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In the previous chapter, you delved into the acquisition of culture Additionally, two pivotal sociological theories were discussed:
through socialization and enculturation, recognizing its significance
as a shared element in society. This chapter explained how
individuals acquire culture through agents of socialization and how 1. George Herbert Mead's Theory of the Social Self, proposing that
socialization molds identities and behaviors through ongoing social the self emerges from social interactions.
interactions. It underscored the role of social groups as agents of
socialization and clarified that socialization serves as a form of social
control, whether through coercion or the use of language as a 2. Charles Cooley's Theory of the Looking-Glass Self, where
cultural symbol. individuals learn to adopt the roles of others, guided by the
The chapter introduced several sociological theories: expectations of those around them.

1. Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory, which posits that the

unconscious mind shapes behavior, with the influence of society Overall, this chapter provided a comprehensive overview of the role
primarily occurring in the superego. of socialization, cultural acquisition, and the agents and theories
that shape individuals within society.

2. Jean Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory, emphasizing that UCSP SUMMARY MODULE 4
socialization occurs in stages of mental development from infancy
to adulthood.
In the previous lesson, learners explored various agents of
socialization and the critical role they play in understanding and
3. Lawrence Kohlberg's Moral Development Theory, which managing deviant behavior in society. This knowledge has equipped
highlights ongoing moral development throughout an individual's them to actively engage in their chosen social groups. These social
life. groups are characterized by interdependence, where members
collaborate towards common goals and values, setting them apart
from mere collections of individuals.
The chapter also explored the agents of socialization, such as
primary and secondary groups, mass media, religion, schools, and
government. Society's members can be classified into different types of social
1. Primary Group: These are small, intimate, and less specialized
groups characterized by emotion-based interactions and long-term

2. Secondary Group: Secondary groups are larger, more specialized,

and less intimate, where members engage in objective-oriented
relationships for a limited duration.

3. In-Group: An in-group is a group to which an individual belongs

and identifies with, fostering a sense of belonging. Conversely, an
out-group is a group to which one does not belong and may even
feel hostile towards.

4. Reference Group: Reference groups strongly influence an

individual's beliefs, values, behavior, and attitudes, often serving as
a standard for comparison.

5. Network Group: Network groups refer to the structure of

relationships, interconnections, ties, and linkages among people,
their groups, and larger social institutions.

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