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National School WaSH Design and Construction

By Mesfin H.
Contributors for the outline
manual preparation
This version of the manual is prepared by the Ministry of Education (MoE) with financial and technical
support from UNICEF.

The following organization provides technical support throughout the development process:.

▪ National WASH Coordination Office,

▪ Ministry of Health,
▪ The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy,
▪ PSI Ethiopia,
▪ Splash International,
▪ SNV,
▪ WaterAid Ethiopia,
▪ COWASH and
▪ World Vision Ethiopia.
Presentation outline
CHAPTER I: Introduction
CHAPTER II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
CHAPTER III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
CHAPTER IV: School Sanitation Facilities
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER VI: Design and Construction of Flush Toilets
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
CHAPTER VIII: Wastewater management
CHAPTER IX: Facilities for Solid Waste Collection & Disposal
CHAPTER X: Monitoring Activities During Construction
CHAPTER XI: Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
Chapter I: Introduction

▪ Schools are a key environment on which to concentrate WASH efforts,

since schoolchildren and teachers spend their whole day there, five or
even six days a week.

▪ It is a densely populated community with vulnerable young persons.

▪ The experiences and knowledge school children gain from interacting

with WASH facilities can be passed on first to their household members
and then spread to the communities in their villages at large.
▪ Every child around the world deserves an
opportunity to learn in a safe and healthy/clean
▪ Reduce student absence
▪ Visible increase in student’s enrollment and
Why is reduction in drop-out rates.
▪ Improve (increase) nutritional status or (decrease
WaSH in malnutrition rate)
▪ Students perform better
Schools ▪ Invests in life-long positive skills
important? ▪ Reduce soil-transmitted helminthic infection,
diarrheal diseases and acute respiratory infection
▪ Reduce child mortality and develop healthy and
productive generation.
▪ Address issues of gender and socio-economic
WaSH in School boosts attendance and achievement

Economic WaSH

Increased Less
performance disease

Chapter I: Introduction contd.
▪ The total number of primary schools for this year is 35,980. 93% of
primary schools are government owned across the country, with the
exception of Addis Ababa.

▪ The total number of secondary schools for this year is 3,481. 89.3% of
primary schools are government owned across the country, with the
exception of Addis Ababa & Diredawa.

▪ SWASH facilities as per recently released figures from MoE’s School WASH
mapping analysis report in 2019/20 show that:
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
Chapter I: Introduction contd.

Chapter I:

Girls (left) and boys (right) latrine


Chapter I:
Chapter I:
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
The objective of the manual

▪ To produce a standard design and construction manual that provides

technical guidance for implementation of school WASH facilities including
water supply systems, latrines, hand washing stations, menstrual hygiene
management safe spaces and solid waste disposal mechanisms.

▪ This ensures students have safe and adequate WASH facilities and
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
This revised manual has the following new additions:
i. WASH facility designs for Pre-Primary schools

ii. A Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) facilities design

iii. Various latrine options for various contexts for compost type (dry pit,
swampy area, rocky area latrines) and flush type (piped)

iv. Expanded latrine block design and construction to 6, 8 and 10 seat room

v. Designs for pastoralists considering their cultural norms and values

Chapter I: Introduction contd.
vi. New incinerator design for infectious waste disposal

vii. New sanitary pad disposal box for girl’s latrines and MHM block

viii. All WASH facilities are designed to be inclusive for all students

ix. New companion manual A Guide to School WASH Facilities

Management, Operation and Maintenance developed

x. The design manual has an annex of architectural, structural and

electrical drawings for each type of WASH facility, Bill of Quantities (BoQ)
and optional L-shape latrine drawings
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
Design and Construction Principles
i. Address gender-related needs and roles:
ii. Adequate capacity and minimal waiting time:
iii. Appropriate dimensions and adjustments for children:
iv. Physically separate facilities:
v. Appropriate orientation of facilities:
vi. Appropriate location of toilets:
vii. Appropriate designs for different age groups:
viii. Facilities should encourage hygienic behavior:
ix. Address the needs of children with disabilities:
x. Do not harm the environment:
xi. Low-cost solutions without compromising quality:
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
Minimum standards for school WASH facilities
Minimum standards are threshold minimums below which services are believed to be poor and can affect public health.
Item Recommendation Item Recommendation
One stand/cubicle per 50 girls for rural schools and ▪ Latrine should be located 30m or more away
one stand per 25 girls for urban from classrooms

One stand per 75 boys in rural schools, and one • Handwashing basins/stations next to latrines
Pupil to cubicle stand per 50 boys for urban and school feeding centers
Separate (three seats) latrine block for staff (one • Physically separated latrine blocks for boys and
female, one male and one for staff with disabilities) girls by at least 20m. Should be constructed to
Location face in opposite directions to each other

• For cistern flush toilets where there is a piped

Item Recommendation water supply system - the pit bottom should be
a minimum of 2m above the groundwater table
and should also be 50m away from drinking
water sources
Drinking water ▪ One tap/100 student in rural schools
tap ▪ One tap/50 students in urban schools
Chapter I: Introduction contd.
▪ All users of this manual should respect the fact that all local, state and
federal codes and regulations wherever applicable must be satisfied on all
projects and program. If these standards differ from state or federal
requirements, the more restrictive and minimum standard shall apply.

▪ The designs are intended to augment rather than replace sound

engineering judgments which are made on a site specific, case by case

▪ The designs set out in this manual are not prescriptive. Instead they
serve as a well-informed guide that will help ensure facilities that are
appropriate for students.
Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
▪ Each student requires 5L per day for meeting drinking, sanitary and
hygiene requirements. It is needed to keep the toilets clean, wash urinals
as well as hand washing basins.

▪ Site investigation needs to be done specifically to assess water resource

potential within and surrounding the premises of the school. It includes
feasibility for development and use, and detailed characterization .

▪ It is also always advantageous to have this investigation done in advance

while school construction is at the planning stage.
Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
There are two major water supply sources that can be effectively developed, adapted and used
for schools:
1. Ground water source
✓ Spring with or without gravity pipe system

✓ Hand dug well with fitted with Rope/hand pump

✓ Shallow borehole (SBH) fitted with hand/motorized pump

✓ Deep borehole (DBH) with pipe system

2. Surface/rainwater source
✓ All schemes from river/lake source with piped system

✓ Rooftop Water Harvesting System

Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems

The design and construction of water supply sources may require mixing
and adapting different technology options to meet the desired water
demand for schools with different population sizes and geographic contexts
Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
Rooftop Water Harvesting System
Roof water harvesting is an important investment choice for three reasons:

i. In areas where groundwater development is either difficult or has been

rendered unusable by high levels of fluoride content or salinity

ii. In areas where the only available water source option is surface water.

iii. When accessing other water sources is expensive, roof water harvesting
can be taken as a temporary solution.
Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
Piped water supply to schools

Whenever there is an existing water supply system near a school,

connection with the system will be made considering the following four
Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
1. Existing System Water Supply Capacity Assessment
▪ Assess source yield/discharge of the existing water supply system.
▪ Assess the current and projected population served by the existing water supply system.
Relevant woreda/district offices should be consulted to collect secondary data (if any) on
the existing system and beneficiaries.
▪ Assess current and projected water demand by the beneficiary community.
▪ Estimate the water demand of the school.
▪ Compare the school’s demand vis-à-vis the supply - whether there is room for connection
with the system. The school’s demand should not affect the demand of the current
beneficiaries as much as possible.
▪ If the school’s demand cannot be satisfied from the existing system, consider another
water source (such as rainwater harvesting).
Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
2. Existing System Hydraulic Capacity Assessment
If water supply obtained from the existing system against demand is not an issue:
▪ Assess the conveyance capacity of the existing distribution line near the school facility to
accommodate the additional demand imposed by the school. If required and possible,
increase the size of the existing pipeline.
▪ Identify or estimate the elevation difference between the water source (could be elevated
tank) and the school’s water point considering the most feasible/economical route.
▪ Check head loss between the above points and assess the availability of sufficient head at
the school’s water point.
▪ If not the above, consider improving the existing system or another water source (such as
rainwater harvester).
Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
3. Economic Evaluation

▪ Assess the connection cost with development of other water

sources stated above.
Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
4. Installation Considerations

▪ Trench depth - minimum trench depth should be 80cm.

▪ Backfilling - pipelines shall be sufficiently backfilled after pipe installation.
▪ Pipes - High density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes can be used in trenches while
all above ground pipe installation should be galvanized steel.
▪ Valves - isolation valve (enclosed in chamber) shall be provided. Water meter
will be installed (if necessary)
▪ Road and natural drainage crossings (if any) - enclose pipes in galvanized iron
(GI) pipes or cover with concrete. Provide supporting anchor blocks where
Chapter II: Type of Water Source and Supply Systems
Chapter II: Type of Water
Source and Supply Systems
Chapter II: Type of Water Source
and Supply Systems
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems

▪ In many ways, the design and construction of water supply systems in

schools is not too different from community water supply systems. The
only differences are that there are fewer choices available.

▪ Piped (extension), Bored/drilled shallow/deep wells, RWH, hand-dug

wells and springs are options to meet the water requirements for school
WASH facilities.
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Water Demand

▪ Each student requires 5L per day for meeting drinking, sanitary and
hygiene requirements. It is needed to keep the toilets clean, wash urinals
as well as hand washing basins.
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Roof water harvesting system design

✓ Using the rule of thumb of one quarter of the yearly total as the design
value for storage facility, this is still a relatively expensive proposition

✓ Other method is the monthly water balance method.


▪ Limiting factors and sustainability.

Chapter III: Design and
Construction of Water Supply
EBCS 9-2013
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Roof water harvesting system design

▪ When possible, use multiple smaller takers instead of one large size.
This This is because if one tank or its roof catchment needs repair, the
other tank on the other side of the building block can still provide some
water. Secondly, such a design would allow for a shorter slope length for
the gutter, reducing overflow and spillage. However, this is still an
expensive option.

▪ Choosing the right slope of the gutter: It is important that slope should
ensure the full capture of the roof runoff.
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
▪ The rainwater collected from roofs in most schools is considered less safe
for drinking.
▪ The two major reasons are:

(i) a roof can be a natural collection surface area for dust, leaves, blooms, twigs, insects,
bird feces (source of salmonella bacteria), and airborne residues such as pesticides and
insecticides (especially in areas with commercial farms); and

(ii) the water quality status of rainwater can deteriorate after it is stored for several days,
before the storage tank receives freshwater from rain again.

▪ First flush diverter and screen

Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems

• Screen
• Roof cleaning
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
• Collection pipe
• First flush diverter and screen
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems

• Overflow
• Inlet
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Spring water supply system design

The spring capping and protection work has four major infrastructural
i. Spring box
ii. Collection chamber/reservoir
iii. Tap stands
iv. Catchment conservation, protection and development
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Spring water supply system design
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Water wells
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Types of Pumps
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Piped (extension) water supply system
The common requirements for a pipe line selection are:
i. it must convey the quantity of water required
ii. it must resist all external and internal forces (load) coming upon it
iii. it must be durable
The carrying capacity of pipelines depends on the total head losses
determined during the engineering survey. The size of pipe should be in
accordance with Hazen-Williams Formula.
𝑄 1.852 𝑙𝑝 0.63 0.54
ℎ𝑓 = 10.7 ∗ ( )
∗ ( 4.87 )
V= kCR S
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Piped (extension) water supply system
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Storage reservoir

A minimum of 5000L water storage facility is required for each of the

primary and secondary schools. The storage tank will be placed at 4-6m
height above the ground and it is supported either by a steel or concrete
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
No. of Taps used for drinking fountains

Item Recommendation

▪ One tap/100 student in rural schools

Drinking water
▪ One tap/50 students in urban schools
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems

Sample Taps used for

drinking fountains
12 taps
There should be a small edge of 5 cm on each side of the ramp to prevent a
wheelchair falling off and act as guide for people with visual impairments
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems

The ramp should be placed in front of the

(lower) tap, meant for the child with
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Water Quality test

▪ Physical, chemical (fluoride, arsenic and sodium levels) and biological

(coliform) water quality tests need to be undertaken before any
construction at the water source to ensure the water source is safe in line
with Ethiopian and WHO standards.
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Water Quality test
▪ Regular water quality surveillance is needed every three months by
taking water samples for testing along the distribution line, storage
facilities and from tap water.

▪ More frequent water quality testing may be needed in woredas where

water quality is a concern.
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Common problems observed in water supply system construction
1. Rooftop water harvesting
▪ Installation faults of the gutters, getting the slope wrong and leakage at
bends in the gutters can cause major loss of harvested water and
damage school buildings.
▪ The use of unnecessarily large and expensive gutters and down pipes
▪ The taps from the water storage are the wrong height and are located
in a ditch with no outlet for drainage of excess water
▪ Water quality is always a major problem
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Common problems observed in water supply system construction
2. Spring protection
▪ Inadequate consultation with the downstream communities

▪ Error while constructing the wing walls at upstream side in an attempt

to collect and divert the flow into a suitable outlet. Such work could
create backflow which could potentially change the flow direction.

▪ Spring catchment is not protected and managed, it could be degraded

and the yield could decline or even disappear.
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Common problems observed in water supply system construction
2. Spring protection
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Common problems observed in water supply system construction
3. Hand-dug and drilled wells
▪ Poorly constructed wellhead: surface runoff, flood and drainage water
from areas used by livestock or other contaminant sources could enter
the well head if it is poorly constructed
▪ Insufficient depth at water intake areas could result in drying up of
the well
▪ Failure to keep the well shaft straight could result in the breakage of
the casing and eventual damage to the well,

▪ Gravel packs(size) selection and placement (order)

Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Common problems observed in water supply system construction
4. Drinking fountains

▪ Improper height of the taps for the different age groups could cause
damage to the taps and prevent access

▪ Poor management could cause filthy,

poor drainage, and unattractive drinking
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Common problems observed in water supply system construction
Chapter III: Design and Construction of Water Supply Systems
Common problems observed in water supply system construction
5. Water carting
▪ Low quality water due to possible contamination and pollution
▪ Becomes expensive as fuel prices and labor cost increase dramatically
CHAPTER IV: School Sanitation Facilities
Well designed and constructed school sanitation facilities help make
schools disease free and user friendly. It create a favorable learning space
for children and improve the quality of education.

This has short-term public health benefits, and long term economic and
social benefits to the nation.
CHAPTER IV: School Sanitation Facilities
Two types of latrines provided depending on the availability of water.
▪ Dry pit latrine (compost type)
▪ Flush type latrine
Common problems with school latrines
▪ The pit is too small so it fills up too quickly and needs emptying after few
years/more frequency.
▪ The pit cannot be easily emptied, and the only option becomes to seal it
off and build a new toilet elsewhere.
▪ The pit is not lined, the soil cannot take the weight of the superstructure,
and the toilet superstructure collapses into the pit.
CHAPTER IV: School Sanitation Facilities
Common problems with school latrines contd.
▪ The pit walls are fully sealed with no provision for leaching liquid water
into the surrounding soil. This results in the pit flooding.
▪ More wastewater is diverted into the pit than can be absorbed by the
soil, so the pit floods.
▪ The vent pipe is missing, or its diameter is too small.

▪ No provision is made for air flow through the cubicle, making the toilet
▪ The fly screen is missing so the toilet becomes a source of flies,
potentially spreading disease.
CHAPTER IV: School Sanitation Facilities
▪ Offer additional capacity to the existing services of the toilets, reduce
queuing time and the pressure on toilets.
Handwashing facilities
▪ Handwashing facilities near toilets
▪ Water tanker
Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM)
▪ Study shows, girls are commonly absent from 1-4 days every month due
to menstruation
▪ One per school
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
• The number of latrine blocks and cubicles for boys and girls are planned in
each school based on number of students. As per National SWASH
guideline, Male and female latrines are physically separate facilities.

➢ For girls, one cubicle serves 50 girls in rural areas and 25 girls in urban
➢ For boys, one cubicle serves 75 boys in rural areas and 50 boys in urban
➢ Both boys and girls have separate urinal facility
➢ Three seat latrines for teachers
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Adopted Latrine
Required Existing Adjusted
Student/ Pupil to
Schools Population number of Usable Number of Number of Number of
Staff cubicle Ratio
cubicles Latrines Cubicles Cubicle Block

Boys 660.00 1:50 13.2 1 (4) 14 8.0 2.0

Bule secondary & Girls 498.00 1:25 19.9 1 (4) 16 8.0 2.0
preparatory (9-12)
Teachers 78.00 - 3.0 3 3.0 1.0

Boys 276.00 1:75 3.68 - 4 4 1

1gna Okolu primary Girls 212.00 1:50 4.24 - 6 6 1
Teachers 23.00 - 3.0 3 3.0 1.0
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Location consideration for Latrines
▪ The normal wind direction - down-wind of the classrooms
▪ The distance between toilet block & classroom - if possible, should be at least 30m away not
more than 50m for small children
▪ The distance between Girls and Boys toilet blocks - Should be decided through consultation.
For some schools 20m or more may be needed to secure the privacy and security needed by
▪ Distance between the latrine and the boundary wall. Here it is best to get girls opinion.
▪ More space where the sludge or compost is to be picked up by a tractor-trailer - enough
space for vehicle access and movement.
▪ The latrine should be a minimum of 30m downstream side distance from a well or borehole
to avoid any risk of contamination.
▪ Future plan’s
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Location consideration for Latrines contd.
▪ Soil conditions - avoid rocky outcrops, unstable ground conditions and depressions with a
shallow water table.
▪ Drainage - ensure that rainwater cannot flood the pit.
▪ Pathway accessibility of latrines to users including disabilities.
▪ Where natural light can be a part of the lighting scheme
▪ Social and cultural considerations have paramount significance
▪ 5-10m from the fence for suction trucks to access the latrine blocks and remove (de-sludge)
the content.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Orientation of the sanitation facilities

Social and cultural considerations have paramount

significance, and it is important to consult with boys,
girls and teachers.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Location consideration for water Taps

• There are no strict rules and regulations on deciding where to locate

drinking water fountains.

• Generally, it is recommended that the site be near the feeding centers,

latrine blocks and playgrounds (At least 3m from Larine or feeding center)
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Compost dry pit latrines
Compost dry pit latrines are provided in this manual.

• Alternating twin drop hole toilet cubicle with partitioned pit

• Alternating twin pit toilet cubicle with no partitioned pit

“In areas where land for latrine construction is not a constraint and it is technically and
financially feasible, it also presented as an option for others.”
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines

The masonry wall will have a top width

of 40-50cm, and the bottom width
ranges between 40-120cm depending on
the soil.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Partitioning the pit wall
▪ Once the pit wall is lined with masonry, for compost type latrines the next
step is to partition the pit with three coat plastered solid concrete blocks
(SCB), reinforced concrete beams and columns as shown in the drawings.
“RC shear wall can be designed as an option taking all the possible load
combinations with a minimum of 10cm thickness.”

▪ The partition wall needs to properly anchorage to floor slabs

CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Partitioning the pit wall
General Note:
If there is a justified need to construct dry pit latrine without composting the
fecal waste, there is an option which can be adopt a typical design of piped
latrine sub structure part or avoid the partition wall on compost dry pit
latrine design.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines

Dry pit

CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Cover slab for access-hole to each pit
The slab that covers each inspection access hole will have a dimension of
70cm-by-70cm concrete cover slab with 60cm-by-60cm access hole as
specified in the drawings.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Vent pipe

• Must be provided with vent cap and Fly screen/mesh wire to trapping


• Ø110mm PVC pipe, black/paint

• Extends by 50cm from the top of the highest roof level

• Enough bracket support (≥2)

CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines


Fly screen/
mesh wire
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Latrine cubicles & Doors

• Each cubicle has a minimum floor area of 1.2m (width) by 1.6m

• The cubicle for students with a disability is 1.7m by 1.6m.
• Door Lock on both sides
• The disability friendly toilet door should measure 100cm and have an
emergency door attached to the main door.
• Plastic cover on top of metallic doors at lower 40cm in the internal part
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Electrical design
• Option for electrical light and switch layout is given for all blocks.

1 1 1 1 3
2 Toilet
Disable Room Toilet Toilet Toilet
2 2 2

  

Tanker plan

      
  
 
 
◼   
 
 ◆⧫
⧫⬧  
◼ ⚫
  
 
◼⚫ 
 
  
 
 
 
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
• Truss tied with 6mm tie bar to TTB.
• A 30cm high and 70cm wide gap covered with wire mesh at the top of
doors for ventilation
• The roof is sloping down from front to back with an overhang from the
wall of 30cm on all sides.
• It is covered with a minimum of Gauge (G32) galvanized corrugated iron
sheet (CIS). When possible, G28 roof cover is a preferred option.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Ramp, Handrails and raised seat
• The preferred slope for ramp is 5% (1cm height :20cm length) and the
maximum acceptable slope is 8% (1cm height: 12cm length)
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Ramp, Handrails and raised seat contd.
• Handrail is made of 1” galvanized pipe.
• Handrails are properly anchored to the ground slab and to the walls.
• If the ramp is longer than 6m or changes directions, it needs resting
areas of at least 150cm.
1" galvanised steel pipe or
equivalent material spaced
1" GI pipe
At least 10% of WASH facilities should
70cm 20cm
@ 100cm
be accessible for people with

welded 2x10cm Ø16 disabilities.


or equivalent material
for proper anchorage
10cm thick mass concrete
25cm thick hard core
70cm 20cm

10 Compacted soil
From flat to max.
of 8% slope Ramp

5x5cm Edge wall

CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Ramp, Handrails and raised seat contd.
• A disability toilet seat is made of plastered HCB box with WC plastic
cover, or ready-made ceramic WC.

Correct hand rail @ Disable room

Fix on floors
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines

Correct hand rail @ Disable room

Fix on floors
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Ramp, Handrails and raised seat contd.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Latrine for Afar and Somali regions
▪ In certain communities, such as in Afar and Somali Regions, covering and
fully controlling human feces is a cultural norm. It is culturally taboo to
see feces.

▪ The PVC elbow is installed as shown in the annexed drawings of Afar and
Somali (as an option) to avoid seeing the feces down through the hole

▪ The urinals are separated with doors and/or partitions for both girls and
boys to provide privacy.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines

PVC pipe 70 10 7

PVC pipe 51
3% slope

Pit Pit Pit

CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Latrine for Pre-Primary schools

• Common block for Boys and Girls

• Urinals for Boys

• Common Hand wash facility with mirror

• Alternate squatting pit

• Ceramic squatting pan

CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines

1 3
1" PPR P
from wa
240 280

20 220 20 260





Hand washing

375 60x60cm











• Modify and assign seat for 20 120 100 20 100



disabled students with door,

WC and enough space




1" PPR Pipe
from water supply
• Separate the boys/girls' FLOOR PLAN

latrines by partition wall

CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines

• Urinal front wall removal

CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines

▪ Urinals are designed and constructed as part of the latrine block

▪ A privacy wall with a door is provided for all girls’ and in boys’ (in Somali
& Afar) urinals

▪ Urinal trough for boys except in afar & Somali

CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Handwashing facility

▪ Within latrines (≥1)

▪ Outside (conveniently placed)
▪ It needs to be supplied with soap or ash
▪ Each facility is supplied with taps at different heights to suit students of
different ages.
▪ Grey water collected from hand washing facilities should be diverted into
a soak-away pit.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Pit latrines for rocky sites and flooded areas
▪ In areas where the proposed site for building school latrines is prone to
seasonal flooding or the water table is very shallow, the solution is to
build raised latrines.
▪ A large part or the entire latrine pit can be designed and constructed
above the ground if the selected space is fully resting on rocky ground
difficult to excavate.
▪ The sides of the latrine’s pits need to be raised and watertight to stop
the sewage seeping into and mixing with the ground water.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Swampy and Rocky sites
• Elevated AGL
• Ramp
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
+ G-32 CIS Roof Covering
Swampy and Rocky sites

+3.22 + 5 X 7cm Wooden Roof Purlin @ c/c = 90 cm
+ Dia. 10cm Eucalyptus Truss Chords
20cm Fascia board Ø6 truss tying ironbar

Lamp as specified
fixed with RC beam
• Foundation
• Elevated AGL
on the EL detail
with manufactureres Ø13mm PVC condute
specified holder with 2x2.5mm² conductor

• Ramp + G-32 CIS Roof Covering


+3.22 + 5 X 7cm Wooden Roof Purlin @ c/c = 90 cm
HCB wall + Dia. 10cm Eucalyptus Truss Chords
20cm Fascia board Ø6 truss tying ironbar

fixed with RC beam

Lamp as specified
3mm thick cement screed

25 25
on the EL detail

7 0cm
Ø13mm PVC condute
15 cm RC slab, Ø12C/C150 both sides ±0.00 4 5cm
4 0cm
with manufactureres
with 2x2.5mm² conductor
specified holder

metallic door

250 Plastered

40 40
Plastered HCB wall
SCB wall



60 15
3mm thick cement screed

25 25
7 0cm

4 5cm
15 cm RC slab, Ø12C/C150 both sides 4 0cm
20 30

metallic door


40 40


50 40 290 40 Plastered
15cm thick HCB wall
SCB wall
30cm thick Massonry wall/foundation

60 15

25cm thick harcd core

Compacted selected material

20 30


30 30
50 290
15cm thick HCB wall


30cm thick Massonry wall/foundation
25cm thick harcd core

Compacted selected material


CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
Latrine in windy sites

▪ In sites where the wind is strong, the proposed roof design can be
modified by covering the roof with concrete block parapet at least on
three sides above the top tie beam and remove/reduce extended CIS
part of the remaining exposed part.

▪ In all areas including this one, roof truss members need to be tied to
beams with 6mm iron bars.
CHAPTER V: Design and Construction of Dry pit Latrines
CHAPTER VI: Design and Construction of Flush Toilets
• The flush toilet is a water-based sanitation system that uses water for
carrying away human excreta to a pit, septic tank or a main sewer line
where one exists nearby.

• This system of sanitation requires a continuous piped water supply

CHAPTER VI: Design and Construction of Flush Toilets
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
Hygiene facilities in schools include:
✓ Handwashing facilities
✓ MHM Block & Box
1. Handwashing facilities: Schools can access water for handwashing by
• connecting to piped water supply line
• by paying for water to be transported by animals and filling the
water tankers placed for this purpose. Transportation of water
manually could be an effective option if the school administration is committed
to such services.
In each latrine, there will be a minimum of one handwashing facility with water taps.
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
Pupil to Tap Required Number of Stands and Taps
Total School
Schools Ratio Number of
Population Adopted Number of Taps Number of Stands
(Pupil/Tap) Taps
Bule secondary & preparatory 2 stands with 7 taps each side of
1,236.00 50 24.72 25
(9-12) stand
1 stands with 8 taps each side of
1gna Okolu primary school 1,577 100 15.77 16

Item Recommendation
▪ One tap/100 student in rural
Drinking water
tap ▪ One tap/50 students in urban
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
CHAPTER VII: Design and
Construction of Hygiene Facilities
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
These will be in addition to the external water taps provided around the school Latrine facilities.
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
2. Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) Facility

The separate building infrastructure is planned to have four rooms:

(i) a counseling room,
(ii) a waiting room,
(iii) a resting room with a resting bed and mattress, and
(iv) a washroom with a washing basin for washing pads and clothes, elevated water
storage container (1000L) a shower water supply system and a solid waste (sanitary pad)
collection box.

For girl’s latrine blocks, each will have one dedicated solid waste (sanitary
pad) collection box shown in the drawings.
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities

· Water Tanker
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities +5
· NO Toilet seat


HCB wa

15 20
45 ±0.00
metallic door
50 3mm th
15cm thick HCB wall 15 cm R
30cm thick Massonry wall/foundation
25cm thick harcd core
Compacted selected material Pit
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
Water Water
+ G-32 CIS Roof Covering Tanker plan Tanker, 1000lt
+ 5 X 7cm Wooden Roof Purlin @ c/c = 90 cm 0
A B R5
+ Dia. 10cm Eucalyptus Truss Chords 140
A 50mm PVC Pipe drain from
HWF to Soak away Pit
+ 4 X 5cm Wooden Button @ c/c = 60 cm +4.00 555
Sanitory pad
+ Chipwood ceiling, Painted 235 300 collection
box 84


Ø50 40
B · Increase resting room


+3.00 Shower Ø50

dimension to add enough

Consultation Room

Room 60
space accessibility for student


with wheelchair

20 115 100 20 100 180 20


Waiting · Provide a tap at lower


25 Room Resting
height for easier access to



water for girls who want to

100 15 100 20 280 20
2 only wash part of the body



but not take a full shower.



· The drawing does not
FLOOR PLAN indicate that the toilet door to


50 50 50

120 disability toilet shall also have

3cm Thick Cement Screed
10 cm RC slab, Ø8C/C200 both sides
Ramp a handle on both sides of the
25 thick Hard Core door. Also the height of the
SECTION B-B handle shall be indicated in
A the drawing.
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
• 60-70cm height handle for door of disability access

Emergency enterance 20 20 LTZ LTZ
· Lock on both sides

HANDEL on both sides
on both sides


40cm from bottom 40cm from bottom

covered with plastic

covered with plastic


material inside part material inside part


100 70
(For equ. & inclusive section) (For non inclusive section)
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
• Alternate options
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
CHAPTER VII: Design and Construction of Hygiene Facilities
+ G-32 CIS Roof Covering
+ 5 X 7cm Wooden Roof Purlin @ c/c = 90 cm
+ Dia. 10cm Eucalyptus Truss Chords


HCB wall

15 20 20 70 10 70 10 70 10 70
45 ±0.00
metallic door
50 3mm thick cement screed PVC pipe
3% slope 50
15cm thick HCB wall 15 cm RC slab, Ø12C/C150 both sides

30cm thick Massonry wall/foundation
25cm thick harcd core
Compacted selected material 3cm Thick Cement Screed
10 cm RC slab, Ø8C/C200 both sides

25 thick Hard Core

Mortar connected
masonary wall but
un sealed pit lining

100 360 100

SECTION B-B Porous soil

CHAPTER VIII: Wastewater management
• Wastewater is excess water from water supply sources, drinking water
fountains, latrines, urinals and handwashing facilities at the toilet.

• Management of black water and grey water is very important.

• If properly handled, grey water can be reused for cleaning toilets and
urinals, or for watering trees and plants. Wastewater use in this way
requires more careful handling. School WASH Operations and Maintenance Manual will be described in more.
CHAPTER VIII: Wastewater management
• Assuming the decision is made to dispose of grey water rather than reuse
it, Infiltration of water back into the ground may work in terms of
reducing the health risk. Infiltration trench and Soak away pit is
recommended in this manual.
CHAPTER VIII: Wastewater management

Soak pit
Concrete slab




Hand washing. Rear elevation

SCALE 1/15
CHAPTER IX: Facilities for Solid Waste Collection & Disposal
• Solid waste, if not collected and managed properly, can harbor rats &
vermin’s, and support the spread of vector borne diseases such as
diarrhea, malaria and others.

• The collected solid waste need to be disaggregated into hazardous and

non-hazardous waste.
✓The non-hazardous waste is dumped in a pit prepared for this purpose.
✓The hazardous waste such as sanitary pads must be incinerated.

Two Incinerator design options are presented in this manual.

CHAPTER IX: Facilities for Solid
Waste Collection & Disposal
CHAPTER IX: Facilities for Solid Waste Collection & Disposal
2" GI Vent pipe

10cm thick
RC slab
2" GI Vent pipe
Ø1m, 10cm thick
concrete ring
10 cm RC slab, Ø8C/C180 both sides

Ø1m, 10cm thick


concrete ring

10 20cmx80cm

mettalic door
100 Metal grids
(3mm thick)
opening upward
Ø20 rebar c/c 50mm
Mettalic drawer

(3mm thick) 30 80 30

Ø1mconcrete ring with

±0.00 RC slab cover

-0.40 2" GI Vent pipe


D 160 D
30cmX30cm manhole
with mettalic door
SECTION D-D (3mm thick)
opening upward
CHAPTER IX: Facilities for Solid Waste Collection & Disposal

• Holes for Air flow

needs to be provided
Not shown in the drawing
CHAPTER IX: Facilities for Solid Waste Collection & Disposal
62 62
12 38 12 5MM THICK HIGH TEMP FIRE 12 38 12


50 60 50 50 60 50


10 35
30 100 30 30 100 30



25 100 25 FRONT


5 35 70 35 5 5 140 5
(30 X 30 X 3) WITH A PLATE OF
• Based on field surveys and experience, following
constructions based on the standard designs is a huge

• The challenge demands the need for strong monitoring and

CHAPTER X: close supervision, particularly for composting type latrine
Activities • This is often overlooked:
During ➢ first at the planning stage,
➢ second during the project implementation

➢ third during its function/operation.

Cornerstones of quality management

1. Layout stage QUALITY

2. At the end of Excavation

CHAPTER X: 3. Before pouring concrete for the Grade beam

Monitoring 4. Column and ground floor Supervision

Activities 5. Hollow concrete block work

During 6. Top tie beam Level

Construction 7. Before Roof Covering

8. Plastering work
9. Site Work, Sanitary and Electrical Installation
10. Final Inspection Site
• Regular monitoring is a key tool and instrument to ensure
quality construction work. There must be a strict follow-up of
CHAPTER X: the construction as per the drawings.

Monitoring • Monitoring with regular reports (formal as required)

Activities indicating what has been observed and actions taken on the
facilities. These reports should be shared among the school
During administration, PTA, partners and woreda sector offices on a
regular basis.
Monitoring requirements for water supply systems and Latrine construction
is given in the manual.
CHAPTER XI: Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
• Bill of Quantities (BOQ) shall be read and constructed in conjunction with
the architectural, structural and electrical drawings.
• All quantities given in the BOQ are estimated quantities of the work to be
done and they are not to be taken as actual quantities of the work. It
varies from site to site based on actual site condition and measurement.
• Any increase or decrease will be as stipulated in the contract signed with
the contractor.

• All materials to be used during the construction are to be of the best

quality available material and subject to employer/engineer approval.
CHAPTER XI: Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
• All materials to be used during the construction are to be of the best
quality available material and subject to employer/engineer approval.
Materials should be durable and manufactured according to the
applicable Ethiopian code of Standards.

• Items that contain materials or products of specific items: with names of

manufacturers, are to be taken as samples of what will be required.
Subject to employer/engineer approval, the contractor may, at his
discretion, offer similar products of other makes if the equivalent quality
of the specified materials is guaranteed.
CHAPTER XI: Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

-Black cotton soil shall be removed entirely & suitable selected material
shall be backfilled (compacted in 20cm layers).
-Min 1m extra excavation & selected fill on all sides
CHAPTER XI: Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
Provide ceramic squat for the drop holes & urinals with size of 45cm by 60cm or as approved by the
engineer. The price includes flushing cistern, piping and all other necessary works there to as shown
5.14 in the drawing. Cost also includes provision of Ø50mm PVC pipe connected to the pit latrine as per
the detail of the drawing for urinals. (This is for Latrines to be used for Classes above 4th grade).
Optional to # 5.15

Provide foot rest made of concrete as specified on the drawing. The price includes all necessary
works there to. (This is for Latrines to be used for Classes above 4th grade). Optional to # 5.14

Dry pits
CHAPTER XI: Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

Provide ceramic squat for the drop holes with size of

45cm by 60cm or as approved by the engineer. The
price includes all necessary concrete works and all
other necessary works there to. The price includes
flushing cistern, piping and all other necessary works
there to for piped Latrines

CHAPTER XI: Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
+ G-32 CIS Roof Covering
+ 5 X 7cm Wooden Roof Purlin @ c/c = 90 cm
+ Dia. 10cm Eucalyptus Truss Chords

Pre-Primary +3.20
Ø6 truss tying ironbar
fixed with RC beam
20cm Fascia board



10cm thick mass concrete 100

25cm thick hard core Mirror
HCB wall

Compacted soil

3mm thick cement screed

15 cm RC slab, Ø12C/C150 both sides

50 50
Mortar jointed
Masonary wall

Mortar connected

Pit Pit masonary wall but
un sealed pit lining

• Provide accessible HW with mirror,

100 140 120 180 100
No in BOQ but shown on drawing Porous Earth SECTION A-A Lean concrete
CHAPTER XI: Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

Separate (three seats) latrine block for staff (one female, one male and
one for staff with disabilities)
Thank you

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