Lab 1 Introduction To Microbial Genetics
Lab 1 Introduction To Microbial Genetics
Lab 1 Introduction To Microbial Genetics
Lab 1
Introduction to Microbial
What is Life made of?
What is Life made of?
All living things are made of Cells.
Fundamental working units of every living system.
Every organism is composed of one of two
basic different types of cells:
• Prokaryotic cells or
• Eukaryotic cells.
A cell is a smallest structural unit of an organism that
is capable of independent functioning
All cells have some common features.
The Cell
Living cells are constructed from a small number of different
types of molecules.
Most biomolecules contain carbon and many contain nitrogen.
Three levels of organization:
The simplest level- individual elements (carbon, nitrogen,
or oxygen).
The basic elements “building blocks”- amino acids.
Macromolecules- nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and
Components involve in Genetics
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
No nucleus Nucleus
No organelles Organelles
Phosphate group.
Sugar +Base = nucleoside