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| 1. Senior Lecturer, Program Leader Msc Sustainable Architectural Design Lincoln School of
Architecture, University of Lincoln, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 1522 837178
2. Associate Professor, Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport,
Founder and Director at IBEX (International British Exchange for Knowledge and culture)
Tel: +44 7803516683
32 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
1. Introduction
Published by ECSDEV, Via dei Fiori, 34, 00172, Rome, Italy http://ecsdev.org
A. Elnokaly and A. Elseragy 33
methodology offers important lessons that could be adopted yet adapted to both
western and non western contexts.
© 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2013 European Center of Sustainable Development.
34 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
With the increasing argument over global warming and climate change,
Conservation as a process of sustainable development in historic cities has been
the subject of many debates in recent years. Although academics and practitioners
applaud the new awareness of environmental concerns, some scholars argue that
these apprehensions are still not enough to adequately address the problems of
conservation. Concomitantly, the authors assert that any conservation policy or
practice needs to incorporate economical, social and cultural sustainability into its
current models.
Conservation in American Heritage Dictionary (AHD, Ed., 2005) means
the act of conserving. It is defined as the controlled use and the systematic
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A. Elnokaly and A. Elseragy 35
4. Methodology
© 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2013 European Center of Sustainable Development.
36 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
narrative approach is used to present each case study and cross case analysis was
used to compare the findings and merits of each case.
Over the past 50 years many studies, projects, and planning proposals
have been made to conserve historic, heritage sites in different parts of the world.
In the following sections we are going to analyse six different projects that
involves conservation, restoration, rehabilitation and reconstruction from four
different countries.
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A. Elnokaly and A. Elseragy 37
© 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2013 European Center of Sustainable Development.
38 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
houses in the alley that were rehabilitated and restored and these were Al Suhaymi
House (1648), Mostafa Gaafar House (1713), and Al Khorazati house, a living
example of residential architecture of the 19th century, they were then all allocated
adaptive functions to fit within the wider development of the area. (Bianca and
Siravo, 2005) Architects working in such sensitive heritage contexts must
understand the dynamics of this complex traditional system, if they are to develop
locally informed functions, genuine designs that build on everyday local practices
and the wider regeneration strategy for the area.
Man’s relation to locales, and through locales to spaces, inheres in his dwelling, the
relationship between man and space is none other than dwelling, thought essentially.
-Martin Hiedegger
The notion of the dynamic use of space and the understanding of locale is
seen here as the key to a successful restoration and conservation of AlDarb
Alasfar. In 1994 documentation and preservation processes started, based on a
Fund from Arab Association for Social Development. (Abada, 2000) After
restoration they were then all allocated adaptive functions to fit within the wider
development of the area. As restoration proceeded in the three houses the
surroundings were also improved, including infrastructures such as electricity,
water, and sewage systems that were all renovated. The project adopted implicitly
the integrated urban conservation approach, and employed many of the concepts
underlying cultural sustainability. (AKTC, 2005) The community of the alley was
encouraged to design ways to keep their neighbourhood clean and pleasant,
providing a vehicle for environmental awareness. Via a participatory approach,
regular meetings were held with over 100 families to discuss various aspects of
renovation. This has resulted in the neighbourhood forming a society for
preserving the character of the alley and maintaining the quality of life they aspire
The integration of social, physical, and environmental work in
conservation represents an integrated approach toward conservation and can be
replicated in other comprehensive projects in old Cairo and elsewhere in the
World. Although this project is an exemplar that represents a culturally sustainable
urban conservation process (AKCS-E, 2003), the challenge of implementing other
project proposals undertaken by several organizations remains to be seen
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A. Elnokaly and A. Elseragy 39
Figure 1. (a) Perspective cross section of AlSuhaymi House (b) The Master plan of AlDarb Alasfar, (After:
Salama, 2000)
© 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2013 European Center of Sustainable Development.
40 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
Figure 2. Darb Qirmiz Quarter and buildings that undergone rehabilitation and restoration
(After; AKAA 1983)
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A. Elnokaly and A. Elseragy 41
Figure 3. (a) Central Bukhara Restoration Plan; (b) Samanid Mausoleum built in the 9th- 10th centuries; (c) The
Poi-Kalyan built between the 12th and 16trh century, After: (AlRadi 1995)
To open up the old centre, thereby allowing the monuments to be better seen,
mediocre buildings of the 1950's were removed. Utilities have been upgraded, and
the streets paved. Old Bukhara, no longer a derelict slum, is now a viable
prosperous city. (AlRadi, 1995) The Aga Khan (AKAA-a, 1995) jury believes that
"the restoration of Bukhara sends a very strong message to the rest of the Islamic
world of the need to restore and re-integrate old cities into new ways of life."
© 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2013 European Center of Sustainable Development.
42 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
completed in 1977, received the Aga Khan Award for Architecture in 1983
(AKAA-b, 1995).
Figure 4. (a) Decorative elements emphasise the exterior of houses in the long whitewashed houses facades (From:
Davidson, Cynthia, 1995); (b) View from roof top of a kindergarten; (c) View of Rue Errakah (Photos courtesy:
Fadel, R., 1995)
The current phase is the continuation of this work, and builds upon the
earlier experience. It includes the upgrading of the existing water services and
main utilities, and the rebuilding of roads and access routes, as well as the
reconstruction of housing, shops, offices, and public facilities. In addition to the
rehabilitation of existing dwellings, 400 new housing units have been constructed.
These units adopt the traditional model of two-storey blocks arranged around an
internal courtyard. The architectural vocabulary employs traditional elements such
as mashrabiyya, partially covered streets, and accentuated corner details as seen in
Figure 4. This simplicity of expression not only relates to the historic context, but
adds unity to the development, and responds to budgetary constraints. In dealing
with such issues as appropriate institutional development, needed legislative
changes, and effective financial implementation, the jury found the collaboration
and inter-disciplinary co-ordination expended on Hafsia II to be exemplary.
(AKAA-b, 1995) The experience gained and the solutions that evolved are
relevant to all the varied problems faced by those who wish to save the historic
old cities in today's Islamic world.
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A. Elnokalyy and A. Elseraagy 43
Figuure 5. An Overview of
o Sidi Bou Said from
m the Southeast, (Frrom: Holod, Renata and Darl Rastorfer.
r. 1983)
Thee coming of mass m tourism brrought increasiing pollution aand traffic conggestion.
Mo oreover, the lattter posed a seriious threat to the
t geological sstability of the cliff. A
man nagement plan n prepared byy the Districtt of Tunis, en nacted in 19778, sets
direections for the control of devvelopment and land use (AKA AA, 1980).
Thee town depicted in Figure 5 received a citatiion from the A Aga Khan jury "for
" the
effoorts over a longg period of timme by a commuunity toward thee conservation n of
their villagge. Based on trrue understandiing of the arch
hitectural values of the
villaage, legislationn has been enacted contro olling maintenaance, expansio on and
vehhicular circulatiion, and the seense of place has been keptt. (AKAA, 19880) The
connservation of the t village maaintained Hakiim (2001) fivee core pillars for the
onggoing process of growth an nd change witthin a city. T These five pillaars are:
Figure 6. (a) View from the café overlooking the souq; streets and semipublic spaces between buildings provide areas
for positive social interaction; (b) View to the sea from the minaret of the mosque and shrine of Sidi Bou Said; (c)
Tunis Region map depicting Sidi Bou Said and Proximity to Cape Carthage archaeological site, (From: Holod,
Renata and Darl Rastorfer. 1983)
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A. Elnokaly and A. Elseragy 45
Hebron has been a focus of Jewish settlement. Almost a decade ago, the Hebron
Rehabilitation Committee was created, as a result of a decision by Yasser Arafat,
to develop a programme to renew the town for Palestinian habitation In January
1997, Israel turned over 80 percent of the administration of Hebron to the
Palestinian Authority, thereby enabling the actual reconstruction of the old town
to begin.
(a) (b)
Figure 7. (a) Overview of Hebron old town; (b, c, & d) Photos depicts finished work; photo Courtesy: the Architect,
the Aga Khan Award available at: http://archnet.org/library/files/one-file.jsp?file_id=567
© 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2013 European Center of Sustainable Development.
46 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
In the following section a cross case analysis is carried out for the six case
studies investigated in this paper. A technical review underlying urban
conservation is carried out looking at seven main aspects which are: the type of
project; the local architecture; the local climate; site topography; general objectives
of the project; functional requirements and design concepts.
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A. Elnokaly and A. Elseragy 47
Table 1: The conservation of Historic Areas; Response to historic area issues using three different sets of conservation project proposals and objectives
Type of Project Restoration, Restoration, Restoration, Reconstruction Conservation Rehabilitation,
Conservation Conservation Reconstruction Reconstruction,
Local Buildings average Buildings are an average of Brick with low It’s a city of varied A rich mixture of Dating back to the 18th
Architecture of 12 to 15m. The 15m high. Monuments are skyline 2 or 3 style, Hafsid mauresque and some century, a remarkable
walls of the houses constructed of stone faced storeys, interrupted stonework inspired ‘italianizing’ elements stone architecture of
were built of half walls, with a core of by tall minarets. minarets and ceramic organized around the tightly knit clusters of
timbered poorer rubble material. Sections of town panels along with main landmarks, the irregularly arranged
construction of an Upper levels of walls and gates white washed facades mosque and tomb of cubic volumes. Houses
infilling of brick monuments are sometimes survived, rest was seems harmonious as “Cheikh Bou Said. usually; have 2 or 3
and rubble. Roofs constructed in brick. destroyed part of Tunisian art Developed to be a storey, whose spaces are
and floors of Floors often of patterned and architecture, summer resort for asymmetrically clustered
shaped wooden marble or stone slabs. alongside Andalusian the rich with lovely around a courtyard, with
beams. Small Domestic buildings of green tiled domes. gardens, white windows that have no
windows and poorer quality materials Climatic influences washed walls, narrow frames or glass panes,
mashrabiyas are with same height. appeared in loggias, windows, only timber shutters,
predominant. terraces and balconies. mashrabiyas, domes opening on courtyards
and vaults are most and its semi opened
predominant. vertical extension.
Local Climate Mild in winter with Mild in winter with Dry arid climate, Mediterranean semi- Mediterranean semi- Receives a fair amount
occasional rains, occasional rains, with hot hot summers up to arid climate arid Climate of rainfall, still has a
with hot summers. summers. 40°C and summers shortage of water,
20-23°C. average winter temp.
10°C and 28°C in
Site Topography A flat sit The site appears flat, but Flat plain and semi Tunis is located on a Built on a hill above The highest town in
has a gentle fall from east desert lands rather flat site, with a a magnificent cliff Palestine, it is the base
to west and from north to slope of 1% from west and the bay of and lower slopes of the
south. to east, with Hafsia on Carthage. four mountains that
the northern eastern surrounds it.
© 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2013 European Center of Sustainable Development.
48 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
conservation 2. removing plaster monuments and reconstruction of spiritual and 2. alterations should be
approach, and that has become damp and areas around them. units, and symbolic minimised
employs many of replacing it with same type 2. Bringing down rehabilitation and significance. 3. Changes must be in
the concepts executed in the traditional modern eye sores reuse of spaces were 2. Preserving the harmony with
underlying cultural way. that clashed with carried out. basic pattern and architectural character.
sustainability. 3. Replacement of historic image. 2. User interaction at a morphology of the 4. Natural ventilation
2. User interaction. damaged decorative work 3. creating large very early stage for village. through courtyards
3. Adaptive reuse keeping it as closely as open areas within user satisfaction. 3. Repairing and should not be altered or
of buildings possible to original work. the old town for 3. Landscaping restoring old by changes in spaces.
restored. 4. Reconstructing visual integrity considering minimal buildings. 5. Niches and
4. Facades of other missing decorations that 4. Restoring impact on traditional 4. Modifications of decorations shouldn’t be
building were can be clearly identified. buildings to their urban fabric. facades of new altered or closed.
painted, doors Careful cleaning, repair or original form using 4. An architectural buildings to suit the 6. Visual appearance of
renovated, and replacement of damaged traditional vocabulary based old. vaults and mastabas
lighting posts wood in doors, screens, decorative features mainly on the 5. Character and should not be altered.
replaced. etc. and motifs. traditional architecture volume of new
The alley was made Adding proper of the area has been buildings to match
a pedestrian only landscaping developed. the old.
zone and paved elements and 6. User interaction
with limestone. features. for a self preserved
© 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2013 European Center of Sustainable Development.
50 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
Published by ECSDEV, Via dei Fiori, 34, 00172, Rome, Italy http://ecsdev.org
A. Elnokaly and A. Elseragy 51
• Third; Who are we preserving historic areas for? Are the present users to be
the prime beneficiaries of the intervention? Or the country at large? Or is it
being done for the sake of generations yet unborn?
© 2013 The Authors. Journal Compilation © 2013 European Center of Sustainable Development.
52 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
The Authors would like to thank Professor Ashraf Salama, Chair and Professor
in architecture and currently the Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban
Planning at Qatar University, for his valuable guidance and feedback within the early
stages of this research.
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A. Elnokaly and A. Elseragy 53
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54 European Journal of Sustainable Development (2013), 2, 1, 31-56
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