Mapeh Week 1 Q1
Mapeh Week 1 Q1
Mapeh Week 1 Q1
June 10,
June 11, 2019 June 12, 2019 June 13, 2019 June 14, 2019
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary
procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing
content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support
the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly
objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guide
A. Content Standard The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… The learner . . .
demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
understanding of understanding of INDEPENDENCE DAY understanding of understanding of
characteristic features characteristic features characteristic features lifestyle and weight
of the Medieval, of the Medieval, of the Medieval, management to
Renaissance and Renaissance and Renaissance and promote community
Baroque period music Baroque period music Baroque period music fitness
B. Performance The Learner... The Learner... The Learner... The learner . . .
Standard performs selected songs performs selected songs performs selected songs maintains an active
from Medieval, from Medieval, from Medieval, lifestyle to influence
renaissance and renaissance and renaissance and the physical activity
baroque periods baroque periods baroque periods participation of the
a) Chants; a) Chants; a) Chants; community
b) Madrigals; b) Madrigals; b) Madrigals; practices healthy
c) excerpts from c) excerpts from c) excerpts from eating habits that
oratorio; oratorio; oratorio; support an active
d) chorales; d) chorales; d) chorales;
e) troubadour. e) troubadour. e) troubadour.
C. Learning listens perceptively to listens perceptively to explains the The learner ...
Competency/Objectiv selected vocal and selected vocal and performance practice • undertakes physical
es instrumental music of instrumental music of (setting, composition, activity and physical
Write the LC code for each. fitness assessments;
Medieval, Renaissance Medieval, Renaissance role of
• assesses eating
and Baroque music; and Baroque music; composers/performers habits based on the
MU9MRB-Ia-h-1 MU9MRB-Ia-h-1 and audience) of Philippine Food
explains the explains the Medieval, Renaissance
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A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp.3-8 pp.10 -12 pp. 14-16
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Curriculum Guide
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Internet
V. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always
be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain
learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their
learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous
knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous Checking of Checking of Checking of
lesson or presenting Assignments Assignments Assignments INTRODUCTION
the new lesson The first three periods Who are the Famous Who are the Famous Tg. 3
of Western Music Composers from the Composers from the
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D. Discussing new Pre –Assessment Part II Works of Adam de la Works of Giovanni Warm-Up Exercises
concepts and TG. pp.6-7 Halle Pierluigi da Palestrina Tg. 5
practicing new skills # Tg. 11 Tg. 15
E. Discussing new Music of the Medieval Music of the Thomas Morley Static Stretching
concepts and Period (700 – 1400) Renaissance Period 1557 – 1602 Exercises
practicing new skills # TG. pp 7-8 (1400 – 1600) Dynamic Stretching
2 Tg. 12 Exercises
Tg. 5
F. Developing mastery Characteristics of the Characteristics of Works of Thomas Morley
(leads to Formative Gregorian Chants: Renaissance Music What are the basic
Assessment 3) monophonic warm up exercises?
Free meter Static Stretching
Modal Exercises?
Usually based on Dynamic Stretching
Latin liturgy Exercises?
Use of Neume
G. Finding practical Present Audio Clips of Listening Activity Listening and Singing Are these Basic Warm
application of today’s well known The Sound of the Activity up and stretching
concepts and skills in music from the Renaissance! Listen to the links below exercises essential for
daily living Medieval Period that feature the opening our physical well-
Kyrie being?
(Excerpt from “Pope
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Marcellus Mass)
Last viewed November
7, 2013
Last viewed November
7, 2013
H. Making The first three periods The Medieval period is What are the basic
generalizations and of Western Music also known as the Students will continue warm up exercises?
abstractions about the History are classified as Middle Ages or ―Dark the following phrases: Static Stretching
lesson Medieval, Renaissance, Ages‖ that started with I learned that……….. Exercises?
and Baroque Period. the fall of the Roman I realized that ……… Dynamic Stretching
Empire. Exercises?
During the latter part of
the Medieval Period,
secular music which
was not bound by
Catholic traditions
emerged. Most of these
songs were performed
across Europe by
groups of musicians
called Troubadours.
I. Evaluating learning Listening Activity Short Quiz: Short Quiz: Fill out the Fitness
Name that Sound! Medieval and Famous Composers Assessment.
renaissance period during the Renaissance Tg.6
J. Additional activities Assignment: Assignment : Assignment: Assignment:
for application or Who are the Famous History the Vocal Music History of the Music of Identify the common
remediation Composers from the of the Renaissance the Baroque Period injuries that may
Medieval Period and Period happen during a
their Works? sports officiating
VII. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What
else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so
when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who
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Prepared by:
Teacher I, JHS
Muñoz National High School-Annex
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