Appendix 3
Appendix 3
Appendix 3
The HAZOP study is conducted to examine the overall process design,
searching for operating /design deviations and process interactions that can lead
to hazardous situations or operability problems, including the
- To identify all possible causes of deviations from normal operation that
could lead to any safety hazard, environmental risk or operability problem
- Damage to equipment/asset/environment
- Operability/maintainability problems
- Potential Plant non-availability/limitation and lack of product quality
- Identification existing safeguards and suggest recommendations for
necessary changes/ alterations
- This Technique is normally applied, when the design is essentially
complete and the P&IDs have been developed and contain all essential
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The method involves several repetitive steps
x Identify a node on the P&I diagram.
x Define the design intent and normal operation conditions of the node.
x Identify a deviation from design intent or operating conditions by
applying a system of guidewords.
x Identify possible causes for, and consequences of, the deviation. A
deviation can be considered meaningful if it has credible cause
and can result in harmful consequences.
x For a meaningful deviation, decide what action, if any is necessary.
x Record the discussion and action
The HAZOP study sessions are generally recorded and presented in the final
report in tabular form. Very often these tabular records are the same as the
worksheet records used during the actual study.
Guide Word
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QRA Methodology
1. Preparation of Terms of Reference and Assumption Register.
2. Identification of hazard.
3. Study of heat & material balance for stream selection.
4. Scenario development.
5. Isolatable sections mark up in P&ID’S
6. Inventory calculations based on isolatable section.
7. Study of meteorological input data and selection of wind speed & Stability
class KOC.PS.015
8. Selection of fatality/vulnerability criteria based on KOC.PS.015
9. Modeling and Consequence Analysis for the identified hazards.
10. Determine hazard event frequencies from parts count.
11. Quantification of risks from process related hazards primarily from
fire/toxic and explosion scenarios.
12. Toxic hazard zoning as per KOC.PS.007 ( if applicable)
13. Determination of LSIR contour.
14. Calculation of Individual risk per annum (IRPA) for each identified worker
15. Calculation of Potential Loss of Life (PLL) for the facility operating groups.
16. Societal (Group) risk in the form of F-N curve for worker group and public.
17. Comparison of risk levels against KOC risk acceptance criteria.
18. Findings and recommendations based on study results.
19. ALARP demonstration & Cost benefit analysis (If applicable).
20. Sensitivity analysis based on KOC.PS.015
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x The overall scope of PHSER process is to assure the company that the HSE
sensitive areas have been identified in a systematic way and to ensure
compliance with health, safety and environmental standards and legislations
x Provides assurance to stakeholders that sensitive areas of HSE risk
have been identified and appropriate procedures have been developed to
manage these risks.
x •PHSERs are not “tools” in the way that Design Review, HAZID, ESIA,
HAZOP, QRA, etc. are, but rather a qualitative audit of the project’s HSE
plans and actions.
x It does not suggest scope changes or alternatives but finds shortfalls
and non-compliance out of the agreed and established Project’s HSE plan
and actions.
- To verify that HSE studies, including specialized reviews, are being
satisfactorily addressed and followed-up
- To ensure that the HSE related aspects of the engineering designs
meet or exceed regulatory requirements and that satisfactory project
codes, standards have been identified and design philosophies have
been established.
- To confirm that Engineering Assurance processes are in place.
- To confirm that Management of Change Procedures are in place
- To ensure that documentation requirements have been addressed.
- To ensure that documentation requirements have been addressed.
- To confirm that an HSE Management System including an HSE Plan
is being implemented effectively and that pre-construction preparedness
is adequate.
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- To verify that project quality controls are sufficient to deliver plant integrity.
- To confirm that the site change control procedure is being applied
- To confirm that construction workforce training and competence
assessment arrangements are in place.
- To verify that an HSE management system is in place and being
- To verify that pre-commissioning has been satisfactorily completed and
the plant is ready for commissioning
- To confirm that commissioning, maintenance and operational personnel
are adequately trained, equipped
- and competent and that all necessary procedures are available. Fire
Team also to be made aware of various hazards, available emergency
systems and their handling
- To confirm that the Business Unit / Site has made adequate preparations
for start -up
- To confirm that emergency response arrangements and
- procedures have been established
- To verify that deviations from design have been satisfactorily addressed
and will not compromise HSE performance
- To verify that HSE performance of the operating facility meets design
- To ensure that lessons learned from the execution of the project and early
operation of the plant are captured and shared.
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2021 2022
23-Dec 26-Dec 27-Dec 28-Dec 29-Dec 30-Dec 2-Jan 3-Jan 4-Jan 5-Jan 6-Jan 8-Jan 9-Jan 10-Jan 11-Jan 12-Jan 13-Jan 15-Jan 16-Jan 17-Jan 18-Jan 19-Jan 20-Jan 22-Jan 23-Jan 24-Jan 25-Jan 27-Jan 29-Jan 30-Jan 31-Jan 1-Feb 2-Feb 3-Feb 5-Feb 6-Feb 7-Feb 8-Feb 9-Feb 10-Feb 12-Feb 13-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb 16-Feb 17-Feb 19-Feb 20-Feb 21-Feb 22-Feb
Study Activity / Timeline Wednesd Wednesd Wednesd Wednesd Wednesd Wednesd Wednesd
Thursday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday
ay ay ay ay ay ay ay
Data review and preparation
HAZID Review / Session
HAZID Preparation and Submission of draft report
Review with KOC
Comment incorporation in the report / Final Report Review and Submission
Data request
Data review and preparation/ Node marking
HAZOP Review / Workshop
HAZOP Preparation and Submission of draft report
Review with KOC
Comment incorporation
Final Report Review and Submission
Data Request and Data collection
Data review Hazard identification/ Assumption Register Preparation and finalization as per KOC.PS.015
Comments on Assumptions Register /'Incorporation of KOC comments and finalization as per KOC.PS.015
HAZARD Identification/ Sectionalisation and 'Inventory calculation
Parts count and frequency calculation
Event- Tree Analysis
QRA Consequence Modeling to generate the necessary risk measures in terms of LSIR, IRPA, PLL
Risk Modeling / Compare the results with KOC Risk Criteria/ ALARP demonstration
'H2S Zoning Study ( if applicable)
QRA draft Report preparation and submission
Under KOC review
Incorporating KOC comments
Final report
Data request
Data review and preparation
PHSER Review / Session
PHSER III Preparation and Submission of draft report
Review with KOC
Comment incorporation in the report
Final Report Review and Submission
Note: PHSER IV/ V/VI will be carried out in construction , commissioning and operational phases respectively
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QUALIFICATIONS : B Tech, Chemical Engineering, Anna University,
Nagarajan’s career over the years has led to focus in a wide range of areas such as safety and risk
management, project management, Operation, training, HSE specialization in addition to business
development. Have rendered services such as Hazard and Operability (HAZOP), Hazard Identification
(HAZID), Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), Safety Reviews, SIL (Safety Integrity Level)
assessments, and conducted various Safety and Environmental Audits.
Activities involve supervision of team of eight risk Engineers. Providing guidance to process
safety team. Responsibilities include executing QRA, OBRA, FERA, Zoning Study, Fire and Gas
Mapping Studies, Bow tie analysis.
Team leader (Safety & Risk) – From: June 2015 till May 2016
ESR Consultants UK- Arcadis Company
Activities involve supervision of team of two SR Engineers. Responsibilities include convincing the
lead centres to off shore the SRM activities and execution. Providing technical leadership to SRM
team. Employee of Quarter Award- December 2015
Senior Principal THSE Engineer - From: June 2013 till May 2015.
Amec Foster Wheeler India Private Limited.
Job responsibilities leading EPC projects and also include supervision of team of nine loss
prevention and THSE Engineers and ensuring timely delivery of desired outputs of highest quality to
the fulfilment of internal customers/ clients, in addition to proposal preparation, and participation
and chairmanship of reviews and sessions.
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Principal Safety & Risk Engineer - From: April 2012 to June 2013.
Dome Oilfield Engineering & Services LLC
Job accountabilities include administration of team of ten Risk & Safety Engineers and ensuring well-
timed delivery of study reports of premier quality to the gratification of clients, in addition to
proposal preparation, association with clienteles on techno commercial facets and chairmanship of
Head, Risk & Safety and Senior Manager - Duration: Sep 2010 to March 2012.
Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services GmbH, Chennai, India
Established a team of six personnel for safety and risk division and accomplished many off shore and
on shore projects. Bagged orders worth more than 15 Million INR within India and facilitated
company to get 3 million USD order in Kuwait with Kuwait Oil Company.
Managed the HAZOP division of the company and supported in implementation of many Indian and
international projects including major QRA study of Kuwait oil Company.
Safety Engineer Mina Al Ahmadi Refinery - Duration: May 2003 to Nov 2008.
Kuwait National Petroleum Company, Kuwait.
Focal point of HSE issues in the assigned area and implementation of critical activities including
major turnarounds involving many units. Implemented OSHA PSM activities for assigned area.
Manager (Safety Health and Environment) - Duration: July 1988 to May 2003.
Tamilnadu Petroproducts Limited, Chennai
Commanded a team of 27 personnel consisting of Engineers and Firemen and directed operation of
HSE activities in petrochemical complexes handling extremely hazardous chemicals.
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x Job Safety Assessments & Safety Management System (SMS) Development and Review
x Review of RAM Study Reports
x Execution of QRA, BRA , FERA and Hydrogen Sulphide Zoning Study for Jurassic Gas Facility
of Kuwait Oil Company
x Execution of QRA and Hydrogen Sulphide Zoning Study for 100 wells of Kuwait Oil Company.
x Execution of QRA, OBRA, FERA, Hydrogen Sulphide Zoning Study and Fire and Gas
Mapping Study (Detect 3 D) for BS 160 Project of Kuwait Oil Company
x Risk Assessment for Indian Oil Company Refinery Expansion.
x QRA, FERA, OBRA, H2S Zoning Study, Bow tie for GC 32 in Kuwait Oil Company
x QRA for Tagros Chemicals India Ltd, Cuddalore
x QRA for LNG Terminal on behalf of Technip.
x QRA for Tata Steel facilities
x QRA for Strides Shasun Limited
x QRA for Suven life Sciences, Hyderabad
x QRA for construction of new 11kv, 10MW substations each in Abduliah and Dharif area,KOC
x QRA & Bow tie for Petronet LNG facilities Kochi
Clients: Reliance Industries Limited –Jamnagar (EPC) and Swan LNG Terminal Gujarat
(FEED), Duqm Refinery Project (Oman) FEED.
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HAZID Studies Chaired:
Page 4 of 10
SIL/ LOPA Studies
HSEIA Studies
x Phase I - Green field and Brown field facilities of NASR FFD Project, ADMA OPCO
x Phase III - Upper Zakum facilities – ZADCO
x Phase III – Zirku Island – ZADCO
x Phase III – Mussafah Tank Terminal Facilities Takreer
x Phase III – Habshan 5 Process Plant and Utilities , GASCO
x CICPA Shah Complex of ADCO, Abudhabi
x New gas lift/ gas injection facilities of Upper Zakum full field development
Fire Hazard Analysis Study and passive fire protection design review
x Green field and Brown field facilities of NASR FFD Project, ADMA OPCO
x RFP 1659 – Improvement and Modifications in GC 23 Power distribution systems, Stage III ,
IV & V
x RFP 1699 – Improving Maintainability of Trim Coolers and De salters/
x Dehydration heaters at GC 27 & 28 – Stage III & IV
x Replacement of Existing oily and effluent water lines with RTRP in GC 23 & 25 – Stage III
x EF-1671- New Crude oil Pipeline from TL 3 to Doha Power station – Stage III .
x Installation of Gravity Drain Systems in GC – 17, 27 & 28 – Stage III & IV
x #35055 – New HP Gas Transmission pipeline from BS 140 to GCMB – Stage V
x RFP 1677- New Crude oil pipeline from GC 3 to Doha Power Station – Stage III
x RFP 1379 – Replacement of ESVs/ AOVs/ Shutdown valves at BS 140 & 150 – Stage III
x # 43282 – Replacement xof 16” Crude oil pipelines in East Kuwait Area
Safety Perception Survey:
Page 5 of 10
x Safety Perception Survey of Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited, Manali Refinery,
x Preliminary Analysis for Separation Distances for NASR Full Field Development Project –
x Quantitative Risk Assessment of entire Fujairah refinery facilities in UAE.
x Quantitative Risk Assessment of Green field and brown field facilities of NASR FFD Project of
x Quantitative Risk Assessment of WHT facilities of NASR EPC Project of ADMA OPCO.
x Quantitative Risk Assessment Study of pipeline facilities of KOC.
x New gas lift/ gas injection facilities of Upper Zakum full field development
x Quantitative Risk Assessment of Upper Zakum Facilities of ZADCO.
x Quantitative Risk Assessment of TWML Facilities, Gummidipoondi.
x Quantitative Risk Assessment of Coastal Energen Power Plant, Tuticorin.
x QRA Studies for Gujarath Gas Company Limited
x QRA Studies for Onshore Cross Country Pipeline for Cairn India Project of L & T
x QRA studies for Valentine Maritime Project – off shore pipeline
x QRA studies for Assam Reconstruction project – ONGC
x QRA studies for Gas Gathering Stations and Pipelines - ONGC Tripura Asset
x QRA Studies for Gas Gathering Stations – ONGC – Sonamura
x QRA studies for pipelines, terminals of CAIRN
x QRA Studies for pipelines and terminals for GAIL, Maharastra and Vizag
x QRA Studies for cluster 7 Well head platforms of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation.
x QRA Studies for WO 16 & SB 14 well head platforms of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
x QRA studies for pipelines and terminals for IOCL Rajkot
x Green field and Brown field facilities of NASR FFD Project, ADMA OPCO
x Entire operating facilities of ADOC (Japan)
x Green field and Brown field facilities of NASR FFD Project, ADMA OPCO
x Upper Zakum Facilities of ZADCO
x Safety case Development Project for Gujarat Gas Company Limited
ALARP Studies:
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x Green field and Brown field facilities of NASR FFD Project, ADMA OPCO
x Safety case Development Project for Gujarat Gas Company Limited
Dispersion Analysis:
x Green field and Brown field facilities of NASR FFD Project, ADMA OPCO
x Safety case Development Project for Gujarat Gas Company Limited
x Green field and Brown field facilities of NASR FFD Project, ADMA OPCO
x Buhasa-Bab-Thammama pipeline Project of GASCO
x Modification activities in Habshan facilities, GASCO
x Safety case Development Project for Gujarat Gas Company Limited
Safety Engineer
Project: MAA Refinery consists of crude distillation units, desulphurization units, FCC, Hydro cracker,
Alkylation’s, Gas Condensate purification, C2,C3 Separation & storage, & Loading Piers, Methanol in
Bitumen unit and C2, C3 Separation units.
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x Review PHSER study methodology for projects.
x Provide Safety advice to various divisions including operation for critical activities.
x Implementation of PSM methodology in HSEMS, Implementation of 1910.119 elements.
x Dissipation and contribution to Process Safety Information, Implemented written Plan for
employee participation,
x Executed Process Hazard Analysis for modifications and new projects ( Management of
x Executed System of Process Near Miss.
x Participated in Incident Investigation.
x Conduct Work Permit Risk assessment & Ensuring implementation of recommendations.
x Conducted “Class room”& field trainings, film shows, demonstration of safety equipment for
employees and contractors
x Experienced in Co-ordination with other divisions in HSE related issues
x Co-ordinated with Project division for safe implementation of projects in assigned area,
commissioning activities
x Conducting safety promotional activities during Turnaround
x Experienced in preparation of various reports on HSE issues
x Co-ordinated for conducting mock drills to ascertain effectiveness of major incident
procedure plans
x Involved in Management Safety Surveys, safety performance audits & safety
x Inspections with Top Management
x Experienced in Implementation of PTW system & efficient usage of RAM.
x Handled Investigation of Incidents & near miss using RCA
x Conducted Item audits, Theme audits, Hand tools audit, Scaffolding audits etc.
x Review of Safety Suggestions, Substandard acts/Conditions and initiating corrective actions.
x Co-ordinated with relevant divisions for implementation of Process Safety in the assigned
Project Safety Engineer
Arabi Enertech, Kuwait
From June 2003 till May 2004
Working in KNPC – MAA refinery Sulfur Handling Facilities (revamp project)
x Prepared full-fledged Safety manual containing safety guides for various activities;
x Prepare HSE plan for the contract.
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x Conducted job safety analysis and suggested preventive measures;
x Conducted Risk assessment, suggestion and implementation of protective measures;
x Conducted training program for employees;
x Implemented HSE issues in project activities.
x Conducted safety audits and implemented recommendations.
x Coordinated for Five star Safety Management system Audit of British Safety
x Council (Obtained 97% grading);
x Prepared Safety Manual containing 12 chapters with focus on maintenance safety;
x Carried out up gradation of PPEs to suit the need and requirement,
x Prepared Onsite Emergency Plans, Onsite Emergency procedures and Implemented
emergency plans by conducing periodic Mock drills;
x Developed ISO 9000 systems for HSE department;
x Developed Job specific separate training modules for various categories of employees
contract workmen, Hazmat cargo drivers;
x Conducted HSE training program for various categories
x Prepared safety guidelines; COSHH guidelines, MSDS,TREM for chemicals;
x Experienced in accident investigation (Fire and Personal accidents) and analysis, issue of
recommendations and monitored their implementations;
x Publication of Quarterly Safety bulletins;
x Conducted Occupational Health activities for employees;
x Conducted various health talks and promotional activities;
x Experienced in establishment of ISO 14001, Environment Management System;
x Conducted Environment audits & implementation of recommendations.
x Implemented waste reduction techniques.
x Liaised with Statutory authorities and external agencies.
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x Experienced in implementation of Process Safety in hydrofluoric acid handling unit.
x Monitored implementation of permit system like Cold work, Hot work, Vessel
x Entry permit, HF acid handling permit, Special permits and Electrical clearance permits;
x Conducted safety committee meetings, review committee meetings;
x Participated in HAZOP studies for new projects
x Reviewed Technical proposals from HSE angle and suggested recommendations;
x Conducted Process safety management audits;
x Conducted noise level, light level and ventilation surveys;
x Conducted Qualitative Risk analysis and Implementation of recommendations;
x Conducted plant safety inspection highlighting unsafe conditions;
x Conducted job safety analysis of critical jobs and ensured implementation of risk mitigation
x Conducted safety promotional activities and competitions.
x Conducted of medical checkup and health activities;
x Monitored plant environment performance and reported to Management;
x Carried out upkeep of safety equipment like eye washers, BA sets, on line masks, etc.
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Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Global Exposure
CV Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Prasad Rajadhyaksha
HAZOP Studies
i HAZOP Study for EF 2030 – EWTIP-Phase- III at Technip-Genesis office, London
i HAZOP Study for BS160 Enhancement and Third Train at BS 160
i HAZOP for ISBL and Vendor Packages for GC29 of KOC at Petrofac, Sharjah
i HAZOP study for installation of VSM Pumps at GC-06 and GC-20 and Pipeline between GC-09
and CMM.
i HAZOP for Manifold Groups and Trunklines (MGT Prototype) as part of W&NK contract.
i HAZOP Study for Drain System Modifications- NEW GATHERING CENTRE GC -29 IN NORTH
KUWAIT – Contractor - Petrofac
i HAZOP study for Debottlenecking of GC-17 including some vendor packages for KOC
i HAZOP study for Fire Water Network for the Construction of 2nd Avenue New Office Building –
for KOC
i HAZOP for Vendor Packages (TV Gas Compressor/HP & TV Flares/EWTP/Desalter Heater
package) for GC29 of KOC for Petrofac, Sharjah.
CV Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Prasad Rajadhyaksha
i HAZOP for KOC Project (EW 0005 & EW 0031) to reuse Treated Effluent Water from KNPC in
i HAZOP for KOC Gas / Condensate Network Upgradation project
i HAZOP for KOC – GC 31 – OSBL at Dodsal, Dubai
i HAZOP for Gas Network Upgradation Project – Phase- I
PHSER Studies
i PHSER#5 for Manifold Groups and Trunklines (MGT) project of KOC for Petrofac.
i PHSER#3 and PHSER#4 for Jurassic Production Facilities off Plot works at North Kuwait Areas
(Part A - Section III)- Contractor – CGC (Combined Group Contracting Co. (KSC).
Contracting Co. (KSC).
i PHSER # 3, PHSER # 4 and PHSER # 5 for New Flowlines for 5 EXISTING INJECTION WELLS,
and Emergency Brackish Water Line TO NTF – Contractor – Mushrif
i PHSER # 2 for BS 160 Enhancement and Third Train at BS 160
i PHSER # 2 for Manifold Groups and Trunklines (MGT Prototype) as part of W&NK contract.
i PHSER#2 for construction of New 132 KV Overhead lines, Underground cabling (EF1986A)
i PHSER # 2 for New Export Lab Building
i PHSER # 2 for Construction of New 33KV Overhead Power Lines Connecting to 11kV Abduliah &
Dharif Substations.
i PHSER # 2 for Construction of New Two 132KV, 72MW Substations Raudhatain ‘F’ & Sabriya ‘F’
i PHSER # 5 for IMCO for Construction of Three New 132/11 kV Substations and 132kV Overhead
Power lines in Ratqa, Sabriya & Raudhatain
i PHSER # 4 & PHSER#5 for EPF-50 Integrity Revamp Project of KOC for MECC, Kuwait
i PHSER # 2 for (EF/1966) GC-24 Upgrade to handle 70% Water Cut in Crude and Capacity
Increase to 215 MBOPD
i PHSER # 4 for MGT (Manifold Group Trunk lines) SYSTEM for the GCs 29,30,31 in NORTH
KUWAIT – Contractor Petrofac
i PHSER # 3 for Installation of New Fire Water Tanks at GC-17, GC-27 and GC-28 in West Kuwait
i PHSER # 3 for MGT (Manifold Group Trunk lines) SYSTEM for the GCs 29,30,31 in NORTH
KUWAIT – Contractor Petrofac
i PHSER # 3 for GC-29 of KOC. Contractor – Petrofac
i PHSER # 1 study for Construction of New APG Office Complex for KOC
CV Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Prasad Rajadhyaksha
i PHSER # 2 study for Construction of New APG Office Complex for KOC
i PHSER # 2 for Installation of Effluent Water Disposal System at GC-23 of KOC
i PHSER # 1 study for Construction of 2nd Avenue New Office Building – for KOC
i PHSER # 2 study for Construction of 2nd Avenue New Office Building – for KOC
i PHSER # 2 study for Upgrade of Chemical Injection & Monitoring System at North Kuwait (NK)
i PHSER # 4 for IMCO for Construction of Three New 132/11 kV Substations and 132kV Overhead
Power lines in Ratqa, Sabriya & Raudhatain
i PHSER # 2 for the Construction of an Exhibition Building at Abdulliyah Preserved Area in West
i PHSER # 3 for EPF-50 Integrity Revamp Project of KOC for MECC, Kuwait
i PHSER # 2 for KOC Project (EW 0034) – Upgrading Sampling Systems at GC 27 & GC 28.
i PHSER # 2 for KOC Project (EW 0025) – Upgradation of Power Distribution Network in West
i PHSER #1 for New Office Building for D & T group
i PHSER # 2 for KOC Gas / Condensate Network Upgradation project
i PHSER # 3 for IMCO for Construction of Three New 132/11 kV Substations and 132kV Overhead
Power lines in Ratqa, Sabriya & Raudhatain
i PHSER-# 3 for Arabi Enertech (RFP2004761) for Construction of High Pressure Flow lines and
associated works for Jurassic Wells at North Kuwait areas (Re-routing of Pipeline) of KOC.
i PHSER # 3 & 4 – for KCC for (RFP 2280) Replacement of 16” Condensate line with New 20” line
from GCMB to MAA-02 Manifold (KOC, Kuwait)
i PHSER # 1 Chairman for KIPRC- Concept Stage apart from HAZID / QRA for the selected site for
KIPRC along with, HSE Action Tracking register, HSE Value Improvement Plan etc.
i Conceptual HSE Plan preparation for KIPRC Design & Implementation of R & D Centre.
i PHSER # 3 & 4 for CCC for Construction of New Export Transit Pipelines from New BS-171 to
i PHSER # 5 for Al Meer for Upgrade of Chemical Injection and Monitoring Capability at WK
i PHSER # 5 for IMCO for Construction of 4 Nos. Electrical Substations 132/11KV in NK, Burgan –
i PHSER # 5 for NCC for Construction of 132KV Overhead Power Lines To Feed Four New
Substations In North Kuwait, Burgan & Ahmadi
Other Studies
i SIMOPS study for Construction of GC-32 of KOC at Petrofac, Sharjah.
CV Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Prasad Rajadhyaksha
i On Call QRA for Central Chemical Warehouse – QRA for the KOC Central Chemical Warehouse.
i On Call QRA for KIPRC Design & Implementation for relocating 132KV & 11KV Substations
outside of KIPRC Plot.
i On Call QRA for Pipeline corridor from South tank farm to crude pump house inside MAA
i On Call QRA for New DNT Office Building.
i RFP 2312 – HAZOP & QRA study for Replacement of Dual Tank at GC-04 and Dry Tank at GC-
21. (KOC, Kuwait)
i RFP 2280 – HAZID & QRA Study for Replacement of 16” Condensate line with New 20” line from
GCMB to MAA-02 Manifold (KOC, Kuwait)
i RFP 2005 – HAZOP & QRA for New Transit Line From ABDALI Main Point Manifold To ABDALI
Mid Point Manifold, Kuwait Oil Company (KOC, Kuwait)
i RFP 2322 - HAZOP & QRA Study for Replacement of Existing 16” dia Eocene Crude supply line
from Wafra MGC to Burgan Manifold – TB1 (KOC, Kuwait)
i RFP 2172 – HAZOP & QRA Study for Construction Of New Transit Export Pipelines From NEW
i RFP 1871 – HAZOP Closeout report for Installation and replacement of Crude Transit Lines at
SEK areas (KOC, Kuwait)
i RFP 1531 QRA Study for Flare Gas Recovery Facilities in Unit 49 MAB Refinery – AMEC (KOC,
Projects for KNPC – Kuwait
i QRA for KNPC - QRA for the replacement of 8” NG line with 12” aboveground pipeline.
CV Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Prasad Rajadhyaksha
CV Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Prasad Rajadhyaksha
i HAZOP Chairman for the HAZOP conducted for BEC Chemicals, a Bulk Drug Manufacture
company located in Roha, Maharashtra, India.
i HAZOP Process Lead for ONGC Gas Compression Facility at Rajamundry and two other sites on
behalf of Tata Projects Ltd.
i PHA and What-If analysis for ACC-Techport - Ambuja Cement Ltd. Ambujanagar Cement Plant –
A Pilot location and four more locations.
i PSM Training Programme – Team member at GRASIM, Vilayat Plant
i PSM Leadership Boot Camp – Team member at IOTL, Paradip
i PSM Training Programme – Team member at BPCL, Kochi Refinery
i Conducted a 5 Day Training programme in Chennai for HAZID/HAZOP Leader Certification.
Other Projects
i Gap Analysis for a COMAH study done by Shaw International (subsidiary of Stone and Webster)
for Borouge Petrochemicals, Ruwais (Abu Dhabi-UAE).
i Gap Analysis on HSE procedures for ADNOC-Distribution for their CNG/NGV business on behalf
of Focus LLC (Abu Dhabi-UAE)
i As a fall out of the HAZOP conducted for Xylene Separation column train, conducted a Dynamic
Simulation Study on Xylene Column of MRPL (Mangalore Refinery) for the purpose of
establishing flare load for Toyo Engineering India Ltd..(India). This resulted in a CAPEX saving of
about $ 1 Million.
i Lead Functional Consultant for Health, Safety and Environment and Laboratory Management
Functions in a project for Design and Implementation of Integrated Refinery Information System at
Satorp, a Saudi Aramco and Total, France Joint Venture.
i Project Manager for Laxmi Organic Industries Ltd. Specialty Chemicals Project for Diketene,
Acetic Anhydride manufacture
i Debottlenecking and Process Improvements for Acetaldehyde & Ethyl Acetate plants for Trichy
Distilleries & Chemicals Ltd. Simulation and Design of Distillation columns using Process
i Worked as a Project Manager for the Cairn Energy India Pty Ltd Project for the implementation of
Linear Programming (LP) Software for Refinery Planning application.
i Worked as a Project Manager for HPCL-Mittal Energy Ltd.(HMEL) Bathinda refinery project for
the implementation of Scheduling and LIMS solution. Also worked as a Senior Consultant for
LIMS Solution.
i Was responsible for initiating the use of Process simulation technology in the company which was
emerging in India at that time. Steady State Process Simulation was used for the design of
Azeotropic Distillation Columns, Heat Exchangers etc. De-bottlenecking studies were conducted
CV Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Prasad Rajadhyaksha
on the existing plants. Basic Engineering work for the Principals, Chematur Engineering AB was
carried out.
i Detail Engineering activities such as PFD/PID Development, Hydraulics calculations, PSV design
and preparation of inputs to other Engineering disciplines, for various chemical plants for
manufacture of Acetaldehyde, Acetic Acid, Acetic Anhydride, Nitrobenzene, Aniline etc. These
technologies were Chematur / IBI Chematur technologies. As a process lead, responsible for
interaction and coordination with other engineering functions. Participated in HAZOP conducted
by Chematur Engineering AB, for Nitrobenzene plant.
i Detail Engineering activities for TDI project where Know-How was from Chematur Engineering.
Piping layout for Nitrobenzene plant (NCPL).
i Start up and commissioning activities for acetic anhydride plant (King Chemicals)
i Was a key member for the project on Simulation of a Sulphuric Acid Plant for M/s.Dharamsi
Morarji Chemical Co., Ambernath, India. Worked as a member of the team for the project on
Simulation of Ammonia Synthesis Loop for M/s. Zuari Agro Chemicals Ltd., Goa, India. And RCF,
i Simulation & Scheduling of Batch Processes using a batch process simulator- BATCHES, during
the UNDP fellowship program at Purdue University, USA.
i Various detail engineering activities for the design and construction of chemical plants, PID
development, Piping Layout, Techno-commercial comparisons for package units for Pentasia
Chemcals project. The know-how for the Pentaerythritol was from Hercules Inc. USA.
i Commissioning of Acetaldehyde plant (SOCL).
Co-Author : ‘Computer Simulation of a Sulphuric Acid Plant’ Fertilizer News, May 1991,
Vol. 36 (5), pp. 49-57
x Invited Speaker: CCPS (Centre for Chemical Process Safety) Regional Meeting held in
Chennai (September 2015) – “Pipeline QRA”
x Invited Speaker: 1 Day National Seminar on ‘"Odour Assessment and Control in India-
Requirement for Regulatory Framework". Spoke on Risk Assessment and Control.(August
x Invited Speaker: BPCL IS Auditor Training- Spoke on Risk Management in Petroleum
Industry (August 2013)
CV Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Prasad Rajadhyaksha
x Participant: CCPS (Centre for Chemical Process Safety) Regional Meeting held in Mumbai
(July 2013)
x Certification : DNV Certificate Training on QRA
x Certification : PrimaTech - PHA for Team Leaders
Employment Record:
IBI-CHEMATUR (Engg and Consultancy) LTD 2011 - 2013 – General Manager – Process &
CV Prasad Rajadhyaksha
Professional Certifications:
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Employment Record:
QAFCO (QP Subsidiary), Qatar Nov 2011 – Jan 2017 Chief Supervisor
QAFCO (QP Subsidiary), Qatar Mar 1994 – Jun 2010 Plant Engineer
Madras Fertilizers Limited March 1985 – Mar 1994 Senior Technical Assistant
(Naphtha based Ammonia
Career Abridgement
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S. No Client Description
Grasim Industries
2. HAZOP Study of VSF-ISBL
Indian Oil
3. Corporation HDPE unit IOCL Panipat naphtha cracker unit
Limited (IOCL)
Indian Oil
Poly Propylen Unit IOCL Panipat naphtha cracker
4. Corporation
Limited (IOCL)
Indian Oil
HDPE/ LDPE Swing unit of IOCL Panipat Naphta
5. Corporation
Cracker unit
Limited (IOCL)
Indian Oil
Hazop study of Mono Ethylene Glycol unit of IOCL
6. Corporation
Panipat Naptha Cracker unit
Limited (IOCL)
Indian Oil
7. Corporation Hazop study of DMRO unit
Limited (IOCL)
10. HAYA Water Oman Training for Permit to work system for all staff
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CO / Oct. 20
Petroleum HAZOP, QRA and ERDMP for Vijayawada POL
Corporation Terminal
Limited (HPCL)
Kentz Engineers & HAZOP study for the modification project in ORYX
Contractors GTL
Velosi Certification
14. Hazop study for Amwaj HSE Project
Doha Petroleum
HAZID Study for Installation of Two sulphur
15. Construction Co
Granulator units in Qatar Gas
Doha Petroleum
HAZOP Study for Installation of Two sulphur
16. Construction Co
Granulator units in Qatar Gas
17. SIL study at VVSPL Pipeline (Worley Parsons)
Limited (HPCL)
Indian Oil
Safety Audit at Haldia Refinery as MSIHC Rule
18. Corporation
and/or IS 14489
Limited (IOCL)
Baker Hughes, a GE
19. HAZOP Study for China Petro
Kavin Enginnering
20. HAZOP study for OIL india FEED Project
Kavin Enginnering
21. SIL Study for OIL India FEED Project
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Nayara Energy (
Hazop and LOPA study of FCCU unit
Essar Oil)
Nayara Energy (
Hazop and LOPA Study of NHT CCR unit
Essar Oil)
crackers and Hazop of LLDPE units
polymers limited
Daleel Petroleum
Design review of Oil production units
LLC Oman
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Ö Validate the day to day maintenance plan and approve the operational resources required
for its execution.
Ö Handling plant operations including safe start-up, operation and shutdown of plant, trouble
shooting and routine maintenance.
Ö Preparing Monthly report for the plant operations, specific consumption ,Uptime loss
analysis , Environmental release and loss reporting, Updating of operating instructions,
procedures and action plans for the section
Ö Performing risk analysis of Ammonia and Urea plants on a yearly basis. This includes risk
classification and making action lists
Ö Overseeing plant operations encompassing material planning & store, R&M and utility
budgeting and other allied functions for accomplishment of overall business targets.
Ö Simulation activities using Aspen Plus 2006(piping/Exchangers/Compressors) for finding
out the problems in equipment and giving the right solution. Proactively identify constraints
and take steps to rectify the equipment through application of trouble shooting tools.
Ö Effectively Designed Control valves, Instrument CAUSE and EFFECT data sheet and
interpretation of trip matrix in graphics, Plant modification projects and presently involved
in major revamp activity with CASALE group
Ö Involved in verifying EPC vendor PFD documents using Aspen Plus software using
established models.
Ö Detailed Hazop study and safety integrity levels
Ö Coordinating projects for the set up facilities with accountability for strategic utilization &
deployment of available resources to achieve organizational objectives.
Ö Preparing budgets & planning funds for diverse operations, ensuring adherence to the
allotted budgets.
Ö Preparing periodic MIS reports to facilitate decision making by top management
Ö Preparing Safe Job analysis prior to construction/commissioning activities for safe
Ö Planning and effecting preventive/ predictive/ breakdown maintenance schedules of various
machineries and equipment for increasing machine up time/ reliability
Ö Reviewing plant layout, making drawing, approving them and carrying out inspection tests
for determining the effectiveness of the equipment/ plants.
Ö Liaising with Government authorities for obtaining necessary approvals and clearances.
Core team member in the implementation of JD Edwards- ERP solutions
Lead member in ESD implementation from scratch and FAT activities with Honeywell
(Milano Italy)
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Extracting cost figures for operational and capital costs for the unit and Honeywell PIMS
design like graphic building/Virtual tag configuration/1D correlation / Advanced formula
manager/ Uniformance.
Successfully handled the commissioning activities of Ammonia/Urea plants and approving
operating instructions and vendor document studies as business process owner.
Actively involved with benchmarking consultants for Ammonia/Urea plants.
Actively involved in the plant information management implementation by Honeywell
PIMS as a process member and trained in configuring calculated tags/advanced formula
manager /Production balance software and graphic building by WPKS graphic builder.
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