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Sagittarius Season Workbook

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Sagittarius Season 2023

(Nov 22- Dec 21)

Seeking Truth

What new horizons am I ready to explore? Where are my

curiosities guiding me? How can I expand and grow in my life?

Now is the time to find out…

Happy Sagittarius Season 3

Light at the End of the Tunnel 6
Party in the House of Sagittarius 10

Sun enters Sagittarius 33
Mars enters Sagittarius 35
Full Moon in Gemini 37
Mercury enters Capricorn 39
Venus enters Scorpio 41
Neptune stations direct in Pisces 43
New Moon in Sagittarius 45
Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn 47

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Happy Sagittarius Season 🏹
During Sagittarius season, the Sun illuminates our need to expand, to learn, to grow, and
connect with the spiritual realms. We shift out of the underworld of Scorpio season and rise
into our higher consciousness. After focusing deeply inward, we expand upward and outward

This is the season of shifting beliefs, where new insights are born, discoveries are made, and
edges are expanded. Sagittarius values truth above all and seeks to expand its knowledge and
connection with the spiritual planes to find the Universal truths.

In seeking out these truths, Sagittarius ponders and philosophizes, examines ideas, perceptions,
and theories, which can translate into shifting perceptions during this season, removing the
shackles to your growth so you can run free and explore. All the information and insights you’ve
gathered through your experiences are now fodder for new beliefs to be born.

As you expand into this new awareness, new ways of thinking, new ways of exploring and
understanding the world, you discover more of who you authentically are, without the
conditioning of other people’s belief systems placed upon you. This is one of many gifts that
Sagittarius season brings, helping you grow into an expanded version of yourself into a more
full, rich, and fulfilling life.

Ruled by Jupiter, King of the Gods, who is benevolent, abundant, and always wanting more,
Sagittarius energy is insatiably curious about life. It rules travel, higher education, and spiritual
beliefs because these are all ways to expand your horizons, perceptions, and what you know
about the world.

✈️This is the perfect season not only for literal travel but also for traveling through different
territories in your mind, trying on new ideas and new perceptions. It’s a time for allowing your
curiosities to lead you into new experiences to broaden your sense of yourself and your
connection with the world around you, including the divine.

Once Sagittarius learns new knowledge, it’s bursting to share it with others to enlighten and
expand the minds of those around them. This is a beautiful circular energy of continually
learning higher knowledge and teaching what you know from your experiences and insights.

This Sagittarius workbook is designed to help you explore how all these themes are showing up
in your personal life and connect with the inner wisdom that lives inside you. May it light your
way through these darkest nights of the year so you may see the bigger picture of it all, follow
your inner fire, and ultimately, find the truths that resonate most deeply with your soul.

🥂Cheers to all the freedom and expansion this season brings! May you relish it!
💙 The Moon Omens Team

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Through the darkness
we find the light
A bright fire burns
under starry skies

Seeking to know
what lies beyond
Believing in magic
Waving your wand

Shooting your arrow

at the center of truth
Trusting your heart
as absolute proof

Unearthing the wisdom

gained through experience
Seeking adventure
Sharing your brilliance

Asking big questions

Exploring philosophy
Fueled by passion
Led by curiosity

Traversing new territories

Expanding awareness
Holding out hope for a
future that’s boundless

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looking upward, aiming, scanning, direct, straightforward, lower meets higher

passionate, bold, bright, transformative, energetic, upward moving, wild, free

flexible, open minded, changeable, transitional, adaptable, resourceful, playful

ruled by
expansion, abundance, philosophy, higher wisdom, benevolence, exuberance, optimism

action-oriented, catalyzing, go-getter, forward moving, outwardly directed, intellectual

freedom, wisdom, royalty, truth, magic, mysticism, celestial realms, intuition, knowledge

passion, action, desire, gut instinct, sensuality, pleasure, fulfillment, vitality, creativity

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Through the dark tunnel of Scorpio season we are born into the light of Sagittarius and all the
insights, perspective shifts, and new belief systems that come from unraveling our identities and
letting old parts of ourselves go.

Through the space that was created by what we’ve released, we refill ourselves with the light of
hope, truth, and communion with a higher power. We recommit our faith in the cosmic forces
that guide us as we look up into the starry skies, eyes filled with wonder and hope, seeking to
know the truth about all the mysteries that Scorpio season revealed to us.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Sagittarius season is the darkest part of the year in the northern hemisphere when the nights
stretch out longer and longer until we reach the winter solstice. During this time, we’re drawn to
observe the cosmos above and wonder. This leads us to ask life’s big questions about who we are
and why we’re here, spurring us on a search to find out all the answers.

This is a season for wondering and discovering, for asking why and why not, and for searching
far and wide for the true answers so we can expand our perceptions. Sagittarius rules the study
of astrology, (which we’ll dive into applying in the next section) philosophy, and all forms of
higher learning, so there’s an insatiable hunger for knowledge in the air right now and an urge to
explore and learn more, more, more.

After the depth of the shadows we walked through during Scorpio season, Sagittarius offers
lightness and hope, optimism and forward momentum, to help us travel beyond our own
psyches into the vastness of the world we exist in. This is the energy of the spiritual seeker who
scours the Universe to find out the truth, which ultimately leads us back to finding ourselves.

This is traditionally a time of big autumnal feasts and holiday festivities, of coming together to
celebrate and appreciate the bounty of life. It’s a period of jubilation and abundance to help us
reconnect with all that we already possess, as well as call in more joy, adventure, and growth

The light of Sagittarius season is the light of awakening, of higher consciousness, of faith in the
divine. It urges us to connect to our soul’s aspirations and expand into our higher selves. It’s the
light of our own inner fires, keeping us warm, helping us transform, inspiring us to keep moving
and searching for our truth.

So it’s time to shake off the weight and heaviness of the transformations you’ve been going
through, and reorient your perspective to see how much you’ve learned from your experiences,
and to focus on all the light that can be found within you and around you, even through these
darkest days of the year.

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How have I transformed lately? What have I left behind? What new parts of myself have been

How can I look back at all the past pain and struggles I’ve gone through and see them as part
of the grand adventure of my life? As learning experiences to help me gain more wisdom?

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What am I feeling hopeful about? What feels uplifting or exciting in my life? What aspirations
do I have?

What have I learned or realized about my purpose in this world, in the grand scheme of

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What would an abundant day in my most ideal life look like and feel like?

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Party in the House of Sagittarius 🎉
As the Sun moves into Sagittarius on Nov 22nd it joins Mercury who’s been traversing the sign
since Nov 10th, and the next day Mars joins the party. With your mind, identity, and physical
energy all directed towards Sagittarian themes at this time, it may feel intense but it will also be
uplifting, helping you see the bigger picture of the lessons you’ve learned while swimming
through Scorpio season.

So, it’s a party in the Sagittarius house of your chart, and Sagittarius energy loves a good party!
It’s about having fun, enjoying life, embracing your passions, and sharing the ripe fruits of your
abundance with others. There’s more optimism and good spirits in the air and an expanded
sense of good fortune and amazing possibilities around every corner.

The house in your personal natal chart where Sagittarius falls is where you seek to know more,
where you explore the truth, and the place in your life where you can continually expand your
knowledge and share your wisdom.

You can also see what sign and planets are in your 9th house to see what energies you’re
channeling through the Sagittarian themes of travel, higher learning, expansion, and spiritual

🌟You can look up your personal natal chart for free on astro.com if you need it, using your
birth location and time, to find where Sagittarius falls in your chart and what’s contained in your
9th house.

This will help you decipher the very personal themes that you’ll be experiencing this season, as
well as help expand your astrological knowledge so you can gain a better understanding of how
these macrocosmic energies work in the microcosm of your daily life.

In this section, we’ll explore how this abundance of Sagittarian energy in the cosmos right now is
affecting you personally to broaden your knowledge about yourself and your connection to the
Universal energies, and help you start to put all the puzzle pieces together.

In your personal natal chart: What house does Sagittarius rule in my chart? Are there any
planets that fall in that house? What do I know about the themes of this house and what area of
my life it’s related to? (Go learn all about it!)

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What are some ways I can see Sagittarian themes playing out in this area of my life? Where do
I want to expand more, learn more, teach more, explore more, or have more faith in these

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With the Sun, Mercury, and Mars all currently transiting this area of my chart, how can I
expand my mind? Do I feel any differences in my body or inner drive? How might these
Sagittarian energies lead me to a greater sense of purpose and happiness?

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What sign rules the 9th house of my natal chart? Are there any planets here? How are these
sign & planet energies expressed through my beliefs, opinions, curiosities, and explorations?
What am I most interested in learning or teaching related to the sign and/or planets here?

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Here are some ideas to help you integrate this seasonal energy of Sagittarius into your life. When
you’re aligned with the cycles of the cosmos, you become more aligned in everything you do!

● Travel to a place you’ve never been before or learn all about a destination abroad you’d
love to visit someday

● Practice gratitude and appreciation for your life, for all the ways you’re lucky, for all
the abundance that exists all around you

● Try our lapis lazuli guided meditation to connect with your inner vision and expand
your perception of the spiritual realm

● Look up at the stars and breathe and observe and wonder and let your mind wander

● Read some philosophy or spiritual texts you haven’t read before, looking for every
opportunity to expand your mind

● Try out some new foods from different cultures around the world, expand your palate
and tastes, be adventurous

● Dive into learning more about whatever you’re curious about, looking for higher level
knowledge, looking for the truth

● Speak honestly, speak up, say what’s on your mind and heart, share your opinions

● Think about what you know so well or are so passionate about that you could easily
teach it to others or share your wisdom in some way

● Learn how to speak some words from a different language of a faraway place you’d
love to visit, listen to music from other countries

● Get to know your personal natal chart better, observe the astrological transits and how
you feel during them, connect with astrology in your day to day life

● Lighten up, get a little loose, allow inhibitions to fade as you enjoy the passionate
experience of being alive

● Practice looking on the bright side, finding the silver lining, seeing the glass as half full,
and see how it shapes what you attract into your life

● Question your limiting beliefs and expand into more happiness using the
healing practice on the next page…

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In order to grow, reach new heights of perception, and eventually land your arrow on the
bullseye of the truth, you have to expand beyond the confines of your current mindset. One of
the most practical and helpful ways to do that is simply to start questioning your beliefs.

This practice called “The 4 Questions” created by Byron Katie will help you begin to consciously
realize your limiting beliefs and release them in a way that makes sense to both your mind and
soul, so you can let go of them for good, allowing room for more expanded, abundant, and
truthful beliefs to be created in their place.

For this simple yet powerful practice of shifting your beliefs, follow these steps:

Step 1: Settle into your body and take a few deep breaths. Grab your journal or something you
can do a short writing practice with.

Step 2: Observe the thoughts running through your mind when you start to get still and
quiet. Whenever you come upon a thought that’s a judgment of some sort towards
yourself or others, or one that makes you feel small and unworthy- write it down, and
run it through the following process.

Step 3: With your judgemental thought identified, ask yourself- is this thought
true? Then write out your answer.

Step 4: Then ask, is this absolutely true? Meaning, is this legitimately

objectively true, in every single circumstance, without a shadow of a
doubt? Write your answer.

Step 5: Then, how does it make me feel when I

believe this thought is true? Write your answer down…

Step 6: And last question, who would I be

without this thought? Write your answer…

Step 7: Repeat this process with any other

judgemental thoughts that are hampering
your growth and set yourself free!

Through this practice, you can start to see in black and white that many of the beliefs and
judgments you’ve been carrying with you aren’t actually true at all, and that you have the power
to let go of the lies and realign with truth at any time simply by choosing to.

This is a beautiful way to break through your conditioning and open up to more authentic living,
one step at a time.

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This is the season for seeking answers to life’s big questions, searching for the higher meaning in
things, and finding joy and purpose through the experience of life itself. Sagittarius energy is
free-spirited and fun-loving, seeking out adventures and experiences to broaden and expand the
mind. It’s fiery and passionate, fueled to pursue its curiosities and satiate an inner hunger to get
its fill out of life.

You can use these beautiful Sagittarian energies to inspire your intentions this season, to help
you live boldly, laugh harder, and tap into the abundance that already exists all around you!
Write out your intentions for yourself to help you aim your arrow where you want to go in life
and think of how you want to embody the freedom-seeking, spontaneous Sagittarian ways and
tap more deeply into your faith in yourself and your faith in the Universe.

💎Use lapis lazuli to help you hone in on your vision for the future and focus on what you
want to create for your life. It broadens your mind and perspective to help you see new avenues
and possibilities and bring your higher insights to life in the real world.

My intentions this Sagittarius season are:

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The Sagittarius mantra is I SEE(K).

Sagittarius moves humanity’s eyes upwards and outwards, asking big questions and searching
for answers to life’s most universal and unsolvable mysteries. It seeks the truth above all else,
exploring the corners of the world, as well as its own inner landscape, to move humanity forward
into higher knowledge and help us gain spiritual insight. With eyes wide open, Sagittarius sees
from a high and wide perspective, helping expand human consciousness.

Try using Sagittarius’s mantra I SEE or I SEEK to create affirmations this season.

Sagittarius style examples:

I see opportunities everywhere, I see abundance around me, I seek the highest wisdom

Now it’s your turn- write out your statements below and return to this page to add on or remind
yourself that you have the power to hone your inner vision and choose how you perceive life.

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Sagittarius is associated with the Temperance card, which is all about moderation, mediating
between extremes, and seeking spiritual enlightenment.

Temperance learns to appreciate moderation and balance by first experiencing the extremes,
from dark to light, from too much to too little. It’s a card about balancing judgments with
understanding and seeing from a wide perspective to grasp many points of view.

This ties right in with Sagittarius’ truth-seeking nature that wants to experience all the things
and explore every curiosity in order to know themselves and their place in this world better.

It also speaks to the need for us to notice where we may be overindulging or pulling back the
reins too much in ways that are impeding our growth, to bring things back into balance.

Light aspects:
balance, moderation, patience, peace, connected to spirit & material worlds, higher path,
purpose, true to oneself, looking before you leap, clear vision, steady growth

Shadow aspects:
imbalance, excess, extremes, recklessness, impatience, jumping head first, short-term
satisfaction over long-term needs, all or nothing, rushing, dissatisfied

Where have I been leaping before I look that’s proven to be reckless or led to imbalances in my
life? What have I been rushing that I need to have more patience with?

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Where am I being extreme in my life in my beliefs or behaviors? Where do I need to pull back
the reins a bit? Where do I need to kick myself into gear?

Do I hold myself back from experiencing satisfaction and pleasure in any way? Am I
overindulging in momentary satisfactions that could be hampering my growth?

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To help you tap into that innate Sagittarian wisdom, get out your favorite oracle card or tarot
deck* and get ready to use your intuition to help guide you through the season.

Take a few deep breaths and come into the present moment, into a place of calm within. It might
feel good to close your eyes for a moment, connect with your heart space, and breathe.

Focus on the question at hand as you shuffle the deck, and pull a card when you feel ready.

Write down each card you drew and how you think its message relates to the question and any
other insights that spring from it. Trust yourself. Write freely. There are no wrong answers.

(*if you don’t have a deck, try freewriting whatever comes to mind in response to each question.)

💎Use blue topaz to help you connect with your powerful inner wisdom, communicate clearly
with your higher guidance, and channel divine messages to foster your growth and success.

For this spread, you’re going to pull 3 cards…

Card 1:
What is ready to expand in my life this Sagittarius season?

Card drawn:

Its message:

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Card 2:
What truths are revealing themselves to me at this time?

Card drawn:

Its message:

Card 3:
How can I create more abundance in my life?

Card drawn:

Its message:

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Sagittarius’ ruler Jupiter brings great energy, exuberance, and optimism to the party during this
season. The planet of plenty, Jupiter’s energy wants to grow and flourish, expand in perspective
and knowledge, increase joy and enthusiasm, and relish in the pleasures and abundance of life!

This is amazing energy to harness to help you manifest all that you’ve been seeking out,
idealizing in your mind, pondering, and theorizing about. This is the season to harness your
spiritual connection and divine gifts into tangible action, spontaneous, soul-led adventures, and
allow your curiosities to carry you into all that’s meant for you.

💎Use pyrite to bring your big dreams and ideas down to earth, stay concentrated on your
goals, be discerning in your choices, and tap into your divine connection through your body.

Use this section to track what you’re calling into your life right now and all the
manifestations that come into being along the way.

This season, I AM MANIFESTING:

Thank you for all that I’ve manifested so far:

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Sagittarius energy searches for answers in every adventure, around every corner, seeking to find
its true purpose, the bigger meaning, the whys behind it all. This is the perfect energy to tap into
when you’re ready to expand beyond what you think you know and who you think you are, and
traverse new territories to discover the truth about what you’re here for.

The Sagittarius fire ignites your higher desires, helping you get a wider view of your life’s
journey and the overall divine purpose behind things. This can help you expand in the work
you’re doing, whether it's in learning more about it, sharing what you do with a wider audience,
or connecting to the world at large in new ways that feel adventurous and exciting.

It’s a great time to be spontaneous and try new things, to not let structures and plans contain
you but to be bold and free! This energy can help you break out of some of the conditioned ways
you may have been doing things to see new avenues for growth.

Sagittarius has pioneering, go-getter energy that wants to explore, expand out, and burn higher
and brighter each day. You can harness this to start new projects, jump on opportunities as they
arise, take some risks, and be brave, believing in yourself and in all the possibilities that exist,
keeping the faith that it will all work out in the end.

💎Use carnelian to tap into your innate creativity & heed the call of your burning desires. It
empowers you to boldly move forward with strength, courage & joy toward fulfillment.

What new things am I excited or curious to learn more about that could serve me in my work
or in fulfilling my higher purpose? What actions can I take to move towards that learning?

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If I zoom out and view my life from the bigger picture, what can I see about what my true
purpose is and what I’m meant to share with the world?

Where do I need to expand in my work? In my belief systems, my capacity to hold more

abundance, my ability to appreciate and share my gifts? Where am I ready to grow?

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Sagittarius energy is very open, friendly, and welcoming, but its desire for freedom overrules all
and it doesn’t want to feel confined, suffocated, or impeded in a relationship. Embracing travel,
exploration, and seeking out new adventures together, experiencing all the joys of life together,
supporting each other in a search for higher meaning- these are some of the beautiful qualities
that Sagittarian energies bring into relationships and what you can harness during this time.

The fiery positivity and bright light of Sagittarius inject fun-loving laughter and good times into
relationships, encouraging people to lighten up, loosen up, and speak their truth loud and
proud. There’s a vivaciousness and energy during this season that takes advantage of every
opportunity to learn more, know more, see more, do more, and experience more out of life,
which you can use as fuel to add some fun and adventure to your current relationships or help
you attract in new ones that offer that opportunity.

Sagittarius relationships want to go places together and create connections that marry the spirit
with the flesh, merging higher aspirations and a sense of divine purpose with earthly pleasures.
This is a beautiful season to work on creating a balance in your relationships between the lower
and higher realms, allowing yourself to find ways to fully express and experience both.

💎Use aventurine to heal and harmonize the heart, releasing old patterns & beliefs so you can
open up to new experiences. Attracts luck, abundance & opportunities to help you embrace life!

How can I inject more travel, exploration, adventure, and spontaneity into my current
relationships? What new experiences do I want to have?

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Where am I feeling too confined or inhibited in my relationships that I need to break free from?
What truths am I squelching that need to be spoken out loud?

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How can I speak up for my truth in my relationships in a way that’s considerate of the other
person’s feelings?

How can I merge the material and spiritual more in my relationships? Are there some
relationships that are only serving my “beastly” needs? How can I expand or elevate them?

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On its worst day, Sagittarius can be brutally honest without consideration or heart, saying the
things no one would ever usually say out loud, tactless, and reckless in its approach. Its energy
can become scattered in every direction like a wildfire in the wind.

Its expansive knowledge and need to share can become preachy, dogmatic, hyperbolic, boastful,
or argumentative at times, bringing intensity and volatility. Its explorative nature can turn into
wanting to conquer and be King of it all, over-promising and under-delivering, becoming
overbearing or excessive in its use of knowledge and power.

On the flip side to the jovial, glass-half-full nature of Sagittarius can come a blind optimism that
leads to carelessness, glossing over important details, and jumping to conclusions. It can lead to
impulsive decisions made without thought of consequences or the consideration of others which
can create embarrassment, contentiousness, and self-sabotaging behaviors.

And Jupiter’s beautiful expansive energy expands anything in its wake, which can mean an
expanded waistline, excessive consumption, overindulging in the “animal” delights of life,
overzealousness and taking on too much, or being careless with your body and others. The
Sagittarian insatiable hunger for life can lead to a feeling of always wanting more, more, more
creating an abundance of problems and a lack of the fulfillment it's seeking.

💎Use red garnet to ground & temper all that passionate, powerful energy, heal emotional
pain from the past, relieve shame & regret & help you be committed & responsible in your life.

Where in life am I being too blunt or harsh towards others or myself? On the flip side, where
do I feel like I’m not speaking up and could stand to just tell it like it is?

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What is too expansive in my life to the point that it's detrimental? What do I have too much of,
where am I doing too much or going too hard? What am I being excessive with & how can I
create more moderation in these areas?

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Is there anywhere in my life I’m being reckless and irresponsible, not taking everything into
consideration or jumping to conclusions? Where do I need to slow down and see all the details?

Am I scattering my creative energy in too many different directions? How can I harness it and
aim it towards one specific target?

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What do I argue with people about? What do I feel like I’m the authority on that no one can
change my opinion? What do I get on my high horse about? Are these all dogmas I hold?

What am I embarrassed by or feel ashamed of? How might these feelings be hindering my
growth? How can I release the tethers of these old stories and move forward?

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To help you work with each major astrological transit as it comes during Sagittarius season,
we’ve compiled them all here for you along with:

- Details of the energetic shifts they’ll bring

- Crystals & plants to work with to help you take advantage of & balance the energies
- Questions to help you reflect on & gain insight into their effect on your life

Use it as a journal to stay aware & aligned with the cosmic energies as they unfold
in your body, psyche, energy field, relationships & surroundings.

You can use it to prepare for what’s coming up or to reflect on what happened afterward- either
way, we hope you’ll use it to help you integrate all the insights, challenges & growth that will
inevitably come during this expansive season.

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Sun enters Sagittarius
NOV 22 (09:03 AM ET)

Sagittarius season increases our desire to express our ideals and explore new eye-opening
experiences. During this season, our desire to travel, meet different people and cultures, and
explore new philosophies, spiritual traditions, and belief systems will increase. While the Sun is
in Sagittarius, it is common to seek peak experiences and stimulating events that add more
color, excitement, and inspiration to our lives.

Sagittarius season always brings optimism and positivity and invites us to channel the
enthusiasm, passion, and desire for adventure that are in the air to celebrate, learn, and make
the most out of life.

💎Turquoise: This is the ultimate stone of truth to increase your connection to your authentic
self, break free from conditioned beliefs, and perceive the world with greater awareness. A
throat chakra healer to help you communicate clearly, express your beliefs, and free your voice.

🌱Frankincense: This beautiful wood attunes you to the highest vibrations, bringing clarity
and spiritual connection. Relaxes the mind and lifts the spirit. Aids in philosophic studies.

Where in my life do I need to loosen up, be more free, have more fun, and laugh more?

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What feels abundant in my life? What am I so thankful for?

Where have I been focusing on lack, what’s missing, what’s not enough in my life? How can I
expand my perspective to see the lessons and gifts I’ve been given?

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Mars enters Sagittarius
NOV 24 (5:15 AM ET)

Shortly after the Sun, Mars enters Sagittarius too, emphasizing the vitality, generosity, and
buoyancy of the sign. During this transit, our physical energies and desires will be channeled
towards celebration, outdoor sports, traveling, adventures, and discovering new perspectives.

Mars represents our proactive side, our motivation, and our determination, as well as our style
of self-assertion and aggression. If we mix Mars' confrontational energy with a dogmatic
attitude, conflicts can arise more easily, particularly surrounding ideologies, morals, and ethics.

This transit has the potential to remind us that excess can be counterproductive. Yet, the
emphasis on the sign of the Centaur also has the potential to highlight one of Sagittarius'
greatest virtues, its ability to keep searching with faith and trust, and the awareness that the
journey never truly ends.

💎Pyrite: This golden stone of abundance is grounding and empowering to help you stay the
course in reaching your goals and bring rational discernment to your choices. Strengthening and
invigorating for the physical body. Sparks your internal flame of self-confidence and trust.

🌱Valerian: When the fire of this transit is feeling too intense, valerian can calm and soothe
the heat. A balm for the senses, relieves tension, stress, and anxiety, brings ease and relaxation.

What do I feel motivated to get out and do? What do I want to get started during this transit?

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Where in my life do I need to assert myself more? Where am I pushing too hard or being

What dogmatic beliefs am I holding? Where is my mind closed off to exploring new territories?

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Full Moon in Gemini
NOV 27 (4:16 AM ET)

We end the month with a Gemini Full Moon opposing Mars, another emotionally volatile
lunation colored by a strong desire for action and change. We are likely to experience
contrasting urges as the rational qualities of Gemini collide with the impulsive and raw feeling
nature reflected by the Mars-Moon opposition.

We will have opportunities to explore the relationship between instinct, emotion, intellect, and
logic. This Full Moon will activate the Gemini-Sagittarius axis in our charts bringing completion
and culmination in learning processes, projects, and connections.

This Full Moon invites reflection on the connection between our thinking patterns, mindset, and
inner speech, and to learn to see disempowering thoughts or repetitive thinking loops for what
they are. The involvement of Mars invites us to cut our ties with ways of thinking and perceiving
reality that aren't enhancing our experience of life.

💎Celestite: A beautifully calming stone to cool hot tempers, clear the mind, soothe intense
emotions & raise your vibration. Opens you to clear perceptions & a connection with the divine,
bringing mindfulness & helping you release harmful mental patterns & trust your intuition.

🌱Petit Grain: Calming, relaxing & uplifting, this Gemini-associated citrus plant smells bright
& refreshing. Eases anxiety & depression, soothes the nerves, stimulates & clears the mind.

Where am I feeling an intense desire to change in my life? What do I feel an urge to act on?

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What thoughts are running around in my mind right now that feel disempowering, belittling,
that make me feel small or unworthy? Shed light on them…

Where have I been getting too stuck in logic and intellect and not trusting my intuition and
emotions? How can I find more balance between these different forms of intelligence?

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Mercury enters Capricorn
DEC 1 (9:32 AM ET)

The ingress of Mercury into Capricorn inspires a rational, hardworking, and utilitarian
predisposition. During this transit, we are likely to feel more inclined to focus on practical
issues, realistic ideas, as well as our personal and professional goals.

Capricorn, as an Earth and Cardinal sign, is about managing time and planning the steps
required to manifest something into the 3D reality. While Mercury is here, we have an
opportunity to work on sharpening our focus and our practicality in a way that enables us to
materialize our ideas reliably and steadily.

A risk of this transit could be to focus too much on our ambitions and the pragmatic side of life,
our plans, and the objective limits and boundaries of the physical world, forgetting the
connection to magic naturally available to us.

💎Ocean Jasper: This beautiful calming stone helps you go with the flow and not get stuck in
expectation & ambition but allow life to carry you. Grounding, nurturing, and soothing to keep
you down-to-earth yet connected with your intuitive instinct. Brings patience & eases pressure.

🌱Chamomile: This warm & cheerful flower makes a perfect tea for winter & anytime you
need to soothe your senses, calm your mind & focus on the sweetness of the present moment.

What areas of my life would benefit from me making plans, getting organized, and focusing on
the practical steps I need to take to achieve my goals?

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What’s my relationship with time? What do I think about when I think of time? How can I
create more time to dedicate to my highest goals?

How can I create the necessary structure to support my creative flow and intuitive instincts?

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Venus enters Scorpio
DEC 4 (1:51 PM ET)

Venus's ingress in Scorpio offers us an invitation to relate more profoundly to both ourselves
and others, bringing to our attention underlying crises and unconscious patterns that need to be
seen. During this transit, our interpersonal interactions tend to acquire a more intense tone, as
we are called to discover the root of our desires and feelings such as jealousy and possessiveness.

This is a good time to reflect on whether we rely on manipulative behaviors to have our needs
met by others. Venus in Scorpio is associated with an increase in our sexual energy and in our
desire to fuse and merge with another. More passion and intensity in the intimate sphere are
likely, as well as increased attention on joint financial matters, business partnerships, and
shared resources.

💎Ruby: This strong stone of the lower chakras ignites your passion, creativity & vitality for
life. Helps you stay grounded & release old pain & patterns that have been held in your body.
Ignites your desire, sensuality & zest for life, connecting you to pleasure & your innate power.

🌱Palmarosa: This sweet, flowery scent helps with matters of the heart. It’s grounding &
helpful for insecurity or jealousy & cooling intense emotions. Brings harmony to the spirit.

What harmful patterns from the past am I bringing into my current relationships?

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When I’m completely honest with myself, can I see how I manipulate things in my
relationships in order to have my needs met?

How can I inject more intensity and passion into my relationships in different ways?

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Neptune stations direct in Pisces
DEC 6 (8:22 AM ET)

Neptune transits are an invitation to let go of the need to define ourselves in a specific way and
they bring the dissolution of ways of being, identities, and self-concepts that aren’t True. When
Neptune is prominent by transit, it often brings closure to a phase or chapter of our lives and
encourages us to surrender to the truth of what is.

As Neptune stations direct and slowly begins moving forward again, we may receive glimpses of
clarity relative to the meaning of what took place during the retrograde, and that is particularly
the case if we have been through experiences of disillusionment.

These days we are likely to feel some lethargy, weakness, and a general sense of vulnerability,
which represent an invitation to slow down and connect to our feeling body.

💎Spirit Quartz: This Piscean stone is uplifting & protective, clearing & harmonizing the aura
& transmuting denser energies. Connects with your higher consciousness & intuition to channel
divine wisdom & a perspective of the collective. Pierces through fog & illusion to help you grow.

🌱Mugwort: A magical herb to enhance divination, visualization & dreamwork. Has an

uplifting, sweet scent. Useful for protection rituals & meditation. Clears tension & negativity.

What am I seeing more clearly now that felt so foggy, confusing, or unclear before?

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When I slow down and get still and quiet with myself, what thoughts and emotions start to
bubble up to the surface?

What chapters in my life feel like they’re coming to a close? What new ones are opening now?

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New Moon in Sagittarius
DEC 12 (6:31 PM ET)

The New Moon in Sagittarius begins a lunar cycle that inspires us to seek new adventures,
initiate exciting projects, and assume unusual risks. This is the time of the month to plant the
seeds we desire to develop and see grow in the future and Sagittarius is all about growth,
expansion, adventures, and learning.

These themes will be front and center in the upcoming lunar month. The Sun and the Moon are
going to be conjunct Mars, as it happened with the last New Moon in Scorpio, indicating a high
degree of impatience, reactivity, and desire for change to happen.

The Sun and the Moon are also in a square aspect to Neptune in Pisces, pointing to the
possibility of feeling confused and insecure relative to the direction to take next. This New Moon
invites us to observe what path is unfolding in front of us, and surrender to the flow of Life
instead of fighting against it.

💎Sodalite: This Sagittarian stone helps you tap into your intuition, higher perceptions,
intellect & divine wisdom. Calms & clarifies the mind, helping you reflect, theorize &
philosophize. Releases stress & motivates you toward spiritual growth & self-expression.

🌱Bergamot: This warm citrus herb brings luck & money, banishing dark, dense energies &
opening you to Sagittarian-style optimism. Connects you to your higher self & greater purpose.

What new seeds am I ready to plant in my life that feel adventurous & exciting, that will help
me grow and expand?

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What are some risks I’m willing to take in order to live my dreams & fulfill my soul’s purpose?

Where am I being too impulsive, reactionary, or pushing too hard in my life and need to lean
back into the flow and surrender to what is?

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Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn
DEC 13 (2:09 AM ET)

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn invites a reassessment of our thinking patterns and

perceptions, particularly those related to our career and profession, public image, and social
role, and inspires us to redefine our ambitions and our definition of success.

This transit is an opportunity to deepen our awareness of internalized conditioning that is

coloring our way of thinking and interpreting reality, as well as the way we speak to ourselves.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn supports a restructuring of our mindset, communications,
perceptions, and thinking habits. It will offer us opportunities to see more clearly where we
struggle to align our actions with our words.

💎Blue Sapphire: This stone of the mental realms expands your awareness, concentration &
understanding. Clears & calms the mind, brings order & structure to your thinking patterns.
Strengthening & supportive, connects you to new perceptions & focuses attention on your goals.

🌱Patchouli: Grounding & musky, this Saturnian herb stimulates your root chakra & connects
you to Capricornian earth energy. Relaxing, regenerative & restorative. Used in money magick.

What is my personal definition of success? What do I want my reputation or legacy to be?

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How is my internal conditioning affecting my career or the pressures I put on myself to

What beliefs and thinking patterns would support me in aligning my words with my deeds?

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For your reference, we’ve compiled all the crystal and plant helpers mentioned in this workbook
so you can take this list shopping with you :)

These are not just general Sagittarius recommendations, but specific to all the transits and
cosmic interactions happening at this current time.

Lapis Lazuli
Blue Topaz
Ocean Jasper
Spirit Quartz
Blue Sapphire

(via dried or fresh herbs, essential oil, tinctures, incense, food, tea, etc.)

Petit Grain

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Thank you so much for going through this Sagittarius season workbook with us. We
hope it helps you gain more insight and tools to uplift you along this grand adventure
called life!

Send us a message on Instagram, e-mail, or WhatsApp to share your feedback with us,
as well as any ideas or suggestions of what you’d like to see more of from us.

Thank you for being you!

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful community!
We love you!

See you in Capricorn season 💙

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