Parts of Speech Exercise by Rishabh Deshwal Sir

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Direction:- Name the part of speech of each word in the following sentences.

PART - 1
1. Still waters run deep. 2. He still lives in that house

3. After the storm comes the calm 4. The after effects of the drug are bad.

5. The up train is late. 6. It weights about a pound.

7. Priyanka told us all about the battle. 8. Ramu was only a yard off me.

9. Suddenly one of the wheels came off.

10. Mohammedans fast in the month of Ramzan.

11. He kept the fast for a week. 12. Rahul is on the committee.

13. Let us move on. 14. Sit down and rest a while.

15. Rishabh will watch while you sleep.

16. They while away their evenings with books and games.

17. The crowd was very big. 18. Always speak the truth.

19. We all love honesty. 20. Our class consists of twenty pupils.

21. The elephant has great strength. 22. Solomon was famous for his wisdom.

23. Cleanliness is next to godliness. 24. We saw a fleet of ships in the harbour.

25. The class is studying grammar. 26. The Godavary overflows its banks every year.

27. A committee of five was appointed.


28. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India.

29. The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery.

30. Without health there is no happiness.

31. He gave me a bunch of grapes. 32. I recognized your voice at once.

33. Our team is better than theirs. 34. Never tell a lie.
35. Wisdom is better than strength.

36. He sets a high value on his time. 37. I believe in his innocence.

38. This room is thirty feet in length.

39. I often think of the happy days of childhood.

40. The streets of some of our cities are noted for their crookedness.

41. What is your verdict, gentlemen of the jury?

42. I have called several times. 43. Every dog has his day.

44. A live ass is better than a dead lion, 45. Every man has his duties.

46. Say the same thing twice over.

47. Several persons were present at the time, 48. He is a man of few words.

49. Neither party is quite in the right. 50. What time is it?

51. Which pen do you prefer?

52. The way was long, the wind was cold, the minstrel was infirm and old.

53. He comes here every day. 54. I have not seen him for several days.
55. There should not be much talk and little work.


56. Abdul won the second prize.

57. The child fell down from a great height.

58. He was absent last week. 59. He died a glorious death.

60. A small leak may sink a great ship. 61. Good wine needs no bush.

62. I like the little pedlar who has a crooked nose. 2

63. King Francis was a hearty King and loved a royal sport. 2

64. In the furrowed land the toilsome patient oxen stand. 2

65. My uncle lives in the next house. 66. Some dreams are like reality.

67. A cross child is not liked.

68. It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good.

69. India is the largest democracy in the world.

70. Shakespeare is greater than any other English poet.

71. Samudra Gupta was one of the greatest of Indian Kings.

72. The tiger is the most ferocious of all animals.

73. Australia is the largest island in the world.

74. Lead is heavier than any other metal.

75. Some people have more money than brains.

76. A wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.

77. The Marwaries are not less enterprising than any other community in India.

78. I know him quite as well as you do.

79. You do not know him better than I do.

80. No other man was as strong as Bhim.

81. Some boys are the list as industrious as Suresh.

82. Mount Everest is the highest peak of the Himalayas.

83. I bought some books from this book shop.

84. A poor old man was sitting just outside of a big Shiva temple.

85. Ramu was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment.

86. There were doors all round the hall, but they were all locked.

87. Anju opened the door and found that it led into a small passage.

88. “I wish I hadn't cried so much,” said Anjle.

89. “You are not attending”, said the Mouse to Alice severely. “What are you thinking of?”
90. “Come back!” the Caterpillar called after her. Arun turned and came back again.

91. Hari brought his book and laid it on the table.

92. Karim has lost his dog and cannot find it.

93. Suresh is at the head of his class, for he studies hard.

94. Rama, you are a lazy boy.

95. The camel is a beast of burden. It is used to carry goods across the desert.

96. The female lion is called a lioness. She has no mane.

97. The horse fell down and broke its leg.

98. Birds build their nests in trees.


99. If the thief is caught, he will be punished.

100. Train up a child in the way he should go.

PART – 2
1. Rama had taken his watch out of his pocket, and was looking at the watch uneasily,

shaking the watch every now and then, and holding the watch to his ear.

2. The boys went into the garden, where the boys saw a snake.

3. Very soon the Rabbit noticed Alice as Alice went hunting about, and called out to Alice in

an angry tone.

4. Bring me the letters which the postman left.

5. This is the house that Jack built. 6. Hari saw the man who had been hurt.

7. We met the sailors whose ship was wrecked. 8. Here are the books which I found.

9. The cat killed the rat that ate the com.

10. Bring me the books which lie on the table.

11. Here is the book that you lent me.

12. I hate children who are cruel.

13. Show me the knife that you have bought.

14. He has not brought the knife that I asked for.

15. Dogs soon know the persons by whom they are kindly treated.


16. This is the juggler whom we saw yesterday.

17. They that seek wisdom will be wise.

18. I know a man. The man has been to Iceland.

19. The thief stole the watch. The thief was punished.

20. Show the road. The road leads to Delhi.

21. Here is the doctor. The doctor cured me of malaria.

22. J met a boy. He was very cruel.

23. He does his best. He should be praised.

24. The man is honest. The man is trusted.

25. My father is dead. I loved my father.

26. The teacher sent for the boy. The boy came at once.

27. Wellington was a great general. He defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.

28. The dog bit the burglar. The burglar had broken into the house.

29. Once upon a time there lived a giant. The giant was very powerful and cruel.

30. We met a girl. The girl had lost her way.

31. Kalidas is famous. He wrote some fine dramas.

32. He is a rogue. No one trusts him.

33. The child is dead. The child came here yesterday.

34. The child is dead. I saw the child yesterday.

35. I know the man. He stole the bicycle.

36. The man stole the bicycle. He has been arrested.

37. I have found the umbrella. I lost it. 38. I saw a soldier. He had lost an arm.

39. This is the path. He came by this path. 40. The horse was lame. We saw the horse.

41. Those boys were kept in. They had been very lazy.

42. I saw a girl. She was singing. 43. That boy bowls very well. You see him there.

44. Here is the book. You were asking for the book.

45. Here is the pencil. You lost it yesterday. .

46. The man is deaf. You spoke to the man.

47. Coal is found in Bengal. It is a very useful mineral.

48. The boys clapped heartily. They were watching the match.

49. The boy tells lies. He deserves to be punished.

50. I heard a song. The song pleased me. 51. He was praised by his father.

52. The first railway was built by George Stephenson.

53. The horse was frightened by the noise. 54. Not a word was spoken by Latif.

55. The teacher was pleased with the boy's work.

56. He was taken to the hospital by his friends.

57. The town was destroyed by an earthquake.

58. The road was lined with people.

59. The President was welcomed by the people.

60. Shakuntala was written by Kalidas. 61. The building was damaged by the fire.
62. I was struck by his singular appearance. 63. Those cars were built by robots.

64. The streets were thronged with spectators.

65. The trees were blown down by the wind.

66. We shall be blamed by everyone. 67. The child was knocked down by a car.

68. Alice was not much surprised at this.

69. He will be greatly surprised if he is chosen.

70. He did not have even a rupee with him. He could not buy a loaf of bread.

72. Every cricket team has a captain. He directs the other players.

73. You must part with your purse. On this condition only you can save your life.

74. He went to Amritsar. He wanted to visit the Golden Temple.

75. The robber took out a knife. He intended to frighten the old man.

76. I speak the truth. I am not afraid of it.

77. The insolvent's property was sold by the official Assignee. The insolvent's creditors had

to be paid.

78. He wants to earn his livelihood. He works hard for that reason.

79. The strikers held a meeting. They wished to discuss the terms of the employers.

80. He has five children. He must provide for them.

81. The old man has now little energy left. He cannot take his morning constitutional


82. The Rajah allowed no cows to be slaughtered in his territory. It was his custom.
83. He formed a resolution. It was to the effect that he would not speculate any more.

84. Everyone should do his duty. India expects this of every man.

85. She visits the poor. She is anxious to relieve them of their sufferings.

86. He collects old stamps even at great expense. This is his hobby.

87. He must apologise for his misconduct, it is the only way to escape punishment.

88. I have no aptitude for business. I must speak it out frankly.

89. He was desirous of impressing his host. So he was on his behaviour in his presence.

90. That young man has squandered away all his patrimony. He must have been very


91. He has risen to eminence from poverty and obscurity. It is highly creditable.

92. He has ruined his sight by reading small print.

93. Hearing the noise, he ran to the window.

94. We saw a clown standing on his head.

95. Asking questions is easier than answering them.

96. Waving their hats and handkerchiefs, the people cheered the king.

97. Walking on the grass is forbidden.

98. Jumping over the fence, the thief escaped.

99. The miser spends his time in hoarding money.

100. Much depends on Rama's returning before noon.


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