Week 7 & 8
Week 7 & 8
Week 7 & 8
Uncontrolled Rectifiers
Semi Controlled/Half Controlled Rectifiers
Fully Controlled Rectifiers
E n g r. A q i b N o o r
L e c t u r e r, E E
N a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y FA S T K a r a c h i
Three Phase Uncontrolled Half-wave Rectifiers
2 8
6 6
0 m Is 0 I m cos td (t )
2 2
0 2 2
3V cos td ( t ) 2
2 6
2 3Vm cos td (t ) 6 1
0 1
2 1 2 2
6 3 9 3 I s I m sin
3 3 Vrms Vm 6 2
Vm 1.654Vm 2 4 I s 0.7804 I m
Vrms 1.6554Vm
Average Output Voltage RMS Output Voltage Transformer Secondary Currents
Three Phase Semi Controlled Rectifiers
Three phase semi converter uses three SCRs T1,
T3 & T5 and three diodes D2, D4 & D6
R,Y,B are phase voltages with respect to ‘N’.
In the circuit shown, when any device conducts,
line voltage is applied across load.
Each phase & line voltage is sine wave with the
frequency of 50 Hz.
With purely resistive load current will be in phase
with load voltage.
Depending on value of firing angle, circuit can
operate in two different modes.
For α ≤ 60 the output voltage is continuous so
called continuous mode of operation.
For α > 60 for some duration of time no device
conducts so called discontinuous mode of
Three Phase Semi Controlled Rectifiers
T1 is triggered at α = 30.
SCR T1 and D6 conduct and line voltage RY is
applied to the load from (π/6 + α) to π/2.
At π/2, D2 is more positive so conducts. Therefore,
line voltage RB is applied to load. This continues.
Vo(avg) = (3√3Vm)/2π(1+cosα).
TVa (Vc) = 30°
DVc (Vb) = 90°
TVb (Va) = 150°
DVa (Vc) = 210°
TVc (Vb) = 270°
DVb (Va) = 330°
Output current waveform
Three phase semi converter cannot operate as a line commutated inverter because the output
voltage cannot become negative.
Three Phase Fully Controlled Half-wave Rectifiers
Three phase transformer is used in this rectifier and
secondary of transformer is star connected.
Three thyristors T1, T2 and T3 are triggered by firing pulses
at regular intervals of 120° in each cycle.
T1 continues to conduct until the next thyristor T2 is turned
π π
ON at any angle in the interval 5 < ωt < 3 .
6 2
Figure (a) shows circuit schematic & figure (b) shows input/output waveforms for R load
Calculations / Formulas
Vo = cosα
Where Vm is the maximum input phase voltage. Here the voltage & current are
The output voltage Vo for π/6 < α < 5π/6
3𝑉𝑚 𝜋
Vo = 𝜋 sin 𝜔𝑡 𝑑(𝜔𝑡)
2𝜋 𝛼+ 6
3𝑉𝑚 𝜋
Vo = [1 + cos (α + )
2𝜋 6
Here the voltage and current are discontinuous.
Three phase half wave fully controlled rectifier with RL load
Figure (a) shows circuit schematic & figure (b) shows input/output waveforms for RL load
Calculations / Formulas
If the load circuit inductance is large, the load current can be assumed to be
The expression for output voltage for continuous conduction is;
In this arrangement, one of the top thyristors group T1,T3 or T5 whose anode voltage is
positive, conducts and simultaneously one of the SCR in the bottom group T2, T4 or T6
whose cathode voltage is negative.
Type of commutation used in these converters is line or source commutation, that is;
when a thyristor is turned on, this incoming thyristor turns off the conducting thyristor
of its own group.
Firing frequency is six times the line frequency, i.e. thyristors are triggered at 60°
intervals. There are six output pulses each of 60° duration. Thus called as six pulse
The conduction pattern of SCRs is expressed through six modes, each mode lasting for
60°. The sequence of operation is shown in table.
At any given time, two thyristors one each from two
different limbs conduct to deliver to the load a of
line voltage as output voltage.
Each SCR conducts for a period of 120°, and each
mode lasts for 60°.
Turn-on of one thyristor leads to turn-off another
Three phase full wave fully controlled rectifier with R load
It is observed from the output voltage
waveform that the voltage segments
corresponding to Vab, Vac, Vbc, Vba, Vca
and Vcb appear in succession as output
voltage for the given sequence of triggering.
This converter supplies R load and the
output waveforms are shown.
The load current may be continuous or
discontinuous depending on the load
parameters and the firing angle.
For the resistive load, the load current is
continuous only when firing angle is less
than π/3.
If firing angle is in between π/3 and 2π/3,
then load current is discontinuous because
the outgoing thyristor extinguishes before
the incoming thyristor is triggered.
Output voltage for continuous load current is given by;
Vo = cosα