:
 Feroz shah Kotla stadium , madrassa Feroz Shahi, Hisar Froze shahi
1. Invasion of Timor 1398

 Introduction
 Barlas turk
 Samarkand
 Conquered: Iraq, Iran, Russia, Central Asia
 Invasion on India
 Causes of Invasion
 Loot, wealth of India
 Weak system
 Invasion 1398 ( Ghyasuudin Tughlaq II)
 Grandson –Peer Muhammad
 Attack on Multan: captured Multan and Ouch
 Timor –April 1398 Samarkand
 Lahore then talmba
 Pakpattan, Sarsuti, Kithal, Panipat and Delhi (Dec 1398)
 Return after 15 days
 1 year total in India
Sayyid dynasty (1414–1451)
Beginning End of
Name Notes
of reign reign

28 May 20 May
Khizr Khan
1414 1421

21 May 19 February
Mubarak Shah Son of Khizr Khan.
1421 1434

Muhammad Sh
ah February January
Grandson of Khizr Khan.
(Muhammad 1434 1445

January 19 April
Alam Shah Son of Muhammad Shah.
1445 1451
Lodi dynasty (1451–1526)
Beginning End of
Name Notes
of reign reign

19 April 12 July
Bahlul Lodi
1451 1489

Sikandar L 21
odi 17 July
Novembe Son of Bahlul Lodi.
(Sikandar 1489
r 1517

November 21 April
Ibrahim Lo Son of Sikandar Lodi.
dhi 1517 1526
1. Bahlol Lodhi 1451-1489

 Introduction
 Afghan dynasty Delhi founder
 Nephew and son in Law –Malik sultan shah Lodhi
 Malik Sultan –Sir Hind Governor-Syed Dynasty –Capture Delhi
 Bahlol Lodhi –Mother died before Birth
 War with Jonpur- 1486
2. Sikandar Lodi (Sikandar II) 1489-1517

 Introduction -2nd son of Bahlol Lodhi

 Founded Agra 1504 –Rebuild after earthquake
 Capital shift-Agra
 Poet -Gulruk pen name
 Conquest and annexation of Bihar
 Fine arts
3. Ibrahim Lodhi 1517-1526

 Introduction
 Youngest Son of Sikandar
 Panipat war 1526
 Babar and Ibrahim Lodhi
 Mughal dynasty started 1526
Mughal Empire 1526-1857

 Zahiruddian Muhammad Babur 1526-1530

 Humayan 1530-1540, 1555-1556
 Suri Empire 1540-1555
 Akbar the great 1556-1605
 Jahangir 1605-1627
 Shah Jahan 1628-1658
 Aurangzeb Alamgir 1658-1707
 Decline of Mughal Empire
Bābur -din Muhammad 14 February 1483, 20 April 1526 – 26 26 December Founded the
‫بابر‬ ‫ظہیر الدین محمد‬ Andijan December 1530 1530 (aged 47) Empire

 family background father empire in Farghana

 His birth 1483- 12 age ac
 Accession of throne- Farghana
 Expedition of Samarkand (1496-97)-Loss of Farghana and Samarkand
 Conquest of Kabul
 Failure in Central Asia
 Invasion in India
 1st expedition 1519
 2nd expedition 1519
 3rd expedition 1520
 4th expedition 1524
 5th and final expedition 1526 –Battle of Panipat 1526-against Ibrahim lodhi
 Foundation of Mughal empire
 War with Rajputs-Rana Sanga
 The Battle of Khanwah 1527
 War with Afghans- Battle of Gogra 1529
 Causes of babar success
 Modern system of warfare
 Babar death
 Tuzak-i-Baburi Babur Nama

26 December 1530 – 17 May
Humayun -din Muhammad Hu
‫ہمایوں‬ mayun 6 March 1508 9 years 4 months 21 days

‫نصیر الدین محمد ہمایوں‬ 22 February 1555 – 27 January


 Accession 1530
 Political instability-Brother and Relatives
 Afghan Rivals-Battle of Chunar 1532
 Humayan and Bahadur shah of Gujrat
 Humayan and Gujrat- Conquest 1535
 Sher shah and Humayan
 Battle of Chausa-1539 (Nizam Sikka )
 Battle of Kanauj 1540
 Humayan Fled
 Persia 1541
 Shah tehmasap-Persia
 Restoration 1555
Sher Shah Suri 1540-1545

 His birth- Farid- Bihar

 Killed Tiger
 Sher Shah in Services of Babar 1527-left in 1528
 Humayan and Sher Shah
 Capture of Bengal
 Recover Bengal from sher Shah
 Battle of Chunsa 1539
 Battle of Kanauj 1540
 Conquest of Punjab-Ghakkar-Rohtas Fort
 Conquest of Rajputana
 Malwa
 Raisin Fort
 Jodhpur
 Kalinjir 1545
Reforms of Sher Shah Suri 1540-1545

 Administrative reforms
 Pargans 1,13,000-Sarkars
 Shiqdar and Munsif
 Military reforms
 Centralization of army
 Branding of horses
 Aladdin Khalji and sher shah reforms
 Land revenue system
 1/3 fixed
 Kabuliyat and Patta
 Currency and Tarrif reforms
 Copper Coins
 Abolition of oppressive taxes
Reforms of Sher Shah Suri 1540-1545

 Public work
 Roads (G.T.Road)
 Sarais
 Buildings
 Religious policy
 Justice
 Estimates of sher shah suri
 General administrator
 Fore runner of akbar
 Extraordinary generous
27 January 1556 – His mother was
Jalal-ud-din Muhamma 27 October 1605
Akbar-i-Azam d 27 October 1605 Persian
‫اکبر اعظم‬ 14 October 1542
49 years 9 months (aged 63) Hamida Banu Beg
‫جالل الدین محمد اکبر‬ um
0 days

 Introduction
 Accession 1556-Bihram Khan
 Difficulties
2nd battle of Panipat 1556
Defeat of Himmu by Bihram khan
 Rajputs Policy of Akbar
 Conquest and annexation
Conquest of Gondwana, Ranthambor and kalinjir
Siege Of Chittorgarh 1567-68: Rana Udhay Singh
Battle of haldighat: Raba Partab Singh 1576
Conquest of Gujrat: 1572 Muzaffar shah
 North west frontier policy
Kashmir and Baluchistan
Capture of Qandahar 1595
Administration of Akbar

 Major deparments
1. Finance (Under Dewan)
2. The military, pay and accountants office (Under the Mir Baksh)
3. The imperial household (Under the khan I khana)
4. Judicial (Qazi ul Quzzat)
5. Religious endowment and charitable grants (Sadr-i-Sadur)
6. Censorship of public Morals (Under Mohtasib)
7. Artillery (Mir atish)
8. Intelligence and post (Darogha I dak chowk)
9. Mint (Under its on Darogha)
Provincial administration
 Division
District administration
 Fujdar
 Kotwali
Reforms of Akbar

Army organization
Land revenue system
Systematic survey of land
Division of land: Polaj, Parauti, Chachar, Banjar
Mansabdari system
Slave abolition
Pilgrim tax on jizya-removed
Branding of horses
Prohibition of child marriage and satti
Din I Illahi 1582
Akbar and Portuguese
Literature and art
15 October 1605 – His mother was
Nur-ud-din Muhamma 8 October 1627
Jahangir d Salim 28 October 1627 Rajput princess
‫جہانگیر‬ 20 September 1569
21 years 11 (aged 58) Mariam-uz
‫نور الدین محمد سلیم‬ months 23 days -Zamani

 Introduction
 Accession 1605-1611
 Prince khusaru’s Revolt
Execution of Guru Arjun Dev
 Relation with Persia
Loss of Qandahar
 Love life
Nur Jahan
Marriage with Sher Afghan
Marriage with Jangir
Nur jahan influence
Nur jahan Junta 1611-22
Complete hold 1622-27
Rebellion of prince Khurram
Battle of billochpur 1623
Death of Jahangir
Jahangir relation with Europeans
Sir Thomas roy
8 November
1627 – 2 August His mother was
Shahab-ud-din Muham
Shah-Jahan mad Khurram 1658 22 January 1666 Rajput princess
‫شاہ جہان‬ 5 January 1592
(aged 74) Jagat Gosaini
‫شہاب الدین محمد خرم‬ 30 years 8 months . Built Taj Mahal.
25 days

 Introduction
 Empress Mumtaz Mahal
 Shah Jahan and the Portuguese
Qassim khan Defeated Portuguese
 Famine of 1630-1632
 Aurangzeb in the Deccan- resignation –again in 1653-58
attack on Golkonda
Invasion of Bajpur
War of succession
Shah Jahan Illness 1657
Dara Shiku (Punjab) Liberal views
Shuja (Bengal)- Love of pleasure
Murad (Gujrat )-Brainless
Aurangzeb (Deccan )-Fittest of all
(Battle of Bahdur Garh)
Sulman shika and Shah Shuja
Battle of Dharmat 1658
Dara army and Murad and Aurangzeb Army
Battle of samugarh 1658
Aurangzeb success 1658
His mother was
Mumtaz Mahal.
He was married

Alamgir I
‫عالمگیر‬ gzeb
-din Muhammad Auran
4 November 1618
31 July 1658 – 3
March 1707 3 March 1707
(aged 88)
Safavid Dynasty
Princess Dilras
Banu Begum. He
48 years 7 months
0 days Islamic law
‫محی الدین محمداورنگزیب‬
throughout India.
After his death,
His younger Son
Azam Shah
became the King
(for 1 year)

 The north eastern frontier

 Struggle with Ahoms
 Loss of assam-Mir Jumla death
 The NWFP policy:
 Afghan Tribes
 Khushal khan- 1 year at hassanabdal 1675
 Rising of the Jats 1669
 Revolt of jats and Gokla
The Sikh Revolt
Execution of Guru Tegh Bahadur,
Guru Gobind Singh
The rise of Marathas
Shivaji a new power
Deccan policy
Death of Aurangzeb
Decline of Mughal Empire
Decline of Mughal empire

Mughal empire 1526-1707

Later Mughals 1707-1803
Capture of Delhi and Mughals: Bahadur shah Zafar 1857
Situation of India
Independet rulers
1. Bengal -Ali warda khan (1707)
2. Hydereabad Deccan –Nizam yl Malik Asif ja (1724)
3. Masur –Haider Ali
4. Deccam (Maratha)-Shiva G (1658)
5. Oudh –Nawab Sadat Ali (1707)
6. Sindh –Kalhara and Talpur (1701)
7. Punjab _Ranjeet Singh (1801)
Advent of Europeans

 European trade route-Silk Road

 1 time in year- Trade
 Discovery of Sea Route to India –Vasco Da Gama
 Industrial revolution 1688
 3 G India –Gold , God, Glory
 Portugal, France, Holland, UK
 Portugal: 1498
 Holland: Dominate over Portugal
 United east India Company 1602
 British: Dominate over Holland and portages
 France: Dominate over other (general Dopily)
 British: Dominates over all
 Build trade relations
 East India Company 1600
 Establishment of Factories in Bengal
 Bombay 1668
1. Bengal

1. Independent ruler : Murshid Quli Khan –death 1727

2. Shuja ud din (Son in Law)
3. Ali Verdi khan
4. Siraj ud dullah –Daughter son (Amena)
Causes of War of Plessey:
Misuse of trade
Tax defaulter
Large army preparing
Nawab marched to Calcutta : Closed the factory
Black Hole Incident: 146 people
Lord clive arrival: peace deal
Mir jafar
Battle of Plessey 23 June 1757
 Lord clive and Nawab Siraj ud doulah
 Company Won
 New Puppet Nawab
 After War of Plessey:
 Mir Jafar replaced
 Mir Qasim- Governor
 Battle of Buxer 22 oct 1764
 Company won
2. Maysur

 Haider ali ruler 1761

 Era-1761-1766 (Maratha Wars)
 War with Company
 Maysur 1st war 1767-69
 Nizam, Maratha, Company
 Maratha left-34 lack
 Nizam left-Friendship Treaty
 Haider ali won
 Peace treaty -1769 Madras Treaty
 Second anglo-Maysore war 1780-84
 Maratha War 1771
 Company Denied to help against treaty
 Haider ali death 1782
 Tipu Sultan (Fateh Ali)
 Treaty of Mangalore-Remarkable victory

2. Maysur

 Third anglo-Maysore war 1790-92

 French and tipu relations increased
 Tipu attacked- Travancore
 Travancore alliance with company
 Company announced war
 Nizam, Maratha and Company
 Triple Alliance Vs Tipu
 Tipu Defeated 1792
 Treaty of Seringapatam
 Tipu lost half dominance
 Maratha ad Nizam distributed the area
 Agreement done by Lord Cornwallis
2. Maysur

 Fourth anglo-Maysore war 1799

 Tipu alliance with France
 Company Declared war 1799
 Result of war: Death of Tipu 1799
 Maysur under Company
3. Deccan (Maratha)- Shiva G (1658)

 Shiva G vs Mughal Empire

 Balaji Rao-Pashwa- Panipat war 1761
 Ahmed shah Abdali –Maratha
 Again in power- Madhya Rao I
 Death Madhya Rao I
 1st Anglo Maratha War (1775-82)
 War of throne
 Raghoba Rao vs Narayan Rao : Narayan Rao killed
 Raghoba Rao-11th pashwa
 Narayan Rao-Widow-Son
 Bombay Company Help- treaty of Surat 1775
 War-Company Vs Maratha (18 May 1775)
 Company won
 End of war 1782- Treaty of salbai
 2nd Anglo Maratha War (1803-05)
 3rd Anglo Maratha War (1817-18)
4. Sikh Empire (Punjab)

 Nadir shah 1739-Punjab (Kabul)

 Maratha Captured Punjab
 Panipat –Ahmed Shah Abdali
 Regain Punjab- Under Kabul
 Bands of Sikhs
 Maha Singh-Ranjeet Singh Father- a band head- death 1792
 Ranjeet singh- zaman Shah (grand son of Ahmed shah_-
Governor Lahore
 Amritsar 1802
 Ranjeet singh wanted to captured
 Treaty of Amritsar -1809
 Attock 1813, Multan 1818, Kashmir 1819, Peshawar
 Death of Ranjeet Singh 1839
4. Sikh Empire (Punjab)

 Duleep Singh –Khalsa Army

 War with Company-1845
 Sikh defeated-Lahore Captured
 War expense- Kashmir (English)
 Sold to Gulab Singh -75 Million
 2nd Sikh war 1848-49
 Multan Governor- 2 British officers
 British declared war
 Punjab occupied March 30, 1849
5. Annexations of Sindh 1843

 Akbar 1595
 Aurangzeb-Sindh independence
 Kalhara family 1700-84
 Talpur 1784-1843
 Company 1st agreement 1799
 Again 1809 –Position of Sindh Afghan Interest
 Treaty 1831-Tax exemption
 1st British-Afghan war 1834
 Punjab Ranjeet Singh
 Army passing –Sindh (Against Agreement)
 New agreement -1839 (Military Base)
 2 war -1843
 Sindh Conquered-Company Raj
6. Oudh 1856

 Sadat khan 1st ruler

 Shuja Dullah (Son)
 Buxer war 1764 against Company
 Wajid ali Shah-Last
 Lord Dalhousie-Bad Administration
 Annexed 1856
 Wajid Ali shah-Send Calcutta
 1 lakh pension
The war of independence 1857

 Causes of war
 Cartage: Cow and Pig
 Political cause:
 Political control of India on Force
 Degrading Indian rulers
 Religious cause
 Christianity Indians
 Preaching
 Muslim Hindu in Military
 Sikh Shave
 Hindu Sea Travel
 Social cause:
 No respect of Indians
 Treated like dogs
 Bow in front of officer
 Economic cause:
 Heavy Tax
 Indian industry ruined

The war of independence 1857
 Leaders of war:
 Nana Sahib-Kanpur
 Begum Hazrat Mahal-Oudh
 Khan Bahadur khan -Barely
 Allahabad –molvi Liaqat ali
 Rani Rukshmi Bai Janasi
 Revolt at Barakpur-Bengal
 Rebellion captured Delhi –Bahadr Shah
 Results:
 British won
 Massacre is everywhere
 outcome:
 End of company ruler
 Direct Control-Act of 1858
Modern history of India

 War of independence
 Sir syed ahmed khan
 Dar ul Uloom Deoband 1866
 Urdu Hindi Controversy 1867
 Nadwar ul ulema 1892
 Congress 1885
 Partition of Bengal 1905
 Simla Deputation 1906
 Formation of Muslim league 1906
 Minto-Morley Reforms 1909
 Lucknow Pact 1916
 Montague-Chelmsford Reforms-1919
 Khilafat Movement
 Simon commission
 Nehru Report 1928
 14 points of Quaid e Azam
 Aliabad address
 Indian Act 1935
 Congress Ministries
 End of congress RULE
 Lahore Resolution
 Cripps Mission
 C-R Formula
 Gandhi Jinnah Talk
 Simla conference
 Elections
 Cabinet mission
 Delhi Muslim convention
 Interim Govt.
Govt of India Act 1858
 India came under British crown
 Designation –Viceroy of India
 First viceroy Lord Canning
 Act passed in 2 Aug 1858 and implemented in 1 Nov 1858
 Indian Civil Services inrodueced in this act

Sir syed Ahmed Khan /Aligarh Movement
 Background 1817 Delhi, father syed Mutaqi shah, mother Aziz un Nisa
 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
 Western Education
Services of Sir Syed
 Educational services
 Religious services
 Social services
 Political services
 Conclusion
Education services
 Muradabad school 1858
 Ghazipur school 1863
 Scientific society 1863
 M.A.O school/college (1875/77)
 Muhammadan Educational Conference 1886
Social and Religious
 Khutbat e Ahmedia 1869
 Tabaeen e kalam
 Ahkam Taam e ahle kitab
 Tahzeeb ul Akhlaq
 Anjaman Urdu
Political Services
 Muslim British Compromise
 Causes of Indian Revolt
 Asbab Beghawat I Hind
 Loyal Muhammad of India
Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband 1866
 Background
 Establishment
 14th April 1866
 UP (Sahanpur)
 Haji Muhammad Abid Hussain
 Moulana Qasim Nanotawi
 Educational (Islamic)
 Political (Aligarh)
 Moulana Asraf ali Thawnavi
 Moulana Shabeer ahmad Usmani
 Conclusion
Urdu Hindi Controversy 1867

 Background
 Urdu
 Mughal King Shahjahan
 Controversy
 Banaras
 Sanskrit
 Sir Syed
Nadwat ul Ulema 1894
 Background
 Establishment
 1894
 Kanpur
 Moulana Muhammad Ali Mongari
 Aims
 Political
 Religious
 Modern Arabic
 Ethical Educational
 Moulana Shabli Numani
 Syed Sulamn Nadvi
 Conclusion
Congress 1885
 Background
 Establishment
 1885
 A.O. Hume (Allan Octavian Hume)
 causes
 Political
 Indian Unity
 Political rights
 Conclusion
Partition of Bengal 1905
 Background
 Partition
 East West Bengal
 Causes
 Area
 Population 8 million
 Reactions
 Muslims
 Hindus
 Congress
 conclusion
Shimla Deputation 1906
 Background
 Lord Minto 1905
 Deputation
 Demands
 Separate ate seats
 Courts, elections and assembly
 Universities
Formation of all India Muslim league 1906
 Background
 Congress
 Simla Deputation
 Establishment
 All India Muslim educational conference
 30 Dec 1906 Dakha Conference
 Sir Agha khan III
 Nawab Viqar ul malik
 Nawab Mohsin ul malik
 Purpose
 British Muslim Unity
 Muslim Rights
 Good relations whit other nations
 1913 change
Minto-Morley Reforms 1909
 Background
 Shimla Deputation
 Minto-Morley Reforms
 Separate election
 Increase powers of legislative council
 Indians in administrative councils
 conclusion
Lucknow pact 1916
 Background
 Quaid e Azam 1913 (Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity)
 Masjid and Mandir 1913 UP Kanpur
 Lucknow pact
 Congress Muslim league unity
 Self rule
 Calcutta Nov 1916
 Lucknow 1916
 Role of Quaid e azam
 Muslim seat
 Provincial Autonomy
 Hindu protection
 1/3 I.L.C
Montague-Chelmsford Reforms-1919/Indian Govt Act 1919

 Background
 Proposals
 Bi-cameral legislation
 Council of state and legislative assembly
 Distribution of power in center and provinces
 Separate election
 Appointment of a commission
 Dyarchy system
 Reserved subjects (Governor)
 Transfer subjects (Ministers)
 Division of provincial administration
 Failure
 Political turmoil
Khilafat Movement 1919-24
 Background
 WWI 1914-1918
 Turkey and Germany
 Allied powers
 Indians
 British
 khilafat conference 1918
 Khilafat committee
 Khilafat deputation
 19 Jan 1920 meeting with viceroy
 Treaty of Sevres 14 May 1920
 Non-Cooperation Movement 28 May 1920
 Boycott of British Goods
 Govt. Jobs
 Institutes school colleges
 Hijrat Movement 1920
 Moplah Movement
 Civil Disobedience movement
 Chauri Chura Events 5 Feb 1922
 Role of Congress
 Demolition of Khilafat
 Conclusion
Simon commission 1928
 Background
 Indian act 1919
 Commission
 28 Feb 1928
 Sir John Simon
 All white
 1930 report
 Dyarchy system
 Federal system
 New Indian constitution
Nehru Report 1928
 Background
 New Indian Constitution
 All parties conference
 Nehru Report August 1928
 Quaid E Azam Stand
 C.I.C 1/3 seats
 Punjab and Bengal
 Provincial Autonomy
 Hindus Rejected
14 Points of Quid-E- Azam
 Nehru Report
 14 points
 Federal constitution
 Equal provincial Autonomy
 Minorities Representation
 C.L.C1/3 representation
 Separate representation for all minorities
 Muslim majority protected
 Minorities freedom
 Bill 1/3- any minority
 Sind Separate form Mumbai
 KPK AND Baluchistan- provinces
 Govt Jobs
 Constitutional protection for ideology
 1/3 representation in ministries – center and province
 C.L. A PASS BILL- sub units
 Conclusion
Allahabad Address 1930
 14 points
 Allama Iqbal
 Address
 Separate state
 Muslim majority province
 Punjab-Sind-KpK-Bengal and Asam
 Dreamer of Pakistan
Indian Act 1935
 Simon Commission
 Nehru report
 Round table conference
 14 points
 1935 Act
 1st April 1937
 14 part 10 schedules
 Federal system
 Territorial changes
 Sind province
 Burma separated
 KpK province
 Federal executive
 Reserved subjects ( defense, foreign, religious )
 Transferred subjects (law and order, minorities, rights )
 Provincial autonomy -11 province
Congress ministries 1937-1939
 Election 1936-37
 Congress vs. Muslim league
 8/11_706/1771 congress
 Congress Atrocities
 Cow Slater
 Hindi language
 Ban on azan
 Bandy matram
 Wardha scheme
 Widdia mander scheme
 Muslim league
 End of congress rule
 Constitution
 Administrative council
 Day of deliverance 22 Dec 1939
Lahore Resolution 1940
 End of congress rule
 Annul session of Muslim league
 22,23 march 1940 Lahore
 Khaksar tragedy 50 killed
 Quaid e Azam address
 Molvi fazlul Haqq resolution
 Division of India
 Separate Muslim states
 Reactions on L.R
 Hindu newspapers
 British newspapers
 Raj Gopal words
 Congress Muslims reaction
 Muslim league
 Importance of Lahore resolution

Cripps Mission 1942
 WWII 1939-1945
 Japan -Burma
 Indian support
 Mission
 24th March 1942
 Sir Stafford Cripps
 Meeting with major parties
Proposals 30th March 1942
 Est. of legislative council
 Royal states
 New constitution
 Dominion status
 Defense responsibility
 Provincial elections after war
 Accept or reject completely
 Congress 2 April 1942
 Pakistan
 Provincial freedom
 Indian freedom
 Gandhi response: outdated cheque
 Muslim league
 Rejected
Quit India Movement 1942
 Cripps mission
 Congress-Japan support
 Quaid e Azam
 Gandhi arrested with 60,000 people
 Civil disobedience movement
 Gandhi released in May 1944
C-R Formula 1944
 Quit India movement
 Congress self rule
 C Raj Gopal Acharia
 Madras assembly
 80 million Muslims
 Proposals
 Division of India
 Muslims support self rule
 Elections
 Reactions
 Congress
Gandhi Jinnah talk 1944
 Quit India Movement 1942
 May 1944 Gandhi Released
 Gandhi vs. Jinnah
 Gandhi on united India
 21 letters
 Meetings
 Fail
Shimla conference 1945/ Wavell’s plan
 WWII and
 Lord Wavell viceroy
 Wavell plan
 Administrative council
 Shimla conference
 25 June 1945
 21 top leaders
 Proposal
 6 congress
 5 Muslims 1 non Muslim league Muslim
 3 minorities
 Congress vs. Quaid e Azam
 Conference fail
 Elections
Elections 1945-46
 Shimla conference
 Elections
 May 1945 labor party
 Central Dec 1945 and provincial 1946
 Congress vs. Muslim league
 Slogans: united India vs. Pakistan
 Central elections
 100 seats
 30/100 Muslims
 57/100 congress
 Provincial elections
 430/495 Muslim league
 3/11
 Effects of election on India
Cabinet mission plan 1946
 Election
 Cabinet mission
 Interim govt.
 Sir Stafford Cripps, sir Patrick Lawrence, lord Alexander
 24 March 1946
 Dialogue with pol. Parties
 16 May 1946 proposals:
 Short term
 Long Term
1. Union of India
2. 3- Groups A B C
3. Division of powers
4. Foreign, telecommunication, defense
5. Provincial authority
6. Separate after 10 years
7. Interim govt.
8. Completely accepted or rejected

 1st Muslim league

 1st Congress
 Viceroys role
 2nd Muslim league
 Direct Action Day
 2nd Congress
 Conclusion
Interim Govt. 1946
 Cabinet mission plan
 Shimla conference 1945
 6 congress
 5 Muslim league
 3 minorities
 Role of finance ministry
3rd June plan -1947
 Finance ministry
 Moti Lal Nehru and cabinet
 Colonization
 wwII-British
 3rd June Plan
 Lord Mountbatten
 Punjab Assembly Separate session
 Bengal assembly
 Sind-Sind assembly
 Baluchistan-M.C n shahi Jirga
 KPK – referendum
 Royal sates
 Constitution
 Reaction
 Congress
 Muslim league
 14 July 1947

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