The CBSE Class 12 Business Studies syllabus for 2023-24 covers principles and functions of management, business finance, and marketing. It is divided into three parts worth 100 total marks. Part A covers principles and functions of management over 8 units worth 50 marks. Part B covers business finance and marketing over 4 units worth 30 marks. Part C involves a project work assignment worth 20 marks. Key topics include the nature of management, principles of management, business environment, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, financial management, financial markets, marketing mix, and consumer protection.
The CBSE Class 12 Business Studies syllabus for 2023-24 covers principles and functions of management, business finance, and marketing. It is divided into three parts worth 100 total marks. Part A covers principles and functions of management over 8 units worth 50 marks. Part B covers business finance and marketing over 4 units worth 30 marks. Part C involves a project work assignment worth 20 marks. Key topics include the nature of management, principles of management, business environment, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, financial management, financial markets, marketing mix, and consumer protection.
The CBSE Class 12 Business Studies syllabus for 2023-24 covers principles and functions of management, business finance, and marketing. It is divided into three parts worth 100 total marks. Part A covers principles and functions of management over 8 units worth 50 marks. Part B covers business finance and marketing over 4 units worth 30 marks. Part C involves a project work assignment worth 20 marks. Key topics include the nature of management, principles of management, business environment, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, financial management, financial markets, marketing mix, and consumer protection.
The CBSE Class 12 Business Studies syllabus for 2023-24 covers principles and functions of management, business finance, and marketing. It is divided into three parts worth 100 total marks. Part A covers principles and functions of management over 8 units worth 50 marks. Part B covers business finance and marketing over 4 units worth 30 marks. Part C involves a project work assignment worth 20 marks. Key topics include the nature of management, principles of management, business environment, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling, financial management, financial markets, marketing mix, and consumer protection.
Class 12th Syllabus for Business Studies (2023-24)
Theory (80 Marks) + Project (20 Marks) = 100 Marks Part A: Principles and Functions of Management - 50 Marks Unit – 1,2,3 (16 Marks) Unit – 4,5 (14 Marks) Unit – 6,7,8 (20 Marks) Part B: Business Finance and Marketing - 30 Marks Unit – 9,10 (15 Marks) Unit – 11,12 (15 Marks) Part C: Project Work (One) - 20 Marks
Part A: Principles and Functions of Management
Unit 1: Nature and Significance of Management: Concept of management, meaning of ‘Effectiveness and Efficiency’, Objectives of management, Importance of management. Management as Science, Art and Profession, Role of different levels of Management, Functions of Management-planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling, Coordination- Concept, characteristics and importance of coordination. Unit 2: Principles of Management Principles of Management- concept and significance Fayol’s principles of management, Taylor’s Scientific management- principles and techniques, Compare the contributions of Fayol and Taylor. Unit 3: Business Environment Business Environment- concept and importance, Dimensions of Business Environment: Economic, Social, Technological, Political and Legal, Demonetization - concept and features. Unit 4: Planning Concept, importance and limitations, Planning process, Single use and standing plans. Objectives, Strategy, Policy, Procedure, Method, Rule, Budget and Programme. Unit 5: Organising Organizing as a structure and as a process. Importance of organising. Organising Process- Steps, Meaning, advantages, disadvantages and suitability of functional and divisional structure. Meaning, advantages, disadvantages of formal and informal organisation. Delegation: concept, elements and importance. Decentralization: concept and importance. Differentiate between delegation and decentralisation. Unit 6: Staffing Concept and importance of staffing, Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management, Specialized duties and activities performed by Human Resource Management. Staffing process - steps in the process of staffing. Meaning, sources of recruitment, merits and demerits of internal and external sources of recruitment. Selection – meaning and steps involved in the process of selection. Training and Development - Concept and importance of training to the organisation and to the employees. Methods of training - on the job and off the job - induction training, vestibule training, apprenticeship training and internship training Differentiate between training and development. Unit 7: Directing Concept and importance, Elements of Directing, Motivation - concept, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Financial and non-financial incentives. Leadership - concept, styles - authoritative, democratic and laissez faire. Communication - Concept of communication, elements of the communication process. concept of formal and informal communication. Various barriers to effective communication. Suggest measures to overcome barriers to communication. Unit 8: Controlling Controlling - Concept and importance, Relationship between planning and controlling. Steps in process of control. Part B: Business Finance and Marketing Unit 9: Financial Management Concept, role and objectives of Financial Management. Financial decisions: investment, financing and dividend- Meaning and factors affecting. Financial Planning - concept, objectives and importance. Capital Structure – concept and factors affecting capital structure. Fixed and Working Capital - Concept and factors affecting their requirements. Unit 10: Financial Markets Financial Markets: Concept. Money Market: Concept. Capital market and its types (primary and secondary). Differentiate between capital market and money market. Distinguish between primary and secondary markets. Stock Exchange - Meaning, Functions and trading procedure. Meaning of depository services and demat account as used in the trading procedure of securities. Securities and Exchange Board of India. (SEBI) - objectives and functions. Unit 11: Marketing Marketing – Concept, features, functions and philosophies. Marketing Mix – Concept and elements. Product - branding, labelling and packaging – Concept. Price - Concept, Factors determining price. Physical Distribution – concept, components and channels of distribution. Promotion – Concept and elements; Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion and Public Relations. Unit 12: Consumer Protection Concept and importance of consumer protection. Scope of Consumer Protection Act, 2019. Meaning of consumer. Rights and Responsibilities of consumers. Who can file a complaint and against whom? Redressal machinery. Remedies available. Consumer awareness - Role of consumer organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Unit 13: Project Work This syllabus contains the guidelines for Project work(separate) also.