Types of Clauses and Sentences
Types of Clauses and Sentences
Types of Clauses and Sentences
What is a clause?
a group of words that has (at least) a subject and a verb
1. The sunIndependent
rose. clauses
2. Water evaporates rapidly in warm climate zones.
3. when the sun rose
Dependent clauses
Subordinator Subject Verb Complement
…when the sun rose…
…because water evaporates rapidly in warm climate zones…
Independent clauses
Independent Dependent
What’s a sentence?
Simple Compound Complex
A. Simple sentences
• One independent clause
e.g. She played soccer yesterday.
Tom and Jerry are now friends.
I loved both him and his brother.
She is friendly and enthusiastic.
We sang and danced all night.
➢ two subjects => a compound subject
➢ two verbs => a compound verb
B. Compound sentences
Two independent clauses
With a coordinator
With a semicolon
B. Compound sentences
e.g. They eat a lot of fish and vegetables, and they eat slightly.
Coordinators Meaning
For to add a reason
And to add a similar, equal idea
Nor to add a negative equal idea
But to add an opposite idea
Or to add an alternative possibility
Yet to add an unexpected or surprising continuation
So to add an expected result
B. Compound sentences
2. Compound sentences with Conjunctive Adverbs
A co-ordinator
independent clauses
A semi-colon
e.g. We don’t have a pet; we can’t take care of
C. Complex sentences
One independent clause and one or more dependent clauses
I could not decide where I should work or what I should do, so at first I did
Kinds of sentences
Simple Compound Complex