g4q2w7 DLL Mapeh (Matatag)

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Grade and IV -


Teaching Dates: NOVEMBER 04 – 08, 2024 Quarter:


The learners demonstrate understanding of The learners demonstrate understanding of
A. Content local concepts, processes, and practices of healthy family, roles and responsibilities of family
Standards Music and Arts as influenced by the faiths and members, and invasion games in promoting
beliefs of the province. family wellness for active and healthy living.
The learners improvise creative works that The learners participate in daily life activities and
depict the faiths and beliefs of the province, invasion games to promote family wellness for
using local concepts, processes, and practices active and healthy living.
in Music and Arts.
Learning Competency Learning Competency
1. Produce simple improvisations (rhythm and 1. Perform physical activities using invasion game
tempo, theatrical, dance, and visual) with faiths concepts with agility, balance, and coordination
and beliefs as the theme. Objectives for active living:
1. Recall the basic arts concepts and principles a. Manipulative skills by sending or propelling an
C. Learning (sound, dance, theater, and visual art) used in object to an intended area.
Competencies and improvisation and symbolic expression. Learning objectives:
Objectives 2. Create a brief improvised performance or 1. Define manipulative skills
piece of art using chosen element(s) that 2. Identify the various manipulative skills.
explores a theme related to your faith or belief. 3. Apply the manipulative skills in playing invasion
3. Present to the class a brief improvised games.
performance or piece of art that shows their
understanding of the individual’s faith or belief.
Theme: “Influences of Faiths and Beliefs in the Manipulative skills
Province on Music and Arts” Relevant Local Activities that help develop manipulative skills
Forms, Themes, Representation, Mediums, And (Invasion Games)
Practices in Music and Arts **The specific
D. Content content for performing and visual arts are
based on the practices in the locality. Elements
of artistic expressions and principles of
composition are discussed based on how they
are used in the local art practices.
E. Integration SGD 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities: Values: Cooperation, Teamwork
Protect Cultural and Natural Heritage Visual
aesthetics Cultural Literacy, Awareness, and
Ocampo, G.A. (2024). Ocampo, G.A. (2024).
Ignacio, T. (2024). Ignacio, T. (2024).
Lesson Exemplar for Lesson Exemplar for
Lesson Exemplar for PE Lesson Exemplar for PE
Music and Arts. Music and Arts.
and Health. Philippine and Health. Philippine
Philippine Normal Philippine Normal
Normal University Normal University
University Research University Research
Research Institute for Research Institute for
Institute for Teacher Institute for Teacher
Teacher Quality SiMMER Teacher Quality
Quality SiMMER Quality SiMMER
National Research SiMMER National
National Research National Research
Centre Research Centre
Centre Centre
a. References
Department of Department of
Department of Department of
Education. (2023). Education. (2023).
Education. (2023). Education. (2023).
MATATAG Curriculum MATATAG Curriculum
MATATAG Curriculum MATATAG Curriculum
Phase 1 SY 2024-2025. Phase 1 SY 2024-2025.
Phase 1 SY 2024-2025. Phase 1 SY 2024-2025.
Retrieved from Retrieved from
Retrieved from Retrieved from
https://www.deped.gov. https://www.deped.gov.
https://www.deped.gov https://www.deped.gov
ph/matatagcurriculumk ph/matatagcurriculumk
.ph/matatagcurriculum .ph/matatagcurriculum
147/ 147/
k147/ k147/
a. Activating Prior Directions: Identify if Directions: Write Activity: “Modified Directions: Answer
Knowledge the given picture is a TRUE if the statement Catching the Ball the following questions.
tayaw dance, bendian is correct, FALSE if Game” 1. What are
dance or cañao dance? not. The goal of this game is manipulative skills?
1. The Bendian dance not to catch the ball 2. DzWhat are the
primarily features once the music stops. fitness concepts
circular formations to Procedure: needed in performing
symbolize unity in the ● Divide the class into the manipulative skills?
community. two groups with an
True equal number of
2. In the Tayaw dance, students.
traditional attire ● The members of each
1. includes vibrant red group shall stand
Bendian Dance and black costumes opposite each other at a
specific to the region’s distance of 5 meters.
cultural identity. ● While tossing and
True catching the ball, the
3. Drums are the students need to
primary instrument execute/perform in
used in the Cañao place the locomotor
dance, accompanying movements (skipping,
chants and ceremonial hopping, running, etc.)
actions. that will be announced
False (Gongs are by the teacher.
2. commonly used in the ● Once the music stops,
Tayaw Dance Cañao ceremony.) the students need to
4. All three dances— freeze and the one
3. Bendian, Tayaw, and holding the ball will be
Cañao—are performed out of the game.
only during harvest ● After 5 minutes, the
celebrations and are team with the highest
not used in any other number of non-
rituals. eliminated members will
False (They are be declared the winner.
performed for various
rituals, including
thanksgiving, and
Canao Dance community
5. The spiritual beliefs
reflected in the Cañao
dance include offering
sacrifices to honor
ancestral spirits.

b. Establishing Objective: Retrieve How does learning Answer the following: Demonstrate the
Lesson Purpose the words inside the about these traditional 1. How do you feel after following manipulative
balloons. dances help us better doing the activity? skills.
Instruction: a. The appreciate the
teacher will arrange diversity and richness • Throwing
the class in a circle of Filipino culture, and • Catching
formation. b. While the how might it inspire us 2. What locomotor • Kicking
music is playing, the to preserve other movements did you do? • Serving
learners will pass the traditional practices? • Dribbling
five balloons
simultaneously around
the circle.
3. What other skills did
c. When the music
you do in the game?
stops, each student
holding a balloon will
pop it to retrieve the
word inside.
d. The retrieved words
will be pasted on the

What are the

connections of these
words in the culture of
c. Developing DISTINCT FEATURES DISTINCT FEATURES Manipulative Skills – Manipulative Skills –
Understanding of the OF BENDIAN, OF BENDIAN, refer to skills that refer to skills that
Lesson TAYAW AND CANAO TAYAW AND CANAO require the use of the require the use of the
DANCE DANCE hands, feet or other hands, feet or other
body parts to move or body parts to move or
manipulate or move an manipulate or move an
object. These skills object. These skills
require the control of require the control of
the BODY and the the BODY and the
OBJECT. This is the OBJECT. This is the
foundation of all sports foundation of all sports
skills skills
d. Deepening BENGUET DANCE Directions: give the Throwing and Dribbling –
Understanding of the EXPLORATION distinct features of Catching- Modified Bulldozing and
Lesson bendian, tayaw and Hot Potato Game Building Material:
The learners will watch canao dance. Material: Any available Any available ball may
the video clips of ball may be used in this be used in this activity.
Benguet Dances. D Co Instr B activity. Procedure: Procedure:
a stu ume el • This activity can be • This activity can be
Video Links: ▪ Bendian nc me nts ie done indoor or outdoor. done indoor or outdoor.
Dance e f • Divide the class into • The teacher divides
https://www.youtube.c a two groups. the class into two
om/watch? n • Let the two groups groups. One group is
v=50HE7ekX-ls ▪ d stand 10 feet apart. named bulldozer, and
Tayaw Dance F (This may be modified the other one is called
https://www.youtube.c ai by the teachers) the builder.
om/watch? th • Let the students do • All the players of both
v=NXxmxolsC6k ▪ 1. the throwing and teams will be dribbling
Cañao Dance 2. catching activity while on the court at the
https://www.youtube.c 3. the music is playing. same time. The
om/watch? When the music stops, bulldozer team topples
v=TFNaBK3xIX8 the student holding the the cones while
ball is “out”. dribbling while the
• The children may use builders fix the cones
overhead throw, chest to stand while
pass, or bounce pass in dribbling.
passing the ball to the • When the time is up,
other team. the toppled and
standing cones are
• The team with the
greatest number wins
the game.
How do the distinct In what ways do the How do developing In what ways can
features of the costumes, manipulative skills, such practicing manipulative
Bendian, Tayaw, and instruments, and as throwing or catching, skills positively impact
Cañao dances reflect movements of the help you improve your other aspects of your
the values and beliefs Bendian, Tayaw, and coordination and physical fitness or
e. Making
of the communities Cañao dances deepen confidence in everyday teamwork skills?
that perform them, our understanding of activities?
and what might these the spiritual beliefs
dances teach us about and community
the importance of traditions they
cultural preservation? represent?
Directions: Answer Directions: Answer Kicking – Relay One-Minute
a. Evaluating the following the following Material: Any available Underhand Service
Learning questions: questions: ball may be used in this Material: Preferably
activity. volleyball ball will be
 Bendian Dance: 1. How do the Procedure: used in this activity
After watching the movements and • This activity can be Procedure:
Bendian Dance, how formations in each done indoor or outdoor. • This activity can be
do you think this dance reflect the • The objective of the done indoor or outdoor.
dance expresses unity values and beliefs of game is for the • This can be done by
and community spirit the communities that members to kick the pair or by group.
among the people, and practice them? ball to roll and land at • Let the children do as
how can such the target area which is many underhand
traditions be the big circle at the end services as they can for
preserved in modern of the line. oneminute.
times? 2. In what ways do The teacher divides the • The group mates or
the costumes and class into two groups. partner of the student
instruments used in • Only the kicker shall should count the
each dance contribute stay at the kicking area. successful underhand
 Tayaw Dance: In to preserving the After kicking the ball, services made.
observing the Tayaw identity and heritage the kicker goes to the • Once the time is up,
Dance, what aspects of the Cordilleran target area and makes the counter/s should
of the dance do you people? high five to the next announce the number
feel convey respect for kicker. The next kicker of the successful
cultural values, and runs with the ball to the underhand services
why might it be kicking area and kicks made.
important to continue 3. How might the the ball. Same
celebrating such communal aspect of procedure shall be done
dances? these dances by rest of the members
until everyone in the
strengthen group is finished.
relationships within a • The team with the
community, especially greatest number of balls
 Cañao Dance: during celebrations that reached or landed
Reflecting on the and rituals? the target area wins the
Cañao Dance, what game.
role do you think this
ritual plays in honoring
heritage, and how
might understanding it
influence your
perspective on
indigenous practices?

Note observations on any of the

Effective Practices Problems Encountered
following areas:
strategies explored

b. Teacher’s Remarks materials used

learner engagement/ interaction

c. Teacher’s Reflection guide or prompt can be on:
Reflection ▪ principles behind the teaching
What principles and beliefs informed my lesson?

Why did I teach the lesson the way I did?

▪ students
What roles did my students play in my lesson?

What did my students learn?

How did they learn?

▪ ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?

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