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R203105A - AI Bits

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001. The proposition symbols in AI are?

A True and False B True, false and null
C True D false
002. Which of the following is not an application of artificial intelligence? C
A Computer Vision B Natural Language Processing
C Database management Systems D Digital Assistants
003. In how many category processes is AI classified in D
A Depends on the input nature B 5
C 2 D 3
004. Who is known as the -Father of AI"? C
A Fisher ada B AlanTuring
C John McCarthy D Allen Newell
005. Which of the given language is not commonly used for AI? D
C Python D Perl
006. Based on which of the following parameter Artificial Intelligence is categorized? C
A Based on functionally only B Based on capabilities only
C Based on capabilities and D It is not categorized
007. Which of the following is an application of Artificial Intelligence? B
A It helps to exploit vulnerabilities to B Language understanding and
secure the firm problem-solving (Text analytics and
C Easy to create a website D It helps to deploy applications on the
008. What is the goal of Artificial Intelligence? C
A To solve artificial problems B To extract scientific causes
C To explain various sorts of D To solve real-world problems
009. What is Artificial Intelligence? C
A Artificial Intelligence is a field that B Artificial Intelligence is a field that
aims to make humans more intelligent aims to improve the security
C Artificial Intelligence is a field that D Artificial Intelligence is a field that
aims to develop intelligent machines aims to mine the data
010. Which of the following is the branch of Artificial Intelligence? A
A Machine Learning B Cyber forensics
C Full-Stack Developer D Network Design
011. _________ number of informed search method are there in Artificial Intelligence. A
A 4 B 3
C 2 D 1
012. Which of the following machine requires input from the humans but can interpret the D
outputs themselves?
A Actuators B Sensor
C Agents D AI system
013. What is the function of the system Student? C
A program that can read algebra word B system which can solve algebra word
problems only problems but not read
C system which can read and solve D System which can find out unknown
algebra word problems values
014. Which of the following is a component of Artificial Intelligence? A
A Learning B Training
C Designing D Puzzling
015. What is the name of the Artificial Intelligence system developed by Daniel Bobrow? B
A program known as BACON B system known as STUDENT
C program known as SHRDLU D system known as SIMD
016. Face Recognition system is based on which type of approach? B
A Weak AI approach B Applied AI approach
C Cognitive AI approach D Strong AI approach
017. Which of the following is not a type of Artificial Intelligence agent? D
A Learning AI agent B Goal-based AI agent
C Simple reflex AI agent D Unity-based AI agent
018. What is the function of an Artificial Intelligence “Agent”? C
A Mapping of goal sequence to an B Work without the direct interference
action of the people
C Mapping of precept sequence to an D Mapping of environment sequence to
action an action
019. The total number of proposition symbols in AI are ________ C
A 3 proposition symbols B 1 proposition symbols
C 2 proposition symbols D No proposition symbols
020. The total number of logical symbols in AI are ____________ B
A There are 3 logical symbols B There are 5 logical symbols
C Number of logical symbols are based D Logical symbols are not used
on the input
021. A process that is repeated, evaluated, and refined is called __________ D
A Diagnostic B Descriptive
C Interpretive D iterative
022. What is the total number of quantification available in artificial intelligence? D
A 4 B 3
C 1 D 2
023. Which of the following produces hypotheses that are easy to read for humans? B
A Machine Learning B ILP
C First-order logic D Propositional logic
024. Which of the following can improve the performance of an AI agent? B
A Perceiving B Learning
C Observing D Analyzing
025. On which of the following approach A basic line following robot is based? B
A Applied approach B Weak approach
C Strong approach D Cognitive approach
026. Visual clues that are helpful in computer vision include __________ D
A color and motion B depth and texture
C height and weight D color and motion, depth and texture
027. Which search method takes less memory? A
A Depth-First Search B Breadth-First search
C Optimal search D Linear Search
028. An Artificial Intelligence system developed by Terry A. Winograd to permit an A
interactive dialogue about a domain he called blocks-world.
029. LISP was created by? A
A John McCarthy B Marvin Minsky
C Alan Turing D Allen Newell and Herbert Simon
030. Expert Ease was developed under the direction of __________ B
A John McCarthy B Donald Michie
C Lofti Zadeh D Alan Turing
031. Procedural Domain Knowledge in a rule-based system is classified in the form of B
A Control Rules B Production Rules
C Meta Rule D Prepositional rule
032. Artificial Intelligence is associated with computers of which generation? C
A Second B First
C Fifth D Third
033. Machines that try to imitate human intuition while handling vague information lie in the B
field of AI called?
A Functional logic B Fuzzy logic
C Boolean logic D Human logic
034. Which of the following is not a informed search method? D
A Best First Search B A* Search
C Memory Bound Heuristic Search D Depth first Search
035. How many types of recognition are there in AI? B
A 5 B 3
C 2 D 1
036. Which of the following was originally called the “imitation game” by its creator B
A LISP B The Turing Test
C The Logic Theorist D Cybernetics
037. Which of the following is the most straight forward approach for planning algorithm C
A Breadth first Search B Depth First Search
C State Space Search D Binary Search
038. The first AI programming language was called B
A Python B IPL
C LISP D Machine Language
039. ____ environment is considered strategic. C
A Partial B Stochastic
C Deterministic D Rational
040. Which of the following is the function of an AI Agent? A
A To map the percept sequence to an B To map the goal sequence to an
action action
C To work without direct interference D To map the environment sequence to
from any external factor like humans an action
041. Face recognition system is based on which AI C
A Serial AI B Parallel AI
C Applied AI D Strong AI
042. What is state space in AI D
A The whole problem B Problem you design
C The half problem D Representing your problem with
variable and parameter
043. Which of the following is not a stage of AI C
A Predictive analysis B Diagnostic analysis
C Cognitive analysis D Computational analysis
044. Computational intelligence is a form of C
A Knowledge Management B Singularity
C Artificial Intelligence D Case-based learning
045. Which of the following is not a stage of knowledge engineering D
A Assemble the relevant knowledge B Encode general knowledge about the
C Identify a task D Fixing a problem
046. The process of removing detail from a given state representation is called B
A Extraction B Abstraction
C Information Retrieval D Mining of data
047. The set of actions for a problem in a state space is formulated by a D
A Intermediate state B Final state
C Initial state D Successor function, which takes
current action and returns next
immediate state
048. A problem in a search space is defined by one of these state A
A Initial state B Last state
C Intermediate state D Action state
049. Which were built in such a way that humans had to supply the inputs and interpret the B
A Agents B AI System
C Sensors D Actuators
050. A search algorithm takes _____ as an input and returns ____ as an output B
A Input, output B Problem, solution
C Solution, Problem D Parameters, sequence of actions
051. Which search is implemented with an empty first-in-first-out queue? B
A Depth-first search B Breadth-first search
C Bidirectional search D Linear search
052. How many types are available in uninformed search method C
A 3 B 4
C 5 D 6
053. Which search strategy is also called as blind search A
A Uninformed search B Informed search
C Uniform search D Simple Reflex Search
054. A problem solving approach works well for D
A 8- Puzzle problem B 8- Queen problem
C Finding an optimal path from given D Mars Hover
source to destination
055. Which is the best way for going for game playing problem B
A Linear approach B Heuristic approach
C Random approach D Optimal approach
056. Which type of algorithm is used to solve any kind of problem B
A Breadth-first algorithm B Tree algorithm
C Bidirectional search algorithm D Linear search
057. How many parts does a problem consists of? D
A 1 B 2
C 3 D 4
058. What is the space complexity of Depth-first search D
A O(b) B O(bl)
C O D O(bm)
059. When is breadth-first search is optimal B
A When there is less number of nodes B When all step costs are equal
C When all step costs are unequal D When there is more number of nodes
060. How many successors are generated in backtracking search A
A 1 B 2
C 3 D 4
061. Which data structure conveniently used to implement DFS A
A Stacks B Queues
C Priority Queues D Trees
062. Which data structure conveniently used to implement BFS B
A Stacks B Queues
C Priority Queues D Trees
063. Strategies that know whether one non-goal state is “more promising” than another are B
A Informed & Unformed search B Unformed search
C Heuristic & Unformed Search D Heuristic Search
064. Which search algorithm imposes a fixed depth limit on nodes A
A Depth-limited search B Depth-first search
C Iterative deepening search D Bidirectional search
065. Which search implements stack operation for searching the states B
A Depth-limited search B Depth-first search
C Bidirectional search D Linear search
066. Uniform-cost search expands the node n with the __________ A
A Lowest path cost B Heuristic cost
C Highest path cost D Average path cost
067. A production rule consists of ____________ C
A set of Rule B A sequence of steps
C Set of Rule & sequence of steps D Arbitrary representation to problem
068. Web Crawler is a/an ____________ A
A Intelligent goal-based agent B Problem-solving agent
C Simple reflex agent D Model based agent
069. Which of the following produces hypotheses that are easy to read for humans? B
A Machine Learning B ILP
C First-order logic D Propositional logic
070. The _______ is a touring problem in which each city must be visited exactly once. The B
aim is to find the shortest tour.
A Finding shortest path between a B Travelling Salesman problem
source and a destination
C Map coloring problem D Depth first search traversal on a
given map represented as a graph
071. What is the other name of informed search strategy? B
A Simple search B Heuristic search
C Online search D Bidirectional search
072. DFS is ______ efficient and BFS is __________ efficient. A
A Space, Time B Time, Space
C Time, Time D Space, Space
073. For general graph, how one can get rid of repeated states? A
A By maintaining a list of visited vertices B By maintaining a list of traversed
C By maintaining a list of non-visited D By maintaining a list of non-traversed
vertices edges
074. Depth-first search always expands the ______ node in the current fringe of the search C
A Shallowest B Child node
C Deepest D Minimum cost
075. Breadth-first search always expands the ______ node in the current fringe of the A
search tree.
A Shallowest B Child node
C Deepest D Minimum cost
076. Which if the following most advanced from of AI? D
A Neural Network B Machine Learning
C Data Science D Deep Learning
077. A* algorithm is based on ___________ C
A Breadth-First-Search B Depth-First –Search
C Best-First-Search D Hill climbing
078. Which is used to improve the performance of heuristic search? B
A Quality of nodes B Quality of heuristic function
C Simple form of nodes D Number of nodes
079. What is the heuristic function of greedy best-first search? C
A f(n) != h(n) B f(n) < h(n)
C f(n) = h(n) D f(n) > h(n)
080. Which search uses only the linear space for searching B
A Best-first search B Recursive best-first search
C Depth-first search D Heuristic search
081. What is the evaluation function in A* approach? C
A Heuristic function B Path cost from start node to current
C Path cost from start node to current D Average of Path cost from start node
node + Heuristic cost to current node and Heuristic cost
082. What is the evaluation function in greedy approach? A
A Heuristic function B Path cost from start node to current
C Path cost from start node to current D Average of Path cost from start node
node + Heuristic cost to current node and Heuristic cost
083. Greedy search strategy chooses the node for expansion in ___________ C
A Shallowest B Deepest
C The one closest to the goal node D Minimum heuristic cost
084. Best-First search is a type of informed search, which uses ________________ to A
choose the best next node for expansion.
A Evaluation function returning lowest B Evaluation function returning highest
evaluation evaluation
C Evaluation function returning lowest D Evaluation function return zero
& highest evaluation
085. Heuristic function h(n) is ________ C
A Lowest path cost B Cheapest path from root to goal
C Estimated cost of cheapest path from D Average path cost
root to goal node
086. The hardware features of LISP machines generally include __________ D
A large memory and a high-speed B letter-quality printers and 8-inch disk
processor drives
C a mouse and a specialized keyboard D large memory and a high-speed
processor & a mouse and a
specialized keyboard
087. A natural language generation program must decide __________ A
A what to say B when to say something
C why it is being used D both what to say & when to say
088. Which method is used to search better by learning? C
A Best-first search B Depth-first search
C Metalevel state space D Linear Search
089. Machine becomes intelligent once they are A
A Trained B Started
C Installed D Turned off
090. Which search is complete and optimal when h(n) is consistent? D
A Best-first search B Depth-first search
C Both Best-first & Depth-first search D A* search
091. Which is not represented by using propositional logic C
A Objects B Relations
C Both objects and relations D Images
092. Which search is similar to minmax search B
A Hill-climbing search B Depth-first search
C Breadth-first search D Linear search
093. Which of the following algorithm is used in CSP search algorithm B
A Breadth-first search B Depth-first search
C Hill-climbing search D Linear search
094. For general graph, how can one get rid of repeated states A
A By maintaining a list of visited vertices B By maintaining a list of traversed
C By maintaining a list of non-visited D By maintaining a list of non-traversed
vertices edges
095. Back tracking is based on D
A Last in first out B First in first out
C Recursion D Both last in first out and recursion
096. Which AI technique enables the computers to understand the associations and D
relationships between objects and events
A Heuristic Processing B Cognitive Science
C Relative Symbolism D Pattern matching
097. Which term describes the common sense of the judgmental part of problem-solving D
A Value-based B Critical
C Analytical D Heuristic
098. Which action sequence are used to achieve the agents goal D
A Search B Plan
C Retrieve D Both Search and plan
099. Which functions are used as preferences over state history B
A Award B Reward
C Explicit D Implicit

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