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KSCSTE SPP Applicationform

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Sasthra Bhavan, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram

Application Form for Financial Assistance under Science Popularization Programmes

1. Title of the Programme :

2. Name and Designation of the Programme Co-ordinator :

3. Official Address :

Mobile. No: Telephone No: E-mail ID:

4. Category of the Institution: (Put a tick on whichever is applicable)

School College University Dept. R & D Institution NGO

5. Status of Institution: (Put a tick on whichever is applicable)

Govt. Aided Private
6. Collaborating institutions/organizations, if any: (Please attach Consent letters)

7. Goals/ Objectives of the programme:

8. Motivation behind the programme:

9. Subject areas covered:

10. Relevance of the programme in Kerala: (500 words on How the programme aims to popularise

11. Duration of the programme :

12. Schedule of the programme : (Change in dates, if any, shall be informed to KSCSTE before 15
days from the proposed dates)
Sl. Proposed Target No. of Other relevant
Event Venue
No. date & time Group participants details

KSCSTE – SPP – Application Form 1

13. List of external Resource Persons for the programme: (Please provide the details)
14. Method of implementation: (Please provide the details)
15. Total Budget Estimate : Rs.
Sl. Amount
No. (Rs.)
a) Honorarium to Resource Persons/ Experts
b) Consumables
c) Organizing expenses
d) Travel expenses
e) Publicity materials
f) Documentation expenses
g) Others (if any**)
* Provide the details

16. The sources of funding, including the contribution from the host institution and other
agencies from which financial assistance is obtained/expected to be obtained, and the
quantum of assistance from each agency:
Amount Amount
Agency expected sanctioned
(Rs.) (Rs.)


17. Quantum of financial assistance sought from KSCSTE : Rs.

18. Item wise break – up of financial assistance sought from KSCSTE.

Item (a) : Honorarium to Resource Persons/ Experts

Sl. Amount
No. (Rs.)

Sub Total
Note: As per guidelines, honorarium that can be sanctioned under this project is only
for external resource persons invited for the programme. There is no provision for
utilizing the amount for internal Resource Persons. Hence, honorarium and
related expenses for the faculty with the institution may be met from other
Item (b) : Consumables
Sl. Amount
No. (Rs.)

Sub Total

KSCSTE – SPP – Application Form 2

Item (c) : Organizing expenses
Sl. Amount
No. (Rs.)

Sub Total


Item (d) : Travel Expenses

Sl. Amount
No. (Rs.)

Sub Total

Item (e) : Publicity Materials

Sl. Amount
No. (Rs.)

Sub Total

Item (f) : Documentation Expenses

Sl. Amount
No. (Rs.)

Sub Total


19. Deliverables / Outcome of the programme:

Short term Long term


20. Bio-data of Programme Co-ordinator: (Please provide as attachment)

21. Previous experience of Programme Co-ordinator in the project area:

KSCSTE – SPP – Application Form 3

22. Total Expert Manpower in the Organization, with their Qualification: (Please attach

23. Details of earlier grant availed from KSCSTE by the Programme Co – ordinator/ Institution:

Amount Status
Sl. Council Order No.
Project/ Programme Sanctioned (Ongoing/
No. and Date
(Rs.) Completed)

24. Details of grant received from other funding agencies:

Amount Status
Sl. Title of the Order No.
Agency Sanctioned (Ongoing/
No. Project and Date
(Rs.) Completed)

25. Name and address of the Head of the Institution/ Agency authorized to receive the grant:


Certified that the details furnished above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
and that the amount of financial assistance, if granted, will be utilized for the purpose for which it
is granted within the time prescribed by KSCSTE. Institution will be responsible, if the Programme
Coordinator does not utilize the granted amount for right purpose. I also undertake to abide by the
rules and other conditions prescribed by the grantee.

Place: Name and Signature Name and Signature of

Date: of Programme co-ordinator Head of the Institution

Office seal

KSCSTE – SPP – Application Form 4

Endorsement from the Head of Institution

(To be given on letter head)

Project Title…………………………………………………………………………….......…

1. Certified that the Institute welcomes participation of Shri./Smt………...

………………..................... of …......................................... Department of this
institution as the Programme Co-ordinator for the project and that in the unforeseen
event of discontinuance by the Programme Co-ordinator, the Head of the Institution will
provide all facilities and support for the fruitful completion of the project.
2. Certified that the equipment and other basic facilities as enumerated and such other
administrative facilities as per terms and conditions of the grant, will be extended to the
programme throughout the duration of the project.
3. Institute assumes to undertake the financial and other management responsibilities of
the project.

Name and Signature of Head of Institution

Date : ………………….

Place : …………………..

KSCSTE – SPP – Application Form 5

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