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1. Ahmad Faisal
2. Amelia Wahyuni
3. Ega Saputra
4. Nazia Indriani
5. Tridida Surbakti


Jl. Matahari, Desa Rawa Medang RT. 06, RW. 01, Kec. Batang Asam,
Kab. Tanjung Jabung Barat, Prov. Jambi, Indonesia
SCHOOL YEAR 2023/2024

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper entitled "How to Make Asinan Salak” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Miss Devi
Riyani as teacher English.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also realized there are still
many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individualis who helps in the process
of writing this paper. Hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all. The writer realized
the this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. Then the writer hope the criticism
from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the least
Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about How to Make
Asinan Salak.

Rawa Medang, 10 Oktober 2023

Drafting team


Faisal, Ahmad Wahyuni, Amelia Saputra, Ega Indriani, Nazia and Surbakti, Tridida "HOW
Supervising Teacher: Devi Riyani S. Pd.
Keywords: Pickled Salak, Salak Fruit
This paper is entitled "HOW TO MAKE ASINAN SALAK". This research is motivated by
the benefits of salak fruit which few people know about and rarely make.
The research uses an experimental method, namely by cutting into pieces
and mixed with crushed red chilies, then added with tamarind, granulated sugar, salt and
sufficient mineral water.
This research was conducted on October 10 2023, Rawa Medang Academic Year
2023/2024. After the process of making pickled snake fruit, it can be made
The process of making pickled snake fruit is by preparing ½ kg of snake fruit,
then chop or slice the salak then mix with the crushed red chilies. Then add enough mineral
water mixed with tamarind. After that, cook for a few minutes until it looks boiling, serve in a
container, and the pickled salak is ready to be served.
COVER....................................................................................................................... i
PREFACE................................................................................................................... ii
VALIDITY SHEET.................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF CONTENTS............................................................................................... iv
A. BACKGROUND............................................................................................ 1
B. FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM...................................................... 1
C. RESEARCH PURPOSES............................................................................. 2


A. SNAKEFRUIT................................................................................................ 3
B. BENEFITS OF SALAK................................................................................. 3
C. CLASSIFICATION OF SALAK.................................................................. 5
D. MORPHOLOGY OF SALARAK PLANT.................................................. 6
E. CHILLI........................................................................................................... 7
F. TAMARIND................................................................................................... 8


A. EXPERIMENT.............................................................................................. 10
B. RESEARCH METHODS............................................................................. 10
C. PLACE AND TIME OF RESEARCH......................................................... 10
D. DATA COLLECTION TECHNIQUE......................................................... 10
F. SALAK FRUIT POPULATION................................................................... 11


A. RESEARCH RESULT.................................................................................. 12
B. MAKKING PROCESS................................................................................. 13
C. DISCUSSION................................................................................................ 13
A. CONCLUSION............................................................................................. 14
B. SUGGESTION.............................................................................................. 14

BIBLIOGRAPHY..................................................................................................... 15

ATTACHMENT........................................................................................................ 16


Fruit has an important role, among others, as a source of nutrition, vitamins, and a
source of food other than vegetables. Judging from its nutritional content, fruit is a source of
vitamins and minerals that are very necessary for humans. Vitamins and minerals are useful
for continuing metabolism in the digestion of food which is vital for maintaining health. The
weaknesses of fruit are that it is seasonal, easily damaged (perishable), the size is not
uniform, the color of the fruit changes very quickly due to physical influences such as
sunlight and cutting, as well as biological influences (fungi) so it easily rots. Therefore
processing fruit to extend its shelf life is very important. Fruit can be processed into various
forms of drinks such as wine, fruit juice and syrup as well as other foods such as pickles,
sweets, dodol, chips and sale. The fruit that will be used in this practicum is snake fruit.
Salak is a seasonal fruit that is quite productive and can produce fruit throughout the
year and is very abundant. Salak fruit in one bunch has a level of maturity and size that is not
uniform (Tim Karya Mandiri, 2010). Salak fruit that is ready to harvest is between 6-7
months old and has the characteristics of being ripe, sweet in taste, has a salak and masir
aroma. Fresh snake fruit has a short shelf life and is easily damaged, because snake fruit
contains high water content, namely 100 grams of snake fruit contains 78% water, so it needs
special handling to maintain the quality of snake fruit. Apart from the fairly high water
content, salak fruit contains tannin compounds which give an astringent taste and a brown
color change to the flesh of the salak fruit when exposed to air (Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia, 1979). In this practicum we will process the salak fruit into pickles.
Asinan is food made by means of pickling (through pickling with salt or pickling
with vinegar), the ingredients being pickled are various types of vegetables and fruit. This
food is a healthy dish, rich in anti-microbials and antioxidants. Processing salak fruit into
pickles can also extend post-harvest life, vary the taste, create new industries, increase
consumer tastes which ultimately increases the economic value of these agricultural
commodities. Pendapat menurut ahli

1. What are the types of snake fruit?
2. What is the process for making pickled snake fruit?
3. What is the meaning of experiment?

1. Know the types of salak.
2. Know how to make pickled snake fruit.
3. Know what an experiment is.

Snakefruit plants are not only known in several regions in Indonesia, but also in
Burma, Thailand, the Philippines and in Malaya. The types of snake fruit generally grown in
Burma are different from those commonly grown in Malaya, likewise the types generally
cultivated in Sumatra are different from those in Java. Salak, which is native to Indonesia, is
Salacca edulis Reinw, (Santoso, 1990). In plant systematics (taxonomy), salak (Salacca edulis
Reinw.) is classified as follows:

1. Kingdom Plantae Division

2. Clasis spermatophyta
3. Monocotyledoneae Order
4. Spodiciflarae Family
5. PalmaeGenus
6. Salacca Species
7. Salacca edulis Reinw
Salak fruit is usually eaten fresh, pickled or canned. After analysis, the edible part of
the fruit contains vitamins and substances that the human body needs. Substance Content Per
100 Grams of Salak Fruit from the edible parts. Type of nutrient Amount of Energy 77.0
calories Protein 4.0 grams Charcoal hydrate 20.9 grams Calcium 2.8 grams Phosphorus 1.8
grams Iron 4.2 grams Vitamin B 0.004gram Vitamin C 0.2 grams Water 69.696 grams.


Each fruit definitely has different benefits. Likewise with fruit that is often
underestimated, such as snake fruit. Salak or in English is known as snake fruit, because the
skin of snake fruit has scales like a snake. This fruit can grow well in tropical climates like
There are various types of salak, such as salak condet, salak bali, salak pondoh, and
salak sidempuan. This fruit, which has a dominant sweet, sour taste and astringent sensation,
turns out to contain many benefits. However, who would have thought that there are various
benefits of salak fruit that can be known.

1. Prevents the Risk of Prostate Cancer

The benefits of snake fruit include preventing prostate cancer. Salak fruit contains a substance
called pectin, which is a compound similar to complex carbohydrates obtained from the cell
walls of plants, including snake fruit. According to Integrative Cancer Therapies, consuming
any fruit that contains pectin can effectively inhibit the growth of cancer cells by 54%.

2. Treats constipation
Many people think that when they eat salak fruit, they are worried that constipation will
occur. This can happen because the texture of snake fruit is dense. If you consume a lot of
snake fruit without balancing it with other healthy foods, you will definitely become
constipated. But if consumed in sufficient portions, it turns out that the epidermis on salak
should not be thrown away. Eat salak without peeling the thin epidermis. The epidermis fiber
in snake fruit is believed to improve digestion. This is certainly an interesting benefit of snake

3. Full of Vitamin C
By consuming 100 grams of snake fruit, there is 10% vitamin C content which is very good
for maintaining the body's immune system against viruses. The benefits of snake fruit
because sufficient vitamin C also has an impact on skin health. The elasticity and brightness
of the skin tone will be maintained.

4. Diet Complementary Foods

The texture of salak fruit with dense fiber can provide a satiating effect. Therefore, salak can
be an alternative for those who are on a diet program. Consume snake fruit in reasonable
portions and must be balanced with other sources of nutrition. So you can still feel the
maximum benefits of snake fruit.

5. Contains antioxidants
Another benefit of salak fruit is that it also contains beta carotene, which functions as an
antioxidant to protect body cells from damage. These benefits have a significant impact on
the body, such as preventing viruses, fighting the growth of cancer cells, and also preventing
premature aging due to free radicals which are dangerous for the body.

6. Good for Bones

Many people think that calcium is only obtained from milk, even though snake fruit is also
beneficial for bone health. The benefits of snake fruit include providing calcium which is
good for bones. Salak contains enough calcium to meet the family's daily calcium needs.

7. Overcoming anemia conditions

The benefits of salak fruit include being able to overcome the worrying condition of anemia.
Because snake fruit contains iron and thiamine which can help the production of red blood
cells in the body.

8. Good for eye health

The next benefit of snake fruit is that it is good for eye health. This is due to its powerful
antioxidant beta carotene content, helping to cure eye defects such as nearsightedness.A
regular portion of snake fruit in the diet can be a good substitute for all the treatments
followed to maintain eye health. It contains about five times more beta carotene than
watermelon and mango.

9. Healthy Heart
The benefits of snake fruit can also be heart healthy. Salak is rich in heart-healthy potassium.
High amounts of antioxidants and minerals can help keep the cardiovascular system
functioning well and help regulate water in the body.

10. Improves overall body health

The benefits of salak fruit are that it is a nutrient-dense fruit that helps improve overall body
health. A rich nutritional profile consisting of essential vitamins and minerals helps maintain
proper body function.
Antioxidants help in fighting cell and tissue damage and prevent the body from dangerous
carcinogenic damage. Consuming portions of salak regularly can risk the formation of

11. Improves Memory

Thanks to the minerals and active ingredients in salak fruit, such as potassium, beta-carotene,
and pectin, this fruit is able to increase blood flow to the brain, which can improve cognition
and improve memory. Therefore, another benefit of salak fruit is that it can help improve

In plant systematics (taxonomy), salak (Salacca edulis Reinw.) is classified as follows:
1. Kingdom Plantae Division
2. Clasis spermatophyta
3. Monocotyledoneae Order
4. Spodiciflarae Family
5. PalmaeGenus
6. Salacca Species
7. Salacca edulis Reinw


Knowing the physical characteristics of a plant will make it easier to recognize the
plant when you find it in one place. Therefore, below we will explain the morphology of the
salak plant which consists of roots, leaves, flowers and fruit.
1. Morphology of Salak Plant Roots.
In salak plants, the roots are fibrous roots that stick firmly to support the plant and to
seek nutrients from the soil. The roots of this plant also form rhizomes measuring 15 cm. If
explained further, rhizomes or often called rhizomes are plant stems that are modified to grow
creeping underground. This rhizome is able to produce new roots originating from its
2. Morphology of Salak Plant Leaves.
After finding out that snake fruit plants have rhizomes, this is where the leaves grow
which have a compound and pinnate shape. The leaves of the snake fruit plant are very long,
measuring around 7 meters. On the stem, there are many spines of different sizes and green or
black in color.
3. Morphology of Salak Plant Flowers.
Snake plant flowers can be found in the leaf axils. There are two houses on the salak
plant, namely the male and female which are located on the cob. In male flowers, the length
is about 100 cm, with the number of spikes reaching 12 with each spike about 10-15 cm long.
Meanwhile, in female flowers, the length is around 10-30 cm with the number of spikes only
reaching 3 pieces measuring around 10 cm.
4. Morphology of Salak Plant Fruit.
One of the most popular and sought after parts of the salak plant is of course the fruit.
The fruit of the salak plant has brown, scaly skin, shaped like a triangle with a pointed tip and
a rounded base. On its skin there are fine spines. When peeling this part of the skin, there will
be a different amount of snake fruit flesh on each fruit, however, on average there are 2-3
pieces. The sizes of these fruits are not the same, some are small and some are quite large.
Then, seeds can be found on the inside of the fruit with a brownish color.
Salak fruit is very famous as a fruit that is used as a snack, but actually this fruit also
has many benefits. The benefits of salak fruit are found in several nutritional contents such as
protein, sugar, iron, vitamins A, B2, and C. Apart from that, there are many other nutritional
contents that provide more nutrition for the body. That was a brief overview of the
classification and morphology of snake fruit plants which are so popular with people both in
Indonesia and abroad. From its classification and morphology, it can be seen that snake fruit
plants do have very unique physical characteristics. Not only as a light snack, but also adds
nutrition for health.

a. Leaf Chili
plant leaves vary according to species and variety. There are leaves that are oval, oval,
and some are even angular. The color of the upper leaf surface is usually light green, green,
dark green, even bluish green. Meanwhile, the lower surface of the leaves is generally light
green, pale green or green. Some of the surfaces of chili leaves are smooth and some are
wrinkled. The length of chili leaves is between 3 - 11 cm, with a width of between 1 - 5 cm.
b. Stem Chili
plants are shrubs with non-woody stems. Usually, the stem will grow to a certain
height, then form many branches. For types of cayenne pepper, the stem length usually does
not exceed 100 cm. However, for large types of chilies, the stem length (height) can reach 2
meters or even more. The stems of chili plants are green, dark green, or light green. On old
stems (usually the bottom stem), a brown, wood-like color will appear. This is pseudowood,
which is obtained from the hardening of parenchymal tissue.
c. Root Chili
plants have quite complicated roots and only consist of fibrous roots. Usually on the
roots there are nodules which are the result of symbiosis with several microorganisms. Even
though it does not have a tap root, there are several roots growing downwards that function as
pseudo tap roots.
d. Flower Chili
plant flowers also vary, but have the same shape, namely star-shaped. This shows that
the chili plant belongs to the subclass Ateridae (star flowering). Flowers usually grow in the
leaf axils, singly or in clusters. In one bunch there are usually only 2 - 3 flowers. The flower
crowns of chili plants come in various colors, some are white, greenish white and purple.
Flower diameter between 5 — 20 mm. The chili plant flowers are perfect flowers, meaning
that on one plant there are male and female flowers. Male and female flowers ripen at the
same time (or almost the same), so the plant can self-pollinate. However, to get better fruit
yields, cross-pollination is preferred. Therefore, chili plants planted on land in large quantities
produce better results than chili plants planted alone. Pollination of chili plants is usually
assisted by wind or bees. The wind speed required for pollination is between 10 — 20
km/hour (light wind). Winds that are too strong will actually damage plants. Meanwhile,
pollination assisted by bees is carried out when bees are attracted to the flowers of chili plants
which are attractive in appearance and contain honey in them.
e. Fruit and seeds
Chili fruit is the most widely known part of the chili plant and has many variations.
Chili fruit is divided into 11 types, namely serrano, cubanelle, cayenne, pimento, Anaheim
chile, cherry, jalapeno, elongate bell, ancho, banana, and blocky bell. There are only 10 types
of chili fruit shapes, where the elongate bell and blocky bell types are considered the same.

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is a large tree that is evergreen. The fruit tastes sour
and is often used as a spice in cooking or drinks. Scientific Classification The taxonomic
structure of Tamarind is as follows: Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class:
Magnoliopsida Order: Fabales Family: Fabaceae Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae Nation:
Detarieae Genus: Tamarindus Species: Tamarindus indica Status Tamarindus indica has Least
Concern / LC status (IUCN Redlist ) with a stable population trend. Morphological
Characteristics of Tamarind has a tree habit with a large stature, its leaves are always green
because they do not experience leaf fall. The tree can reach a height of up to 30 m, with a
diameter at the base of the tree that can reach 2 m. The bark is grayish brown, rough and split
and has vertical grooves. The crown is round, wide and the leaves are dense.
The compound leaves are even pinnate, 5-13 cm long, alternately located, with
tapered ribbon-like stem leaves, whitish pink. The leaves are narrowly oval, consisting of 8-
16 pairs, each measuring between 0.5-1 Flowers are arranged in loose bunches, in the leaf
axils or ends of twigs, up to 16 cm long. Butterfly flower with 4 petals and 5 petals, smells
fragrant. The crown is whitish yellow with red-brown veins. Pods are inflated, cylindrical,
curved or straight, bearing up to 10 seeds, often with a constriction between two seeds. The
skin of the fruit (exocarp) hardens brownish or scaly gray, with veins that are hard and tough
like threads.
The flesh is greenish white when young, brownish red to black when very ripe, sweet
and sour and sticky. Seeds are brownish, shiny and hard and slightly square. Tamarind's
habitat includes tropical plants. This tree can grow well at an altitude of up to 1500 m above
sea level. Can grow on sandy or clay soil, especially in areas where the dry season is clear
and long enough. The benefits of tamarind are many uses of the fruit as a spice in Javanese
dishes, for example for tamarind vegetables. It is also used as a basic ingredient for herbal
medicine, for example turmeric tamarind or grape tamarind. Tamarind wood is brownish red
in color. It is heavy, hard, dense, durable and has a smooth texture. This wood is usually used
as raw material for furniture, statues or carvings. Tamarind trees are generally used as shade
trees planted on the side of the road. Menurut ahli tentang tamarin
Javanese acid contains flavonoids, tannins, glycosides and saponins which are
phytochemical substances that function as antioxidants. Other ingredients are potassium,
phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, sodium and zinc. Apart from that, tamarind also
contains vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin A, and vitamin K (Hariana, 2011).


The experiment method is an experiment and research on a work or making
something. to prove the results of experimental work and to study what influences there are
on the work created.
According to Hasan Alwi (2005: 290) explains that the experimental method is a
systematic and planned experiment to prove the truth of a theory.
According to Mulyani Sumantri and Johar Permana (1999: 157) explain that the
experimental or trial method is a way of teaching and learning where students actively
experience and prove directly the process and results of the experiment.
According to Paul Suparno (2007: 77) states that in general the experimental learning
method is a teaching method where students are invited to carry out an experiment as proof,
to check that the theory they have studied is indeed correct.
According to Roestiyah (2012: 80), the definition of the experimental method is one
of many teaching methods in which students carry out an experiment on something, see the
process and write down the results of the experiment, then the results of the observation are
presented in class and evaluated by the educator.
According to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Azwan Zain (2010: 84), state that the
experimental method is a way of delivering material where students can carry out an
experiment by experiencing and proving for themselves directly what they have learned.
According to Winarno (Moedjiono and Moh. Dimyati 1992: 77) said that the
experimental method is the activity of teachers or students to carry out an experiment and
then observe the process and results of the experiment.
According to Sugiyono said that the experimental method is a research method used
to find the effect of certain treatments on others under controlled conditions. Condition
control or control in question is usually carried out through direct comparison with something
that has not been treated.
According to Suharsimi Arikunto the experimental method is a way to look for a
cause-and-effect relationship or a causal relationship between two factors that are deliberately
created by researchers by eliminating or reducing or setting aside other interfering factors.
According to Sagala defines the experimental method as an experiment carried out to
prove a hypothesis.
According to Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata the experimental method is the most
comprehensive quantitative research approach, in the sense that it meets the requirements for
testing cause-and-effect relationships.
According to Hamid Darmadi said that the experimental method is research that tries
to find the influence of certain variables on other variables under controlled conditions.
From these various definitions, it can be concluded that the experimental method is a
way of presenting learning material in which students carry out an experiment on something,
observe the process and explain the results of the experiment, then the results of the
observation are presented to the class and evaluated by the teacher.
In this paper we use an experimental method by processing snake fruit into pickled snake
This practicum will be held on Tuesday 17 October 2023 at 16.00 WIB until finished at
Nazia Indriani’s house, Jalan Seroja, Sri Agung Village Rt. 06 Rw. 02 Batang Asam
District, West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Jambi Province.
Data collection techniques are:
1. Determine the location of sampling
2. Determine the number of snake fruit that will be used
3. Prepare the materials and tools used
1. Determine the sampling location
2. Prepare the materials and tools that will be used
3. After the sample is taken, start carrying out scientific performance according to the
work procedure (the process of making pickles from snake fruit)
4. Then analyze the finished results whether they are in accordance with the initial
Tools and materials used:
1. Stove
2. Container (bowl/cup)
3. Spoon
4. Pan
5. Spatula
6. Grind chilies (mash/pepper)
7. Salak 1 kg
8. Tamarind 1 pack
9. 150 grams of granulated sugar
10. Brown sugar 2 pieces
11. Water 700 ml
12. Chili 10 pieces
13. Salt 1-2 teaspoons
a. Salak fruit population in Indonesia
Indonesia can be said to be an area with quite a lot of snake fruit plants. In fact, there
is an area in Indonesia that produces the largest snake fruit, namely in Sleman Regency,
Yogyakarta, with his pondoh salak plant. In various regions in Indonesia, various types of
snake fruit grow, including pondoh snake fruit, nglumut, granulated sugar, Padang
Sidempuan and sari intan 48.
b. Salak fruit population in the surrounding environment
There are several places/areas in our surrounding area where snake fruit plants grow.
Almost all of the snake fruit that grows in our neighborhood are Pondoh snake fruit types. So,
in our area snake fruit is not a rare fruit and has a large and good population.

a. Process of Making Salak Pickles
Ingredients :
 1 kg salak, peeled, halve
 7 pcs curly red chilies
 3 pcs red cayenne pepper
 1 tsp grilled shrimp paste
 150 gr sugar
 2 tbsp brown sugar
 1-2 tbsp salt
 2 tbsp vinegar
 700 ml water +/- 2.5 glasses
How to make :
Step 1
Crush the chili paste and salt. No need to be too subtle.
Step 2
Boil water in a pan. Add the uleg chilies and granulated sugar, brown sugar. After boiling and
the sugar has dissolved, turn off the stove. Leave it until the steam disappears.
Step 3
Add vinegar and salak. The amounts of ingredients above are only a guide. Please check the
taste according to taste. The taste of the pickles should be strong and have a balance between
salty, sweet and sour.
Step 4.
Place in the refrigerator until absorbed, about 2 hours. The longer it takes, the better it is.
Serve cold. Good luck trying it... it's refreshing.
To get pickled snake fruit, the snake fruit is soaked in a solution of salt, sugar and
vinegar. Sugar concentration was carried out with three variations of treatment, namely with a
sugar concentration of 15%, 17% and 19%. According to Buckle et al (1987), the addition of
sugar in the soaking solution is intended to make some of the water unavailable for the
growth of microorganisms because water activity will decrease. However, ingredients with
high sugar content tend to be damaged by mold and yeast. The purpose of soaking snake fruit
in a salt solution is to prevent a browning reaction on the surface of the snake fruit meat.

b. Benefits of Pickled Snake Fruit

Salak fruit can be consumed by people of all ages, the price is affordable and easy to
find anywhere. Salak fruit also has many benefits, including:
1. To facilitate digestion, such as diarrhea and constipation.
2. Maintain normal blood sugar levels.
3. Increase body endurance and reduce weight.
4. Brightens the skin due to the vitamin C content.
5. Good for heart health and increases stamina and eye health. 6.To control uric aci and
maintain brain health.


 Crush the chili paste and salt. No need to be too subtle.
 Boil water in a pan. Add the uleg chilies and granulated sugar, brown sugar. After boiling
and the sugar has dissolved, turn off the stove. Leave it until the steam disappears.
 Add vinegar and salak. The amounts of ingredients above are only a guide. Please check
the taste according to taste. The taste of the pickles should be strong and have a balance
between salty, sweet and sour.
 Place in the refrigerator until absorbed, about 2 hours. The longer it takes, the better it is.
Salak pickle is ready to be served.

The salak we use is pondoh salak. We use salak because it is easy to get, its utilization
is less than optimal, and the population can be said to be large in our surrounding
environment. Salak has several advantages, including:
1. To maintain eye health
2. For digestion, diabetes
3. To maintain healthy skin
This pickled snake fruit is a combination of snake fruit, chili, tamarind, brown sugar,
granulated sugar and various other ingredients. The use of snake fruit is not widely known to
the general public, usually snake fruit here only grows if someone plants it and cultivates it.
After the process of making pickled snake fruit is complete, the snake fruit is ready to be

A. Conclusion
Based on the results of the practicum that we got, conclusions can be drawn:
Differences in salt and sugar concentrations affect pH, yield and sensory evaluation of
Overall, the preferred pickle product is the pickle with the highest concentration of salt and
sugar (11% salt and 19% sugar).
The aroma of pickles is in the range of dislike to somewhat liked, the color and texture do not
change much so they are somewhat liked, but the taste of all pickled products is not liked.

B. Suggestion
This pickled snake fruit preparation can be used as a snack. With its refreshing taste, it
easily suits any condition. Salak pickle is also more practical if placed in a cup, for easy
carrying everywhere.

www. Mybrain and friend.com
Potensi Buah Salak Sebagai Suplemen Obat dan Pangan Oleh Dr. Haryoto, M.Sc., Edy
Priyanto, M.Mar · 2018

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