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International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology

Volume 10, Issue 2, 2023, PP 22-32

ISSN : 2349-476X

Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless

H. I. Ikeri1* A. O. Ojobeagu2, J. O. Vwavware3 and O. K. Okongwu4
Department of Physics, Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University Ogboko Ideato Imo State.
Department of Physics, David Umahi Federal University of Health Sciences.
Department of Physics, Dennis Osadebay University Anwai, Asaba, Delta State.
Department of Physics, Enugu State University of Science and Technology.
Corresponding Author: H. I. Ikeri, Department of Physics, Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University,
Ogboko Ideato Imo State, Nigeria.

This work presents the fundamental principles of radio communication systems, which include modulation,
propagation, and demodulation processes. The system arrangement is divided into three major sections: the
transmitter, transmission and receiver. The radio transmitter is used to produce radio waves and radiates
them with the help of an antenna. The transmission is achieved with the transmitting antenna which radiates
the radio waves in space in all directions with the velocity of light. Then the receiver receives the signal from
the antenna and converts the signal back to its original form which is understandable by humans at the
destination. It is found that radio waves are propagated from a transmitting to a receiving antenna by
modifying the amplitude, frequency or the relative phase of the wave form in response to some message signal
via modulation. The two types of modulation used in this work are amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency
modulation (FM). The result obtained suggests that for amplitude modulated wave the amplitude of the
carrier wave changes according to the intensity of the message signal. Also the amplitude variations of the
carrier wave is at the message signal frequency whereas for frequency modulated wave it is found that the
frequency deviation of FM signal depends on the amplitude of the modulating signal and the audio frequency
(i.e. frequency of modulating signal) does not determine frequency deviation. This research holds great
significance as it is able to integrate different theoretical knowledge gained through Astrophysics, Electronics
and Telecommunication.
Keywords: Radio communication, transmitter, receiver, modulation, demodulation, carrier wave AM wave,
FM wave, sideband.

INTRODUCTION the speed of light are transmitted not only by line

of sight but also by deflection from the ionosphere
In this era of “information age” where wireless [1]. The term "radio" which is most commonly
communication systems influence most of
associated with commercial radio broadcasting
human activities and play a vital role in providing services encompasses the entire range of wireless
international communication facilities that was communications technologies and services,
originally constrained by distance, thereby allowing
including television, microwave, radar, shortwave
communication efficiently over longer distances radio, mobile, and satellite communications etc.
has attracted research interest. Information transfer, There are four main modes of propagation of
including speech, music, images, computer data, radio waves: ground wave, sky wave, and space
etc. via the design of efficient wireless commun- wave. Sky Wave Propagation: This occurs when
ication systems represents a technological progress the signal is transmitted by the transmitting antenna
and significant breakthrough in the information is reflected by the ionosphere layer (sky) and
communication technology. received by the receiving antenna. Space Wave
Radio waves are typically thought of as electro- Propagation: This happens when there are no
magnetic signals that travel through space at a reflection, refraction, or deflection effects as the
speed of approximately 300,000,000 meters per transmitting wave travels straight to the receiving
second. Thus, radio waves are the basic unit of antenna. Ground Wave Propagation: This occurs
wireless communication. Such waves radiated at when the transmitting waves travel along the

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Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless Communication

earth’s surface and are received at the receiving frequency carrier wave is used to transmit the
antenna. Tropospheric Scatter Propagation: This low-frequency message signal is employed so
is a form of radio communication that uses the that the transmitted signal continues to have all
scattering of radio waves off the Earth’s the information contained in the original message
troposphere to reach distant locations. This form signal [5] [6].
of signal propagation works by reflecting the
The general principle of radio communication is
signal off minute atmospheric imperfections like
that sounds and images are converted into
water droplets or dust particles, which scatter it
electrical signals by a microphone (sounds) or
in various directions [2].
video camera (images), amplified, and used to
Generally, radio communication means the modulate a carrier wave that has been generated
radiation of radio waves by the transmitting by an oscillator circuit in a transmitter. The
station, the propagation of these waves through modulated carrier is also amplified, and then
space and their reception by the radio receiver. applied to an antenna that converts the electrical
Information or message signals to be transmitted signals to electromagnetic waves for radiation
are called baseband signals [3] [4]. The baseband into space.. Receiving antennas intercept part of
signals have a very low frequency and as result this radiation, change it back to the form of
cannot be transmitted over long distances. Hence electrical signals, and feed it to a receiver as
modulation process in which a very high- shown in Figure 1 [7][8][9].

Figure1. Generalprinciples of radio broadcasting, transmission and reception.

In this paper we have provided comprehensive addition to this, physical surroundings, such as
principles of radio broadcasting, transmission external noise and travel distance will further
and reception with emphases on modulation and lower the signal strength of a message signal.
demodulation techniques However, to send the message signal
(modulating signal) to a long distance, we need
RELATED WORK to increase the signal strength of a message
This section presents the knowledge essential to signal. This is achieved by creating a new high
understanding the basic concept of radio energy signal that transmits information over a
communication. In principles, message (audio) farther distance, the low energy message signal is
signal cannot travel a long distance because of its combined with the high energy or high frequency
low frequency and hence low signal strength. In carrier signal as shown in Figure 2 [10][11].

Figure2. Modulation process.

As a result, the carrier waves can be likened to a horse and the audio-frequency signal to a rider.

23 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V10 ● I2 ● 2023
Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless Communication

The process by which audio frequency signal or (reverse of modulation) [12]. Now we are dealing
information is impressed on the carrier wave is with two signals: 1. Original (“baseband”) message
known as modulation. Through space, the horse signal whose frequency is too low to transmit
and rider move and enter the receiver at the efficiently 2. Higher frequency (“carrier”) signal
receiving end, which separate the rider and horse. which we can transmit efficiently, so we use it to
The rider, or audio-frequency signal, is carry our baseband information.
transformed back into sound when the carrier
Since both information and carrier signals are
wave, or horse, has been returned. This process
wave as shown in Figure 3 they can also be
by which the radio waves and audio waves are
represented by a wave equation accordingly.
separated is known as detection or demodulation

Figure3. Information and carrier signals wave form.

Mathematically, the cosine wave representing the implies change. The carrier signal contains no
higher-frequency carrier is given by: information, whereas the message signal does.
Carrier signal is employ to transmit the information
𝑉𝐶 (𝑡) = 𝐴𝐶 cos(2𝜋𝑓𝐶 𝑡 + ∅𝑐 ) (1)
to a long distance which at the destination, the
A carrier wave has three defining properties, message signal is absorbed whereas the carrier
which are amplitude (A_C), frequency (f_C) and signal is removed. The message signal's properties
phase (∅_c). These three parameters are used to will not change during the modulation process,
create different types of modulation. In the but only the carrier signal's characteristics. Since
modulation process, a parameter of the carrier there is no information in the carrier signal, even
wave (such as amplitude, frequency or phase) is if its properties are modified, the information it
varied in accordance with the modulating signal. contains will remain unchanged. However, the
This variation acts as a code for data transmission. message signal contains information; as a result,
Thus, practically modulation is the process of if we alter the message signal's properties, the
varying any of these three properties (amplitude, information it carries will likewise alter.
frequency or phase) of a high frequency carrier
As a result, we always modify the carrier signal's
using the lower-frequency information signal
properties but not the message signal's.
(baseband signal). Accordingly, there are three
Modulation permits the transmission to occur at
basic types of modulation, namely; (i) amplitude
high frequency while it simultaneously allows
modulation (ii) frequency modulation (iii) phase
the carrying of the message signal. [15][16][17].
modulation [13][14] The word "Modulation"

Figure4. Phase modulation process.

Using the straightforward phase modulation in Figure 4, it is possible to comprehend the

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Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless Communication

modulation process. The first signal displays the an antenna height of 1.5 meters as indicated
message signal, which includes the message that under.
will be sent to the target. The message signal is 𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑉)
sometimes called as the modulating signal. The 𝑊𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ (𝜆) =
𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 (𝑓)
second signal is the carrier, which contains the 3 × 108
high energy or high frequency signal and has =
200 𝑀𝐻𝑧 + 20 𝐻𝑧
properties like amplitude, frequency, and phase 3 × 108
but lacks information. From transmitter to = = 1.5 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠
(200 × 106 ) + 20
receiver, the message signal is transported by a
carrier signal. The third signal is referred to as a The antenna of this height is easily constructed.
modulated signal. A new signal created when the It Enhances Communication Range
message signal and carrier signal combined.
[18][19][20]. A wave's frequency determines its energy. The
energy that a wave possesses increases with its
The instantaneous phase of the carrier signal frequency. Since the frequency of baseband
varies in line with the instantaneous amplitude of audio transmissions is so low, they cannot be
the message signal, as can be seen from the three transmitted across long distances. The carrier
figures above. Radio broadcasting often use signal, however, has a high frequency or high
amplitude modulation. However, in television energy. Therefore, if the carrier signal is emitted
transmission, the picture signal is sent using directly into space, it may travel great distances.
amplitude modulation while the sound signal is The low energy baseband signal must be mixed
sent using frequency modulation. with the high energy carrier signal in order to
IMPORTANCE MODULATION IN RADIO effectively transmit the baseband signal over a
WAVE PROPAGATION long distance. The resulting signal frequency will
shift from low frequency to high frequency when
The following factors make modulation crucial in the low frequency or low energy baseband signal
communication systems [21]\: is combined with the high frequency or high
It Decreases Antenna Length energy carrier signal. As a result, it is now
feasible to send information over long distances.
The transmitting antenna emits the signal into As a matter of fact, communication range is
free space, where it is picked up by the receiving increased.
antenna. In order to effectively transmit and
receive the signal, the antenna height should be It Makes Wireless Communication Possible
approximately equal to the wavelength of the One ideal aspect of radio transmission is that it
signal to be transmitted. should be radiated into space rather than
Now, transported across wires. The baseband signals'
frequency range is quite small (20 Hz to 20 KHz).
𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑉)
𝑊𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ (𝜆) = Baseband transmissions have a weak signal, thus
𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 (𝑓)
it is not possible to transmit them into space
3 × 108
= 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠 directly. High frequencies (over 20 kHz), never-
𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 (𝐻𝑧)
theless, make it possible to radiate electrical
The audio signal has a very low frequency (i.e. energy effectively. However, the baseband
20 Hz to 20 kHz) and longer wavelength, so if the signal's frequency is changed from low to high
signal is transmitted directly into space, the frequency using the modulation approach.
length of the transmitting antenna required would Therefore, the signal can be directly emitted into
be extremely large. For instance, to radiate an space after modulation.
audio signal frequency of 20 kHz directly into
space, we would need an antenna height of It Avoids Signals Mix-Up
15,000 meters as illustrated below. Transmitting several messages at once via a
𝑉𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 (𝑉) 3 × 108 single communication channel is one of the
𝑊𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ (𝜆) = = fundamental difficulties faced by communication
𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 (𝑓) 20𝐾𝐻𝑧
engineering. Multiplexing is a technique that
= 15,000 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑠
allows several signals or multiple signals to be
The antenna of this height is practically merged into one signal and broadcast over a
impossible to construct. On the other hand, if the single communication channel. We are aware
audio signal (20Hz) has been modulated by a that the range of audible frequencies is 20 Hz to
carrier wave of 200MHz. Then, we would need 20 KHz. When numerous baseband sound signals

25 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V10 ● I2 ● 2023
Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless Communication

in the same frequency range—20 Hz to 20 the desired signal itself as shown in Figure 6.
KHz—are merged into one signal and sent over a Distortion disappears when signal causing
single communication channel without distortion is turned off or disappears. If channel
modulation, the signals get muddled and the has a linear but distorting response, then
receiver is unable to distinguish between them. distortion may be corrected or at least reduced
The modulation approach allows us to quickly using filter devices called equalizers.
solve this issue. The baseband sound waves of the
same frequency range (i.e., 20 Hz to 20 KHz) are
moved to other frequency ranges by applying
modulation. As a result, within the overall
bandwidth, each signal now has its own
frequency range. After modula-tion, it is simple
to broadcast numerous signals with various
frequency ranges across a single communication
channel without any mixing, and it is simple to
separate them at the receiving end.
It Lowers the Noise Effect
An unwanted signal known as noise can enter a
communication system through a channel, interfering
with the broadcast signal. The weak signal power
of a message prevents it from traveling far. A
message signal's signal strength will be further Figure6. Distortion process.
diminished by the addition of outside noise. So, Interference: interference is the contamination
in order to transmit the message signal over a due to extraneous signals from other transmitters,
long distance, we must strengthen the message machinery, power lines, switching circuits and
signal. Modulation is a technique that may be human sources as shown in Figure 7. It occurs
used to achieve this. A low energy or low frequency mostly at the reception end as a result of the
message signal is combined with a high energy antenna there simultaneously collecting several
or high frequency carrier signal in the modulation signals. By forcing the unwanted signal to inhabit
process to create a new high energy signal that a separate frequency range than the interfering signal,
transmits information over a long distance effective filtering circuits eliminate interference.
without being hampered by outside noise.
Attenuation: this is loss of strength of a signal
while propagating through the communication
channel as shown in Figure 7. Though there are
losses at the transmitter end and the receiver end
still it is standard practice to assume transmitter
and receiver as ideal. The losses due to attenuation
can be compensated with amplification. Therefore it
is not a serious problem.

Figure7. Interference process.

Noise: this is refers to the unwanted signals that
tend to disturb the transmission and processing of
message signals in a communication system as
shown in Figure 8. They are random and
Figure5. Attenuation process.
unpredictable electrical signals produced by
Distortion: this is a waveform perturbations natural processes. There might be internal or
caused by the imperfect response of the system to external noise. Electrical signals that have such

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Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless Communication

random changes overlaid on them can damage to extract the modulating signal from the carrier
information-carrying symbols partially or wave. The other is to offer selectivity. So that
completely. Filters can lower noise but not totally with vast number of stations on the radio
remove it. frequency bands the receiver tunes stations on the
required frequency and rejects the unwanted
frequency bands. Diode detector is used for the
Amplitude Modulation
In amplitude modulation, the amplitude (signal
strength) of the carrier signal is varied in accordance
with the amplitude (signal strength) of the
message signal. In other word, the information
(message signal) is transmitted over a carrier
Figure8. Noise process. wave by varying its amplitude in accordance with
the amplitude of the message signal. Additionally,
the carrier signal's instantaneous amplitude varies in
The method and approach we have used for the accordance with the message signal's instantaneous
propagation of the radio wave include amplitude. In a typical amplitude modulation,
modulation and demodulation processes. The only the amplitude of the carrier wave is changed
two most common types of modulation used in while the frequency and phase of the carrier wave
this work are amplitude modulation (AM) and remain constant. The modulating signal or
frequency modulation (FM). A straight radio message signal which contains information, the
receiver was used to recover the baseband signal. high frequency carrier signal which contains no
The radio receiver performs two basic functions. information and the resultant amplitude modulated
The first step is to use demodulation techniques signal respectively are as shown in Figure 9.

Figure9. Amplitude modulation process.

Frequency Modulation (FM) the carrier signal. In other words, the frequency
of a carrier wave is changed in line with the
In frequency modulation, the amplitude changes
amplitude of the information (message signal) to
of the message signal determine the frequency of

27 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V10 ● I2 ● 2023
Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless Communication

be conveyed. Additionally, instantaneous frequency instantaneous amplitude of message signal as

of carrier signal is varied accordingly with shown in Figure 10.

Figure10. Frequency modulation process.

Demodulation extract the audio signal from the modulated wave
after the radio receiver receives it. This is
Demodulation is the reverse process of modulation
possible in the radio receiver through a process
to recover the message signal (audio signal) from known as demodulation. In demodulation, the
the modulated wave at the receiver. To send the combination of carrier and message signal are
audio signal farther to a receiver, modulation is separated from each other, to have an original
done at the broadcasting station. It is important to information signal as shown in Figure 11.

Figure11. Demodulation process.

Diode Detector for AM Signals We have seen that AM modulated wave has
positive and negative halves exactly equal that
A detector is a device that transforms high
form the modulation envelop as shown in Figure
frequency radio signals into low frequency audio
12. Thus, average current is zero and speaker
signals that may be heard through headphones or
cannot respond.
amplified and delivered through a loudspeaker.

Figure12. Showing AM modulated wave.

One way to recover the message signal from the demodulation, and it only requires two stages at
modulated carrier is to isolate just the envelope its most basic level. First, the modulated signal is
from the rest of the modulated signal. Envelope rectified, leaving behind only the positive half.
detection is the name given to this kind of AM As seen in Figure 13, the second stage filters

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Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless Communication

away the carrier's high-frequency components to leave just the low-frequency audio stream.

Figure13. Detection process in radio detector.

As illustrated in Figure 14, the envelope detector resistor and functions similarly to a half-wave
circuit consists of a diode, a capacitor, and a rectifier and low-pass filter.

Figure14. Radio detector.

The filter capacitor (C), the load resistance (R), which reproduces the modulated or radio waves
and the detector diode (D), make up this circuit. into sound waves. Here, the receiving antenna
The diode conducts and current flows through R receives the radio waves from different
during the positive half cycle of an AM signal, broadcasting stations. The radio frequency
but during the negative half cycle, the diode is amplifier uses a tuned parallel circuit to choose
reverse biased and no current flows. Therefore, the required radio wave. This chosen radio wave
crossing resistance R, only the positive half of the is amplified by the tuned RF amplifier. The
AM wave is visible. While filtering out RF carrier detector circuit, which includes a PN diode,
waves and allowing an envelope of the input to receives the radio signal that has been amplified.
be seen as output, the capacitor across R has low The audio signal is taken from the radio wave via
impedance at the carrier frequency and much this circuit. The audio signal, which has undergone
higher impedance at the modulating frequency.
one or more steps of audio amplification, is the
When passed through a suitable device, say, a
output of the detector. The loud speaker receives
headphone, the original sound can be heard.
the amplified audio stream in order to reproduce
Straight Radio Receiver sound. The functional block diagram of a straight
A radio receiver is a reverse of a radio transmitter (simple) radio receiver is shown in Figure 15.

Figure15. Straight radio receiver.

carrier wave's positive and negative half cycles is
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION changed during amplitude modulation in line
The result demonstrates that the amplitude of the with the instantaneous amplitude of the message

29 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V10 ● I2 ● 2023
Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless Communication

signal. The amplitude modulated (AM) wave's when a carrier is modulated with a message
positive and negative peaks may be seen to be signal, other frequencies are detected. These new
linked by an imaginary line. On the AM wave, frequencies are caused by modulation and are
this fictitious line is known as the envelope. The called sideband frequencies. They are generated
AM wave's envelope mimics the message signal above and below the carrier frequency. The
in terms of form. As a result, this envelope aids sideband frequencies that are created above the
in accurately reproducing the message signal's carrier frequency are called upper sideband
form. The result shown in the Figure 5 suggests frequencies or higher frequency component (fc +
that for amplitude modulated AM wave the fs) called the sum component and the sideband
amplitude of the carrier wave changes according frequencies that are created below the carrier
to the intensity of the signal. Also the amplitude frequency called lower sideband frequencies or
variations of the carrier wave is at the signal lower frequency component (fc - fs) called the
frequency and the frequency of the amplitude sum component. These two new frequencies are
modulated wave remains the same with carrier symmetrically located around the carrier
frequency. It is also observed that in AM wave frequency as shown in Figure 16.

Figure16. Carrier and sidebands of an amplitude modulated wave.

As a result, we may attenuate or eliminate the the carrier wave, does not change. The
carrier or any individual sideband without having instantaneous amplitude of the signal determines
any impact on how signals are sent or the the frequency fluctuations of the carrier wave.
communication process. The carrier frequency remains unaltered when
the signal voltage is zero. When the signal
The advantages would be: less transmitted power
approaches its positive peaks, the carrier
and less bandwidth required. The bandwidth or
frequency is increased to maximum as shown by
channel width (BW) of the signal can be obtained
the closely spaced cycles. However, during the
as the difference between extreme frequencies
negative peaks of signal, the carrier frequency is
i.e. between maximum frequency and minimum
reduced to minimum as shown by the widely
frequency. In an AM wave, the bandwidth BW is
spaced cycles. The result also indicates that for
from (fc – fs) to (fc + fs) i.e., BW = 2 fs.
frequency modulated FM wave shown in Figure
Therefore, we arrive at a very important
10. The frequency deviation of FM signal
conclusion although not shown here, that in
depends on the amplitude of the modulating
amplitude modulation, bandwidth is twice the
signal. When there is no modulation or when the
maximum frequency of modulating signal. The
modulating voltage is zero, the frequency is
tuned amplifier which is called upon to amplify
referred to as centre frequency. The frequency
the modulated wave must have the required
variation is not determined by the audio frequency
bandwidth to include the sideband frequencies. If
(i.e the frequency of the modulating signal).
the tuned amplifier has insufficient bandwidth,
Furthermore, any signal that is modulated
the upper sideband frequencies may not be
produces sidebands. In the case of an amplitude
reproduced by the radio receiver.
modulated signal they are easy to determine, but
Only the frequency of the carrier wave is altered for frequency modulation is not quite easy. They
in frequency modulation to match the signal. The are dependent upon the not only the deviation,
modulated wave's amplitude, or the amplitude of but also the level of deviation, i.e. the modulation

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Principles of Radio Waves Propagation for Wireless Communication

index. The total spectrum is an infinite series of telecommunication engineering fields and is able
discrete spectral components expressed by a to integrate different theoretical knowledge
complex formula using Bessel functions of the gained through Astrophysics, Electronics and
first kind. FM wave contains an infinite number Telecommunication. To simulate the waveform
of sidebands thus suggesting an infinite for different degree of modulations, further
bandwidth requirement for transmission or research is needed.
reception. The sidebands are at (𝑓𝑐 ± 𝑓𝑚) , (𝑓𝑐 ±
2𝑓𝑚), (𝑓𝑐 ± 3𝑓𝑚) ⋯. The number of sideband
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minimum practical bandwidth required to Communications (88th ed.). Newington, CT:
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31 International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V10 ● I2 ● 2023
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Propagation and Adaptive Antennas for Wireless Association of Broadcasters Engineering

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Citation: H. I. Ikeri, A. O. Ojobeagu, J. O. Vwavware and O. K. Okongwu, "Principles of Radio Waves

Propagation for Wireless Communication", International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering
and Technology, vol. 10, no.2, pp. 22-32, 2023.
Copyright: © 2023 H. I. Ikeri, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are credited.

International Journal of Research Studies in Science, Engineering and Technology V10 ● I2 ● 2023 32

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