Suliet All-1
Suliet All-1
Suliet All-1
18. (A) Someone from the housing office fixed the 26. (A) She saw only part of it.
faucet. (B) She couldn't go to see it.
(B) Allen called the housing office for her. (C) She wasn't in charge of it.
(C) She replaced the faucet. (D) She didn't understand it.
(D) Allen repaired the faucet.
27. (A) He doesn't like old movies.
19. (A) He didn't know that the woman was class (B) He didn't see a large number of movies .
treasurer. (C) He saw more movies than the woman did.
(B) He doesn't want to be treasurer. (D) His children have seen many movies.
(C) He doesn't think the woman should run for
office. 28. (A) The airport is closed due to bad weather.
(D) He didn't know the elections were today. (B) An earlier closure affected the airport's
20. (A) He doesn't have much time for tennis . (C) The flight is following its regular schedule.
(B) He's enthusiastic about his new courses. (D) The plane will return to its point of
(C) He plays tennis better than she does . departure.
(D) He's not very interested in his school work.
29. (A) She hadn't begun to study biology.
21. (A) He'll drive the woman to the paint store. (B) She hadn't liked the previous biology
(B) He doesn't really like the painting . course.
(C) He'll hold the painting for the woman . (C) She did very well in elementary biology.
(D) He doesn't know where the painting is . (D) She'd already taken all the biology courses .
22. (A) The man hurried through breakfast. 30. (A) She recently moved to Miami.
(B) The room is too warm for a sweater. (B) She needed a vacation.
(C) The man will be late if he doesn't hurry. (C) She'll leave for Miami soon.
(D) The man's appearance shows that he was (D) She was pleased to get his postcard.
Part B
23 .(A) The doctor wasn't feeling well .
(B) He didn't see the new doctor. Questions 31-34
(C) The doctor isn't new to the infirmary.
(D) He met the doctor at a conference. 31. (A) It's too noisy.
(B) It's not convenient to the university.
(C) The heating system is defective. Part C
(D) The owner is unpleasant.
Questions 39-41
32. (A) Tell the owner two months in advance that
she's moving. 39. (A) Summer vacation.
(B) Alert the housing authorities to her problem. (B) The housing office.
(C) Move to another apartment in the same (C) Resident advisers.
building. (D) Check-out procedures.
(D) Leave by the end of the month.
40. (A) Register for summer school.
33. (A) It must be on a higher floor. (B) Repair holes in room walls.
(B) It must have quiet surroundings. (C) Return their keys to the housing office.
(C) It must be within driving distance of the (D) Call the housing office.
(D) It must be in a new building. 41. (A) Their summer addresses.
(B) Any damage to their rooms.
34. (A) Rent would be very expensive. (C) When they plan to leave.
(B) Public transportation wouldn't be available. (D) Questions for the housing office.
(C) Apartment complexes in Windsor are old.
(D) Apartments in Windsor tend to be noisy. Questions 42-45
33.Where in the passage does the author compare 34.What is the main purpose of the passage?
the light of the Sun's outermost layer to that of (A) To emphasize the importance of the mental
another astronomical body? process in performing calculations
(A) Lines 2-3 (B) To explain why some elementary computing
(B) Lines 9-10 systems were not developed until the
(C) Line 16 fifteenth century.
(D) Lines 22-23 (C) describe how ancient counting systems differ
from those of the twentieth century
(D) To compare the mental and physical processes
used in arithmetic
Questions 34-42 .
35. The word "tardy" in line3 is closest in meaning
Many of the computing patterns used today in
elementary arithmetic, such as those for performing
(A) historical
long multiplications and divisions, were developed
(B) basic
as late as the fifteenth century. Two reasons are
(C) unusual
usually advanced to account for this tardy
(D) late
development, namely, the mental difficulties and
the physical difficulties encountered in such work. 36. The word "these"in line 5 refers to
(A) patens
The first of these, the mental difficulties, must
(B) reasons
be somewhat discounted. The impression
(C) systems learning long divisions and in multiplications.
(D) calculations (D) Numeral systems invented before the fifteenth
century could not have been used to perform
37. The word "discounted" in line 5 is closest in elementary calculations .
meaning to
(A) reduced Questions 43-50 .
(B) contradicted
(C) disregarded The ecosystems of the Earth provide an array of
(D) interpreted free public services that are essential for the support
of civilizations . They maintain the quality of` the
38. The author states that doing calculations in a atmosphere , provide food from the sea.
simple grouping system requires Manufacture and replenish soils, recycle wastes and
(A) memorizing numerical combinations nutrients, control the overwhelming majority of
(B) using an adding machine crop pests and disease vectors, and so on.. People
(C) producing large quantities of a writing medium have no idea how to take over these activities
(D) converting number symbols to higher units satisfactorily. They do know, however, that the
theory once advanced in the nineteenth century -
39. The word "encountered" in line 12 is closest in that the productivity of the land can he infinitely
meaning to increased by the application of capital, labor, and
(A) faced science- is wrong. History has shown that once the
(B) caused natural life-support systems of a civilization have
(C) increased been sufficiently damaged, they cannot usually be
(D) discussed repaired. The ancient deforestation and overgrazing
of the Mediterranean region is a famous example.
40. The word "hampered" in line l4 is closest in And today ,a global civilization is ruining the
meaning to global environment.
(A) impeded
(B) concluded 41. What is the main topic of this passage?
(C) unnoticed (A) Free public services
(D) rejected (B) Support needed for civilizations
(C) The vaule of ecosystems
41. The author describes old rag paper as all of the (D) The vastness of the Earth
following EXCEPT
(A) handmade 44. The word "array" in line 1 is closest in meaning
(B) costly to
(C) scarce (A) large number
(D) delicate (B) excess
(C) requirement
42. The passage supports which of the following (D) model
conclusion ?
(A) Physical difficulties hindered the 45.The word "They" in line 2 refers to
development of computing patterns . (A) ecosystems
(B) Memorizing addition and multiplication tables (B) civilizations
is necessary for most elementary arithmetic (C) sea
processes . (D) people.
(C) Most people experience mental difficulties in
46. Which of the following could NOT be included
under the "free public services" listed in lines 2-
(A) Preventing overgrazing by domestic animals
(B) Providing natural animals for harmful insects
(C) Creating and enriching material for plant growth
(D) Supplying air for breathing
5. A. She did not realize that their team had won. 13. A. They should play another time.
B. Their team nearly lost the game. B. They will probably have to play in the
C. She called to find out the score of the game. gym.
D. Their team usually wins its games. C. He prefers to play in the gym
D. It is not supposed to rain tomorrow.
6. A. Join him and Mary at the movie.
B. Ask Mary what she is doing tonight. 14. A. Type the letter as it is.
C. Invite a group of friends to go to the movie. B. Change some wording in his letter.
D. Tell Mary about the movie. C. Send the letter without typing it.
D. Check to make sure his facts are correct.
7. A. Professor Campbell changed the conference
time. 15. A. The woman should call the professor the
B. He is planning to stay until the conference next day.
is finished. B. He is canceling the choir rehearsal
C. He will not attend the concert. because of illness.
D. He will wait for the woman. C. The woman will feel better in a day or two.
D. He will turn up the heat in the choir room.
8. A. She recently purchased laundry detergent.
16. A. They should take another route to the bank. D. Change her work schedule.
B. They turned onto the wrong road.
C. The man will get to the bank before it 24. A. She can help the man until lunchtime.
closes. B. She cannot read the applications until
D. The bank will open soon. after her class.
C. She has a class after lunch.
17. A. Go out to eat when the museum closes. D. She also plans to apply to graduate school.
B. Check that the museum cafeteria is open.
C. Leave the museum temporarily 25. A. Mary will trim her hedge.
D. Meet each other later in the day. B. Phil has a better chance of winning.
C. Mary will win the election.
18. A. The woman should have thrown out the D. Phil will sit on the ledge.
newspapers herself.
B. He does not know where her paper is. 26. A. He thinks the woman's computer is broken.
C. The woman's paper is in the trash. B. He worked on the woman's computer for too
D. He does not have time to help her look for long.
her paper. C. He sometimes gets headaches after doing
computer work.
19. A. The woman can make her call tomorrow. D. He needs to take a longer break.
B. There is a problem with the woman's
telephone. 27. A. The library closed earlier than she expected.
C. The airline's offices are closed. B. She could not find a birthday present.
D. He does not know what the problem could C. She picked Jack up at the golf course.
be. D. The bookstore did not have what she was
looking for.
20. A. He is very hungry.
B. He has made plans to eat with someone else. 28. A. The equipment has already been locked up.
C. He did not like what he ate for lunch. B. The woman should be more careful with the
D. He will go with the woman. equipment.
C. He knows how to operate the equipment.
21. A. She is proud of the man. D. He will put the equipment away.
B. She does not want to see the man's test.
C. She also got a good grade. 29. A. The man did not give the woman the notes
D. She has not taken the test yet. she needed.
B. The man's notes were hard to understand.
22. A. He will tell the woman what to do. C. The woman wants to borrow the man's
B. The meeting will have to be postponed. sociology notes.
C. He will get the job done if he gets some D. The woman has to organize her psychology
instruction. notes.
D. He will need to throw away most of the
32. A. The importance of paying back loans 39. A. They are examples of the usual sequence
promptly. of observation and explanation.
B. A way to help people improve their B. They provide evidence of inaccurate
economic conditions. scientific observation.
C. Using computers to increase business C. Their discovery was similar to that of the
efficiency. neutrino.
D. The expansion of international business. D. They were subjects of 1995 experiments at
Los Alamos.
33. A. It is the topic of his term paper.
B. He would like to find a job there. 40. A. Its mass had previously been measured.
C. His economics professor did research work B. Its existence had been reported by Los
there. Alamos National Laboratory.
D. Microcredit programs have been very C. Scientists were looking for a particle with no
successful there. mass.
D. Scientists were unable to balance
34. A. Cancel her credit card. equations of energy without it.
B. Sign up for the economics seminar.
C. Do research on banks in Asia. 41. A. That it carries a large amount of energy.
D. Type the man's term paper. B. That it is a type of electron.
C. That it is smaller in size than previously th
35. A. The life of a well-known Canadian architect. ought.
B. The architectural design of a new D. That it has a tiny amount of mass.
C. The variety of museums in Washington, 42. A. The clearing of New England forests.
D.C. B. The role of New England trees in British
D. The changing function of the modern shipbuilding.
museum. C. The development of the shipbuilding
industry in New England.
36. A. Both were designed by the same architect. D. The role of the British surveyor general in
B. Both are located in Washington, D.C. colonizing New England.
C. Both feature similar exhibits.
D. Both were built around a central square. 43. A. Law.
B. Mathematics.
C. History. 1. In the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, the United
D. Engineering. States developed the reusable space shuttle
________to space cheaper and easier.
44. A. Sugar maple. A. to make access
B. Oak. B and making access
C. White pine. C. which made accessible
D. Birch. D. and made accessible.
49. A. Avoid attacks by other spiders. 5. Modern skyscrapers have a steel skeleton of
B. Cross some water. beams and columns ___a three-dimensional grid.
C. Jump to the edge of the tray. A. forms
D. Spin a long thread. B. from which forming
C. and forming
50. A. It would keep trying to reach the rock the D. that forms
same way.
B. It would try to reach the rock a different 6. The average level of United States prices grew
way. very little from 1953 until the mid-1960’s when
C. The scientists would move the spider to the ____________.
rock. A. did inflation begin
D. The scientists would place another spider in B. inflation began
the tray. C. the beginning of inflation
D. did the beginning of inflation
Section 2 Structure
7. The basis premise behind all agricultural 13. Newspaper publishers in the united states
production is _____available the riches of the soil have estimated ___________reads a
for human consumption. newspaper every day.
A. to be made A. nearly 80 percent of the adult population
B. the making who
C. making is B. it is nearly 80 percent of the adult population
D. to make C. that nearly 80 percent of the adult population
8. ___to the united states House of Representatives D. that nearly 80 percent of the adult
in 1791, Nathaniel Macon remained in office until population
A. Election 14. The foundation of all other branches of
B. Why he was elected mathematics is arithmetic, _ science of
C. Elected calculating with numbers.
D. Who was elected A. is the
B. the
9. ________ of classical ballet in the united states C. which the
began around 1830. D. because the
A. To teach
B. Is teaching 15. Nylon was ___the human-made fibers.
C. It was taught A. the first of which
D. The teaching B. what the first of
C. it the first of
10. The universe is estimated ___between 10 billion D. the first of
and 20 billion years old.
A. being
B. to be
C. which is
D. is.
13. The author's purposes in paragraph 2 is to 19. According to the passage, what do woodcut and
describe engraving have in common?
A. the woodcuts found in China in the fifth century A. Their designs are slightly raised.
B. the use of woodcuts in the textile industry B. They achieve contrast through hatching and
C. the process involved in creating a woodcut cross-
D. the introduction of woodcuts to Europe hatching.
C. They were first used in Europe.
14. The word "incised" in line 15 is closest in D. They allow multiple copies to be produced from
meaning to one original.
A. burned
B. cut 20. According to the author, what made it possible
C. framed for members of the general public to own prints
D. baked in the sixteenth century?
A. Prints could be made at low cost.
15. Which of the following terms is defined in the B. The quality of paper and ink had improved.
passage C. Many people became involved in the
A. "patterns"(line 5) printmaking
B. "grain"(line 8) industry.
C. "burin"(line 16) D.Decreased demand for prints kept prices
D. "grooves"(line 17) affordable.
16. The word "distinctive" in line 19 is closest in 21. According to the passage, all of the following
meaning to are
A. unique true about prints EXCEPT that they
B. accurate A. can be reproduced on materials other than paper
C. irregular B. are created from a reversed image
D. similar C. show variations between light and dark shades
D. require a printing press
17. According to the passage, all of the following
are Questions 22-31:
true about engraving EXCEPT that it The first peoples to inhabit what today is the
A. developed from the art of the goldsmiths southeastern United States sustained themselves as
B. requires that the paper be cut with a burin hunters and gathers. Sometimes early in the first
C. originated in the fifteenth century millennium A.D., however, they began to cultivate
D. involves carving into a metal plate corn and other crops. Gradually, as they became
more skilled at gardening, they settled into
permanent villages and developed a rich culture,
characterized by the great earthen mounds they A. The development of agriculture
erected as monuments to their gods and as tombs for B. The locations of towns and villages
their distinguished dead. Most of these early mound C. The early people and cultures of the United
builders were part of the Adena-Hopewell culture, States
which had its beginnings near the Ohio River and D. The construction of burial mounds
takes its name from sites in Ohio. The culture
spread southward into the present-day states of 23. Which of the following resulted from the rise of
Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Its agriculture in the southeastern United States?
peoples became great traders, bartering jewellery, A. The development of trade in North America
pottery, animal pelts, tools, and other goods along B. The establishment of permanent settlements
extensive trading networks that stretched up and C. Conflicts with other Native American groups
down eastern North America and as far west as the over
Rocky Mountains. land
D. A migration of these peoples to the Rocky
About A.D. 400, the Hopewell culture fell Mountains.
into decay. Over the next centuries, it was
supplanted by another culture, the Mississippian, 24. What does the term "Adena-Hopewell"(line 7)
named after the river along which many of its designate?
earliest villages were located. This complex A. The early locations of the Adena-Hopewell
civilization dominated the Southeast from about culture
A.D. 700 until shortly before the Europeans began B. The two most important nations of the Adena-
arriving in the sixteenth century. At the peak of its Hopewell culture
strength, about the year 1200, it was the most C. Two former leaders who were honored with large
advanced culture in North America. Like their burial mounds.
Hopewell predecessors, the Mississippians became D. Two important trade routes in eastern North
highly skilled at growing food, although on a America
grander scale. They developed an improved strain
of corn, which could survive in wet soil and a 25. The word "bartering" in line 9 is closest in
relatively cool climate, and also learned to cultivate meaning to
beans. Indeed, agriculture became so important to A. producing
the Mississippians that it became closely associated B. exchanging
with the Sun --- the guarantor of good crops. Many C. transporting
tribes called themselves "children of the Sun" and D. loading
believed their omnipotent priest-chiefs were
descendants of the great sun god. 26. The word "supplanted" in line 13 is closest in
meaning to
Although most Mississippians lived in small A. conquered
villages, many others inhabited large towns. Most of B. preceded
these towns boasted at least one major flat-topped C. replaced
mound on which stood a temple that contained a D. imitated
sacred flame. Only priests and those charged with
guarding the flame could enter the temples. The 27. According to the passage, when did the
mounds also served as ceremonial and trading sites, Mississippian culture reach its highest point of
and at times they were used as burial grounds. development?
22. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. About A.D. 400
B. Between A.D. 400 AND A.D. 700 D. burial sites
C. About A.D. 1200
D. In the sixteenth century Question 32-40:
Overland transport in the United States was
28. According to the passage, how did the still extremely primitive in 1790. Roads were few
agriculture and short, usually extending from inland
of the Mississippians differ from that of their communities to the nearest river town or seaport.
Hopewell predecessors? Nearly all interstate commerce was carried out by
A. The Mississippians produced more durable and sailing ships that served the bays and harbors of the
larger crops of food. seaboard. Yet, in 1790 the nation was on the
B. The Mississippians sold their food to other threshold of a new era of road development. Unable
groups. to finance road construction, states turned for help
C. The Mississippians could only grow plants in to private companies, organized by merchants and
warm, dry climates. land speculators who had a personal interest in
D. The Mississippians produced special foods for improved communications with the interior. The
their religious leaders. pioneer in this move was the state of Pennsylvania,
which chartered a company in 1792 to construct a
29. Why does the author mention that many turnpike, a road for the use of which a toll, or
Mississippians tribes called themselves payment, is collected, from Philadelphia to
"children Lancaster. The legislature gave the company the
of the Sun"(line 22)? authority to erect tollgates at points along the road
A. To explain why they were obedient to their where payment would be collected, though it
priest- carefully regulated the rates. (The states had
chiefs. unquestioned authority to regulate private business
B. To argue about the importance of religion in their in this period.)
C. To illustrate the great importance they placed on The company built a gravel road within two
agriculture. years, and the success of the Lancaster Pike
D. To provide an example of their religious rituals. encouraged imitation. Northern states generally
relied on private companies to build their toll roads,
30. The phrase "charged with" in line 26 is closest but Virginia constructed a network at public
in expense. Such was the road building fever that by
meaning to 1810 New York alone had some 1,500 miles of
A. passed on turnpikes extending from the Atlantic to Lake Erie.
B. experienced at
C. interested in Transportation on these early turnpikes
D. assigned to consisted of freight carrier wagons and passenger
stagecoaches. The most common road freight carrier
31. According to the passage, the flat-topped was the Conestoga wagon, a vehicle developed in
mounds the mid-eighteenth century by German immigrants
in Mississippian towns were used for all of the in the area around Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It
following purposes EXCEPT featured large, broad wheels able to negotiate all but
A. religious ceremonies the deepest ruts and holes, and its round bottom
B. meeting places for the entire community prevented the freight from shifting on a hill.
C. sites for commerce Covered with canvas and drawn by four to six
horses, the Conestoga wagon rivaled the log cabin D. Private companies had greater knowledge of the
as the primary symbol of the frontier. Passengers interior.
traveled in a variety of stagecoaches, the most
common of which had four benches, each holding 37. The word "it" in line 11 refers to
three persons. It was only a platform on wheels, A. legislature
with no springs; slender poles held up the top, and B. company
leather curtains kept out dust and rain. C. authority
D. payment
32. Paragraph 1 discusses early road building in the
United States mainly in terms of the 38. The word "imitation" in line 14 is closest in
A. popularity of turnpikes meaning to
B. financing of new roads A. investment
C. development of the interior B. suggestion
D. laws governing road use C. increasing
D. copying
33. The word "primitive" in line 1 is closest in 39. Virginia is mentioned as an example of a state
meaning to that
A. unsafe A. built roads without tollgates
B. unknown B. built roads with government money
C. inexpensive C. completed 1,500 miles of turnpikes in one year
D. undeveloped D. introduced new law restricting road use
34. In 1790 most roads connected towns in the 40. The "large, broad wheels" of the Conestoga
interior of the country with wagon are mentioned in line 21 as an example
A. other inland communities of
B. towns in other states a feature of wagons that was
C. river towns or seaports A. unusual in mid-eighteenth century vehicles
D. construction sites B. first found in Germany
C. effective on roads with uneven surfaces
35. The phrase "on the threshold of" in line 4 and 5 D. responsible for frequent damage to freight
is closest in meaning to
A. in need of Question 41- 50:
B. in place of In Death Valley, California, one of the
C. at the start of hottest, most arid places in North America, there is
D. with the purpose of much salt, and salt can damage rocks impressively.
Inhabitants of areas elsewhere, where streets and
36. According to the passage, why did states want highways are salted to control ice, are familiar with
private companies to help with road building? the resulting rust and deterioration on cars. That
A. The states could not afford to build roads attests to the chemically corrosive nature of salt, but
themselves. it is not the way salt destroys rocks. Salt breaks
B. The states were not as well equipped as private rocks apart principally by a process called crystal
companies. prying and wedging. This happens not by soaking
C. Private companies could complete roads faster the rocks in salt water, but by moistening their
than the states. bottoms with salt water. Such conditions exist in
many areas along the eastern edge of central Death 42. The word "it" in line 9 refers to
Valley. There, salty water rises from the A. salty water
groundwater table by capillary action through tiny B. groundwater table
spaces in sediment until it reaches the surface. C. capillary action
D. sediment
Most stones have capillary passages that
suck salt water from the wet ground. Death Valley 43. The word "exert" in line 14 is closest in
provides an ultra-dry atmosphere and high daily meaning
temperatures, which promote evaporation and the to
formation of salt crystals along the cracks or other A. put
openings within stones. These crystals grow as long B. reduce
as salt water is available. Like tree roots breaking C. replace
up a sidewalk, the growing crystals exert pressure D. control
on the rock and eventually pry the rock apart along
planes of weakness, such as banding in 44. In lines 13-17, why does the author compare
metamorphic rocks, bedding in sedimentary rocks, tree
or preexisting or incipient fractions, and along roots with growing salt crystals?
boundaries between individual mineral crystals or A. They both force hard surfaces to crack.
grains. Besides crystal growth, the expansion of B. They both grow as long as water is available.
halite crystals(the same as everyday table salt) by C. They both react quickly to a rise in temperature.
heating and of sulfates and similar salts by D. They both cause salty water to rise from the
hydration can contribute additional stresses. A rock groundwater table.
durable enough to have withstood natural conditions
for a very long time in other areas could probably 45. In lines 17-18, the author mentions the
be shattered into small pieces by salt weathering "expansion of halite heating and of
within a few generations. sulfates and similar salts by hydration" in order
The dominant salt in Death Valley is halite, A. present an alternative theory about crystal
or sodium chloride, but other salts, mostly growth
carbonates and sulfates, also cause prying and B. explain how some rocks are not affected by salt
wedging, as does ordinary ice. Weathering by a C. simplify the explanation of crystal prying and
variety of salts, though often subtle, is a worldwide wedging
phenomenon. Not restricted to arid regions, intense D. introduce additional means by which crystals
salt weathering occurs mostly in salt-rich places like destroy rocks
the seashore, near the large saline lakes in the Dry
Valleys of Antarctica, and in desert sections of 46. The word "durable" in line 19 is closest in
Australia, New Zealand, and central Asia. meaning to
A. large
41. What is the passage mainly about? B. strong
A. The destructive effects of salt on rocks. C. flexible
B. The impressive salt rocks in Death Valley. D. pressured
C. The amount of salt produced in Death Valley.
D. The damaging effects of salt on roads and 47. The word "shattered" in line 20 is closest in
highways. meaning to
A. arranged
B. dissolved
C. broken apart
D. gathered together
10. The rotation of the Earth on its axis is…….the 18. Modern poets have experimented with poetic
alternation of periods of light and darkness. devices…………..and assonance.
a. responsible in b. responsible for a. as such alliteration
c. responsible with d. responsible to b. such as alliteration
c. such alliteration as
d. alliteration such as
11. Doctors are not sure……fever
a. exactly how disease causes 19. Birds’ eggs vary greatly…….size, shape, and
b. diseases exactly causes how color.
c. how disease causes exactly a. with b. of
d. how exactly causes disease c. at d. in
26. …….in the same direction as their orbital 34. Temperature levels in an oven are varied
motions, while Venus and Uranus rotate according to the kinds of…
oppositely. a. are foods baked
a. seven of planets rotate b. foods to be baked
b. seven planets rotate c. are baked foods
c. seven rotate of planets d. foods are baking
d. seven rotate planets
35. the three most common states of matter are….
27. in the US….. to the national legislature a. solidity, liquid, and gas
comprising the house of Representatives and the b. solid, liquefy, and gas
Senate. c. solidity, liquidate, and gas
a. voters elect representatives d. solid, liquid, and gas
b. representatives elect voters
c. elect representatives voters 36. the snowy egret is about the size…..crow
d. voters election representative a. large b. of a large
c. of large d. a large
28. it is the interaction between people, rather than
the events that occur in their lives,……the main 37. it has been found that chronic loud noise may
focus of social psychology. lead to….hearing loss
a. which are b. that are a. temporary or permanently
c. which is d. that is b. temporarily or permanent
c. temporarily or permanently
29. Today…..fewer than one hundred varieties d. temporary or permanent
cultivated flowers.
a. are b. have 38. with modern machinery, textile mills can
c. there are d. have there manufacture as much fabric in a few seconds
as…..weeks o produce by hands
30. …….some of the famous detectives in literature a. workers once took it
are based on deductive reasoning. b. took workers it once
a. methods use by c. it took once workers
b. they used methods d. it once took workers
c. the methodology used
d. using the methods of 39. Norman Mailers first….with his war novel The
Naked and The Dead, published in 1948.
31. the short story most naturally flourishes in an a. Successfully achieved
age…..with simplicity and directness. b. achieved success
a. what it expresses c. successful achievement
b. that expresses itself d. achievement of success
c. which expressing
d. it is expressed 40. Through the years, the job of governing cities
has become …..complex.
32. Naval cartographers’ knowledge of surface a. so much increasingly
ocean currents is much more b. increasingly whole
complete…….subsurface currents. c. increasingly
a. than b. than in d. what is increasingly
STRUCTURE 3 8. Nobody knows why __________ postponed until
next week.
1. Neither Professor Johnson nor any other faculty A. the meeting
member __________ to apply for the dean’s B. was the meeting
position. C. did the meeting
A. intend D. the meeting was
B. intends
C. are intending 9. The curriculum at the public school is as good
__________ of any privateschool.
D. has intend
A. or better than
2. E. Coli has proven to be __________ most B. as or better that
dangerous bacteria that can be acquired from C. as or better than that
food and water, even in developed countries. D. as or better than those
A. one of the
B. one of 10. Being a private university, __________ a well-
C. one organized charitable givingprogram in order to
offer a sufficient number of quality courses and
D. of one
3. The death toll would __________ much higher if A. development of
immediate action had not beentaken. B. it developed
A. probably being C. develop
B. probably be D. developing
C. probably been
11. Internet companies rely heavily on income from
D. be probable
on-line purchases, but __________.
4. A fire in the __________ building could be a A. traditional companies as well
problem for firefighters. B. traditional companies too
A. ninety-story-tall C. also traditional companies
B. ninety-tall-story D. so do traditional companies
C. ninety-stories-tall
12. The company had difficulty distributing
D. ninety stories
__________ so that they could meetproduction
5. Their office consisted of three rooms, quotas.
__________ was used as a conference room. A. sufficiently number of parts in a timely manner
A. larger of which to its manufacturers
B. the largest of which B. a sufficient number of parts to its
C. the largest of them manufacturers in a timely manner
D. largest C. to its manufacturers in a timely manner a
sufficient number of parts
6. In the past six months, the company has already D. in a timely manner to its manufacturers a
received twice __________ ingross revenues as it sufficient number of parts
earned in the entire preceding year.
A. as much 13. The company sustained an angry reaction from
B. more its employees after announcing how
C. as many __________ to reduce operating costs.
D. as more A. it planned
B. planned
7. __________ better, the team would have been C. did it plan
able to defeat the opponent. D. was planned
A. If it prepares
B. If prepares
C. Preparing
D. Had it prepared
14. The gymnasium facilities of this public school 21. __________ did Arthur realize that there was
are __________ those of the finest private danger.
school in the county. A. Upon entering the store
A. second after B. When he entered the store
B. second only to C. After he had entered the store
C. first except for D. Only after entering the store
D. second place from
22. Hardly __________ the office when he realized
15. The more the horse tried to free itself from the that he had forgotten his wallet.
restraint, __________. A. he had entered
A. the tighter it became B. had entered
B. it became tighter C. entered
C. the horse could not escape D. had he entered
D. it was unable to move
23. Once the employees had begun receiving
16. __________, that runner is likely to be the first financial information on the company,
one chosen. __________ income.
A. Due to her agility and speed A. they diligently assisted in reducing costs and
B. Because of she is agile and fast increasing
C. Because agile and rapid B. it made the employees more eager to assist in
D. Because her agility and speed reduce costs and increase
C. diligently they assist to reduce costs and increase
17. It was not until the students were seated D. with extreme diligence helped lower costs and
__________ the proctor realized he had the increase
wrong test booklets.
A. that 24. The plumber attempted to loosen the nut with
B. when regular pliers but then decided he needed to
C. as soon as retrieve his toolbox in order to use __________.
D. and A. another pliers
B. others pliers
18. As a result of the additional rain with so much C. the others ones
flooding already having occurred,residents were
D. another pair
seeking shelter __________ than in previous
years. 25. The committee has met and __________.
A. in more numbers A. have approve the budget
B. more numerously B. budget was approved
C. greater in numbers C. its approval of the budget
D. in greater numbers D. approved the budget
19. The company president wrote an e-mail and
planned to send __________ as soon as the vote
was complete.
A. to all directors the message
B. the message by all directors
C. message to all directors
D. the message to all directors
20. As the result of Diane’s illness and the effects of
the medication, __________ to curtail her work
and public speaking activities.
A. has
B. had
C. she has had
D. she will had
READING 1 almost 3,000 miles had been constructed. By that
early age, the United States had already surpassed
Questions 1-11 Great Britain in railroad construction, and
particularly from the mid-1860’s, the late nineteenth
The work of the railroad pioneers in century belonged to the railroads.
America became the basis for a great surge of
railroad building halfway through the nineteenth 1. The word “stimulating” in line 5 is closest in
century that linked the nation together as never meaning to
before. Railroads eventually became the nation’s a) helping
number one transportation system, and remained so b) changing
until the construction of the interstate highway c) promoting
system halfway through the twentieth century. They d) influencing
were of crucial importance in stimulating economic
expansion, but their influence reached beyond the 2. The word “their” in line 6 refers to
economy and was pervasive in American society at (a) railroad pioneers
large. By 1804, English as well as American (b) railroads
inventors had experimented with steam engines for (c) the interstate highway system
moving land vehicles. In 1920, John Stevens ran a (d) American society
locomotive and cars around in a circular track on his
3. Which of the following can be inferred from the
New Jersey estate, which the public saw as an
amusing toy. And in 1825, after opening a short
length of track, the Stockton to Darlington Railroad (a) The United States regarded Great Britain as a
in England became the first line to carry general competitor in developing the most efficient
traffic. American businesspeople, especially those railroad system
in the Atlantic coastal region who looked for better (b) Steam locomotive power was first used in
communication with the West, quickly became 1832
interested in the English experiment. (c) American businessmen saw railroads as a
threat to established businesses
The first company in America to begin
(d) Steam locomotives replaced horses because
actual operations was the Baltimore and Ohio,
of the distances across the country
which opened a thirteen- mile length of track in
1830. It used a team of horses to pull a train of 4. The author concludes that for the first decade or
passenger carriages and freight wagons along the more, there was not yet a true railroad system
track. Steam locomotive power didn’t come into because?
regular service until two years later. However, for (a) passenger cars were not stable, comfortable or
the first decade or more, there was not yet a true large
railroad system. Even the longest of the lines was (b) locomotives were not powerful enough
relatively short in the 1830’s, and most of them (c) schedules were unreliable and wrecks were
served simply to connect water routes to each other, frequent
not to link one railroad to another. Even when two (d) lines were relatively short and not usually
lines did connect, the tracks often differed in width, linked
so cars from one line couldn’t fit onto tracks of the
next line. Schedules were unreliable and wrecks 5. The word “schedules” in line 23 is closest in
were frequent. Significantly, however, some meaning to:
important developments during the 1830’s and (a) safety procedures
1840’s included the introduction of heavier iron (b) employees
rails, more flexible and powerful locomotives, and (c) timetables
passenger cars were redesigned to become more (d) railroad tracks
stable, comfortable, and larger. By the end of 1830
only 23 miles of track had been laid in the country.
But by 1936, more than 1,000 miles of track had
been laid in eleven States, and within the decade,
6. Which of the following is NOT true about the
1830’s and 1840’s (line 24) Question 12-19
(a) passenger cars became larger The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded annually
(b) schedules were reliable and the first woman to win this prize was Baroness
(c) locomotives became more powerful Bertha Felicie Sophie von Suttner in 1905. In fact,
(d) tracks were heavier her work inspired the creation of the Prize. The first
American woman to win this prize was Jane
7. The word “stable” in line 26 is closest in meaning
Addams, in 1931. However, Addams is best known
as the founder of Hull House. Jane Addams was
(a) fixed born in 1860, into a wealthy family. She was one of
(b) supportive a small number of women in her generation to
(c) reliable graduate from college. Her commitment to
(d) sound improving the lives of those around her led her to
work for social reform and world peace. In the
8. By what time had almost 3,000 miles of track 1880s Jane Addams travelled to Europe. While she
been laid? was in London, she visited a ‘settlement house’
(a) 1830 called Toynbee Hall. Inspired by Toynbee Hall,
(b) 1836 Addams and her friend, Ellen Gates Starr, opened
(c) 1840 Hull House in a neighborhood of slums in Chiacago
(d) mid-1860s in 1899. Hull House provided a day care center for
children of working mothers, a community kitchen,
9. The word “surpassed” in line 29 is closest in and visiting nurses.
meaning to
Addams and her staff gave classes in
(a) exceeded English literacy, art, and other subjects. Hull House
(b) beaten also became a meeting place for clubs and labor
(c) overtaken unions. Most of the people who worked with
(d) equaled Addams in Hull House were well educated, middle-
10. Where in the passage does the author outline the class women. Hull House gave them an opportunity
main conclusions about the importance of to use their education and it provided a training
railroads in America? ground for careers in social work. Before World
War I, Addams was probably the most beloved
(a) Lines 3-7 woman in America. In a newspaper poll that asked,
(b) Lines 14-18 “Who among our contemporaries are of the most
(c) Lines 19-21 value to the community?”, Jane Addams was rated
(d) Lines 29-31 second, after Thomas Edison. When she opposed
America’s involvement in World War I, however,
11. Why does the author include details about Great
newspaper editors called her a traitor and a fool, but
Britain in the passage?
she never changed her mind. Jane Addams was a
(a) To compare developments in both the United strong champion of several other causes. Until
States and Great Britain 1920, American women could not vote. Addams
(b) To illustrate the competitiveness between the joined in the movement for women’s suffrage and
two countries was a vice president of the National American
(c) To show where Americans got their ideas and Woman Suffrage Association. She was a founding
technology from member of the National Association for the
(d) To provide a more complete historical Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and
context was president of the Women’s International League
for Peace and Freedom. . Her reputation was
gradually restored during the last years of her life.
She died of cancer in 1935.
17. The word “contemporaries” in line 18 is closest
in meaning to
12. With which of the following subjects is the (a) people of the same time
passage mainly concerned? (b) famous people still alive
(a) The first award of the Nobel Peace Prize to an (c) elected officials
American woman (d) people old enough to vote
(b) A woman’s work for social reform and world 18. According to the passage, Jane
peace Addams’reputation was damaged when she
(c) The early development of Social Work in
America (a) allowed Hull House to become a meeting place
(d) Contributions of educated women to American for clubs and labor unions
society (b) joined in the movement for women’s suffrage
(c) became a founding member of the NAACP
(d) opposed America’s involvement in World
13. Which of the following can be inferred from the War I
passage? 19. Where in the passage does the author mention
(a) the work of Baroness Bertha Felicie Sophie von the services provided by Hull House?
Suttner was an inspiration to Jane Addams (a) lines 5-10
(b) Jane Addams is most famous for her opening (b) lines 10-15
of Hull House (c) lines 15-20
(c) those who lived near Hull House had very poor (d) lines 20-25
literacy skills
(d) Jane addams considered herself as a citizen of Questions 20-29
the world rather than of one particular country
The medieval artists didn’t know about
perspective; they didn’t want to make their people
look like real, individual people in a real, individual
14. The word “commitment” in line 6 is closest in scene. They wanted to show the truth, the eternal
meaning to quality of their religious stories. So these artists
(a) involvement didn’t need to know about perspective. In the
(b) obligation European Renaissance period, artists wanted to
(c) dedication show the importance of the individual person and
(d) enthusiasm his or her possessions and surroundings. A flat
medieval style couldn’t show this level of reality
15. Jane Addams was inspired to open Hull House and the artists needed a new technique. It was the
because: Italian artist Brunelleschi who discovered the
(a) it gave educated women an opportunity to use technique of perspective drawing. At first the artists
their education and develop careers in social of the Renaissance only had single-point
work perspective. Later they realized that they could have
(b) she traveled to Europe in the 1880s two-pointed perspective and still later multi-point
(c) she visited Toynbee Hall perspective. With two-point perspective they could
(d) she was invited by a ‘settlement house’in turn an object (like a building) at an angle to the
Chicago picture and draw two sides of it. The technique of
perspective which seems so natural to us now is an
16. The word “their” in line 15 refers to invented technique, a part of the “grammar of
painting”. Like all bits of grammar there are
(a) children of working mothers
exceptions about perspective. For example, only
(b) middle-class women
vertical and horizontal surfaces seem to meet on eye
(c) visiting nurses
level. Sloping roof tops don’t meet on eye level.
(b) labor union members
For 500 years, artists in Europe made use of
perspective drawing in their pictures. Nevertheless,
there are a range of priorities that artists in (a) the picture
displaying individual styles. Crivelli wanted to (b) perspective
show depth in his picture and he used a simple (c) angle
single-point perspective. Cezanne always talked (d) the object
about space and volume. Van Gogh, like some of
the other painters of the Impressionist period, was 25. The word “Grammar ” in line 13 is closest in
interested in Japanese prints. And Japanese artists meaning to
until this century were always very strong designers (a) construction
of “flat” pictures. Picasso certainly made pictures (b) grammatical rules
which have volume and depth. However, he wanted (c) rules and regulations
to keep our eyes on the surface and to remind us (d) tones and volume
that his paintings are paintings and not illusions. It
is technically easy to give an illusion of depth. 26. The author’s purpose to give the example in
However, a strong two dimensional design is just as line14-15 is to
important as a feeling of depth, and perhaps more (a) explain how perspective work in painting
important. (b) support two-pointed perspective
20. The passage mainly discusses (c) illustrate that there are exceptions about
(a) the difference between medieval and (d) point out that the technique of perspective
Renaissance art though seems so natural is an invented technique
(b) how the technique of perspective influenced
the modern art 27. The following artists’ priorities in style shift
(c) the discovery of the technique of perspective away from perspective except
(d) the contribution of Renaissance artists (a) Crivelli
21. The word “eternal” in line 3 is closest in (b) Cezanne
meaning to (c) Japanese artists
(d) Brunelleschi
(a) timeless
(b) infinite 28. The word ”Illusion” in line 25 is closest in
(c) frequent meaning to
(d) constant (a) deception
22. According to the passage, which is the main (b) photograph
concern for medieval artists? (c) decoration
(d) illustration
(a) the individual person and his/her possessions
and surroundings 29. It can be inferred from the passage that
(b) real people, real scenes Renaissance artists
(c) eternal timeless truth of the earth (a) embraced the medieval style of eternal truth
(d) themes of religious stories (b) needed to develop a new approach towards
23. The discovery of perspective was the result of painting to show a new level of reality
(c) were inspired by vertical and horizontal surfaces
(a) Renaissance artists’ to prove that the medieval in inventing the technique of perspective
artists could show level of reality (d) saw two dimensional design more important
(b) the need to turn an object at an angle and draw than a feeling of depth
more than one side of it
(c) the subject being shifted from religious stories
to individual person and surroundings.
(d) natural evolution of human senses
Questions 30-39
24. The word “it” in line 12 refers to
There are two main hypotheses when it 31. The word “emergence” in line 1 is closest in
comes to explaining the emergence of modern meaning to
humans. The ‘Out of Africa’ theory holds that homo
sapiens burst onto the scene as a new species around (a) complexity
150,000 to 200,000 years ago in Africa and (b) development
subsequently replaced archaic humans such as the (c) appearance
Neandertals. The other model, known as multi- (d) decline
regional evolution or regional continuity, posits far 32. The word “proponents” in line 6 is closet in
more ancient and diverse roots for our kind. meaning to
Proponents of this view believe that homo sapiens
arose in Africa some 2 million years ago and (a) experts
evolved as a single species spread across the Old (b) advocates
World, with populations in different regions linked (c) inspectors
through genetic and cultural exchange. (d) historians
Of these two models, Out of Africa, which 33. All of the following are true except
was originally developed based on fossil evidence, (a) three methods of gathering evidence are
and supported by much genetic research, has been mentioned in the passage
favored by the majority of evolution scholars. The (b) the multi-regional model goes back further in
vast majority of these genetic studies have focused history.
on DNA from living populations, and although (c) the Out of Africa model has had more support
some small progress has been made in recovering from scholars
DNA from Neandertal that appears to support multi- (d) DNA studies offer one of the best ways in
regionalism, the chance of recovering nuclear DNA future to provide clear evidence.
from early human fossils is quite slim at present.
Fossils thus remain very much a part of the human 34. The word “slim” in line 14 is closest in meaning
origins debate. Another means of gathering to
theoretical evidence is through bones. Examinations
(a) small
of early modern human skulls from Central Europe
(b) narrow
and Australia dated to between 20,000 and 30,000
(c) thin
years old have suggested that both groups
(d) difficult
apparently exhibit traits seen in their Middle Eastern
and African predecessors. But the early modern 35. Which of the following is not true
specimens from Central Europe also display
Neandertal traits, and the early modern Australians (a) the vast majority of genetic studies have focused
showed affinities to archaic Homo from Indonesia. on living populations
Meanwhile, the debate among paleoanthropologists (b) early modern human skulls all support the
continues , as supporters of the two hypotheses same conclusions
challenge the evidence and conclusions of each (c) both hypotheses focus on Africa as a location for
other. the new species.
(d) early modern Australian skulls have similarities
30. The passage primarily discusses which of the to those from Indonesia.
36. In line 18, the word “their ” refers to which of
(a) Evidence that supports the “Out of Africa” the following
(b) Two hypotheses and some evidence on the (a) Middle Easterners and Africans
human origins debate (b) skulls
(c) The difficulties in obtaining agreement among (c) central Europeans and Australians
theorists on the human origins debate (d) traits
(d) That fossils remain very much a part of the 37. Which of the following is NOT true about the
human origins debate two hypotheses
(a) Both hypotheses regard Neandertals to be the exploitation. The time and motion study concepts
predecessors of modern humans were popularized by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth.
(b) Genetic studies have supported both hypotheses The Gilbreths had 12 children. By analyzing
(c) Both hypotheses cite Africa as an originating
his children’s dishwashing and bedmaking chores,
(d) One hypothesis dates the emergence of homo this pioneer efficiency expert, Frank Gilbreth, hit on
sapiens much earlier than the other. principles whereby workers could eliminate waste
motion. He was memorialized by two of his
38. It can be inferred from the passage that
children in their 1949 book called “Cheaper by the
(a) there is likely to be an end to the debate in the Dozen”. The Gilbreth methods included using stop
near future watches to time worker movements and special
(b) the debate will interest historians to take part in tools (cameras and special clocks) to monitor and
(c) the debate is likely to be less important in future
study worker performance, and also involved
(d) there is little likelihood that the debate will
die down identification of“therbligs” (Gilbreth spelled
backwards) – basic motions used in production jobs.
39. According to the passage, the multi-regional Many of these motions and accompanying times
evolution model posits far more diverse roots for have been used to determine how long it should take
our kind because a skilled worker to perform a given job. In this way
(a) Evidence from examinations of early modern an industrial engineer can get a handle on the
human skulls has come from a number of approximate time it should take to produce a
different parts of the world product or provide a service. However, use of work
(b) DNA from Neandertal appears to support multi- analysis in this way is unlikely to lead to useful
regionalis results unless all five work dimensions are
(c) Populations in different regions were linked considered: physical, psychological, social, cultural,
through genetic and cultural exchange and power.
(d) This has been supported by fossil evidence 40. What is the passage primarily about?
1. Which of the following is the best title for (B) Lines 5-9
the passage? (C) Lines 12- 13
(A) The growth of Philadelphia (D) Lines 15-18
(B) The Origin of the Suburb Questions 1-7
(C) The Development of City Transportation The first English attempts to colonize
(D) The Rise of the Urban Middle Class North America were controlled by
individuals rather than companies. Sir
2. The author mentions that areas bordering the Humphrey Gilbert was the first Englishman
cities have grown during periods of to send colonists to the New World. His
initial expedition, which sailed in 1578 with
(A) industrialization
a patent granted by Queen Elizabeth was (D) He died in 1587.
defeated by the Spanish. A second attempt
4. When did Sir Walter Raleigh's initial expedition
ended in disaster in 1583, when Gilbert and
set out for North America?
hi ship were lost in a storm. In the following
year, Gilbert's half brother, Sir Water (A) 1577
Raleigh, having obtained a renewal of the
patent, sponsored an expedition that (B) 1579
explored the coast of the region that he (C) 1582
named "Virginia". Under Raleigh's direction
efforts were then made to establish a colony (D) 1584
on Roanoke island in 1585 an6 1587. The
survivors of the first settlement on Roanoke
returned to England in 1586, but the second 5. Which of the following can be inferred from the
group of colonists disappeared without passage about members of the first Roanoke
leaving a trace. The failure of the Gilbert settlement?
and Raleigh ventures made it clear that the (A) They explored the entire coastal region.
tasks they had undertaken were too big for
any one colonizer. Within a short time the (B) Some did not survive.
trading company had supplanted the (C) They named the area "Virginia".
individual promoter of colonization.
(D) Most were not experienced sailors.
1. Which of the following would be the most
appropriate title for the passage? 6. According to the passage, the first English
settlement on Roanoke Island was established in
(A) The Regulation of Trading Companies
(A) 1578
(B) British - Spanish Rivalry in the New World
(B) 1583
(C) Early Attempts at Colonizing North America
(C) 1585
(D) Royal Patents Issued in the 16th Century
(D) 1587
2. The passage states which of the following about
the first English people to be involved in 7. According to the passage, which of; the following
establishing colonies in North America? statements about the second settlement on
Roanoke Island is true?
(A) They were requested to do so by Queen
Elizabeth. (A) Its settlers all gave up and returned to England.
(B) They were members of large trading companies. (B) It lasted for several years.
(C) They were immediately successful. (C) The fate of its inhabitants is unknown.
(D) They were acting on their own. (D) It was conquered by the Spanish
3. According to the passage, which of the following
statements about Sir Humphrey Gilbert is true? Questions 1-7
(A) He never settled in North America. Botany, the study of plants, occupies a
peculiar position in the history of human
(B) His trading company was given a patent by the knowledge. For many thousands of years it
queen. was the one field of awareness about which
humans had anything more than the vaguest
(C) He fought the Spanish twice.
of insights. It is impossible to know today just
what our Stone Age ancestors knew about (C) They did not enjoy the study of botany.
plants, but from what we can observe of pre- (D) They placed great importance on the ownership
industrial societies that still exist, a detailed of property.
learning of plants and their properties must be
extremely ancient. This is logical. Plants are 2. What does the comment "This is logical" in line 6
the basis of the food pyramid for all living mean?
things, even for other plants. They have (A) There is no clear way to determine the extent of
always been enormously important to the our ancestor’s knowledge of plants.
welfare of peoples, not only for food, but also
for clothing, weapons, tools, dyes: medicines, (B) It is not surprising that early humans had a
shelter, and a great many other purposes. detailed knowledge of plants.
Tribes living today in the jungles of the (C) It is reasonable to assume that our ancestors
Amazon recognize literally hundreds of plants behaved very much like people in preindustrial
and know many properties of each. To them societies.
botany, as such, has no name and is probably
(D) Human knowledge of plants is well organized
not even recognized as a special branch of
and very detailed.
"Knowledge at all.
3. According to the passage, why has general
Unfortunately, the more industrialized knowledge of botany begun to fade?
we become the farther away we move from
direct contact with plants, and the less distinct (A) People no longer value plants as a useful
our knowledge of botany grows. Yet everyone resource.
comes unconsciously on an amazing amount (B) Botany is not recognized as a special branch of
of botanical knowledge, and few people will science.
fail to recognize a rose, an apple, or an orchid.
(C) Research is unable to keep up with the
When our Neolithic ancestors, living in the
increasing numbers of plants.
Middle East about 10,000 years ago,
discovered that certain grasses could be (D) Direct contact with a variety of plants has
harvested and their seeds planted for richer decreased.
yields the next season, the first great step in a 4. In line 16, what is the author’s purpose in
new association of plants and humans was mentioning "a rose, an apple, or an orchid"?
taken. Grains were discovered and from them
flowed the marvel of agriculture: cultivated (A) To make the passage more poetic
crops. From then on, humans would (B) To cite examples of plants that are attractive
increasingly take their living from the
(C) To give botanical examples that all readers
controlled production of a few plants, rather
will recognize
than getting a little here and a little there from
many varieties that grew wild – and the (D) To illustrate the diversity of botanical life
accumulated knowledge' of tens of thousands 5. According to the passage, what was the first great
of years of experience and intimacy with step toward the practice of agriculture?
plants in the wild would begin to fade away.
(A) The invention of agricultural implements and
1. Which of the following assumptions about early machinery
humans is expressed in the passage?
(B) The development of a system of names for
(A) They probably had extensive knowledge of plants
(C) The discovery of grasses that could be
(B) They thought there was no need to cultivate harvested and replanted
(D) The changing diets of early humans Bend, Indiana, turned out the first chilled-steel
6. The relationship between botany and agriculture
is similar to the relationship between zoology (the 1. What is the main topic of the passage?
study of animals) and
(A) The need for agricultural advances to help feed
(A) deer hunting a growing population
(B) bird watching (B) The development of safer machines demanded
(C) sheep raising by the labor movement
(D) horseback riding (C) Machinery that contributed to the
7. In which lines in the passage does the author agricultural revolution
describe the beneficial properties that plants have (D) New Jersey as a leader in the agricultural
for humans? revolution
(A) Lines 1-2 2. The word "naturally" as used in line 3 is closest
(B) Lines 7-9 in meaning to which of the following?
(C) Lines 11-12 (A) Gradually
(D) Lines 14-16 (B) Unsurprisingly
(C) Apparently
Questions 1-7
The agricultural revolution in the nineteenth (D) Safely
century involved two things: the invention of labor- 3. The expression "make the most of" in line 4 is
saving machinery and. the development of scientific closest in meaning to which of the following?
agriculture. Labor - saying machinery, naturally
appeared, first where labor was carce. "In Europe," (A) Get the best yield from
said, Thomas Jefferson, the object is to make the (B) Raise the price of
most of: their land, labor being abundant;. here it, is
to make the most of our labor, land being abundant. (C) Exaggerate the worth of
It was in America, therefore, that the great advances (D) Earn a living on
in nineteenth - century agricultural machinery first
came. 4. Which of the following can be inferred from what
Thomas Jefferson said?
At the opening of the century, with the
exception of a crude plow farmers could have (A) Europe was changing more quickly than
carried practically all of the existing agricultural America.
implement on their backs; by 1860, most of the
(B) Europe had greater need of farm machinery than
machinery in use today had been designed in an
America did.
early form. The most important of the early
inventions was the iron plow. As early as 1790 (C) America was finally running out of good
Charies Newbold of New Jersey had been working farmland.
on the of a cast – iron plow and spent his entire
(D) There was a shortage of workers on
fortune in introducing his invention. The farmers,
American farms.
however, would have none of it, claiming that the
iron poisoned the soil and made the weeds grow.
Nevertheless, many people devoted their attention
5. It can be inferred that the word "here' in line 4
to the plow, until in 1869 James Oliver of South
refers to
(A) Europe origin of comets. Most astronomers agree that
comets are primordial remnants from the
(B) America
formation of the solar system, but whether
(C) New Jersey they were born between Jupiter and Neptune
or much farther out toward interstellar space
(D) Indiana has been the subject of much debate. If
6. What point is the author making by stating that compounds no more complex than ammonia
farmers could carry nearly all their tools On their and methane, key components of Jupiter, were
backs? seen in comets, it would suggest that comets
form within the planetary orbits. But more
(A) Farmers had few tools before the complex compounds such as the methyl
agricultural revolution. cyanide found in Kohoutek, point to
(B) Americans were traditionally self - reliant. formation far beyond the planets there the
deep freeze of space has kept them
(C) Life on the farm was extremely difficult. unchanged.
(D) New tools were designed to be portable. 1. What is the subject of the passage?
7. Why did farmers reject Newbold's plow? (A) What was learned from Kohoutek
(A) Their horses were frightened by it. (B) What was disappointing about Kohoutek
(B) They preferred lighter tools. (C) Where Kohoutek was spotted
(C) It was too expensive. (D) How Kohoutek was tracked
(D) They thought it would ruin the land. 2. Why was Kohoutek referred to as "the comet of
Questions 1-7 the century"?
It was not "the comet of the century (A) It was thought to be extremely old.
experts predicted it might be. Nevertheless,
Kohoutek had provided a bonanza of (B) It passes the Earth once a century.
scientific information. It was first spotted 370 (C) Scientists predicted it would be very bright.
million miles from Earth, by an astronomer
who was searching the sky for asteroids, and (D) Scientists have been tracking it for a century.
after whom the comet was named. Scientists 3. In what respect was Kohoutek a disappointment?
who tracked Kohoutek the ten months before
it passed the Earth predicted the comet would (A) It could be seen only through special
be a brilliant spectacle. But Kohoutek fell equipment.
short of these predictions, disappointing (B) It did not approach the Earth.
millions of amateur sky watchers, when it
proved too pale to be seen with the unaided (C) It did not provide valuable scientific
eye. Researchers were delighted nonetheless information.
with the nevi information they were able to
(D) It was moving too rapidly for scientists to
glean from their investigation of the comet.
Perhaps the most significant discovery was
the identification of two important chemical 4. Before the investigation of Kohoutek, where had
compounds-methyl cyanide and hydrogen methyl cyanide been known to exist?
cyanide-never before seen in comets, but
(A) In comets
found in the far reaches of interstellar space.
This discovery revealed new clues about the (B) On asteroids
(C) Between Jupiter and Neptune
(D) Beyond the Earth's solar system
5. According to the passage, what is one major
component of Jupiter?
(A) Hydrogen cyanide
(B) Methyl cyanide
(C) Hydrogen
(D) Ammonia
6. What aspect of Kohoutek did scientists find most
(A) Its shape
(B) Its composition
(C) Its orbit
(D) Its size
7. Which of the following questions is best
answered by information gained from Kohoutek?
(A) Where were comets formed?
(B) When were comets formed?
(C) When was the solar system formed?
(D) How was the solar system formed?
Amelia Earhart was born in Kansas in 1897. 1. With which of the following subjects is the
Thirty one years later, she received a phone call that passage mainly concerned?
would change her life. She was invited to become
the first woman passenger to cross the Atlantic (A) The history of aviation
Ocean in a plane. The flight took more than 20 (B) The tragic death of the queen of air
hours – about three times longer than it routinely (C) Achievements of early aviation pioneers
takes today to cross the Atlantic by plane. Earhart
was twelve years old before she ever saw an (D) The achievements of a pioneering aviatrix
airplane, and she didn’t take her first flight until 2. According to the passage, which of the following
1920. But she was so thrilled by her first experience statements about Earhart is NOT true?
in a plane that she quickly began to take flying
lessons. She wrote, “As soon as I left the ground, I (A) She wrote a book about her solo nonstop flight
knew I myself had to fly.” across the Atlantic, called 20 Hrs., 40 Min.
(B) In her last adventure, she didn’t take
After that flight Earhart became a media communication and navigation instruments
sensation. She was given a ticker tape parade down by accident, and that led to the tragedy.
Broadway in New York and even President (C) She is regarded as the female Chare Lindbergh
Coolidge called to congratulate her. Because her in aviation.
record-breaking career and physical appearance (D) She was in her late twenties when she took her
were similar to pioneering pilot and American hero first flight
Charles Lindbergh, she earned the nickname “Lady
Lindy.” She wrote a book about her flight across the 3. According to the passage, when did Amelia
Atlantic, called 20 Hrs., 40 Min. Earhart began her first flight
Earhart continued to break records, and also (A) when she was 12 years old
polished her skills as a speaker and writer, always (B) 1920
advocating women’s achievements, especially in (C) when she first saw an airplane
aviation. Her next goal was to achieve a
(D) when she started to take flying lessons.
transatlantic crossing alone. In 1927 Charles
Lindbergh became the first person to make a solo 4. The word “sensation” in line 8 is closest in
nonstop flight across the Atlantic. Five years later, meaning to
Earhart became the first woman to repeat that feat. (A) feeling
Her popularity grew even more and she was the
(B) hit
undisputed queen of the air. She then wanted to fly
around the world, and in June 1937 she left Miami (C) excitement
with Fred Noonan as her navigator. No one knows (D) perception
why she left behind important communication and
navigation instruments. Perhaps it was to make 5. Amelia Earhart was called “Lady Lindy” because
room for additional fuel for the long flight. The pair (A) she was the undisputed queen of the air.
made it to New Guinea in 21 days and then left for (B) President Coolidge gave her the nickname.
Howland Island, a tiny island in the middle of the (C) she repeated Charles Lindbergh’s feat.
Pacific Ocean. The last communication from (D) of her career and her physical resemblance
to Lindbergh
Earhart and Noonan was on July 2, 1937 with a
nearby Coast Guard ship. The United States Navy
conducted a massive search for more than two
weeks but no trace of the plane or its passengers
was ever found. Many people believe they got lost
and simply ran out of fuel and died.
6. The word “undisputed” in line18 is closest in such a chord with the limbic system – an
meaning to ancient part of our brain, evolutionarily
(A) contemporary speaking, and one that we share with much of
the animal kingdom. Some researchers even
(B) undeceived propose that music came into this world long
(C) dissipated before the human race ever did. For example,
the fact that whale and human music have so
(D) undoubted much in common even though our
7. The word “it” in line 20 refers to evolutionary paths have not intersected for
(A) plane nearly 60 million years suggests that music
may predate humans. They assert that rather
(B) communication than being the inventors of music, we are
latecomers to the musical scene
(C) the reason
Humpback whale composers employ
(D) aviation.
many of the same tricks that human
8. The word “massive” in line 25 is closest in songwriters do. In addition to using similar
meaning to rhythms, humpbacks keep musical phrases to
(A) substantial a few seconds, creating themes out of several
phrases before singing the next one. Whale
(B) general songs in general are no longer than symphony
(C) large movements, perhaps because they have a
similar attention span. Even though they can
(D) careful sing over a range of seven octaves, the whales
9. It may be inferred from the passage that Amelia typically sing in key, spreading adjacent notes
Earhart no farther apart than a scale. They mix
percussive and pure tones in pretty much the
(A) would not have developed her love of flying if same ratios as human composers – and follow
she had not been invited to become the first their ABA form, in which a theme is
woman passenger to cross the Atlantic in a presented, elaborated on and then revisited in
plane. a slightly modified form. Perhaps most
(B) Would have continued to seek new amazing, humpback whale songs include
adventures and records to break if she had repeating refrains that rhyme. It has been
not died at the age of 39. suggested that whales might use rhymes for
(C) became too confident and took too many risks exactly the same reasons that we do: as
to be able to live to old age. devices to help them remember. Whale songs
(D) did not want to return to the United States. can also be rather catchy. When a few
humpbacks from the Indian Ocean strayed
into the Pacific, some of the whales they met
Question 1-10 there quickly changed their tunes – singing
the new whales’ songs within three short
Music can bring us to tears or to our feet, years. Some scientists are even tempted to
drive us into battle or lull us to sleep. Music is speculate that a universal music awaits
indeed remarkable in its power over all discovery.
humankind, and perhaps for that very reason,
no human culture on earth has ever lived
without it. From discoveries made in France
1. Why did the author write the passage?
and Slovenia even Neanderthal man, as long
as 53,000 years ago, had developed (A) To describe the music for some animals,
surprisingly sophisticated, sweet-sounding including humans
flutes carved from animal bones. It is perhaps (B) To illustrate the importance of music to
then, no accident that music should strike whales
(C) To show that music is not a human or even composers so in creating their own music
modern invention (D) The research of musical brain will lead to a
(D) To suggest that music is independent of life discovery of a universal musiC
forms that use it
9. Where in the passage does the author first
2. The word “sophisticated” in line 5 is closest in mention whales?
meaning to (A) Lines 5-9 (B) Lines 10-14
(A) complex (B) intricate (C) Lines 15-19 (D) Lines 20-24
(C) well-developed (D) entangled 10. The word ‘their’ in line 25 refers to
3. The word “one” in line 7 can be replaced by
(A) the chord (B) the left brain (A) Indian Ocean humpbacks
(B) Pacific Ocean humpbacks
(C) the right brain (D) the limbic system (C) all whales
4. According to the passage, which of the following (D) whale songs
is true of humpback whales Questions 1-8
(A) their tunes are distinctively different from The classic Neanderthals, who lived
human tunes between about 70,000 and 30,000 years ago,
(B) they can sing over a range of seven octaves shared a number of special characteristics.
(C) they do not use rhyme, unlike humans Like any biological population, Neanderthals
(D) whale songs of a particular group cannot be also showed variation in the degree to which
learned by other whale those characteristics were expressed.
5. The word “they” in line 18 refers to Generally, they were powerfully built, short
(A) human composers and stocky, with the lower parts of their arms
and legs short in relation to the upper parts, as
(B) whole songs in modern peoples who live in cold
(C) octaves environments. Neanderthal skulls were
(D) whales distinctive, housing brains even larger on
average than those of modem humans, a
6. Which of the following is NOT true about feature that may have had more to do with
humpback whale music? their large, heavy bodies than with superior
intelligence. Seen from behind, Neanderthal
(A) It uses similar patterns to human songs
skulls look almost spherical, but from the side
(B) It’s comparative in length to symphony
they are long and flattened often with a
bulging back.
(C) It’s easy to learn by other whales
(D) It’s in a form of creating a theme, The Neanderthal face, dominated by a
elaborating and revisiting in rhyming projecting and full nose, differed clearly from
refrains the faces of other hominids; the middle parts
appear to be pulled forward (or the sides
7. The word “refrains” in line 22 is closest in
pulled back), resulting in a rather streamlined
meaning to
face shape. This peculiarity may have been
(A) tunes (B) notes
related to the greater importance (in cultural
(C) musical phrases (D) sounds activities as well as food processing) of the
front teeth, which are large and part of a row
8. Which of the following can be inferred from the of teeth that lies well forward in the head; it
passage? may reflect a reduction in importance of
(A) The earliest human beings came from France certain jaw muscles operating at the sides of
and Slovenia the face; or it may reflect an adaptation to
(B) Music helped to shape the whale brain cold. Whether it results from any or all of
(C) Humpback whales imitate the way human these three factors or from other,
undiscovered causes, this midfacial projection
is so characteristic that it unfailingly identifies
a Neanderthal to the trained eye. Neanderthal 7. In line 20, the author uses the expression "heavy
teeth are much more difficult to characterize: tooth wear" to imply that the Neanderthals
the front teeth are large, with strong roots, but (A) had unusually heavy teeth
the back teeth may be relatively small. This (B) used their teeth extensively
feature may have been an adaptation to cope (C) regularly pulled out their teeth
with heavy tooth wear. (D) used teeth for ornamentation
1. What does the passage mainly discuss? 8. The paragraph following this passage most
(A) The eating habits of the Neanderthals probably discusses
(B) A comparison of various prehistoric populations (A) other features of the Neanderthal anatomy
(B) cave painting of prehistoric time
(C) The physical characteristics of the
(C) flora and fauna of 70,000 years ago
(D) The effect of climate on human development (D) difficulties in preserving fossils
Questions 1-6
2. The author describes the Neanderthal as being all
of the following EXCEPT Steamships were first introduced into
(A) short (B) swift the United States in 1807, and John Molson
built the first steamship in Canada(then called
(C) strong (D) stocky British North America) in 1809. By the 1830's
3. Which of the following most likely accounts for dozens of steam vessels were in use in
Canada. They offered the traveler reliable
the fact that the Neanderthal brain was larger than
that of the modern human? transportation in comfortable facilities-a
welcome alternative to stagecoach travel,
(A) The relatively large size of the Neanderthal's
which at the best of times could only be
described as wretched. This commitment to
(B) The superior intelligence of the Neanderthal.
(C) The swelling behind the Neanderthal’s head dependable river transport became entrenched
with the investment of millions of dollars for
(D) The Neanderthal's midfacial projection
the improvement of waterways. which
4. Where in the passage does the author specifically included the construction of canals and lock
stress the contrast between the Neanderthal face and systems. The Lachine and Welland canals.
that of other biologically related populations? two of the most important systems. were
(A) Lines 1–4 (B) Lines 7–9 opened in 1825 and 1829, respectively. By the
time that Upper and Lower Canada were
(C) Lines 10–11 (D) Lines 18–20 united into the Province of Canada in 1841.
5. Which of the following explanations is NOT the public debt for canals was more than one
cited as a possible explanation of the Neanderthal’s hundred dollars per capita. an enormous sum
streamlined face shape? for the time. But it may not seem such a great
(A) Some jaw muscles had limited use. amount if we consider that improvements
(B) The facial features were well adapted to the allowed steamboats to remain practical for
cold. most commercial transport in Canada until the
(C) The front teeth were particularly important. mid-- nineteenth century.
(D) The nose was set far back 1. What is the main purpose of the passage?
6. The phrase "the trained eye" in line 18 most (A) To contrast travel by steamship and stagecoach
likely refers to which of the following (B) To criticize the level of public debt in
professionals? nineteenth - century Canada -
(A) An optometrist (B) A dentist (C) To describe the introduction of steamships in
(C) An anthropologist (D) A photographer (D) To show how Canada surpassed the United
States in transportation improvements
2. The word "reliable" in line 3 is closest in
meaning to which of the following
(A) Quick (B) Safe
(C) Dependable (D) Luxurious
3. Which of the following can be inferred from the
passage about stagecoach travel in Canada in the
(A) It was reasonably comfortable.
(B) It was extremely efficient.
(C) It was not popular.
(D) It was very practical.
4. According to the passage, when was the Welland
Canal opened?
(A) 1807 (B) 1809
(C) 1825 (D) 1829
5. The word "sum" in line 10 is closest in meaning
to which of the following?
(A) Size (B) Cost
(C) Payment (D) Amount
6. According to the passage, steamships became
practical means of transportation in Canada
because of
(A) improvements in the waterways
(B) large subsidies from John Molson
(C) a relatively small population
(D) the lack of alternate means
Tsa 31. B. She has a new printer for her computer.
Listening 32. B. A way to help people improve their economic
1. A. The woman and the man have plans to eat out 33. D. Microcredit programs have been very
together. successful there.
2. A. A plane trip. 34. B. Sign up for the economics seminar.
3. D. The calendar shows the wrong month. 35. B. The architectural design of a new museum.
4. B. They will arrive late for dinner. 36. A. Both were designed by the same architect.
5. B. Their team nearly lost the game. 37. D. A natural landscape.
6. A. Join him and Mary at the movie. 38. B. Traditional values of Native Americans.
7. B. He is planning to stay until the conference is 39. A. They are examples of the usual sequence of
finished. observation and explanation.
8. D. The man can buy detergent at the store. 40. D. Scientists were unable to balance equations
9. B. It is nicer than the Holiday Motel. of
10. C. Canadian winters are rather long. energy without it.
11. B. His private lessons did not help him. 41. D. That it has a tiny amount of mass.
12. A.The committee has just begun to write the 42. B. The role of New England trees in British
report. shipbuilding.
13. B. They will probably have to play in the gym. 43. C. History.
14. B. Change some wording in his letter. 44. D. Birch.
15. B. He is canceling the choir rehearsal because of 45. A. Its width.
illness. 46. D. ->
16. C. The man will get to the bank before it closes. 47. D. How they solve problems.
17. C. Leave the museum temporarily 48. B. By imitating signals that the other spiders
18. C. The woman's paper is in the trash. send.
19. A. The woman can make her call tomorrow. 49. B. Cross some water.
20. D. He will go with the woman. 50. B. It would try to reach the rock a different way.
21. B. She does not want to see the man's test.
22. C. He will get the job done if he gets some
23. A. Find another sociology course.
24. B. She cannot read the applications until after
25. C. Mary will win the election.
26. C. He sometimes gets headaches after doing
computer work.
27. D. The bookstore did not have what she was
looking for.
28. D. He will put the equipment away.
29. A. The man did not give the woman the notes
30. A. The man will find a job if he continues to
Jim 42. C. Attracting birds.
43. B. They like to eat them.
Listening 44. D. They are baked in the oven.
1. A. The man should go to the museum by shuttle 45. A. It makes the clean and free of germs.
bus. 46. C. She collects birds nests.
2. D. The man should have studied for the exam. 47. A. How to prevent landslides in populated areas.
3. A. A new building. 48. B. They can reveal unsafe conditions for building.
4. B. Use computer in the lab. 49. B. It helps keep the soil in place.
5. A. She got her watch where his sister works. 50. D. A wall that stops water from draining.
6. A. Find out if classes are cancelled Structure
7. B. She is spending a lot of time in the library.
8. A. Try to fix what is wrong with the computer. 1. Neither Professor Johnson nor any other faculty
9. B. She wants the man to choose quickly. member __________ to apply for the dean’s
10. B. She can return the CD to Tom later. position.
11. B. Make an appointment at the clinic soon.
12. C. Look at other apartments before deciding. A. intend
13. D. He is not on the basketball team. B. intends
14. B. Buy the green shirt.
15. C. The woman is planning to start a new job. C. are intending
16. D. See a play with her aunt. D. has intend
17. C. She thinks she will not need financial aid.
18. B. The woman does not have to pay extra for it. 2. E. Coli has proven to be __________ most
19. A. A small town can have negative qualities. dangerous bacteria that can be acquired from food
20. D. He will not able to coordinate the program again and water, even in developed countries.
21. C. He is late for an appointment with the man and
woman. A. one of the
22. B. She can get the materials they gave out at the B. one of
23. A. He probably will not able to follow the C. one
professor’s advice. D. of one
24. B. He doubts that the theater group will perform a
musical next year. 3. The death toll would __________ much higher if
25. C. He wants an appartment near his work. immediate action had not been taken.
26. D. The elections would be held later. A. probably being
27. A. He did not recommend the lecture.
28. D. She intends to go see the movie. B. probably be
29. C. Ways should he found to use less water.
C. probably been
30. C. The new manual has not been completed yet.
31. C. The class reading list. D. be probable
32. D. The main character gets into trouble.
4. A fire in the __________ building could be a
33. A. Some British reviewers wrote favorably about it.
34. C. Phases of language development in young problem for firefighters.
children. A. ninety-story-tall
35. C. They are among the first sounds babies make.
36. A. Their voice box is not positioned correctly yet. B. ninety-tall-story
37. D. When children lear to associate sounds with C. ninety-stories-tall
38. B. How children are able to learn language. D. ninety stories
39. B. Communication over long distances in North
40. C. The fees of several couriers were included in the
41. D. A funeral.
5. Their office consisted of three rooms, 12. A congressional committee has been appointed
__________ was used as a conference room. to study a new procedure __________ to
A. larger of which eliminate some costly expenditures.
B. the largest of which A. that is expected
C. the largest of them B. what is expected
D. largest C. which expects
D. that expected
6. In the past six months, the company has already
received twice __________ in gross revenues as
13. Some people send job applications even when
it earned in the entire preceding year.
they are reasonably happy in their jobs,
A. as much
__________ improving their position.
B. more
A. with hoping to
C. as many
B. hoping that
D. as more
C. with hopes of
D. hoping to
7. __________ better, the team would have been
able to defeat the opponent.
14. Swimming is a beneficial exercise, __________
A. If it prepares
aerobic activity and uses a number of muscle
B. If prepares
C. Preparing
A. not only because it provides
D. Had it prepared
B. because it both provides
C. for provision
8. Nobody knows why __________ postponed until
D. as result of providing
next week.
A. the meeting
15. The professor instructed the students
B. was the meeting
__________ the essay without preparing an
C. did the meeting
outline first.
D. the meeting was
A. to not write
B. not to write
9. The curriculum at the public school is as good
C. do not write
__________ of any private school.
D. to no write
A. or better than
B. as or better that
16. It is not clear when __________, although there
C. as or better than that
are many different theories.
D. as or better than those
A. dinosaurs becoming extinct
B. dinosaurs extinction
10. Being a private university, __________ a well-
C. dinosaurs became extinct
organized charitable giving program in order to
D. did dinosaurs become extinct
offer a sufficient number of quality courses and
17. If the driver’s own car __________ damaged,
A. development of
the favorite probably would have won the race.
B. it developed
A. had not been
C. develop
B. not
D. developing
C. no had been
D. has no be
11. The greater the number of bacteria attacking the
system, __________.
18. The soldiers were unable to determine where
A. the sooner treatment must be begun
B. sooner must begin treatment
A. the jeep had been left
C. begin treatment as soon as possible
B. had been leave the jeep
D. must begin treatment sooner
C. had the jeep been left
D. had the jeep left 26. It was not until the students were seated
__________ the proctor realized he had
19. The manager was angry because somebody the wrong test booklets.
_________. A. that B. when
A. had allowed the photographers to enter the C. as soon as D. and
B. had let the photographers to enter the building 27. As a result of the additional rain with so much
C. permitting the photographers enter the building flooding already having occurred, residents
D. the photographers let into the building were seeking shelter __________ than in
previous years.
20. The committee members resented __________ A. in more numbers
of the meeting. B. more numerously
A. the president that he did not tell them C. greater in numbers
B. the president not to inform them D. in greater numbers
C. the president’s not informing them
D. that the president had failed informing 28. The company president wrote an e-mail and
themselves planned to send __________ as soon as the vote
was complete.
21. __________ did Arthur realize that there was A. to all directors the message
danger. B. the message by all directors
A. Upon entering the store C. message to all directors
B. When he entered the store D. the message to all directors
C. After he had entered the store
D. Only after entering the store 29. As the result of Diane’s illness and the effects of
the medication, __________ to curtail her work
22. The company sustained an angry reaction from and public speaking activities.
its employees after announcing how__________ A. has B. had
to reduce operating costs. C. she has had D. she will had
A. it planned B. planned
C. did it plan D. was planned 30. __________ did Arthur realize that there was
23. The gymnasium facilities of this public school A. Upon entering the store
are __________ those of the finest private B. When he entered the store
school in the county. C. After he had entered the store
A. second after B. second only to D. Only after entering the store
C. first except for D. second place from
31. Hardly __________ the office when he realized
24. The more the horse tried to free itself from the that he had forgotten his wallet.
restraint, __________. A. he had entered
A. the tighter it became B. had entered
B. it became tighter C. entered
C. the horse could not escape D. had he entered
D. it was unable to move
32. Once the employees had begun receiving
25. __________, that runner is likely to be the first financial information on the company,
one chosen. __________ income.
A. Due to her agility and speed A. they diligently assisted in reducing costs and
B. Because of she is agile and fast increasing
C. Because agile and rapid B. it made the employees more eager to assist in
D. Because her agility and speed reduce costs and increase
C. diligently they assist to reduce costs and increase
D. with extreme diligence helped lower costs and depending largely upon the type of terrain and the
increase properties of the soil.
One of the largest in the world, the pipeline
33. The plumber attempted to loosen the nut with cost approximately $8 billion and is by far the
regular pliers but then decided he needed to biggest
retrieve his toolbox in order to use __________. (30) and most expensive construction project ever
A. another pliers
undertaken by private industry. In fact, no single
B. others pliers
business could raise that much money, so 8 major
C. the others ones
D. another pair oil
companies formed a consortium in order to share
34. The committee has met and __________. the costs. Each company controlled oil rights to
A. have approve the budget (35) particular shares of land in the oil fields and
B. budget was approved paid
C. its approval of the budget into the pipeline-construction fund according to the
D. approved the budget size of its holdings. Today, despite enormous
problems of climate, supply shortages, equipment
Reading breakdowns, labor disagreements, treacherous
(40) terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement,
Practice Passage 1 and even theft, the Alaska pipeline has been
The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge completed and is operating.
of the Arctic Ocean. It stretches southward across
the largest and northernmost state in the United 1. The passage primarily discusses the pipeline's
States, ending at a remote ice-free seaport village a) operating costs
nearly 800 miles from (5) whereit begins. It is b) employees
massive in size and extremely complicated to c) consumers
operate. The steel pipe crosses windswept plains d) construction
and endless miles of delicate tundra that tops the
frozen ground. It weaves through crooked canyons, 2. The word "it" in line 5 refers to
climbs sheer (10) mountains, plunges over rocky a) pipeline
b) ocean
crags, makes its way
c) state
through thick forests, and passes over or under d) village
hundreds of rivers and streams. The pipe is 4 feet in
diameter, and up to 2 million barrels (or 84 million 3. According to the passage, 84 million gallons of
gallons) of crude oil can be pumped through it oil
daily. can travel through the pipeline each
(15) Resting on H-shaped steel racks called a) day
"bents," long sections of the pipeline follow a b) week
zigzag course high above the frozen earth. Other c) month
long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy or d) year
rocky ground and return to the surface later on. The
pattern of the pipeline's up-and- (20) down route is 4. The phrase "Resting on" in line 15 is closest in
meaning to
determined by the often harsh demands of the arctic
a) consisting of
and subarctic climate, the tortuous lay of the land,
b) supported by
and the varied compositions of soil, rock, or c) passing under
permafrost (permanently frozen ground). A little d) protected with
more than half of the pipeline is elevated above the
ground. (25) The remainder is buried anywhere
from 3 to 12 feet,
5. The author mentions all of the following as response, in the “jazz age” of the 1920s, in the
important in determining the pipeline's route “swing era” of the late 1930s and in the peak
EXCEPT the popularity of modern jazz in the late 1950s.
a. climate The standard legend about Jazz is that it
b. lay of the land itself originated
c. local vegetation around the end of the 19th century in New
d. kind of soil and rock Orleans and moved up the Mississippi Memphis,
St. Louis, and finally to Chicago. It welded
6. The word "undertaken" in line 31 is closest in together the elements of Ragtime, marching band
meaning to music, and the Blues. However, the influences
a. removed of what led to those early sounds goes back
b. selected to tribal African drum beats and European
c. transported musical structures. Buddy Bolden, a New Orleans
d. attempted barber and cornet player, is generally considered
to have been the first real Jazz musician, around
7. How many companies shared the costs of 1891.
constructing the pipeline? What made Jazz significantly different from
a. three the other earlier forms of music was the use of
b. four improvisation. Jazz displayed a break from
c. eight traditional music where a composer wrote an
d. twelve entire
piece of music on paper, leaving the musicians
8. The word "particular" in line 35 is closest in to break their backs playing exactly what was
meaning to written on the score. In a Jazz piece, however,
a. peculiar the song is simply a starting point, or sort of
b. specific skeletal guide for the Jazz musicians to
c. exceptional improvise around. Actually, many of the early
d. equal Jazz musicians were bad sight readers and some
couldn’t even read music at all. Generally
9. Which of the following determined what speaking, these early musicians couldn’t make
percentage of the construction costs each very much money and were stuck working
member of the consortium would pay? menial jobs to make a living. The second wave
a. How much oil field land each company of New Orleans Jazz musicians included such
owned memorable players as Joe Oliver, Kid Ory, and
b. How long each company had owned land in the Jelly Roll Morton. These men formed small
oil fields bands and took the music of earlier musicians,
c. How many people worked for each company improved its complexity, and gained greater
d. How many oil wells were located on the success. This music is known as “hot Jazz” due
company's land to the enormously fast speeds and rhythmic
10. Where in the passage does the author provide a drive.
term for an earth covering that always remains A young cornet player by the name of
frozen? Louis Armstrong was discovered by Joe Oliver
a. Line 4 b. Line 15 in New Orleans. He soon grew up to become one
c. Line 23 d. Line 37 of the greatest and most successful musicians of
all time, and later one of the biggest stars in the
world. The impact of Armstrong and other
Jazz has been called “the art of talented early Jazz musicians changed the way we
expression set to music”, and “America’s great look at music.
contribution 1. The Passage answers which of the following
to music”. It has functioned as popular art and questions?
enjoyed periods of fairly widespread public
(a) Why did Ragtime, marching band music, and (b) attractive
the (c) degrading
Blues lose popularity after about 1900? (d) skilled
(b) What were the origins of Jazz and how did it
differ from other forms of music? 8. According to the passage, which of the following
(c) What has been the greatest contribution of belonged to the second wave of New Orleans
cornet Jazz
players to music in the twentieth century? musicians?
(d) Which early Jazz musicians most influenced the (a) Louis Armstrong
development of Blues music? (b) Buddy Bolden
(c) St. Louis
2. According to the passage, Jazz originated in (d) Joe Oliver
(a) Chicago
(b) St. Louis 9. All of the following are true EXCEPT
(c) along the Mississippi river (a) the late 1930s was called the “swing era”
(d) New Orleans (b) “hot Jazz” is rhythmic
(c) Jazz has been said to be America’s greatest
3. The word “welded” in line 6 is closest in contribution to music
meaning (d) Joe Oliver is generally considered to be the
to first real Jazz musician
(a) squeezed
(b) bound 10. The word “its” in line 21 refers to
(c) added (a) small bands
(d) stirred (b) earlier music
(c) men
4. Which of the following distinguished Jazz as a (d) earlier musicians
new form of musical expression?
(a) the use of cornets 11. Which of the following terms is defined in the
(b) “hot Jazz” passage?
(c) improvisation (a) “improvisation” (line 12)
(d) New Orleans (b) “traditional” (line 12)
(c) “composer” (line 12)
5. The word “skeletal” in line 15 is closest in (d) “score” (line 14)
meaning to
(a) framework The Moon has been worshipped by primitive
(b) musical peoples and has inspired humans to create
(c) basic everything from lunar calendars to love sonnets, but
(d) essential what do we really know about it? The most
accepted theory about the origin of the Moon is that
6. Which of the following can be inferred from the it was formed of the debris from a massive collision
passage? with the young Earth about 4.6 billion years ago. A
(a) many early Jazz musicians had poor sight huge body, perhaps the size of Mars, struck the
(b) there is no slow music in Jazz Earth, throwing out an immense amount of debris
(c) many early Jazz musicians had little formal that coalesced and
musical training cooled in orbit around the Earth.
(d) the cornet is the most common musical The development of Earth is inextricably
instrument used in Jazz linked to the moon; the Moon’s gravitational
influence upon the Earth is the primary cause of
7. The word “menial” in line 18 is closest in ocean tides. In fact, the Moon has more than twice
meaning the effect upon the tides than does the Sun. The
to Moon makes one rotation and completes a
(a) mens revolution around the Earth every 27 days, 7 hours,
and 43 minutes. This synchronous rotat ion is 15. According to the passage, the Moon is
caused by an uneven distribution of mass in the (a) older than the Earth
Moon (essentially, it is heavier on one side than the (b) protected by a dense atmosphere
other) and has allowed the Earth’s gravity to keep (c) composed of a few active volcanoes
one side of the Moon permanently facing Earth. It (d) the primary cause of Earth’s ocean tides
is an average distance from Earth of 384,403 km.
Moon has no atmosphere; without an 16. The word “uneven “ in line 11 is closest in
atmosphere, the Moon has nothing to protect it from meaning to
meteorite impacts, and thus the surface of the Moon (a) Heavier
is covered with impact craters, both large and small. (b) Equally distributed
The Moon also has no active tectonic or volcanic (c) Orderly
activity, so the erosive effects of atmospheric (d) Not uniform
weathering, tectonic shifts, and volcanic upheavals
that tend to erase and reform the Earth’s surface 17. Why does the author mention “impact craters”
features are not at work on the Moon. In fact, even in
tiny surface features such as the footprint left by an line 16?
astronaut in the lunar soil are likely to last for (a) to show the result of the Moon not having an
millions of years, unless obliterated by a chance atmosphere
meteorite strike. The surface gravity of the Moon is (b) to show the result of the Moon not having active
about onesixth that of the Earth’s. Therefore, a man tectonic or volcanic activity
weighing 82 kilograms on Earth would only weigh (c) to explain why the Moon has no plant life
14 kilograms on the Moon. because
The geographical features of the Earth most of meteorites
like that of the Moon are, in fact, places such as the (d) to explain the corrosive effects of atmospheric
Hawaiian volcanic craters and the huge meteor weathering
crater in Arizona. The climate of the Moon is very
unlike either Hawaii or Arizona, however; in fact 18. The word “erase” in line 19 is closest in
the temperature on the Moon ranges between 123 meaning
degrees C. to –233 degrees C. to
(a) change
12. What is the passage primarily about? (b) impact
(a) the Moon’s effect upon the Earth (c) obliterate
(b) the origin of the Moon (d) erupt
(c) what we know about the Moon and its
differences to Earth 19. A person on the Moon would weigh less than
(d) a comparison of the Moon and the Earth on
the Earth because
13. The word “massive” in line 4 is closest in (a) of the composition of lunar soil
meaning to (b) the surface gravity of the Moon is less
(a) unavoidable (c) the Moon has no atmosphere
(a) dense (d) the Moon has no active tectonic or volcanic
(b) huge activity
(c) impressive
20. All of the following are true about the Moon
14. The word “debris” in line 5 is closest in EXCEPT
meaning (a) it has a wide range of temperatures
to (b) it is heavier on one side than the other
(a) rubbish (c) it is unable to protect itself from meteorite
(b) satellites attacks
(c) moons (d) it has less effect upon the tides than the Sun
(d) earth
21. Which of the following can be inferred from the heavily favored immigrants from northern and
passage? western Europe and severely limited everyone
(a) the Moon is not able to support human life else. This system remained in effect until
(b) if the Moon had no gravitational influence, the 1965, although after World War II, several
Earth would not have tides exceptions were made to the quota system to
(c) people living in Hawaii and Arizona would feel allow in groups of refugees.
at home on the Moon
(d) Mars could have been formed in a similar way 22. Why did the author write the passage?
to (a) to outline the ways immigration has been
the Moon restricted
(b) to emphasize the impact of migrants from
People of Hispanic origin were on the Europe
North American continent centuries before (c) to explain and give examples of the concept of a
settlers arrived from Europe in the early 1600s “melting pot”
and the thirteen colonies joined together to form (d) to summarize the main features of
the United States in the late 1700s. The first immigration
census of the new nation was conducted in
1790, and counted about four million people, 23. According to the passage, which ancestry
most of whom were white. Of the white citizens, predominated at the time of the first census?
more than 80% traced their ancestry back to (a) Native Americans
England. There were close to 700,000 slaves and (b) Negroes
about 60,000 “free Negroes”. Only a few Native (c) English
American Indians who paid taxes were included (d) Hispanic
in the census count, but the total Native American
population was probably about one million. 24. The word “ancestry” in line 5 is closest in
By 1815, the population of the United meaning to
States was 8.4 million. Over the next 100 years, (a) origins
the country took in about 35 million (b) inheritance
immigrants, with the greatest numbers coming in (c) color
the late 1800s and early 1900s. In 1882, 40,000 (d) freedom
Chinese arrived, and between 1900 and 1907,
there were more than 30,000 Japanese 25. The word “their” in line 5 refers to which of the
immigrants. But by far, the largest numbers of following
the new immigrants were from central, eastern, and (a) immigrants
southern Europe. (b) people of Hispanic origin
An enormous amount of racial and ethnic (c) white citizens
assimilation has taken place in the United States. (d) Native Americans
In 1908, play-write Israel Zangwill first used the
term “melting pot” to describe the concept of a 26. Which of the following is true, according to the
place where many races melted in a crucible passage?
and re-formed to populate a new land. Some (a) a quota system was in place from 1908
years during the first two decades of the 20th (b) a peak period of immigration was in the late
century, there were as many as one million new 1800s and early 1900s
immigrants per year, an astonishing 1 percent of the (c) slaves were not counted in the first census
total population of the United States. (d) only those who paid taxes were included in the
In 1921, however, the country began to first census
limit immigration, and the Immigration Act of
1924 virtually closed the door. The total number 27. The number of immigrants taken in over the
of immigrants admitted per year dropped from 100
as many as a million to only 150,000. A quota years to 1915 was
system was established that specified the number of (a) probably about 1 million
immigrants that could come from each country. It (b) about 35 million
(c) 8.4 million
(d) about 4 million
(A) based on forms borrowed from nature (C) he commenced university studies at the age of
(B) blended into the landscape
(D) some of his most spectacular buildings were not
(C) giant oaks, sprawling lawns, and no fences in America
(D) houses with low-pitched reefs and extended
36. The word “blended” in line 13 is closest in
meaning to
(A) dug
(B) cut
(C) imposed
(D) merged
37. The word “itself” in line 17 refers to
(A) social workshop
(B) Taliesin Fellowship
(C) He
(D) Major universities
38. The word “idiosyncratic” in line 24 is closest in
meaning to
(A) idiotic
(B) idealistic
(C) individualistic
(D) independent
39. Which of the following can be inferred from the
(A) the Taliesin Fellowship was a grant of money
(B) many of Wright’s architectural ideas have
not been taken up by others
Structure (C) a telephoto lens which magnifies
(D) and magnifying a telephoto lens
1. Clinical psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers found that
80 _____ percent verbal communication involved 7. Volcanoes are divided into three main
five types of responses: evaluative, interpretive, groups, based on their shape and the
supportive, probing, and understanding. type of material they______.
(A) all (A) are made
(B) is the (B) made of
(C) with (C) are made of
(D) of all (D) made for
2. The early feminist leader Susan B. Anthony 8. _____ to inanimate objects, such as
became increasingly aware through her work in the machines, is a form of animism.
temperance movement ______ the same rights as (A) When attributing emotion
men. (B) Attributing emotion
(A) women were not granted that (C) Emotion is attributed
(B) that women were not granted (D) If emotion is attributed
(C) not granted women that were
9. ______, dolphins have no sense of smell.
(D) that were not granted women
(A) As known as far
(B) Known thus far as
3. DNA, _____, is found in the cell nucleus
(C) It is known as far
in the form of very long and thin
(D) As far as is known
molecules consisting of two spiral strands.
(A) inherits material
10. The growth of psychobiology owes _____ to
(B) is inheritance material
major conceptual advances in the way people think
(C) material is inherited
about the brain.
(D) the material of inheritance
(A) much
(B) as much as
4. ______ plants, which manufacture their
(C) much which
own food, animals obtain nourishment by
(D) there is so much
acquiring and ingesting their food.
(A) Unlike
11. In 1938 Pearl S. Buck became the first
(B) Different
American woman ______ the Nobel Prize for
(C) Whereas
(D) As much
(A) receive
(B) received
5. The Hawaiian alphabet, introduced by
(C) to receive
missionaries in the 1820's, _____ and only seven
(D) she received
(A) the five vowels consist of
12. Now considered an art form, quilt making
(B) consisting of five vowels
originated as a means of fashioning bed covers from
(C) that consists of five vowels
bits of fabric that otherwise ______.
(D) consists of five vowels
(A) not use
(B) were no use
6. Working like a telescope, _____ the size
(C) had no use
of objects at great distances.
(D) it was not used
(A) which magnifies a telephoto lens
(B) a telephoto lens magnifies
1. In 1879, _____, Alice Freeman Palmer became
13. The early years of the United States government head of the history department at Wellesley
were characterized by a debate concerning _____ or College.
individual states should have more power. (A) twenty-four years
(A) whether the federal government (B) at the age of twenty-four
(B) either the federal government (C) age twenty-four
(C) that the federal government (D) of twenty-four years
(D) the federal government
2. United States spends more money on advertising
14. Beneath the streets of a modem city _____ of _____ country in the world.
walls, columns, cables, pipes, and tunnels required (A) other
to satisfy the needs of its inhabitants. (B) other than
(A) where exists the network (C) than any other
(B) the existing network (D) while other
(C) the network's existence
(D) exists the network 3. Penicillin, probably _____, came into
widespread use after the Second World War.
15. The province of Newfoundland has _____ than (A) an antibiotic of known
any other region of North America in which the first (B) was known the antibiotic
language is English. (C) the best-known antibiotic
(A) its longer history (D) known best antibiotic
(B) a longer history
(C) the longer the history 4. Although Emily Dickinson is now a well-known
(D) the history is longer American poet, only seven of her poems _____
while she was alive.
(A) publishing
(B) to publish
(C) have published
(D) were published
8. The sidereal day is the period _____ the Earth 14. _____ around us gives us vital information
completes one rotation on its axis. about our environment.
(A) when does it (A) The sounds are heard
(B) while it (B) That the hearing of sounds
(C) during which (C) Hearing the sounds
(D) in that (D) Whatever the sounds are heard
9. _____ rainfall in the desert is low, it is one of the 15. Located in Boston, _____ in the United
most important climatic factors in the formation of States was founded in 1852.
desert erosion features. (A) the first public library was free
(A) Although (B) the first free public library
(B) Why (C) was the first free public library
(C) Despite (D) where the first free public library was
(D) Due to
10. A strong swimmer, _____.
(A) that fish and seal are eaten chiefly by the polar
(B) the polar bear eats chiefly fish and seal
(C) the polar bear eating chiefly fish and seal
(D) eating fish and seal chiefly by the polar bear
5. Cold temperatures; short growing seasons, and 11. Flower oils are ______ of the ingredients used
heavy snows prevent ______ at high elevations. in making perfume.
(A) grow trees (A) among expensive
(B) the growth of trees (B) among the most expensive
(C) trees are growing (C) being most expensive
(D) and growth of trees (D) expensive
6. Usually, the more skilled an athlete ______ the 12. A quilt that looks ordinary ______ may become
more effortless the athlete's movements appear to a work of abstract art when it is hung on a white
be. wall.
(A) what is (A) lying on a bed
(B) that is (B) lies on a bed
(C) that it is (C) to be lying on a bed
(D) is (D) to lie on a bed
13. ______, the hummingbird gets its name from
the sound that its wings make during flight.
(A) Has a brilliant color
(B) The brilliant color
(C) Which is brilliantly colored
(D) Brilliantly colored
14. Except for the Sun, all stars are too far from the
Earth for their distances ______ in miles or
(A) to be conveniently measured
(B) which conveniently measured
(C) to measure conveniently
(D) conveniently measured