Introduction To Genetics: BIO100 Sumaiya Afrin Soha

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Lecture 7

Introduction to Genetics

Sumaiya Afrin Soha
Lecture Outline
What is genetics
Nucleic acids
Genes and genome
Genes and alleles
Central Dogma
Mitochondrial DNA
All organisms are composed of the same basic genetic
components in different proportions and combinations; it’s
what makes every living organism unique!
What is
Genetics is the branch of biology
that deals with heredity and the
mechanism by which hereditary
information is transmitted; and
the variation of inherited
characteristics among similar or
related organisms

DNA is the basic molecule of
inheritance; DNA are made of
nucleotides. Nucleotides are
responsible for inheritance of
Nucleic acids carry
the genetic blueprint
of a cell; they carry
the instructions
needed for the
functioning of a cell
Two types:
⊙ Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA-double helix)
⊙ Ribonucleic acid (RNA-single strand)
Acids Nucleotides have 3 parts:
1- phosphate group (P)
2- pentose sugar (5-carbon)
3- nitrogenous bases:
adenine (A)
thymine (T) DNA only
uracil (U) RNA only
cytosine (C)
guanine (G)
⊙ According to Erwin Chargaff, A will always pair with T and C will
always pair with G.
1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) specifies the
sequence of amino acids in the
protein synthesis (translation).
RNA 2. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is found in
combination with proteins and is
associated with the structure and
functions of ribosomes, the factories
of protein synthesis.
3. Transfer RNA (tRNA) delivers the
amino acids to ribosomes for protein
Genes and
• A genome is an organism’s
complete set of DNA, including all
of its genes.
• Each genome contains all of the
information needed to build and
maintain that organism..
• A gene is the basic physical and
functional unit of heredity.
• Genes, which are made up of DNA,
act as instructions to make
molecules called proteins.
• The Human Genome Project has
estimated that humans have
The source of genetic information is the DNA
which is packed inside chromosomes, present in
Genetic the nucleus
⊙ Gene: A DNA segment containing biological
information which encode for an RNA
and/or polypeptide molecule
⊙ Genetic code: the sequence of nucleotides
(bases) in a DNA or RNA that determines
the protein to be synthesized
⊙ Codon: series of three adjacent bases in a
DNA or RNA that codes for a specific amino
⊙ Genome: the collection of genetic
information (full set of genes in each cell)
⊙ Chromosomes: storage units of genes
⊙ In the nucleus of each cell, the DNA molecule is
packaged into thread-like structures called
⊙ Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly
coiled many times around proteins called
histones that support its structure.
⊙ Chromosomes are not visible in the cell’s
nucleus—not even under a microscope—when
the cell is not dividing.
⊙ However, the DNA that makes up
chromosomes becomes more tightly packed
during cell division and is then visible under a
“ Genes are segments of DNA within a cell’s
chromosomes. Thus, the chemical basis for heredity
exists inside the chromosomes of our cells.

…Chromosomal theory of inheritance

A karyotype is a test to measure the number, size and shape of chromosomes in a cell. When
you take the karyotype for any cell in the human body, it will show that we have 46
chromosomes in our cells.
Genes and Alleles
Each gene
codes for
one or
An allele is the variant form of a given gene
⊙ Alleles are different forms of the same
gene with small differences in their
sequence of DNA bases, which contributes
to each person’s unique physical features
⊙ Every person has two copies of each gene,
one inherited from each parent
⊙ Most genes are the same in all people, but
a small number of genes (less than 1
percent of the total) are slightly different
between people
The Central Dogma

Flow of information:
RNA to Protein:
Protein will be responsible
Mitochondrial DNA
⊙ Although most DNA is packaged in
chromosomes within the nucleus,
mitochondria also have a small amount of
their own DNA
⊙ This genetic material is known as
mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA
⊙ Mitochondrial DNA contains 37 genes, all of
which are essential for normal mitochondrial
⊙ Thirteen of these genes provide instructions
for making enzymes involved in oxidative
⊙ Uses oxygen and simple sugars
to create adenosine
triphosphate (ATP), the cell's
main energy source.
⊙ The remaining genes provide
instructions for making
molecules called transfer RNA
(tRNA) and ribosomal RNA
(rRNA), which are chemical
cousins of DNA.
⊙ These types of RNA help
assemble protein building
The End

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