LS English 8 Mid Point Test Editable
LS English 8 Mid Point Test Editable
LS English 8 Mid Point Test Editable
Read the text below (an extract from an online article), then answer questions 1–6.
honing: working to perfect something
Structural technique:
3 Explain, using your own words, what ‘open invitation’ means in line 4.
6 a List the benefits that children gain from cooking mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 4
(lines 13–24).
b Write a summary of up to 50 words about the benefits children gain when they learn to
cook. Include five points from your list. Use your own words as far as possible.
Section B: Writing
Spend around 20 minutes on this section.
1 Write an article for your school magazine about the importance of eating healthy food. You
should write three paragraphs.
You could consider:
why it is important to eat healthily
your favourite healthy foods
how families can eat healthily together.