DLL Cpar W4
DLL Cpar W4
DLL Cpar W4
Department of Education
Region V - Bicol
Guinobatan, Albay
LEARNING ACTIVITY Competency/ies: Classifies Competency/ies: Classifies Competency/ies: Defines Competency/ies: Defines
various art forms found in the various art forms found in the contemporary arts in the contemporary arts in the
Philippines. Philippines. Philippines. Philippines.
CAR11/12IAC-0b-2 CAR11/12IAC-0b-2 CAR11/12CAP-0b-3 CAR11/12CAP-0b-3
(Describe the independent A. Review the previous A. Review the previous A. Review the previous A. Review the previous
activity to reinforce this lesson) lesson lesson lesson lesson
B. The teacher will give B. The teacher will present B. Present Word of the Guide Question:
pictures of different Short video of an Lourd (WOTL) series. 1. What do you think is the
kinds of Visual Arts and example performing arts Guide Questions: essence of
the students will classify performance. The C. Is it an example of Contemporary Arts in our
into its kind. students will share their Contemporary Art? Why society?
insights about the video. and why not?
Guide Question: Guide Question:
What is Visual Arts and What are your
its difference from other observations on the
types of arts? video presented?
What comes to your
minds when you
encounter the words
Performing Arts?
Lesson/s Objectives: Lesson/s Objectives: Lesson/s Objectives: Lesson/s Objectives:
Identify and classify the Identify and classify the Define Contemporary Describe the function of
contemporary Visual art contemporary Arts; and Contemporary Arts; and
forms from the Philippine Performing art forms Describe the Research and Provide
Regions; from the Philippine contemporary art forms examples of the
Cite and describe Regions; from the different regions contemporary art forms
examples of different Cite and describe in the Philippines; from the different regions
Visual Art forms in the examples of different in the Philippines.
country; and Performing Art forms in
Appreciate various the country; and
Visual art forms and Appreciate various
practices from the Performing art forms and
regions. practices from the
References: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook: Textbook:
Contemporary Philippine Arts Contemporary Philippine Arts Contemporary Philippine Arts Contemporary Philippine Arts
from the Regions, Mutya from the Regions, Mutya from the Regions, Mutya from the Regions, Mutya
Publishing House, Inc, Wilson K. Publishing House, Inc, Wilson K. Publishing House, Inc, Wilson K. Publishing House, Inc, Wilson K.
Panisan, et.al Panisan, et.al Panisan, et.al Panisan, et.al
PROCEDURE These steps should be done across the week. Spead out the activities appropriately so the students will learn well. Always be guided by
demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions
about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge, indicate the time allotment for each step.
Lesson Development Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlocking of Difficulties: Unlocking of Difficulties:
Definition of Visual Arts Definition of Performing Contemporary of Art as Functions of
Different Kinds of Visual Arts Breaking of Norms Contemporary Art
Arts Different Kinds of Contemporary Art and Contemporary art forms
Performing Arts Local Heritage from the different regions
in the Philippines
Group Game: Activity: Concept Map Group Activity: Essay:
The teacher will present various The teacher will present What contemporary art
Visual Art Forms found in the Various Arts in examples of Contemporary art form classification is the
the Philippines
Philippines. The students will \ in every group and the students most prevalent art form
classify whether what type of Visual Arts Applied Arts Performing Arts will explain the characteristics of in our country and why?
Visual Art is presented. the said art that makes it What is the importance
contemporary. of the contemporary art
form classification in
today’s society?
What are the advantages
in learning the different
art forms in the
Remarks: No. of learners within mastery level No. of learners within mastery level No. of learners within mastery level No. of learners within mastery level
_________ _________ _________ _________
No. of learner needing No. of learner needing No. of learner needing No. of learner needing
remediation/reinforcements _________ remediation/reinforcements _________ remediation/reinforcements _________ remediation/reinforcements _________
Rubrics: Presentation-5;
Creativity-5; Originality-5