Muslim Wedding Ceremony

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Salim weds Kathleen

Thursday, 7 July 2005

An Islamic wedding is short and simple. Unlike the orthodox image of

Islam, most of its tenets are modern including those governing
wedding. A Muslim wedding besides its traditional ceremony also
consist a legal document registering the marriage contract that is
signed between the bride and the bridegroom, with terms and condition
laid out explicitly and with the option given to the bride to divorce her

The wedding ceremony on the whole revolves around the basic

promise that the marriage should be with the consent of both the bride
and the bridegroom. A lot of importance is given to the consent of the

Some customs associated with the Islamic wedding ceremony differs

from country to country. A marriage in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon
would definitely have some local customs incorporated in the general
Islamic wedding rituals. Similarly Indian Muslim wedding will have
some customs strikingly similar to wedding ceremonies of other
communities in India.
Let us understand the general ceremony step by step.

Barat Welcome
The groom arrives at the wedding venue with his barat. A music band
strike up some traditional notes to announce their arrival. The groom
shares a drink of “sharbat” with bride’s brother. The bride’s sisters
play pranks and welcome the guests with flowers and sometimes
sprinkle rose water.

The Nikah or wedding ceremony can be conducted at the home of the
bride or the groom, or at any other convenient venue. A Kazi (priest)
in the presence of close family members and relatives conducts the
ceremony. In orthodox Muslim communities, the men and women are
seated separately. The ‘Walis’ (the father of the bride and of the
bridegroom) play an important role in the ceremony. The Kazi reads
selected verses from the Quran and the Nikah is complete after the
Ijab-e-Qubul (proposal and acceptance). The boy’s side proposes and
the girl’s side conveys her assent. The mutual consent of the bride and
groom is of great importance for the marriage to be legal. On the day
of the Nikah that the elder members of the two families decide the
amount of Mehar. The Mehar is a compulsory amount of money given
by the groom’s family to the bride.

The Nikahnama is a document in which the marriage contract is
registered. It contains a set of terms and condition as that must be
respected by both the parties, also gives the bride the right to divorce
her husband. For the contract to be legal, it must be signed by the
bridegroom, the bride, the Walis, and the Kazi.

Blessing the Groom

The groom receives blessings from the older women and offers them
his salaam. The guests pray for the newlyweds.

Dinner, Prayers and Aarsimashaf

Dinner is a lavish spread. Usually the women and the men dine
separately, After dinner, the newly weds sits together for the first time.
Their heads are covered by a dupatta while they read prayers under the
direction of the maulvi (priest). The Quran is placed between the
couple and they are allowed it see each only through mirrors.

Post-wedding rituals
After the actual wedding day there are also a number of rituals which
have to take place. Lets have a look and see what these actually are
and what they signify.

The bride’s family bids her a tearful farewell before she departs for her
husband’s house. The bride’s father gives her hands to her husband
and tells him to take protect and take good care of her.

Welcoming the Bride

The grooms mother holds the Quran above the head of her new
daughter-in-law as she enters her new home for the first time after the

The Chauthi is the fourth day after the wedding, when the bride visits
the home of her parents. She receives a joyous welcome on this day.
The Walima is the lavish reception that the groom’s family hosts after the Nikah. It
is a joyous occasion that brings together the two families, their relatives and other


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