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WHEREAS, rabies poses a significant public health threat to the residents and animals within our
barangay, necessitating the implementation of effective measures to prevent and control its spread.
WHEREAS, the active participation and cooperation of the community are vital in the successful
implementation of the Rabies Control Program.
The Barangay Council hereby establishes the Barangay Rabies Control Program, hereinafter referred
to as the Program, to be responsible for the prevention and control of rabies within the barangay.
Conducting regular vaccination campaigns for dogs and cats within the barangay to prevent the
spread of rabies.
Implementing educational campaigns and information dissemination programs to raise awareness
about the risks of rabies and the importance of responsible pet ownership.
Establishing a systematic registration and monitoring system for all pet animals in the barangay to
ensure compliance with vaccination requirements.
Collaborating with local veterinary services and animal welfare organizations to provide accessible
and affordable rabies vaccination services for pet owners.
Enforcing regulations and ordinances related to responsible pet ownership, including leash laws and
restrictions on stray animals, to minimize the risk of rabies transmission.
Coordinating with neighboring barangays and relevant government agencies to address cross-border
rabies control issues and ensure a comprehensive and unified approach to rabies prevention and
Organizing and conducting training programs for barangay residents, especially animal handlers, on
proper animal handling techniques and the identification of rabies symptoms.
Section 4. Meetings and Reporting:
The Program shall convene regular meetings to discuss updates, progress, and challenges related to
the Rabies Control Program. A report on the activities and progress of the Program shall be submitted
to the Barangay Captain on a quarterly basis.
Section 5. Effectivity:
This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its approval.
RESOLVED FURTHER, that copies of this resolution shall be furnished to all concerned offices and
agencies for their information and guidance.