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Teacher Induction Program Pre/Observation/Post Cycle Form

(POP) Updated December 2023

All parts of this form should be merged into a single

document and submitted to course instructor.
Information from this POP Cycle should be summarized on
the NT ILP as appropriate.

Directions for Preparation for POP Cycle

● New Teacher (NT) and Mentor (ME) identify date for lesson observation and set dates/times for pre- and post-
observation conferences.
● NT prepares POP Cycle Form a minimum three days before lesson delivery,
● NT completes Section 1: New Teacher Information, lesson plan, and Section 2, Part A NT Reflection.
● NT emails POP Cycle Form and Lesson Plan to ME.
Directions for Pre-Observation
● ME reviews Lesson Plan and Section 2, Part A 48 hours before lesson delivery, ME reviews Lesson Plan and
Section 2, Part A: NT Reflection
● ME completes Section 2, Part B: ME Feedback
● ME shares feedback with NT during pre-observation conference.
● NT adjusts lesson plan as needed and finalizes lesson plan for delivery.
Directions for Observation and Preparation for Post-Observation Conference
● ME completes Section 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery, noting both Teacher Actions and Student Actions.
● NT reflects on lesson outcomes and completes Part 3B: NT Reflection on Lesson Delivery prior to Post Obs.
Post Observation Conference Directions
● NT and ME conference to share notes; discuss lesson observations and outcomes;
● NT and ME complete Section 4.

All parts should be transcribed into one document and submitted to the course instructor. Information is used for ILP.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
(completed by NT)
New Teacher Em Subject Area Grade
ail Level
Madi Severson Multiple Subjects 3rd grade
Mentor Em School/District Date
Penny Mateer St. Margaret’s Episcopal 3/12/24
Content Standard Lesson Objectives Unit Lesson
Topic Title
1. Write opinion pieces on Students will be able to use a Writing: Changing the World Taking Stock & Using
topics or texts, supporting a rubric to self-assess their Persuasive Speeches Checklists/Rubrics
point of view with reasons. writing to ensure that they
a. Introduce the topic or text
they are writing about, state include the required elements.
an opinion, and create an
organizational structure that
lists reasons. b. Provide
reasons that support the
opinion. c. Use linking

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
words and phrases (e.g.,
because, therefore, since, for
example) to connect opinion
and reasons. d. Provide a
concluding statement or
2. With guidance and support
from adults, respond to
questions and suggestions
from peers and add details
to strengthen writing as
CSTP Element(s) Focus for POP Cycle
(In semesters 2, 3, 4, copy pertinent elements from ILP for POP Cycle focus.)
1 - Emerging 2 - Exploring 3 - Applying 4 - Integrating 5 – Innovating

NT pedagogical skills Skills are Skills are applied Skills are refined as Skills are polished
are newly formed and developing as NT as NT makes NT combines as NT expands
just coming into investigates and increased elements into a ability to add new
prominence examines relevant and cohesive and unified methods and
pedagogical suitable use pedagogical strategies into
practices of repertoire pedagogical
pedagogical repertoire
CS Elem Initial Rating Description
T ent Rating
(Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2.)
T- T: Plans single lessons or sequence of lessons using additional assessment
4.1 Using knowledge of students’ Explori information on student academic readiness, language, cultural background, and
academic readiness, language ng individual development.
proficiency, cultural background, and
individual development to plan
T-Applying T: Models and scaffolds student self-assessment and goal setting processes for
5.5 Involving all students in self-
learning content and academic language development.
assessment, goal-setting, and progress
monitoring. Guides students to monitor and reflect on progress on a regular basis.

Section 2: Pre-Observation Conference

Completed by NT and ME
Focus Students Focus Student 1: English Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your
Summarize critical Learner w/ILP/504 Choice
needs and how you
will address them I expect that this student will slowly This student has been chosen because I chose this student because he has
during this lesson. work through this opinion writing. he poses difficulties with transferring dysgraphia and ADHD. This poses a
She typically is a slow processor his thoughts to his writing. He challenge in transferring his
because she is trying to find words typically has an opinion but has a thoughts into writing. Writing
in the English language that make hard time writing and reading with hinders his ability to process and
her writing more interesting. I his dyslexia. He will need to work on work through writing blocks, so we
expect that she will look through the elaborating in his opinion writing and allow for him to go straight to
rubric to pull out pieces of her making his points more convincing. I typing. I expect that this student will
writing to try and fit what is expect that this student will struggle be able to type out his thoughts and
required. With prompting and help to read the rubric that will help him with additional teacher support he

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
identifying proper research, she will check his writing. He will work will expand on his convincing
most likely be able to finish with a closely with a teacher to read through argument. For his rubric, he will
strong opinion. I will conference the rubric, or have it read to him and have to read it and share what he put
with her to see where she thinks her have him pull the examples out of his in his writing, and either his support
writing is at- and strategize how she writing to show that he is including team could write the evidence he is
thinks she can add these elements what needs to be included. The rubric sharing for him, or he can type it
into her writing. will be adjusted to include more onto a Google Doc.
picture prompts and easier
vocabulary to see if it is easier for
him to read on his own.

Part A: NT Reflection Part B: ME Feedback

Use questions to guide reflection on the Provide feedback on lesson plan and
lesson plan. reflection.
My special emphasis for this lesson/unit will be small
Inquiry I would consider having some websites that
groups. Students will be given a set of topics that
Focus/Special are helpful and maybe some printed
they can choose from to write for their opinion
Emphasis material that students can use to make it a
writing. From the seed topics, they will then be able
 What is your inquiry focus little easier for struggling students.
to meet in small groups to brainstorm what they know
and/or special emphasis? already about the topics, what kind of research they
 How will you incorporate may need to do to further their knowledge, and what
the inquiry focus and/or Students will need a lot of guidance in using
kind of evidence will best support their opinion. They
a rubric because they tend to want to just
special emphasis into the will be able to meet with their small group at least
check off that they did what they were
lesson? once a week to discuss their findings and share what
supposed to do. I would show them using
 What specific feedback do they think is important for their writing pieces. This
your finished opinion piece. It would be
you want from your ME? will also be a great time for them to peer-edit their
helpful if you have some really great
papers and look through the rubric expectations to see
examples and some below benchmark
if they are meeting the requirements or if adjustments
examples. Then, have them use an example
need to be made.
piece in small groups before finally moving
I would like to my mentor to share feedback about
on to their own piece. I think the hardest part
how I can make the rubric valuable and ensure that
for students in using a rubric is they just
they are using and reusing the resource given to them.
don’t understand how to fairly assess their
work so the more explicit the rubric is, the
better they will do.
Inquiry Focus/Students How can I help my students with a learning It will help them watching you use yours and
 What specific feedback difference be able to read the rubric? How am then working in a small group after that and
regarding your focus I able to make them feel like a part of the before they work on their own. To help them
students do you want from partnerships and small groups, and ensure feel like they are a part of the group you might
your ME?
that they find the value in it as well? consider having students work in pairs within
a group. You could assign a specific section
to each student as well. Additionally, if
students are asked to present some finished
product, they do a great job.

Specific I would appreciate feedback on best practices If you set it up as important work that writers
Feedback for ensuring that students are engaged with a do, show them how to be successful and then
 What additional specific rubric in small groups. let them know there will be follow-up on their
feedback do you want
results, they will be engaged. If they find
from your ME regarding
lesson implementation? success in locating the specific details and
then how to write something better using the
rubric, they will want to use it. I think most
rubrics are too vague for students this age
and they don’t really understand how to use
them to help improve their writing.

Instructional Planning Students will engage in a mini lesson I think your planning is great! You’ve set the
 How is the lesson regarding HOW to use the checklist. We will students up to know how to use the rubric,
structured (opening, talk about the importance of self-checking and why it’s imporant, and then they get to use it,
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
body, and closing)?
peer reviewing. I will demonstrate how to find step-by-step with you checking in after they
 What varied teaching
whether I have what is required in my writing finish.
strategies and
differentiated instruction and where to write it on the rubric. I will have
will help students meet differentiated instruction by ensuring that my
lesson goals? students have a version of the rubric that they
 What progress monitoring can type on, and reading aloud the things that
strategies will be used? are on the rubric so that they can hear them as
How will results inform well. To monitor progress there are 3 steps on
the rubric. The first step is that they self-
assess and see where they believe they are
at, then they peer edit, and lastly it comes to
me and I see if I agree with their grading of
their writing.

I can make this lesson relevant to all students

Student Engagement/Learning Will you allow them to add the material with
 How will you make the because the importance of self-assessing is a group members? For example, if a student
lesson relevant to all skill that they will need for the rest of their discovers they don’t have something in their
the students? lives. Having the expectations of what we are paper that they need can they rely on their
 How will students show asking them to do in front of them will relieve group or partner for suggestions?
progress towards master anxiety in students. Students will show
of lesson objectives? progress by being able to pull out the piece of
their writing that follows the rubric, if they
don’t have it then they will have to make sure
that they add it into their writing and then
record it on their rubric. Additional progress
will be shown when their peer edits their
paper using the same rubric, and then
eventually I will be looking over their writing to
see if they did incorporate the right pieces.
Classroom Management Maintaining a positive work environment is I think most behaviors will be managed by
 How will you maintain a one of my top priorities, especially when
positive learning your clear instruction and expectations. If they
dealing with small groups. I always start small
environment with a group lessons with a reminder about how we know what to do, how to do it, and feel it’s
welcoming climate of caring, treat our classmates. We listen respectfully, important, behaviors will likely be good
respect, and fairness? when giving feedback we are mindful of how because they will want to do the work. If you
 Identify specific classroom we share it, and we collaborate kindly. I will be have to step in, it might be helpful to start with
procedures and strategies making my rounds around the room, so my
for preventing/redirecting reteaching and then if it happens again, pull
proximity will help keep students on track, but
challenging behaviors. also unwanted behaviors will be redirected by them from the group.
either asking them to leave the grouping and
having to work by themselves, or I can step in
to be the students partner to ensure they are
on task. For management this week we are
having each of our learning pods have a group
of buttons. They have a certain amount that
they start with and if an unwanted behavior
occurs, then a button is taken away. If they
have buttons at the end of the week, they are
able to cash them in for a reward. This is a
management system that helps keep
behaviors positive.

Closure This lesson will be closed out by having I think having them share out is fantastic.
 How will you close your student share outs. They will reflect with the They have a lot more ownership of an
lesson? whole class about what was difficult on the assignment when they have to present even if
 How will you assess rubric, what are some things they needed to it is just in sharing out with the class.
student learning and

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
prepare them for the
add, and what they will work on in the next
next lesson?
lesson. I will assess student learning by
reviewing their rubrics with them and seeing
what they found within their writing and what
things they needed to add. If they are applying
the lessons to their writing and able to use the
rubric to double check, then there will be
progress in their learning and independence.

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
Section 3: Observation of Lesson Delivery
Completed by ME and NT
Part 3A: ME Observation of Lesson Delivery
Part 3B: NT Reflection on
Teacher Actions Student Actions Lesson Delivery

Teacher action: introduced the rubric Student Action: Students listened to Students were engaged with the lesson
to students as a way to improve instruction, watched teacher explain and if they had questions, they were
writing. Explained in detail how to each section of the rubric, and answered as they arose. Because it was
use the rubric and accountability in asked questions that were specific shared as a mini lesson and then they
information using it accurately. to his/her writing. were sent off to work, I was able to work
can you with small groups on any overlapping
provide the NT questions so that we could clear up
regarding confusion. The one thing that was
requested brought up a few times was what
specific elaboration looks like in their writing. We
feedback? did a teacher interruption so that I could
address it with everyone- I shared that it
could look like additional facts, more
examples, or more information about
their specific part of their topic.
Teacher brought students to the meeting I felt that students were engaged because
CSTP 1: place on the carpet, reviewed what they the paper looked kid-friendly but they
Engaging All have been working on and then also were excited to self-check and peer-
Students explained the objective for the lesson Students watched and listened to all check with their classmates.
In what ways today. directions, answered, and asked
were students questions during the lesson. It was explained to them that these
engaged? If any student is distracted, teacher requirements are what we look for when
reminds students of expected behavior we grade their final piece and so they felt
How were and waits until they do it. Students were interested and engaged. like they were getting a “sneak-peek”
students not The mini-lesson was short, specific and into the grading and how to do the best
engaged? understandable. Students want to do that they can on their assignment!
Teacher monitored student learning by well and listen to their teacher!
How did walking around the room, helping and It was fun to see them agree or give
students answering questions. Teacher pulled Students contributed to their own suggestions for their peers. We worked
contribute to students to work with them in a small learning first by listening to the lesson on how to kindly give feedback and how
group and pulled students 1-1 to help. At and asking specific questions that to also give compliments on things that
their learning?
the end of the lesson, teacher checked in pertained to their writing. They used you liked that they did and what they can
How did with students to have them share out and what they learned in the lesson to go also add to make it even better.
teacher and/or then collected/checked rubrics. back to their seats and look at their
students writing. Students worked through each Focus students were engaged and had
monitor Focus students were monitored as the section of the rubric and asked some clarifying questions. I visited each
learning? teacher walked around the room. Focus questions as needed, student after the mini lesson to do a little
students were pulled 1-1 to ensure they bit of the work one-on-one with them
How were the understood and were supported with Focus students were engaged on the before sending them off on their own.
focus students scaffolding. carpet similarly to other students in the
engaged and class. They received additional support
supported with 1-1 conferences explaining
throughout the language/wording, scaffolding in
lesson? finding the required information, and
additional support as needed with
frequent check ins.
Teacher has worked hard to build The students contribute to this Students were encouraged to re-visit their
CSTP 2: relationships with students. She is environment by participating, working writing and share their hard work. I
Effective cherished and respected, so the students hard, and producing quality work. shared what is expected of them, but also
Learning really want to listen and do well. She visited with a few students during our
Environme encourages all students to do their best writing conferences to share what they
nt work and supports them in doing it. She are doing well and how we can keep
How did expects the work to be done and provides working towards our goals. Some
students and clear expectations of what a finished students were brave and shared out their
teacher product will look like. Her lessons are ideas for each requirement, which
contribute to clear and manageable for this age student sparked some ideas for their peers as
an effective so they know they can be successful. She well. We have created an environment
learning is kind, fun, organized and encouraging. that students are comfortable sharing in,

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
environment? Lessons are accurate and materials are and they are encouraged to share their
available. She promotes collaboration brilliant thoughts.
between students and usually builds
some aspect of the lesson around
working with one another. Students look
forward to this! She gives constructive
feedback while cultivating a growth
mindset. Students love to learn what she
is teaching!
NT clearly explained concept and Students listened to and followed Students have been exposed to rubrics
procedures related to the rubric and directions, actively engaged in the before but none that they had to write
demonstrated how to apply/practice lesson and with the material and applied their evidence for. We walked through
Subject using the rubric. NT engaged students in what they learned. each section of the rubric to share what it
Matter active learning activities by using group would look like once filled out and some
What actions discussions. examples for each section.
of the NT For focus students, she broke down
contributed to complex topics into smaller, more Students looked through the rubric and
student manageable chunks and gradually shared their thoughts and questions- they
assimilation of released. asked questions if they had them and
subject shared what they thought would work in
matter? Students explored the rubric, asked that section.
Students explored the rubric, asked questions, worked together, and worked
How did questions, worked together, and worked independently. Many students added Some misconceptions that students had
students independently. Many students added “using a rubric” to their weekly wrap were that they thought they would be able
construct “using a rubric” to their weekly wrap up! up! to just put a check mark if they did that
knowledge of part of the rubric, but this specific
Some students weren’t sure what they Some students weren’t sure what they checklist asked them to show their
had to write on the rubric (should they had to write on the rubric (should they evidence.
matter? write the entire paragraph or they would write the entire paragraph or they would
just not write anything until they asked.) just not write anything until they asked.)
What Each question was addressed as it came Each question was addressed as it came
misconception up and NT provided examples as needed. up and NT provided examples as
s did students needed.
have and how
were they
addressed by
the teacher?
Focus students were part of the main Students listened to the lesson, reviewed Students were supported through one-on-
mini-lesson. Once the lesson ended, their writing and started to use the one conferences and small group
these students moved back to their desk rubric. collaboration. If they had a question, I
Experienc and were given time to review their work would pull them with me, or into a small
es and the rubric. NT then checked in with group with students that needed the same
How were each to help get them started. Once they clarification.
students started she pulled each for 1-1 support
supported where she broke down complex topics They were also able to collaborate with
through into smaller, more manageable chunks their peers to see what kinds of evidence
differentiated and then gradually released. they were including in their rubrics. This
instruction? was not an issue because everyone has a
The focus students participated just like different essay they are writing so it was
How did all of the students in the classroom and Focus student 1 asked questions about not seen as a way of “giving away
students were supported when and as they the rubric and writing to clarify. She answers”.
participate? needed. was supported with answers and
examples. Students developed their skills of being
How did the
Focus student 2 did not participate able to self-assess and monitor their own
NT contribute
verbally but did work on his rubric. This work. They were able to recognize that
to student
She clearly explained the lesson and student was supported when he they may not have included something in
expectations. She checked in as work struggled to find evidence in his their writing and needed to add it as a
was being completed and cleared up any writing. requirement.
misconceptions. She summarized at the Focus student 3 did not participate
end of the lesson verbally either but worked on his rubric.
His work was limited and hard to read.
He was supported in finding more
evidence and making his writing clear.

Students were engaged in the work and

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
found it meaningful because NT
explained how to be successful.
Students have done a fantastic job Students have done a fantastic job Students were able to fill out the rubric
completing the rubric. Many students completing the rubric. Many students and self-assess whether they were
Assessing learned that they had missed one or more learned that they had missed one or meeting the requirements or needed to
Student requirements on the assignment and went more requirements on the assignment add more to their stories. This was a way
Learning back to add it in! and went back to add it in! for them to keep themselves accountable
How did for the requirements and know what they
students will be graded on.
demonstrate Using a writing rubric can be very
achievement of difficult especially for children. They
lesson tend to say yes that they included Some students asked for specific help
objectives? everything. They struggled at first to on sections of the rubric. They needed
understand what they needed to write on the most help on the elaboration and
In what ways the rubric but that was cleared up pretty craft sections of the rubric.
did students quickly. In general, they struggle with
struggle or “Elaboration and Craft” so NT had to
demonstrate give many examples of what each meant
and would look like in writing. All in all,
I saw a lot of growth and understanding
understanding in what the students learned about using
? a rubric and how they can be better
What teacher writers.
contributed to

Section 4: Post Observation Conference

Completed by NT
Students were engaged and eager to use the checklist. They reflected on their Friday wrap up that something they learned this
To what
week was how to use the rubric. They worked to use the rubric to find their evidence. They asked questions for clarification
degree did and wanted to dive into their writing piece to be able to find their evidence. This lesson helped them ensure that they are
students including ALL the requirements. Although this was our first time pulling out our evidence, the students seemed to
achieve understand and were able to show their work in the rubric. They were excited to keep the rubric and be able to go over it
lesson again with a peer.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student Focus Student 3: Your Choice
To what degree
did focus
students achieve Student 1 wanted a little clarification on Student 2 reported that it helped him Student 3 was pulled out for
lesson what to include in each box because she look deeper into his writing- but also additional support and when he
objectives? likes to ensure that she is doing needed clarification on what he should returned to the classroom, he sat with
everything correctly, but after walking include. He has been working hard to me to look into his rubric. He was
through it with some additional focus on his writing and get his stumped at first and tended to just
guidance she was able to pull out the thoughts on the page. He was slow to stare blankly at his computer, instead
proper evidence and include it on her use the rubric but managed to get a few of looking through his writing. When
rubric. Her sentences sometimes have things on it during the first session. His he sat with me, he was able to identify
grammar that is hard to understand as focus was on getting more of his the areas that he needed to include on
she is an English learner but when she writing onto the page, so he forgot to the rubric. I asked what he used for
did the rubric check again with a peer, use his rubric initially but once he was his lead/intro, and he told me he used
the peer guided her to change some of reminded, he was able to look through a small moment to hook his reader in.
the wording of her story so that it it. He asked clarifying questions like Then he pointed out his transitional
grammatically makes sense. “does this count as a transition” as he words and I wrote them on his rubric
would point to his transitional phrases for him. He has been off his ADHD
and words. So again, looking for medication, so his lack of focus has
POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.
clarification but understanding the been his biggest struggle to overcome.
work. When he has his one-on-one
instruction, he is able to identify his
I would have my rough draft completed so that students could help me pull out the components that we are looking for. We
What would you
talked about examples of what it could look like, but if I had a completed rough draft, they could help me pull out the
do differently next
evidence for extra practice before they do the work on their own.
-Explanation: how to use the rubric and what is expected for each section. Gave examples of what that could look like in
What were
their writing and class shared out examples that they have in their own writing.
three top
-Engagement: All students stayed focused and were ready to use the rubric, with engaging questions to advance their
Lesson learning.
Strengths? -Age-Appropriate: rubric was kid friendly and easy for them to navigate
-Having a complete rough draft for extra practice that we can reference during teaching points.
What were
-Allot extra time because it does take longer to reread their papers and write the evidence.
three top
-Push lesson to later date into the unit so that more students had close to a complete essay so that they could reflect on it,
areas for instead of just using what they had done.
We are going to switch ALL unit rubrics to this kid friendly version with the evidence boxes. This is a great way for students
What are next
to pull out the evidence and they can have experience with it earlier into the year rather than the last semester.
Other Comments/Notes (optional)
Completed by NT or ME

POP Cycle, Teacher Induction Program 2023. Adapted from CSU Fullerton Titan EDUCATOR Project, 2017.

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