Teacher Charles R. Tejoc Physical Education
Date and Time October 16, 2023 Quarter 1
5 Officiating Officials
1. Referee
*The over all judge during the game.
*He put the game into order.
*He is the one decide if the score is
counted or not.
*He point out violations.
2. Scorer
*An official who keeps the records:
score gain, violations committed, time
out, the list of players name each team.
3. Timer
*An official who holds the time and
gives the signal.
4. Linesmen
*An official who
watch the line, holding flag and decide
either it is IN or OUT.
5. Announcer
*An official who
announce the score and fouls committed,
substitution and time.
What is Sports?
an activity involving
physical exertion and skill in which an
individual or team competes against
another or others for entertainment.
1. Team Sport
A sport which played by team or group.
Such: Basketball, Soccer, Football,
Volleyball, Frisbee, Hockey, Sepak
Takraw, Baseball and Softball.
2. Dual Sport
A sport which played by pair or two
players. Such: Badminton Double or
Mixed Double, Table Tennis Double or
Double, Lawn Tennis.
3. Individual Sport
A sports which played by
one player or single player. such:
Swimming, Athletic single, Badminton
single, Table tennis single, Arnis,
Taekwondo, Karate,Shot put, Javelin,
Discus, Archery.
Test I:
*Write only 10 words about the topic we
discussed “Officiating Sports”
Individual Team Sport
Dual Sport Announcer
Referee Swim Tennis
Timer Arnis Scorer Linesmen
Test II
*Write 3 Officiating Officials.
*Write 2 examples of team Sports.
Test III
*Why it is necessary to have an
Officiating Officials in a game? Anyone?