XI-01-Living World (Based On NCERT)

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Topics Covered : Living World (based on NCERT)
Choose the correct answer :
5. Defining features of living organisms include
1. Incorrect statement in relation to Ernst Mayr is
(1) He gave the concept of species based on (1) Growth, cellular organization
reproductive isolation (2) Metabolism, variations
(2) He was a plant physiologist (3) Cellular organization, metabolism
(3) He made origin of species diversity, the central (4) Consciousness, definite growth
question of evolutionary biology
6. The most obvious and technically complicated feature
(4) He was awarded the triple crown of biology of all living organisms is their ability to
2. Twin characteristics of growth are increase in mass
(1) Perform metabolism
and number of cells. Growth
(2) Sense and respond to environmental stimulus
(1) Occurs in animals by cell division throughout
their life span (3) Grow and increase their mass
(2) Is seen in plants by increase in number of cells (4) Reproduce and perpetuate their species
upto a certain age 7. Self consciousness is observed only in case of
(3) And reproduction are mutually exclusive events
(1) Bacteria
in majority of higher animals and plants
(2) Plants
(4) Exhibited by non-living objects occurs from inside
3. Reproduction cannot be taken as an all inclusive (3) Humans
defining characteristic of living organisms. During (4) Fungi and animals
asexual reproduction 8. Living organisms show all the following properties
(1) Fungi multiply and spread easily due to millions except
of spores produced by meiosis (1) Self replication
(2) Yeast and Hydra show fragmentation
(2) Evolution
(3) Planaria (Flat worm) regenerates lost part of its
(3) Self regulation
body from a fragment
(4) In Liverworts, mitospores are formed (4) High specific gravity and extrinsic growth

4. Find the incorrect statement in relation to 9. Standardization of names helps in

metabolism (1) Providing one name for each organism
(1) All plants, fungi and animals show metabolism (2) Enabling people to arrive at the same name for
(2) No non-living object exhibits metabolism a particular organism all over the world
(3) Metabolism is a defining feature of all living (3) Ensuring that a name for an organism has not
organisms without exception been used for any other known organism
(4) Metabolic reactions cannot be demonstrated in (4) All of these
cell free systems outside the body
10. Process by which anything is grouped into convenient 18. Match the following
categories based on easily observable characters is a. Panthera (i) Solanaceae
b. Petunia (ii) Anacardiaceae
(1) Identification (2) Characterisation
c. Ipomea (iii) Felidae
(3) Nomenclature (4) Classification
d. Mangifera (iv) Convdvulaceae
11. Animals, mammals and dogs represent
(1) a(i), b(iv), c(ii), d(iii) (2) a(iii), b(i), c(iv), d(ii)
(1) Taxa at different levels
(3) a(iv), b(i), c(iii), d(ii) (4) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i)
(2) Taxa at same levels
19. A. Families are characterized on basis of both
(3) Categories at same level
vegetative and reproductive features of plants
(4) More than option is correct
B. Polymoniales includes Solanaceae and
12. Modern taxonomic studies are based on all except Convolulaceae mainly on the basis of floral
(1) Ecological information of organisms characters
(2) External structure only (1) Only A is correct
(3) Cell structure (2) Only B is correct
(4) Development process (3) Both A and B correct
13. Earliest classification systems were based on (4) Both A and B are incorrect
__________ of organisms
20. Classes with __________ similar characters are
(1) Morphology (2) Evolutionary history assigned to a __________ category called division
(3) Uses (4) Cell structure (1) More, lower (2) Few, lower
14. Systematics deals with (3) Few, higher (4) More, higher
(1) Different kinds of organisms 21. A. On moving from species to kingdom, the number
(2) Diversity of organisms of common characters goes on decreasing.
(3) Relationships amongst the organism B. Lower the taxa, lesser are the characters that the
(4) More than one option is correct members within the taxon share.
15. A group of individual organisms with fundamental (1) Only A is correct
similarities is called (2) Only B is correct
(1) Genus (2) Species (3) Both A and B correct
(3) Family (4) Tribe (4) Both A and B are incorrect
16. Each genus may have
22. Match the following
(1) More than one specific epithets representing
a. Musca (i) Anacardiaceae
same organisms
(2) More than one specific epithets having complete
b. Homo (ii) Hominidae Primata
morphological dissimilarities
c. Triticum (iii) Poaceae, Poales
(3) Aggregation of closely related species
d. Mangifera (iv) Diptera, Insecta
(4) Group of related species having less characters
in common in comparison to species of other (1) a(iv), b(i), c(ii), d(iii) (2) a(iv), b(iii), c(i), d(ii)
genera (3) a(iv), b(ii), c(iii), d(i) (4) a(ii), b(iv), c(i), d(iii)
17. Scientific name of leopard is 23. Prime source of taxonomic studies is
(1) Panthera leo (1) Intensive laboratory studies
(2) Panthera tigris
(2) Intensive field studies
(3) Panthera onca
(3) Collection of actual specimens
(4) Panthera pardus
(4) More than one option is correct
24. NBRI is located at 29. A : Biological names are generally in latin and written
(1) Howrah (2) Lucknow in italics.

(3) New delhi (4) Chennai R : Biological names are printed in italics to indicate
their Latin origin.
25. Incorrect statement in relation to a museum is
30. A : Taxonomic group or categories are distinct
(1) Generally set up in schools and colleges biological entities and not merely morphological
(2) Insects are collected, killed, pinned and aggregates.
preserved R : Each taxon represents a unit of classification.
(3) Birds and mammals are stuffed and preserved
31. A : The problem of classification becomes more
(4) Only animal specimens are preserved as dry complex at higher levels.
specimens R : Higher the category, greater is the difficulty of
26. Correct statement in relation to taxonomic keys is determining the relationship to other taxa at same
(1) Provides index to plant species found in a given level.
area 32. A : Herbaria serve as a quick referral system in
(2) Each statement in a lead is called couplet taxonomic studies.

(3) Same taxonomic key can be used for genus as R : Herbarium sheets are arranged according to
well as family universally accepted system of classification.

(4) Keys are analytical in nature 33. A : Zoological parks are places where wild animals
are kept in protected environments.
27. A : Societies which indulged in anthropocentric view
of biology could register vast progress in R : Zoos enable us to learn about food habits and
biological knowledge. behaviour of animals.

R : Description of living organisms including humans 34. Standardizing name of living organisms such that a
began much earlier in human history. particular organism is known by same name all over
the world is called ___________ .
28. A : All organisms are aware of their surroundings.
35. Correct description of organisms in order to know
R : All organisms handle chemicals entering their
to what organism the name is attached to is called
___________ .

Premier Institute in India for Medical Entrance Exams.

Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, Plot No.-4, Sec-11, MLU, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 Ph.: 011-47623456 Fax : 011-25084124
Chandigarh Branch : SCO 367-368, Ground Floor, Sector - 34 A, Chandigarh
Ph.: 0172-4333800/01/02 Fax : 0172-4333820
Topics Covered : Living World (based on NCERT)


1. (2) 18. (2)

2. (3) 19. (3)
3. (3) 20. (3)
4. (4) 21. (1)
5. (3) 22. (3)
6. (2) 23. (3)
7. (3) 24. (2)
8. (4) 25. (4)
9. (4) 26. (4)
10. (4) 27. (4)
11. (1) 28. (1)
12. (2) 29. (1)
13. (3) 30. (2)
14. (4) 31. (1)
15. (2) 32. (2)
16. (3) 33. (2)
17. (4) 34. Nomenclature
35. Identification

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