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1. A body weighs 500 N on the surface of the earth. How much would it weight half way below the
surface of the earth?
(a) 1000 N
(b) 500 N
(c) 250 N
(d) 125 N
2. There is no atmosphere on the moon because
(a) it is closer to the earth
(b) it revolves round the earth
(c) it gets light from the sun
(d) the escape velocity of gas molecules is less than their root mean square velocity here
3. If the radius of the earth were to be raise by 1% its mass remaining the same, the acceleration due to
gravity on the surface of the earth will
(a) increase by 1%
(b) decrease by 2%
(c) decrease by 1%
(d) increase by 2%
4. The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is
(a) zero
(b) infinite
(c) same as on the surface of earth
(d)none of the above
5. The masses of two planets are in the ratio 1 : 2. Their radii are in the ratio 1 : 2. The acceleration due to
gravity on the planets are in the ratio.
(a) 1 : 2
(b) 2 : 1
(c) 3 : 5
(d) 5 : 3

Assertion and Reasoning :

(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for assertion.
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for assertion
(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
1. Assertion: A body loses weight when it is at the centre of the earth.
Reason: At the centre of earth, g = 0. Therefore, weight = mg = 0.
2. Assertion : If earth suddenly stops rotating about its axis, then the value of acceleration due to
gravity will become same at all the places.
Reason : The value of acceleration due to gravity depends upon the rotation of the earth.
3. Assertion : A body becomes massless at the centre of earth.
Reason : This follows from g’ = g (1 – d/R)
4. Assertion : Gravitational force between two particles is negligibly small compared to the electrical
Reason : The electrical force is experienced by charged particles only.
5. Assertion: The value of acceleration due to gravity i.e. ‘g’ is different at different places on the
surface of earth.
Reason: Earth is flattened at poles and bulging out at the equator. Therefore radius is smaller at
poles and larger at equator and g α 1/R2, so, g is smaller at equator than at poles.
6. Assertion : Smaller the orbit of the planet around the sun, shorter is the time it takes to complete
one revolution.
Reason : According to Kepler’s third law of planetary motion, square of time period is
proportional to cube of mean distance from sun.
7. Assertion: Planets appear to move slower when they are farther from the sun than when they
are nearer.
Reason: All planets move in elliptical orbits with sun at one of the foci of the ellipse.

Subjective Questions:
1. At what height above the surface of the earth value of acceleration due to gravity is reduced to one
fourth of its value on the surface of the earth?
2. Three equal masses of 1kg each are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle and a mass of 2kg is
placed at the centroid of the triangle which is at a distance of 1.4m from each of the vertices of the
triangle.Calculate the force acting on the mass of 2kg.
3. The gravitational force between two blocks is F what would happen if a mass of both the blocks as well
as distance between them is doubled?
4. A body weighs 70 N on the surface of the Earth. What is the gravitational force on it due to the Earth at
a height equal to half the radius of the Earth?
5. If earth has a mass 9 times and radius 4 times than that of a planet "P". Calculate the escape velocity at
the planet 'P' if its value on earth is 11.2 kms -1.
6. At what depth is the value of 'g' same as at a height of 40 km from the surface of earth.

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