Lecture - 3 The Skeletal System

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The Skeletal System

 Parts of the skeletal system

1. Bones (skeleton)
2. Joints
3. Cartilages
4. Ligaments

 The skeletal system Divided into two divisions

1. Axial skeleton
2. Appendicular skeleton

Functions of Bones
1. Support of the body
2. Protection of soft organs
3. Movement due to attached skeletal muscles
4. Storage of minerals and fats
5. Blood cell formation

Bones of the Human Body

 The skeleton has 206 bones

 Two basic types of bone tissue

1. Compact bone
 Homogeneous
2. Spongy bone
 Small needle-like pieces of bone
 Many open spaces

Classification of Bones
1. Long bones
 Typically longer than wide
 Have a shaft with heads at both ends
 Contain mostly compact bone
 Examples: Femur, humerus

2. Short bones
 Generally cube-shape
 Contain mostly spongy bone
 Examples: Carpals, tarsals

3. Flat bones
 Thin and flattened
 Usually curved
 Thin layers of compact bone around of spongy bone
 Examples: Skul, ribs, sternum

4. Irregular bones
 Irregular shape
 Do not fit into other bone classification categories
 Example: Vertebrae and hip
Changes in the Human Skeleton
 In embryos, the skeleton is primarily hyaline cartilage
 During development, much of this cartilage is replaced by bone
 Cartilage remains in isolated areas
1. Bridge of the nose
2. Parts of ribs
3. Joints

Bone Growth
 Bones are remodeled and lengthened until growth stops
 Bones change shape somewhat
 Bones grow in width

Bone Fractures
 A break in a bone
 Types of bone fractures
1. Closed (simple) fracture - break that does not penetrate the skin
2. Open (compound) fracture – broken bone penetrates through the skin
 Bone fractures are treated by reduction and immobilization
 Realignment of the bone

Common Types of Fractures

Repair of Bone Fractures

 Hematoma (blood-filled swelling) is formed

 Break is splinted by fibrocartilage to form a callus
 Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a bony callus
 Bony callus is remodeled to form a permanent patch

Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture

The Axial Skeleton

 Forms the longitudinal part of the body
 Divided into three parts
1. Skull
2. Vertebral column
3. Bony thorax

The Skull
 Two sets of bones
1. Cranium
2. Facial bones
 Bones are joined by sutures
 Only the mandible is attached by a freely movable joint
Paranasal Sinuses
 Hollow portions of bones surrounding the nasal cavity
 Functions of paranasal sinuses
1. Lighten the skull
2. Give resonance and amplification to voice

The Hyoid Bone

 The only bone that does not articulate with another bone
 Serves as a moveable base for the tongue

The Fetal Skull

 The fetal skull is large compared to the infants total body length
 Fontanelles - fibrous membranes connecting the cranial bones
 Allow the brain to grow
 Convert to bone within 24 months after birth

The Vertebral Column

 Vertebral separated by intervertebral discs

 The spine has a normal curvature
 Each vertebrae is given a name according to its location
The Bony Thorax

 Forms a cage to protect major organs

 Made-up of three parts
1. Sternum
2. Ribs
3. Thoracic vertebrae

The Appendicular Skeleton

1. Limbs (appendages)
2. Pectoral girdle
3. Pelvic girdle

The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle

 Composed of two bones

1. Clavicle - collarbone
2. Scapula - shoulder blade
 These bones allow the upper limb to have
exceptionally free movement

Bones of the Upper Limb

 The arm is formed by a single bone  The forearm has two bones  The hand
1. Humerus 1. Ulna 1. Carpals - wrist
2. Radius 2. Metacarpals - palm
3. Phalanges - fingers
Gender Differences of the Pelvis

Bones of the Pelvic Girdle

 Hip bones
 Composed of three pair of fused bones
1. llium
2. Ischium
3. Pubic bone
 The total weight of the upper body rests on the pelvis
 Protects several organs
1. Reproductive organs
2. Urinary bladder
3. Part of the large intestine

Bones of the Lower Limbs

The thigh has one bone The leg has two bones The foot

Femur - thigh bone Tibia Tarsus - ankle

Fibula Metatarsals - sole

Phalanges - toes

Arches of the Foot

 Bones of the foot are arranged to form three strong arches

 Two longitudinal
 One transverse

 Articulations of bones  Functions of joints  Ways joints are classified
1. Hold bones together 1. Functionally
2. Allow for mobility 2. Structurally

Structural Classification of Joints

1. Fibrous joints 2. Cartilaginous joints 3. Synovial joints
 Generally immovable  Immovable or slightly  Freely moveable
Fibrous Joints
 Bones united by fibrous tissue
 Examples
1. Sutures
2. Syndesmoses
 Allows more movement than sutures
 Example : distal end of tibia and fibula

Cartilaginous Joints
 Bones connected by cartilage
 Examples
1. Pubic symphysis
2. Intervertebral joints

Synovial Joints
 Articulating bones are separated by a joint cavity
 Synovial fluid is found in the joint cavity

Features of Synovial Joints

 Articular cartilage (hyaline cartilage) covers the ends of bones
 Joint surfaces are enclosed by a fibrous articular capsule
 Have a joint cavity filled with synovial fluid
 Ligaments reinforce the joint

Structures Associated with the Synovial Joint

 Bursae - flattened fibrous sacs
 Lined with synovial membranes
 Filed with synovial fluid
 Not actually part of the joint
 Tendon sheath
 Elongated bursa that wraps around a tendon

Types of Synovial Joints Based on Shape

Developmental Aspects of the Skeletal System

 At birth, the skull bones are incomplete
 Bones are joined by fibrous membranes - fontanelles
 Fontanelles are completely replaced with bone within two years after birth

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