KSCSTE SPP Applicationform
KSCSTE SPP Applicationform
KSCSTE SPP Applicationform
3. Official Address :
10. Relevance of the programme in Kerala: (500 words on How the programme aims to popularise
12. Schedule of the programme : (Change in dates, if any, shall be informed to KSCSTE before 15
days from the proposed dates)
Sl. Proposed Target No. of Other relevant
Event Venue
No. date & time Group participants details
16. The sources of funding, including the contribution from the host institution and other
agencies from which financial assistance is obtained/expected to be obtained, and the
quantum of assistance from each agency:
Amount Amount
Agency expected sanctioned
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Sub Total
Note: As per guidelines, honorarium that can be sanctioned under this project is only
for external resource persons invited for the programme. There is no provision for
utilizing the amount for internal Resource Persons. Hence, honorarium and
related expenses for the faculty with the institution may be met from other
Item (b) : Consumables
Sl. Amount
No. (Rs.)
Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
Sub Total
23. Details of earlier grant availed from KSCSTE by the Programme Co – ordinator/ Institution:
Amount Status
Sl. Council Order No.
Project/ Programme Sanctioned (Ongoing/
No. and Date
(Rs.) Completed)
25. Name and address of the Head of the Institution/ Agency authorized to receive the grant:
Certified that the details furnished above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
and that the amount of financial assistance, if granted, will be utilized for the purpose for which it
is granted within the time prescribed by KSCSTE. Institution will be responsible, if the Programme
Coordinator does not utilize the granted amount for right purpose. I also undertake to abide by the
rules and other conditions prescribed by the grantee.
Office seal
Project Title…………………………………………………………………………….......…
Date : ………………….
Place : …………………..