9855 Project Report
9855 Project Report
9855 Project Report
AT HOPEDALE, LABRADOR.........................................................................18
2.3 REMEA, NEWFOUNDLAND........................................................................................18
2.3.1 OBJECTIVES.....................................................................................................18
2.3.2 NATURE OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES OF RAMEA..............................19
2.3.6 PROJECT PARTNERS AND COLLABORATORS.........................................22
2.3.7 CURRENT CONDITION OF RAMEA PLANT...............................................23
2.3.8 EMISSION RESULTS OF DIESEL ENGINE...................................................23
2.3.9 OPTIONS FOR GHG REDUCTION.................................................................24
2.3.10 ANALYSIS OF EXISTING SITUATION.........................................................25
2.3.11 PROPOSAL OF A NEW MODEL.....................................................................29
PROJECTS, REASONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................31
The easternmost province of Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, is home to a breathtaking and
varied natural landscape that includes rocky coastlines, untainted forests, and an abundance of
freshwater resources. Despite its stunning natural surroundings, the province has a number of
environmental problems, particularly in its rural areas where energy production is concerned. In the
past, Newfoundland and Labrador's rural areas relied heavily on the production of energy using
fossil fuels like coal and oil. While these sources have contributed to both economic and energy
security, they have also posed serious environmental risks.
Growing environmental concern is being expressed regarding the effects of fossil fuel energy
production in rural Newfoundland and Labrador communities. It is crucial to assess and
comprehend the specific effects of fossil fuel-based energy generation on this particular and
ecologically delicate region as the world community struggles with the effects of climate change
and looks for sustainable energy solutions. In rural Newfoundland and Labrador, using fossil fuels
to generate energy has negative environmental effects that are the focus of this essay. It will
examine a variety of aspects of this problem, such as ecosystem disruptions, air and water
pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and their effects on the environment and the communities that
live in these rural areas. As we move towards more sustainable energy sources, we will also
consider potential alternatives and solutions to lessen these environmental problems.
In terms of greenhouse gas emissions per resident, Newfoundland and Labrador ranks fourth
among all the Canadian provinces. In 2014, the province's total GHG emissions were 10.6 Mt, or
1.4% of all annual national GHG emissions. It's crucial to develop alternative renewable energy
sources for energy generation in Newfoundland and Labrador to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Although remote communities' greenhouse gas emissions may not be as high as those of urban areas,
because they are not connected to the grid, diesel generators are continuously running throughout the
year, which can significantly increase their contribution to global warming.
Additionally, the environment in and around these isolated communities is much more sensitive to
changes in the environment. Even a minor environmental disturbance can have a significant impact
on local wildlife and flora, as well as on people. Two Inuit communities that depend heavily on
their natural surroundings are Hopedale and Nain, and any disruption to it has a significant impact
on them. For instance, a rise in temperature disturbs the stability of frozen soil and sea ice
conditions, which has an impact on the transportation network and, consequently, the food supply
chain to these communities. External global emissions have a serious impact as well. It has been
noted that the Arctic is warming at a rate that is almost twice as fast as the rest of the world.
Figure 1.1: Location of the selected remote communities
There may be opportunities to implement other renewable projects like hydro and solar in remote
communities like Nain, Hopedale, and Ramea because of their abundant wind resources. This essay
discusses the three locations' current energy situation, the environmental effects of using fossil
fuels there, as well as the energy-related challenges they are currently facing. The paper then
describes how to move forward with implementing new, potentially renewable energy projects in
addition to the clean energy initiatives already in place. The actions being taken by the government
and various other bodies are also discussed.
Figure 2.1: Possibility of transmitting power from maritime and Nova scotia link [1]
By 2026, the Newfoundland and Labrador government wants to replace emissions from fossil fuel use with
emissions from electricity generated by diesel by increasing electrification. 92% of the total installed
capacity in Newfoundland and Labrador is made up of renewable energy sources.
Criteria Value
Capacity (kW) 3,945
Means of Fuel Transportation Ship
Number Of Generator Sets 4
Fuel Storage on Site (Litres) 13,65,400
Annual Supplied Gross Generation (kWh/yr) 96,00,314
Annual Consumer Demand (MWh/yr) 9,280
Annual Fuel Consumption (Litres) 26,41,235
Net Peak (kW) 2279
Nain, Labrador, consumes 16% of the total amount of diesel used by Newfoundland and Labrador's
rural communities. According to the NLhydro report on the reliability of diesel gensets at the Nain
location, diesel units required CAD $25,000 in maintenance over the course of 10,000 operating
hours [7]. The community's growing workload, the high rate of obsolescence, and the difficulty of
performing routine maintenance in a remote location are the causes of the high maintenance costs.
The diesel generator set's original equipment manufacturer has stopped producing it, making
repairs impractical in light of previous attempts to address overheating problems and high
obsolescence. Its replacement with a fresh diesel generator set is the only option.
Figure 2.2: Percentage of fossil fuel used per rural community [2]
The Nain location experienced a significant power outage in January 2013. Two diesel generators
failed simultaneously, and many power outages were reported after 2013 as a result of diesel
generator maintenance problems. The population of the neighborhood has grown, as has the load
demand, since 2010. Peak power demand in 2010 was 1541 kW, and it increased by 12% to 2085
kW in 2019. Peak demand is predicted to be 2297 kW in 2022. The majority of the community's
energy needs are met by homes and heating, and fisheries are important. Since Nain is located in
Labrador's most northerly area, the winters there are particularly harsh, and energy demand
increases significantly.
Energy projects in outlying areas have been assisted by NLhydro on behalf of the Nunatsiavut
Government. However, NLHydro has decreased its capacity because of ongoing problems with one
of the diesel gen-sets. To ensure reliable operation at Nain, Hydro has suggested replacing the
damaged diesel generator. It has not yet been decided whether to replace the new diesel generator
due to the high cost of doing so and concerns about greenhouse emissions. Currently, one of the
diesel generators is malfunctioning and only operates at a reduced capacity, while the other
generators are operating at full capacity to serve the entire community load. However, it doesn't
meet the requirements for a community's ability to receive safe electricity. In addition, there is
always a chance that a community will experience a power outage because a shipping service is
unavailable or a diesel generator fails.
Newfoundland and Labrador is already experiencing the effects of climate change. Hurricanes and
tropical storms now occur more frequently than they did a century ago, and coastal erosion, sea
level rise, and sea surge have an impact on coastal and marine areas. About 0.8°C above historical
averages, the annual average temperature. Travel in northern Labrador may be impacted by the rate
at which Newfoundland and Labrador's winter season is shortening, which in some areas could be
up to four to five weeks.
The main cause of greenhouse gas emissions is the production of energy from fossil fuels. The
environment and health of the small community of Nain are significantly impacted by its complete
reliance on diesel generation. As each diesel generator can run at its nameplate rating, it also
prevents community growth in addition to greenhouse gas emissions caused by the use of fossil
fuels. Any community growth will result in a higher need for energy, necessitating the purchase of
an additional diesel generator set, an expensive option for meeting the increased demand. Since the
peak energy demand for 2025 is predicted to be 2333 kW, a 2% increase over the peak energy
demand for 2022 is expected. It is difficult to transport diesel to Nain because it is situated in the
northernmost region of Labrador. Diesel spills while being transported by ship are a possibility, as
is diesel leaking from storage. Leaks can contaminate the soil and groundwater in the surrounding
areas, which is extremely dangerous and harmful to the community [8]. In Manitoba, a remote
community in Canada, there was only one case reported, and remediation was estimated to have
cost $3.6 million.
Figure 2.3: Climate zone for Newfoundland and Labrador [3]
The Nain Wind Micro Grid Project was put forth in February 2021 and has been examined by the
government. under the committee on climate change and the environment. To reduce greenhouse
gas emissions from the production of diesel energy, the government announced a project that
would be released in September 2021. The proposed wind installation is 2 km from the town and
has a 1.8 MW to 2.3 MW capacity.
To meet energy needs on days without wind or when renewable energy sources are not available,
pumped hydro can be suggested for Nain, Labrador. The best way to increase the amount of wind
energy entering the grid is to use hybrid wind-pumped hydro storage systems.
Since Nain is a remote location, it would not be practical to connect it to the Newfoundland power
grid to provide backup power in the event of a power outage. The Nain wind-battery-diesel project
is the largest implementation to date, so finding another energy source to support operations on
calm days is crucial. Because communities' load demands are rising and more energy storage will
be needed in the future, wind-battery systems may be a costly solution to implement.
Pumped hydro storage can be suggested for the hilly area, which is elevated 200 meters from the
nearby pond, as shown in Figure 2.5. Due to construction costs, the pumped-hydro project may
have a high initial cost, but over the long run, it will be a cost-effective solution. Additionally, the
development of agriculture and the creation of more jobs are both aided by pumped hydro.
Figure 2.5: Proposed wind-farm and pumped hydro storage (Source- Google map)
For remote heating in communities, biogas can be a useful solution. Although it is an outdated
method of generating energy, biogas is both economical and environmentally friendly. Because
methane burns cleaner than other fossil fuels, switching to another fuel is another option for
lowering greenhouse gas emissions. In order to reduce emissions from diesel vehicles, fuel
switching can also be done in transportation. Due to a lack of understanding and the expensive
electricity provided as a result of the project, implementing renewable energy plans in remote
communities also has some social effects. The Canadian government has started a number of
initiatives to help off-grid communities adopt clean energy.
It is not feasible to implement 100% clean energy projects right away in Nain, Labrador, due to
problems with renewable energy source availability. However, reducing greenhouse gas emissions
in remote communities is possible with the help of fuel switching, more energy-efficient products,
electrifying transportation, and working with customers to lower peak demand.
In the northern part of Labrador, Hopedale is home to an Inuit community. There are 596 people
living in 208 private homes within the community, which has a total land area of 2.18 square
kilometres. The Nunatsiavut assembly convenes in Hopedale. 4 Diesel Generator sets with a
combined installed capacity of 2629 kW supply all of the community's energy requirements.
Operator of these diesel generator sets is Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. The region's peak
power demand is 1024 kW, and annual energy production is 5,293,118 kWh. Hopedale is reached
by a ship using fossil fuels, with a total diesel consumption of 1485 Kilo liters.
As can be seen from Table 2.2, Hopedale's energy needs are entirely met by fossil fuels. Domestic
loads are the main consumers of energy, with home heating and water heating being the two
biggest consumers. According to figure 2.2, Hopedale, one of Canada's remote communities,
consumes 9% of all fossil fuels used by remote communities, placing it third among them all.
Since the community does not currently produce any renewable energy and is situated in one of the
province's most northern regions, there is no way for it to connect to the local grid. Due to the need
for expensive infrastructure as well as challenging and remote terrain, the cost of installing a
transmission and distribution network up to the community will be excessive.
Nowadays, people are aware that using fossil fuels is one of the main causes of global warming and
that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is necessary to return global temperatures to pre-industrial
levels. Indigenous people who live in Hopedale are incredibly reliant on the natural world around
them.The effects of climate change on the local population are much more severe even though
there are less GHG emissions than in urban areas. Even a small emission can cause significant
harm to the local flora and fauna because the environment in and around local communities is
much more sensitive to environmental changes.
Along with carbon dioxide, harmful gases like benzene, arsenic, and formaldehyde are released by
diesel generator exhaust. These may lead to respiratory illnesses in the neighborhood. It is very
difficult for the locals to manage the negative effects of using the current energy generation method
because there aren't any medical facilities nearby. Currently, oil is fed manually into the generator
sets that are in use, which can result in oil spills on land, and diesel is transported to Hopedale via
ships, which can result in spills in the ocean. A million liters of drinking water can be contaminated
by one liter of diesel, it is important to remember this. Additionally, the emission caused by the use
of fossil fuels is increased by the transportation of fuel by ships. As a result, using fossil fuels has
serious negative effects. The recent oil spill at Postville demonstrated how an oil spill can impact
the nearby indigenous community, their food chain, as well as the local wildlife.
The difficulty for remote communities is that the least expensive and most dependable method of
generating energy is diesel generation, particularly in the harsh winter climate. The diesel generator
sets are simple to maintain even with a small maintenance staff. Due to the generator sets'
continuous operation throughout the year in remote communities with lower installed power
capacities, there may be significant emissions from these areas as well. The energy content factor
(EC), emission factor (EF), and annual diesel consumption all contribute to the emissions from a
diesel plant. Diesel fuel has an EC of 38.6 GJ/kL and an EF of 69.5 KgC02-e/GJ. 1485 kilo liters of
diesel are consumed in Hopedale each year. This causes a total annual emission of 3983 tons of
greenhouse gases, including formaldehyde, benzene, arsenic, and other gases like carbon dioxide
and carbon monoxide.
The use of fossil fuels is a recognized cause of climate change, and the rate of warming in the
Arctic is nearly twice as fast as the rest of the world, according to a report by the Newfoundland
government. The native population in towns like Hopedale is being impacted much more severely
by this. Frozen soil instability and dangerous sea ice conditions are some effects of global
warming. The food supply chain, ship services, and import of goods and services are all impacted
by this. Winter transportation services are also impacted. The provincial government and the
government of Nunatsiavut have undertaken various initiatives, including:
1. Collaboration with Northern communities and the Nunatsiavut government to comprehend the
unique requirements of the Inuit community, identify issues, and look for potential opportunities to
plan climate change actions at Hopedale.
2. Participation in the development of the federal government's Arctic policy framework. This policy
aims to combat climate change's effects and advance the ecosystem health of the Arctic and the
this strategy aims to build economies and communities that can flourish for many years. It requires
both anticipatory (changing our behavior before the effects of climate change become apparent)
and responsive (being ready to adjust to extreme climate change occurrences like hurricanes,
floods, etc.) actions. Controlling risks and ensuring that Northern infrastructure, ecosystems, and
cultures are adaptable to changing conditions are both necessary for adaptation.
4. The permafrost is melting as a result of climate change, which has an impact on the road system
in places like Hopedale. Similar to this, the risks connected with ship transportation are rising as a
result of the shifting sea ice conditions. With this initiative, money will be allocated to help
Hopedale deal with its particular problems.
5. The goal of SmartICE is to keep an eye on the ice conditions in Northern Labrador. This is a
collaborative effort between the traditional Inuit ice experts, Memorial University geographers,
business, and the government. The gathered information and its analysis aid in predicting how the
Northern region's ice will respond to climate change.
6. The Nunatsiavut people and their government have determined the strategies and adjustments that
remote community residents will need to make in order to cope with the effects of climate change. To
stop soil erosion, the community is using techniques like planting trees and putting up wattle fences and
gabion cages. The Nunatsiavut government has launched a number of energy-related initiatives,
including a program to train trainers for tradespeople with an interest in renewable energy and
youth energy training initiatives for the development of solar industry skills.
1. The community of Hopedale is able to reduce its emissions thanks to rooftop solar installation.
In its 2016 report, the Nunatsiavut energy security plan suggested studying a wind energy-diesel
demonstration plant as well as a small hydro-diesel reduction project in Hopedale. The execution of
such a feasibility report or its outcomes, however, are not supported by any evidence. The study of
the potential for different renewable energy projects in Hopedale is shown below.
2. Hydro Power Potential: The dependence on diesel generators could be decreased by installing a
micro hydro power plant in the area. Less diesel fuel will be used as a result, lowering GHG
emissions. According to, Hopedale has a hydro potential of 530 kW, which could produce a total of
3.21 GWh in energy. Up to 60% of the community's energy needs can be satisfied by this. If the
total capital cost is extrapolated to today's prices, this will require a total capital investment of
16.40 million dollars, yielding a nominal levelized unit energy cost of 33 cents per kWH. Since
there are no fuel costs, the operation cost will be low despite the high capital cost. It is necessary to
assess the environmental impacts of installing a hydro project, including its effect on aquatic life.
3. Wind Potential: Hopedale has excellent wind resources because it is one of Labrador's most
northern regions. The data on Hopedale's monthly average wind speed is shown in Figure 2.6.
Average wind speeds remain above 19 km/hr or 5.2 m/s from September through April, with
December seeing the highest wind speeds of 27.2 km/h. Installation of 8 units, each rated at 100
kW, will yield a total energy output of 2.8 GWh and a 6.85-million-dollar investment. The cost of
generation will be $1.31 per kWh.
4. Solar Energy Installation: Hopedale's solar resource is average and primarily available in the
summer. The solar radiation data shown in figure 2.7 demonstrate this. The Hopedale Nanuk
Centre now has a 24 kW roof-top solar installation from the Nunatsiavut government, which will
supply 40% of the center's energy needs and lessen its reliance on the diesel plant. Figure 2.8
depicts the installation.
Figure 2.8: 24kW Roof top solar installation at Hopedale Nanuk Centre. [6]
Irrespective of the type of renewable energy project implemented in Hopedale, a significant amount
of power generation shall continue to exist from Diesel generation plant in the community. The
diesel plant will provide the necessary active and reactive power flow which would otherwise not
be available from wind or solar installation. Accordingly, it is important to investigate the methods
of reduction of GHG gas emissions in the existing diesel generation plants. Fuel switching to
renewable diesel from natural fats and plant material as well as use of ultra-low Sulphur diesel
could lower the emissions. Carbon pricing could also be introduced, and the corresponding revenue
earned could be invested in the energy efficiency improvement projects within the community
itself. Thus, the revenue collected would be indirectly returned to the consumers itself in terms of
energy saved from high efficiency equipment. The energy efficiency levels at dwellings of
Hopedale are at medium level and hence there is scope of improvement of energy efficiency in the
electrical appliances also. Automated fuel feed systems to diesel storage tanks could reduce
spillage as well as wastage. Installation of higher stacks for the diesel generation plants could lower
the local emission to the community.
Grey River. Because of this connectivity problem, Ramea depends on diesel for its electricity
generation. Total electricity generation is still primarily dependent on diesel. So, the combustion of
diesel emits greenhouse gases and contributes to the global warming problem. Ramea is selected
for this report because it is a land of remote community and depends on the combustion of diesel
for electricity generation. In this report, the existing electricity generation system of Ramea will be
explained chronologically. After that, problems of the existing system will be identified based on
the carbon emission perspective. Finally, solutions to overcome the problems will be proposed.
For household and business purposes, Ramea needs electricity. The distribution of companies in the
business industries sector of Ramea is depicted as follows:
Business industries
Public Admin: 1
Agriculture: 4
Other Services: 5
Construction: 1
Manufacturing: 1
Accommodation: 1
Retail: 2
Health Care: 1
Finance: 1 Transportation: 2
Information: 1
6x65KW = 390KW Windmatic Wind Turbines
Medium penetration wind diesel
Power purchased 1,200,000 KWh from IPP.
Wind energy penetration level 10%.
Offset over 325,000 litres of fuel (diesel) and 930 tonnes of pollution
Timeline: 2008-present Three new wind turbines, hydrogen electrolyser, storage tank and
hydrogen genset have been installed by NL Hydro. Addition of
installed capacity is 550 KW.
3x100 KW = 300 KW from Wind Turbines
250 KW from Hydrogen Genset.
Initially, diesel engines (3x925KW = 2775KW) were used to meet the community's electricity demand. To
reduce the dependency of diesel, six units of wind turbines (6x65KW = 390KW) were added to the system.
These wind turbines introduced the integration of electricity generation from renewable energy sources into
the grid system of electricity from fossil fuels. Here, diesel engines were capable of meeting the total
electricity demand of the community. But the installation of wind turbines was an initiative to reduce the
consumption of fossil fuels. As we know, there are almost 21 isolated communities in Newfoundland and
Labrador where only diesel engines are the only source of electricity generation. But to growing concern
over the adverse effect of burning fossil fuels, installing wind turbines was the right decision. In 2004, 6
wind turbines were installed, and electricity generation started with diesel engines. Frontier Power Systems
was the company responsible for the installation and implementation of the Energy Management System
(EMS). That EMS was used to integrate the operation of wind turbines and diesel engines. After the
operation of both wind turbines and diesel engines for six years, it was found that there was a gap between
the available electricity from the wind turbines and the consumed electricity from the wind turbines. To
solve this problem, a new idea for an energy storage system was developed. In 2008, hydrogen
electrolyzer, storage tank, and hydrogen internal combustion engine were installed to solve the energy
storage problem. At that time, another three units of wind turbines with an installed capacity of another 300
KW were installed. From that time, the total installed capacity of wind turbines is 690 KW. It was done to
increase the wind energy penetration level. As we know, the demand for electricity and wind speed are
variable quantities. When there is enough wind energy but less electricity demand, surplus electricity is
used for hydrogen generation. The hydrogen electrolyzer consumes electricity and produces oxygen and
hydrogen. That hydrogen is stored in the storage tank. When there is high demand for electricity and wind
speed is low, electricity is produced from hydrogen combustion. This practice can reduce the consumption
of diesel.
Frontier Power Systems:
Frontier Power Systems installed six units of wind turbines with a total capacity of 390 KW.
Wind Turbines
Wind Turbines installed by
Community Grid Frontier Power
installed by NL Hydro
(3x100KW=300KW) Systems
Diesel Generator
Lifetime Results (Short Tons)1 751.695 43.006 62.367 280.272 55,575.1 18.7 million
1. 1 short ton=2000 lbs
used in Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) to produce steam. This steam can be used in
refineries, industries, or enhanced oil recovery plants. Cogeneration increases the overall efficiency of
the process.
Fuel Switching:
This kind of project changes the fuel for the existing process plant. Coal can be replaced by natural gas
to reduce carbon emissions in an existing thermal power plant. Biomass To Liquid (BTL) can be used
in existing engines without modification.
Flare Reduction:
When gas is accumulated in less quantity from the oil extraction plant, this gas is generally burned at
the site as it is not commercially used. It creates noise as well as air pollution. This flared gas can be
used in electricity generation and oil fields for enhanced oil recovery.
il t r r r r
pr ay u ne ul
y us be be be be
u u a A M J J g m to m m
n br M A
e c e e
Fe e O ov ec
Figure 2.12: Monthly wind speed at Ramea [19]
Source: NASA Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resource (POWER) database. Monthly average wind
speed at 50m above the surface of the earth over 30 years (Jan. 1984-Dec. 2013)
From the above figure, it is found that the monthly average wind speed varies. Maximum wind speed has
been found in January (8.48 m/s), followed by December (8.45 m/s) and February (8.09 m/s). June has the
minimum average wind speed (5.63 m/s). The average wind speed of the existing wind turbine facilities is
7.04 m/s. As we know, during the winter, the peak demand for electricity happens for heating purposes.
From the data, it is advantageous that during the winter season, the wind speed is higher with respect to
other seasons. More wind speed means more electricity can be generated from the wind turbines to meet
the excess demand.
100 84 81
80 70 72 75
ry ar
y ch il ay ne ly st be
r er be
a ar pr Ju Ju u ob
nu br
M A M ug em ct em em
Ja Fe
A pt O ov ec
Se N D
Capacity factor of wind turbines
0.51 0.50
0.50 0.48
0.44 0.44
0.40 0.37 0.38
Capacity Factor
0.30 0.26 0.24
0.22 0.22
ry ry ch il ay e ly st be
r er be
a a ar pr Ju
Ju u ob
nu b ru M A M ug te
m ct em em
Ja Fe
A p O ov ec
Se N D
Wind Speed (m/s)
Hours (Hrs)
have existed there. It is the main challenge to implement this project successfully.
3.00 2.72
ry ry ch il ay ne ly st be
r er be
a a ar pr Ju Ju u ob
nu b ru M A M ug te
m ct em em
Ja Fe
A p O ov ec
Se N D
Figure 2.16: Monthly average solar radiation at Ramea [20]
As the proposed model includes photo voltaic (PV) panels to generate electricity from solar energy, it is
important to find the data on solar radiation and the amount of generated electricity from 500 KW PV
panels. It would be helpful to validate the proposal. Solar radiation data has been collected from the
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) database. The above figure shows that from March to
September, solar radiation at Ramea is more than 4 KWh/m2/day. From Fig-4, it was found that from May
to September, wind turbines were run at a lower capacity factor (26%-31%). During these months of the
year, solar PV panels will be used to compensate less the output from wind turbines.
40000 33305
30000 22648 22396
20000 17899
ry ry ch il ay ne ly st be
r er be
a a ar pr Ju Ju u ob
nu b ru M A M ug te
m ct em em
Ja Fe
A p O ov ec
Se N D
From the above figure, it is found that PV panels generate more electricity from March to September.
During the winter (November-February), PV panels at the Ramea site cannot produce enough electricity.
NREL's PVWatts® Calculator calculates annual electricity generation from PV panels at Ramea.
Table 2.6: Summary of the calculation [20]
Location and Station Identification
Location Ramea, NL
Latitude 47.53° N
Longitude 57.38° W
PV System Specifications
DC System Size 500 KW
Module Type Standard
Array Type Fixed (open rack)
Array Tilt 20°
Array Azimuth 180°
System Losses 14.08%
Inverter Efficiency 96%
DC to AC Size Ratio 1.2
Capacity Factor 12.8%
Annual Average Solar Radiation (kWh/m2/day) 3.72
Annual AC Energy (kWh) Generation 561668
Source Tool: NREL's PVWatts® Calculator (https://pvwatts.nrel.gov/)
395 410
400 375 375
350 350 340 350
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Hours in a day
2. The hydrogen engine (250 KW) will be powered by the electricity generated from wind turbines
and PV. To ensure grid stability, it is proposed that the electricity generated from wind turbines
and PV panels will be used to produce electricity from hydrogen engine.
3. Diesel engines are oversized compared to Ramea's daily average load (489 KW). In the proposed
model, only one diesel engine will supply 277.5 KW (minimum capacity = 30% of 925 KW), and
the remaining demand will be met by a hydrogen generator.
4. In this proposed model, minimum diesel consumption is ensured to reduce carbon emissions.
5. The proposed model will be controlled by a less complex control mechanism by EMS because the
proposed model will not face the issue of intermittent wind speed.
Hydrogen Hydrogen Generator
Electrolyser Storage (250 KW)
Diesel Generator
of three diesel engines is unused throughout the year. For that reason, one diesel engine will remain in the
system to ensure the 100% availability of electricity at Ramea.
From the detailed study outlined in above sections, the various energy scenarios, and the
environmental impacts of energy at the three communities it can be seen that:
1. As main grid connection to remote communities is not possible, hence diesel generation shall be
required as a power source in the remote communities. However, the GHG emission at these
places can be reduced by exploring other methods of energy generation which are environmentally
2. Wind energy is feasible at all three locations with projects already implemented in Remea and
one planned in Nain. Hopedale with its rich wind resource provides complete opportunity to install
wind turbines of upto 800kW. Wind and battery storage project at Nain is already approved.
3. Roof Solar installation can benefit in long terms. Such installations are already being tested in
Hopedale and Nain. The systems do not require much maintenance and even with lower solar
resource can help in some reduction of GHG emissions. A centralized solar generation may not be
feasible but the distributed roof top installation could help offset some of the energy use from the
fossil based source.
4. Hydro power is a cost intensive solution but if implemented can be used to completely offset
the diesel generation. However, the high economic cost, effect on local flora and fauna as well as
aquatic life can be the main challenges.
5. Energy efficiency improvement can play a significant role in energy conservation in all three
communities. The current medium level energy efficiency levels could be improved. Energy
conservation awareness and training programs can play a significant role in these communities. A
lot of effort has already been taken by Nunatsiavut government for energy savings and awareness
about renewable energy generation. Programs like youth awareness program and training for
trainers are efforts in the right direction.
6. The installation of renewable like wind turbines will require energy storage due to intermittent nature
of the renewable source. Hydrogen generation and then production of electricity from hydrogen
engine was implemented in Remea but the hydrogen engine has not performed as desired. More
efficient hydrogen engine generators could be explored to resolve the issue. Use of Hydrogen in
fuel cell technologies and fuel cell cars can be explored in the future once the technology is
commercially available.
7. Stationary Li-Ion batteries could be explored as energy storage. Further with the onset of
electric vehicles, the batteries inside the EVs could act as storage and can supply power during
peak hours. However, a significant number of vehicles will have to be converted to electric before
this option is used.
8. Irrespective of the type of renewable energy generation used in these 3 communities, the diesel
generation shall remain an integral part of energy generation at these three places. Hence it is
important to implement GHG emission reduction processes as outlined in the section 2.2.5 above.
Global warming has become one of the most significant threats to humanity. Even a small
contribution to the reduction of GHG gases can contribute significantly. Remote communities in
Canada cannot be connected to grid and hence depend on diesel generators for their energy needs.
The environmental impacts of using fossil fuels in these communities have been examined. The
emissions not only add to the global warming but also affect the local population, wildlife, flora,
and fauna significantly. Warming affects sea ice safety, frozen soil stability, melts permafrost and
is significantly affecting the relationship between the local Inuit community and the surrounding
There are clear possibilities to implement wind farm projects in all three communities of Nain, Hopedale
and Remea. Wind farm has already been approved by the government for Nain. There is a possibility of
implanting pumped storage in the nearby hilly areas of Nain. Remea has an existing setup of running
wind farms of ratings 6x65 kW and 3x100 kW. Energy storage is available in the form of 2000 cubic meters
of hydrogen tanks with 162 kW hydrogen electrolysers and a 250 kW hydrogen genset. There is also a
possibility of implementing solar PV of 500 kW. Similarly, in Hopedale there is a potential of
implementing 530 kW of hydro power. A wind farm of 8x100 kW could also be implemented in
Hopedale based on the wind resource. A solar installation of 24 kW roof top is already implemented in
Hopedale and hence there is scope for further installations. Even with significant amount of renewable
generation, these communities will still continue to use Diesel generation because of the power system
requirements. Hence it is important to implement methods to reduce the emissions from existing diesel
generator as discussed in this paper.
various renewable energy projects, the government is also executing programs like Arctic policy
framework, Northern Adaptation strategy, North transportation adaptation initiative, SmartICE,
etc. In addition to renewable projects, it is important to consider energy conservation projects to
save the generated electricity. Renewable energy and energy conservation projects will not only
stimulate the community’s economic growth but will also create jobs besides lowering GHG
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