Chapter II

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This chapter identifies the form of this business that will thrive in the future. This

chapter is an organization of the goals of the company and its priorities will be


1. Personnel (Administrative)

Administrative personnel must be properly selected since they will be the one

who will operate the business and will be part of the business’ success. Thus,

physically and mentally fit individual must be properly selected.

Eggcellent Balut Making only needs a small workforce and will be a regular

employee. The business will be open at 8:00 in the morning and will be closed 4:00 in

the afternoon.

Manager/ Owner

Classifier/ Egg Egg Collector

Figure 1: Organizational Chart

2. Projected Salary

The table presents the employees' salaries daily, monthly, and annually. The salaries

are increasing 500 pesos annually.

Monthly Total Annual Total

No. of Rate/ Monthly Rate/ Basic
Positions Emplo Basic Employee Salary Employee (Annually Year Year 3
yees 28 Days 28 Days 336 Days ) – Year 1 2
Classifier/ 1 350 P9,800 9, 800 117,600 117, 600 123, 600 129,600
Collector 1 400 11,200 11, 200 134, 400 134, 400 140,400 146,400
Total 2 750 21,000 21,000 252, 000 252, 000 264, 000 276, 000

Table 2. Projected Salary

3. Projected Benefits

1. Free Medical Expenses

It is inherited to us humans to become sick, or other things we not wish to happened. To

build the level of commitment from your employees it is essential that you provide them

with benefits first. This medical expense will cover the all of the expenses to the

employees who will be sick or other bad happenings that is related to the work.

2. Insurance
In order to secure its safety on the things that might unexpectedly happened, the

employees must have to secure its future.

3. Motivation to Employees

In order to productively do their respective responsibilities and keeping good relationship

towards the owner, a reward must be given to each employee such as year-end bonuses,

increase of salary, and giving additional compensation for having big sales.

4. Open Communication

Promoting an open door of communication for all. As Paul Meyer said “communication

is the key personal and career success”. To achieve success, all of the happenings in the

organization must be address and reported to the manager.

5. Company Policies and Regulations

1. Recruitment policy

On the recruitment policy, the potential employee must meet the requirements and passed

the step-by-step process of the recruitment.

2. Time periods policy

Employees must follow established work schedules. The usual work schedule is 56 hours

per week, Monday through Sunday. Normal work hours at Eggcellent Balut Making are

from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Rest period is an employment privilege. Rest periods may not
be “saved” to shorten the employee’s workday, and to extend lunch break. Abuse of rest

period may result in loss of the privilege.

3. Attendance and Punctuality Policy

This policy defines expectations regarding employee attendance, punctuality, and leave


4. Leave and Time-Off Policy

This policy outlines various types of leave, such as vacation, sick leave, parental leave,

and bereavement leave, and provides guidelines for requesting and taking time off.

5. Health and Safety Policy

This policy promotes a safe and healthy work environment, outlining safety procedures,

reporting mechanisms for hazards or accidents, and responsibilities for maintaining

workplace safety.

6. Employee compensation and benefits policy.

7. Routine work policy

The employee’s working time starts from 08:00 am to 04:00 pm.

8. Termination policy

It is beneficial for all parties that the employment separation process is as

clear as possible so misunderstandings and distrust between the employee and the
organization can be avoided. This termination of employment policy applies to all

prospective or current employees of the organization in regards to possible separation of


9. Resignation policy

Process on Resignation

a. The employee who would like to resign should write to the general manager stating

clearly the date on which he\she wish his/her resignation to become effective. It is also

helpful if the employees are prepared to give their reasons for resigning from the

organization. Periods of notice longer than those contractually required will be accepted.

b. When a letter of resignation is received, the General Manager should arrange a leaving

discussion with the employee in order to discuss handover arrangements and gather the

information needed to trigger the Human Resources process.

c. The General Manager should complete the online leavers form to inform Human

Resources that the employee is leaving. The written notification should be attached.

d. Upon receiving the resignation details, Human Resources will issue a letter to the

individual confirming their resignation and the date on which their employment with the

organization will cease.

e. Staff in any doubt about the effective date of resignation, having regard to their

contractual notice period, should contact Human Resource for advice.

Complaints and grievances


1st warning- talks to the employees in private

2nd warning- writes a note that the employee will not do it again

3rd warning- there will be a suspension depending on how severe the action is.

Employees grievance’s

Disagreement of wages 1st warning 2nd Warning 3rd Warnings

Disagreement over hours 1st warning 2nd Warning 3rd warning

I equitable work schedule 1st warning 2nd Warning 3rd warning

Unfair conditions of employment 1st warning 2nd Warning 3rd warning

Harassment of a worker 1st warning 2nd Warning 3rd warning

Discrimination against a worker 1st warning 2nd Warning 3rd warning

Inconsistency performance standards 1st warning 2nd Warning 3rd warning

Table 4. Disciplinary Action

10. Hygiene and sanitation

a) Clean- keep yourself and work areas clean.

b) Arrange- all classified eggs and other equipment must be in the proper area.

c) Proper waste disposal- all cracked and unsalable eggs must be disposed properly.

11. Code of ethics

a. Laws and Regulation

Employees must follow the laws set in place by the government for egg industries and

may not abide by any other set of rules outside of those.

b. Fairness and Corporate Opportunities

Employees must not share things concerning the business with others, and especially no

other business. This includes market strategies as well as job opportunities.

c. The customer

Employees must pay close attention to how they treat the customers. Being fair and equal

when attending to them is the most important thing. There must be no bias on treating

customers and must observe the “first come- first serve” basis. At the same time,

employees must keep in mind that they must entertain well the customers with kindness

and friendly manner.

Project Schedule

The operation of the business will start at 8:00 AM and will end at 4:00 PM.

Table 3: Job Title, Job Description and Job Specification

Job Title Job Description Job Specification

Manager/Owner The manager’s or owner’s  Bachelor’s degree in

duties include managing daily business, management,

operations, making sure the or a related field.

company operates efficiently,  At least 1-2 years of

and supervising the balut experience in a

production process which supervisory or

comprises boiling fertilized management role

duck eggs and packing them  Has the ability to

for sale. They should possess manage and train

effective oral and written employees to assist

communication skills to with the balut making

collaborate with teams when process

needed and to communicate  Has the ability to

with customers and staffs to develop and implement

promote the business and marketing strategies to

increase sales. promote the business

and increase sales.

Classifier/Egg A classifier sorts the fertilized  Has knowledge and

Candler duck eggs according to their background of a balut

developmental stage in a production process

balut manufacturing facility.  Familiarity with

For inventory and production different types of balut

purposes, this includes  Ability to classify duck

keeping track of the quantity eggs based on their

of sorted eggs and their visual properties.

developmental stage. To  Pleasing personalities.

guarantee that the proper eggs  Good communication

are used for each batch of skills.

balut, the classifier must have

excellent attention to detail,

an understanding of the balut-

making process and the

capacity to operate quickly

and precisely.

Egg Collector The duties of an egg roamer  Ability to handle eggs

or collector is to gather carefully to prevent

fertilized duck eggs from breakage and

local farms or suppliers and contamination

deliver them to the balut  Ability to work long

manufacturing factory, hours and perform

checking the eggs for quality, physically demanding

cleanliness, and the absence tasks such as carrying

of cracks or other flaws. They heavy egg baskets.

also record the quantity and  Has the driver’s

quality of eggs gathered for license.

inventory and production  Pleasing personalities.

needs and keeping a tidy and  Good communication

orderly workspace to skills.
guarantee that food safety and

hygiene standards are met.

Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring of Workers

1. Recruitment planning

It is where the vacant positions are analyzed and described. It includes job

specifications and its nature. The potential employee should be qualified,

experienced with capability to take responsibilities required to achieve organizational


2. Strategy development

This is on how or which strategy to adopt for recruiting the potential employee for the


3. Searching

Once the line manager verifies and permits the existence of the vacancy, the search for

potential employee starts.

4. Screening

It is where the process of filtering the applications of the potential employee for further

selection process.

5. Evaluation and Control

The effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are assessed.
Selection/Hiring of Workers

1. Job Analysis

The hiring process starts with a thorough analysis of the job role and its requirements.

This includes defining the responsibilities, skills, and qualifications needed for the


2. Job Posting

A job posting is created and advertised through various channels such as radio, social

media, and posters. This helps attract potential candidates.

3. Resume/CV Screening

After receiving applications, the hiring team reviews resumes or CVs to shortlist

candidates who meet the initial criteria.

4. Phone/Initial Interview

The shortlisted candidates are then contacted for a phone or initial interview. This allows

the employer to assess their communication skills, qualifications, and overall fit for the


5. In-person/Panel Interview
Candidates who perform well in the initial interview are invited for an in-person or panel

interview. This stage may involve multiple rounds of interviews with different

stakeholders within the company.

6. Assessment/Evaluation

Depending on the job role, candidates may be required to undergo assessments or

evaluations to gauge their technical skills, cognitive abilities, or personality traits.

7. Medical examination

Here the physical and mental fitness of the candidate are checked to ensure that he is

capable of performing the job. Thus, this stage is not rigid and can take place anywhere in

the process. The medical examination is an important step in the selection process as it

helps in ascertaining the applicant’s physical ability to fulfil the job requirements.

8. Decision Making

Based on the interview performance, assessments, and reference checks, the employer

evaluates each candidate and selects the one they believe is the best fit for the role.

9. Job Offer

If the chosen candidate meets all the necessary requirements, a job offer is extended. The

offer includes details about compensation, benefits, and other employment terms.
Hiring of Workers

1. Make sure they have an EIN (Employees Identification Number).

2. Define the role the enterprise is hiring for.

3.. Find your candidate

4. Report the newly hired employee to the state employment agency.

5. Obtain workers’ compensation insurance

6. Choose payroll method

Working Schedule


Manager/Owner 8:00 AM 4:00 PM

Classifier/ Egg Candler 8:00 AM 4:00 PM

Egg Collector 8:00 AM 4:00 PM

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