Improper Integrals Sols
Improper Integrals Sols
Improper Integrals Sols
1. This exam has 3 questions. Note that the problems are not of equal difficulty, so you may want to skip
over and return to a problem on which you are stuck.
2. Do not separate the pages of the exam. If any pages do become separated, write your name on them
and point them out to your instructor when you hand in the exam.
3. Please read the instructions for each individual exercise carefully. One of the skills being tested on
this exam is your ability to interpret questions, so instructors will not answer questions about exam
problems during the exam.
4. Show an appropriate amount of work (including appropriate explanation) for each exercise so that the
graders can see not only the answer but also how you obtained it. Include units in your answers where
5. You may use any calculator except a TI-92 (or other calculator with a full alphanumeric keypad).
However, you must show work for any calculation which we have learned how to do in this course. You
are also allowed two sides of a 3′′ × 5′′ note card.
6. If you use graphs or tables to obtain an answer, be certain to include an explanation and sketch of the
graph, and to write out the entries of the table that you use.
7. You must use the methods learned in this course to solve all problems.
Fall 2016 2 11 12
Winter 2017 2 5 10
Winter 2017 2 9 12
Total 34
11. [12 points] Determine whether the following integrals converge or diverge. If an integral
converges, find its exact value (i.e., no decimal approximations) and write it in the blank
provided. If it diverges, circle “DIVERGES” and explain why. In any case, show all your
work, indicating any theorems you use, and using proper syntax and notation.
Z ∞
a. [6 points] 2xe−cx dx, where c > 0 is a constant
b. [6 points] √ dx
0 x5 + x7
Solution: For 0 < x ≤ 1 we have
x x 1
√ ≥√ =√ .
x5+x 7 2x 5 2x3/2
1 dx
2 0 x3/2
diverges by the p-Test with p = 2, the original integral diverges by comparison.
Alternatively, notice that √
x/ x5 + x7
lim = 1.
x→0+ 1/x3/2
0 x3/2
diverges by the p-Test with p = 2, the original integral diverges by the Limit Comparison
University of Michigan Department of Mathematics Fall, 2016 Math 116 Exam 2 Problem 11 Solution
Math 116 / Exam 2 (March 20, 2017) page 5
5. [10 points] Let f (x) and g(x) be two functions that are differentiable on (0, ∞) with continuous
derivatives and which satisfy the following inequalities for all x ≥ 1:
1 1 1 1
≤ f (x) ≤ 1/2 and 2
≤ g(x) ≤ 3/4 .
x x x x
For each of the following, determine whether the integral always, sometimes, or never con-
verges. Indicate your answer by circling the one word that correctly fills the answer blank. No
justification is necessary. No credit will be awarded for unclear markings.
Z ∞p
a. [2 points] f (x) dx converges.
Z ∞
b. [2 points] 4000g(x) dx converges.
Z ∞
c. [2 points] f (x)g(x) dx converges.
Z ∞
d. [2 points] g ′ (x)eg(x) dx converges.
Z ∞
e. [2 points] f ′ (x) ln(f (x)) dx converges.
University of Michigan Department of Mathematics Winter, 2017 Math 116 Exam 2 Problem 5 Solution
Math 116 / Exam 2 (March 20, 2017) page 9
Diverges Converges to
Solution: If the improper integral converges, we can rewrite it as a sum
Z ∞ Z 1 Z ∞
2 2 2
dx = 1/4
dx + dx.
−∞ (1 + x )
−∞ (1 + x ) 1 (1 + x4 )1/4
To show that the original improper integral diverges, is enough to show that the last
improper integral above diverges.
2 1
We will use direct comparison. First, we note that for x ≥ 1 ≥ .
Z ∞ (1
Z+ x4 )1/4 x
1 1
Additionally dx diverges as it is an integral of the form dx with p = 1 ≤ 1.
1 x 1 xp
Z ∞by direct comparison, we see that the improper integral
1 (1 + x4 )1/4 Z ∞
also diverges. Thus the improper integral 4 1/4
dx diverges.
−∞ (1 + x )
x3 − 3x3 ln(x) − 1 x3 − 3x3 ln(x) − 1
d ln(x)
b. [6 points] dx Hint: =
1 x(x3 − 1)2 dx x3 − 1 x(x3 − 1)2
1 1
e3 − 1 3
Diverges Converges to
ln(x) e
Z e e
x3 − 3x3 ln(x) − 1 x3 − 3x3 ln(x) − 1
dx = lim = lim
x(x3 − 1)2 b→1+ x(x3 − 1)2 b→1+ x3 − 1 b
ln(e) ln(b) 1 ln(b)
= lim 3
− 3 = 3 − lim 3 .
b→1 + e − 1 b − 1 e − 1 b→1 + b −1
As this last limit has the indeterminate form 0/0 we can apply L’Hopital’s rule.
ln(b) 1/b
= lim
lim (by L’Hopital’s rule)
b − 1 b→1 3b2
3 b→1+ +
1 1
= lim 3
= .
b→1 + 3b 3
Z e 3
x − 3x3 ln(x) − 1 1 1
So we find that the improper integral 3 2
dx converges to 3 − .
1 x(x − 1) e −1 3
University of Michigan Department of Mathematics Winter, 2017 Math 116 Exam 2 Problem 9 Solution