Web-2012-Allison 250-C18 T63-T700 Gas Turbine Engine

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Allison Model 250 Turboshaft


The Allison Model 250 is the World's most successful small gas turbine engine. The engine was first
produced in 1959, the design horsepower was 250 Bhp. The engine was built at a time when most gas
turbine manufacturers thought there would not be a market for such a small power plant and expected
this role to be served by piston engines. Over the years the power output of this unit has grown and
some units produce as much as 600 Bhp. The Allison 250 is fitted to numerous aircraft including the
ubiquitous Bell/Textron Jet Ranger- one of the worlds most successful Helicopters.

The 250 is not without it's flaws, the engine is very complicated in construction and is also relatively
fragile. The delicate (But also Munificent) axial compressor is prone to F.O.D. damage if not protected
and the engine can be damaged by Hot starts and excessive load. Interestingly the engine is not fitted
with any temperature limiting devices.

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Allison 250-C18 T63-700 Gas Turbine Engine Page 2 of 4

The starting procedure for the unit is to first spool it up to 15% and then open the combined throttle/HP
cock, the engine will then after a short delay, light up with the familiar roar and howling sound. The gas
generator idles at around 60%, when idling the throttle can then be opened and the power turbine
governor will maintain the output speed at 6,000 rpm (100%) ready for take off.

A fragile but user friendly engine the Allison can be fitted to a number of ground vehicles such as
Bikes, Cars and Speed Boats. The 250 can be considered to be a turbine replacement for a small block
V8. Surplus engines are rare even in the USA but no other engine is as useful, compact or lightweight.

The original Allison is known as the 250-C18 (Sivil) or T63-700 (Mil), a more powerful 250-C20/T63-
720 was then produced. A number of other similar units with different compressor and exhaust designs
also exist with designations such as 250-C28, 250-C34. The 250 is used as a Helicopter engine and a
Turboprop engine, the differences are mainly in the gearbox output arrangements, the control system
and the engine orientation. In most helicopter installations the exhaust points upwards and in the
turboprop installation the exhaust points downwards. Interestingly when fitted to an OH58 helicopter,
the engine is mounted at approximately 45 degrees with the combustion chamber at the bottom.

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Allison 250-C18 T63-700 Gas Turbine Engine Page 3 of 4

Ground Running Allison 250 as a Stationary Engine

Instruments: Gas Generator RPM, P. Turbine RPM, P. Turbine Inlet Temp

Allison 250-C18 T63-700 Specification

Power Output.....................................317 Bhp (C18) 420 Bhp (C20)
RPM...................................................52,000 (Compressor) 35,000 Power Turbine, O/P Shaft 6,000 rpm
Compressor.......................................6 Stage Axial with Bleed Valve + Centrifugal Impeller
Combustion Chamber.........................Single Can with Single Burner, Rear Mounted Side Entry
Compressor Turbine...........................2 Stage Axial
Power Turbine....................................2 Stage Axial with 5.8:1 reduction gear
Layout...............................................Twin Spool Turboshaft with combined accessory and output
Starting..............................................Starter Generator
Ignition..............................................High energy igntor

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Allison 250-C18 T63-700 Gas Turbine Engine Page 4 of 4

Fuel System......................................Separate Fuel Pump, Gas generator Governor and Power Turbine
Oil System.........................................Return System with Pressure and Scavenge pumps, External Oil
Cooler and Tank.
Oil Spec.............................................MIL-L-7808, Aeroshell 390
Weight...............................................158 Lbs
Dimensions.........................................L 41in, W 21in, H 24in
Applications.......................................Helicopters: Jet Ranger, OH58, AS355, BO 105, A109 Also
Turbo-prop A/C

Mark Nyne-Owner of Allison Powered "Squirt" Speed Boat

Another T63 Powered Boat


T63-700s Supplied Here

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http://www.gasturbine.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/allison.htm 10/08/2012

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