BVSS 2021 4e5n Prelim P2 Updated Answers V2
BVSS 2021 4e5n Prelim P2 Updated Answers V2
BVSS 2021 4e5n Prelim P2 Updated Answers V2
1 hour 50 minutes
Candidates answer in the Question Paper.
Additional material: Insert
Write your candidate name, class and index number on the work you hand in.
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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.
Total /50
Section A [5 marks]
Text 1
2 Diana has ‘vast knowledge’ of interior furnishings. Identify two pieces of evidence
in the image that support this phrase.
Any two
3 What are the two meanings of ‘cover’ intended by Chan Chong Beng?
4 From the section with the heading Tap into a wealth of experience, quote a
sentence which indicates the main purpose of this brochure.
5 At the beginning of the text, Raju was eyeing the man in the Green Blazer because he
appeared very prominently in the crowd. Explain how the language used in Paragraph 1
emphasises this prominence.
The phrase ‘stood out’ suggests that the man in the Green Blazer could not be
missed / was most eye catching/striking.
‘Seemed to cry out an invitation’ suggests that the man was so noticeable that he
was almost welcoming/bidding/beckoning/calling/begging Raju (to steal from him).
6 With reference to Paragraph 2, explain in your own words how Raju planned to remain
inconspicuous in the crowd.
He wound a huge/large/very big/gigantic turban over his head which completely
concealed/covered his face.
Taboo: enormous/over-shadowed
7 Give two words in Paragraph 2 which indicate there was a risk involved when he
attempted to pickpocket in the crowd.
(i) gamble
(i) could not be entirely detached could not afford to remain completely
(iii) involved the risk of being discovered there was always the danger of being [3]
traced (through it)
9 Explain how the expression ‘but here one had to extract the heart out of the quarry without
injuring it’ (line 28) is effective in describing Raju’s task of pickpocketing.
It is effective in highlighting that unlike a hunter who can kill the game/animal he is
after, Raju has to take the loot off the victim without injuring/alarming him(1). Hence [2]
the task is more complex/difficult/complicated (1).
10 What kind of pickpocket do you think Raju is when he describes himself as a ‘jungle-
hardened hunter’ (line 39) ?
11 What is ironic about Raju’s use of the phrase ‘too much fondness for money’ (line 42) to
describe the man in the Green Blazer?
Raju is critical of the man in the Green Blazer for being greedy but he seems unaware
that he too is motivated by the money/ likes/loves money he plans to steal. [2]
12 From Paragraph 5, state two actions by the man in the Green Blazer that Raju found
(i) He started a debate with the coconut-seller over the price of coconuts.
(ii) He had an endless argument with the man selling balloons. [2]
13 The structure of the text shows Raju’s reactions as he plans to steal from the man in the
Green Blazer. Complete the flowchart below by choosing one phrase from the box to
summarise the dominant reactions until completion of the job. There are some extra
phrases in the box you do not need to use.
Raju’s reactions
Flow chart
14 From Paragraph 1, how would a person with ‘a bared arm’ have gained admission to the
Salk Hop?
He or she would have had to agree/ to take the polio vaccination before gaining
admission to the Salk Hop / willing to receive their jab. [1]
15 In Paragraph 3, why do you think the authorites would have closed pools and drinking
fountains every summer?
The heat during summer would have made pools and drinking fountains a place for
people to cool down (1) and the authorities did not want them to become gathering
places/hotspots for the virus to spread/did not want them to cluster and cause the [2]
virus to spread (1).
16 Quote a word from Paragraph 4 which indicates that the Salk vaccine was a leap
forward in the fight against polio.
breakthrough [1]
17 In Paragraph 4, apart from the belief that they were healthy and not at risk, explain in
your own words two reasons why teens in the US were slower in signing up for the
polio vaccine.
18 Here is a part of a conversation between two students, Sarah and Jason, who have read
the article.
Sarah Jason
(a) With reference to Paragraph 5, list two factors that would help Jason
explain his position.
(b) Identify two examples from Paragraph 6 that Sarah can give to support her view.
(i) teen idols helped to spread the word (via public vaccination campaigns)
(ii) teenagers became vaccine ambassadors (who participated in grassroot
vaccination efforts) [that often resulted in their names and photos in print –
Excess denies]
(iii) they raised funds for vaccination programmes/ Examples accepted
(iv) they wrote letters to local newspapers to urge teenagers to get vaccinated
Any two [2]
19 Using your own words as far as possible, summarise the factors that led to the polio
vaccine hesitancy amongst American teenagers in the 50s and 60s and what actions
were taken by the authorities to resolve the problem.
Your summary must be in continuous writing (not note form). It must not be longer than
80 words (not counting the words given to help you begin).
The polio vaccine hesitancy problem amongst teens was partly due to…….. [15]
Passage Paraphrase
1 “infantile paralysis,” stoking the impression the terminology made them believe they
that teens and adults were not at risk. were safe from the disease.
2 the perceived inconvenience of the three- they found taking the three-dose jab
dose vaccine regimen troublesome
3 some feared needles or the vaccine needles or the vaccine frightened some of
4 teens felt healthy, (almost indestructible) teens thought they were invincible
necessary info
5 recruited directly from that reluctant The authorities recruited teens directly to
6 interviewing them on their perceptions and find out about their concerns about the
reservations about the vaccines vaccinations.
7 equipping them with talking points to promote trained them to raise awareness about the
Salk jabs back home vaccinations back home
8 officials recruited teen idols like Elvis Presley teen celebrities were recruited to publicise
and Debbie Reynolds to spread the word via vaccination campaigns
public vaccination campaigns
9 Advances in polio vaccines helped as well improvements in the vaccines
10 a less-expensive single-dose vaccine the lower-priced single-dose vaccine also
replaced the three-jab Salk vaccine in the improved the take-up rate
The polio vaccine hesitancy problem amongst teens was partly due to……..
the terminology used as teens believed they were safe from the disease. They found taking
the three-dose jab troublesome and needles or the vaccine frightened some. The authorites
recruited teens directly to find out about their concerns about the vaccinations and trained them
to raise awareness about the vaccinations back home. Teen celebrities were recruited to
publicise vaccination campaigns. Improvements in the vaccines and the lower-priced single-
dose vaccine also improved the take-up rate in the 60s.
76 words