Jan 2023
Jan 2023
Jan 2023
1. a) Explain the working and analysis of regenerative Rankine cycle with [7M]
one feed water heater.
b) In a Rankine cycle the steam at inlet to turbine is saturated at a [7M]
pressure of 35 bar and exhaust pressure is 0.2 bar. Determine (i)
The pump work (ii) The turbine work (iii) The Rankine efficiency (iv)
The condenser heat flow (v) The dryness fraction at the end of
expansion. Take a flow rate of 12kg/sec.
2. a) What are the essentials of a good steam boiler? Estimate the factors [7M]
which should be considered while selecting a boiler.
b) Calculate the height of a chimney required to produce a draught [7M]
equivalent to 1.6 cm of water if the flue gas temperature is 2500 C
and ambient temperature is 270 C and minimum amount of air per
kg of fuel is 20 kg.
3. a) Explain the classification and working principle of a nozzle. [7M]
b) The velocity of steam leaving nozzles of an impulse turbine is [7M]
900m/s and the nozzle angle is 200. Blade velocity is 300m/s and
blade velocity coefficient is 0.7. Calculate for a mass flow rate of
1kg/Sec and symmetrical blading, (i) The blade inlet angle (ii)
Driving force on wheel (iii) The axial thrust (iv) Diagram power (v)
Diagram efficiency.
4. a) What do you mean by compounding of steam turbine? Discuss [7M]
various methods of compounding steam turbines?
b) A single row impulse steam turbine with a blade speed of 200m/s [7M]
and mass flow rate of 4 kg/s develops 300 kW of power. Steam
leaves the nozzles at 500 m/s, and the blade velocity coefficient is
0.92. If the steam leaves the turbine blade at such an angle that the
absolute velocity at exit is kept minimum. Determine nozzle angle,
blade angles and diagram efficiency.
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5. a) Distinguish between impulse and reaction turbine. [7M]
b) The blade angles of both fixed and moving blades of a reaction [7M]
steam turbine are 35° at the receiving tips and 20° at the
discharging tips. At a certain point in the turbine, the drum
diameter is 1.37 in the blade height is 127 mm. The pressure of
steam supply to a ring of fixed blades at this point is 1.25 bar and
the dryness fraction is 0.925. Find the work done in next row of
moving blades for I kg of steam at 600 r.p.m., the steam passing
through the blades without shock. Assuming an efficiency of 85%
for the pair of rings of fixed and moving blades, find the heat drop
in the pair and the state of steam at entrance to the next row of
fixed blades.
6. a) What are the characteristics of the Parson’s reaction turbine? And [7M]
also explain the conditions for its maximum efficiency.
b) In a stage of impulse reaction turbine operating with 50% degree of [7M]
reaction, the blades are identical in shape. The outlet angle of the
moving blades in 190 and the absolute discharge velocity of steam
is 100 m/s in the direction 700 to the motion of the blades. If the
rate of flow through the turbine is 15000 kg/hr., calculate the
power developed by the turbine.
7. a) Explain the working principle of rotary compressor and the [7M]
methods to improve its efficiency.
b) A single-stage air compressor delivers air at 6 bar. The pressure [7M]
and temperature at the end of suction are 1 bar and 27°C. It
delivers 1.5 m3 of free air per minute when the compressor is
running at 350 rpm. The clearance volume is 5% of when the
compressor is running at 350 rpm. The clearance volume is 5% of
stroke volume. The free air conditions are 1.013 bar and 15°C. The
index of compression and expansion is 1.3. Find
(i) The volumetric efficiency,(ii) Bore and stroke if both are equal,(iii)
The power required if the mechanical efficiency is 80%.
8. a) Explain the working principle of the reciprocating compressor and [7M]
also write the expression for its isothermal efficiency.
b) A single stage double acting air compressor running at 120 rpm [7M]
and power input of 75 kW, piston speed 200 m/min, suction
pressure 1 bar and the delivery pressure is 10 bar. Take volumetric
efficiency as 85%. The law is PV1.25 = C. Find the cylinder bore and
clearance volume as a percent of stroke volume.
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9. a) What are the advantages or effects of multi stage compression with [7M]
intercooling over single stage compression for the same pressure
b) A centrifugal compressor delivers 50 kg of air per minute at a [7M]
pressure of 2 bar and 970 C. The intake pressure and temperature
of the air is I bar and 150 C. If no heat is lost to the surrounding,
find: (i) index of compression and (ii) power required, if the
compression is isothermal. Take R = 287 J/kg K.
10. a) What are surging, stalling and choking in an axial as well as in [7M]
centrifugal compressors?
b) An axial flow compressor is to be designed to generate a total [7M]
pressure ratio of 4.0 with an overall isentropic efficiency of 0.85.
The inlet and outlet blade angles of the rotor blades are 45o& 10o,
respectively and the compressor stage has a degree of reaction of 50
percent. If the blade speed is 220 m/s and the work done factor is
0.86, find the number of stages required. The ambient air static
temperature is 290 K and the air enters the compressor through
guide vanes.
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1. a) Briefly discuss about regeneration and reheating. [7M]
b) In a steam power cycle the steam supply is at 15 bar and dry [7M]
saturated. The condenser pressure is 0.4 bar. Calculate the
carnot and Rankine efficiencies of the cycle. Neglect pump work
2. a) Explain the working principle of Low pressure and High- [7M]
pressure boilers.
b) In an experiment on a small oil-fired boiler the steam produced [7M]
is at 6 bar gauge. The quality of steam produced is found out to
be 0.96 dry. 75 liters of water is converted into steam in 9.5
minutes. The fuel is a light diesel oil with specific gravity of 0.85
and calorific value of 43125 kJ/kg. 10 liters of oil is consumed
in 11 minutes and 25 seconds. The feed water temperature is
35oC. Determine the boiler efficiency. Take atmospheric pressure
as 1 bar.
3. a) Explain the classification and working principle of a nozzle. [7M]
b) Steam having pressure of 10.5 bar and 0.95 dryness is expanded [7M]
through a convergent divergent nozzle and the pressure of steam
leaving the nozzle is 0.85 bar. Find the velocity at the throat for
maximum discharge conditions. Index of expansion may be
assumed as 1.135. Calculate mass rate of flow of steam through
the nozzle.
4. a) Explain with a neat sketch of velocity compounding, pressure [7M]
compounding, pressure-velocity compounding.
b) A single row impulse turbine develops 132.4 kW at a blade speed [7M]
of 175 m/s, using 2 kg of steam per sec. Steam leaves the nozzle
at 400 m/s. Velocity coefficient of the blades is 0.9. Steam leaves
the turbine blades axially. Calculate nozzle angle, blade angles
at entry and exit, assuming no shock.
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5. a) What do you understand by the term 'height of blades' as [7M]
applied to a reaction turbine?
b) At a particular ring of a reaction turbine, the blade speed is 66 [7M]
m/s and the flow of steam is kg/s dry saturated at 1.4 bar. Both
fixed and moving blades have inlet and exit angles of 35° and
20° respectively. Calculate: (i) the required blade height which is
to be one-tenth of the mean blade ring diameter. (ii)the power
developed by. the pair of rings, and (iii) the heat drop required by
the pair if the steam expand with an efficiency of 80 percent.
6. a) The work done in Parson's reaction turbine is twice the work [7M]
done during expansion in the moving blades, why?
b) Derive the expression for the maximum blade efficiency of the [7M]
Parson’s reaction turbine.
7. a) Give the classification of fan, blower and compressor. [7M]
b) A single stage, double acting air compressor is required to [7M]
deliver 14 m3 of air per minute measured at 1.013 bar and
150C. The delivery pressure is 7 bar and the speed 300
rev/minute. Take the clearance volume as 5% of the swept
volume with a compression and re-expansion index of n = 1.3.
Calculate the swept volume of the cylinder, the delivery
temperature, and the indicated power.
8. a) Explain the working principle of rotary compressor and its [7M]
b) A single stage single acting reciprocating air compressor has a [7M]
bore of 200 mm and stroke of 300 mm. It receives the air at
atmospheric conditions and delivers at 5.5 bar. The compression
follows the law PV1.3 = C, and clearance volume is 6% percent of
the stroke volume and compressor runs at 500 rpm. Show the
process in a P-V diagram and calculate the power required to
drive the compressor.
9. a) Differentiate between centrifugal and axial flow compressors. [7M]
b) Acentrifugal air compressor having internal and external [7M]
diameters of 250 mm and 500 min respectively compresses 30
kg of air per minute while running at 4000 rpm The vane angles
at inlet and outlet are 300 and40 respectively. Find the necessary
thickness of the blade if the impeller contains 40 blades. Take
specific volume of air as 0.8 m3/kg.
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10. a) Briefly explain the blade shape losses, slip factor, power input [7M]
factor, pressure coefficient and adiabatic coefficient for
centrifugal compressor.
b) An axial flow compressor having eight stages and with 50 % [7M]
reaction design compresses air in the pressure ratio of 4:1. The
air enters the compressor at 200 C and flows through it with a
constant speed of 90 m/s. The rotating blades of compressor
rotate with a mean speed of 180 m/s. Isentropic efficiency of
compressor may be taken as 82%. Calculate: (i) work done by
the machine, (ii) blades angles, if γ =1.4,Cp =1.005 kj/kg K.
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III B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, Dec/Jan -2022-23
(Mechanical Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE Questions ONE Question from Each unit
All Questions Carry Equal Marks
1. a) Explain the concept of “mean temperature of heat addition”. [7M]
b) A simple Rankin cycle works between pressures 28 bar and 0.06 [7M]
bar. The initial condition of the steam being dry saturated.
Calculate the cycle efficiency, work ratio and specific steam
2. a) List out the merits and demerits of water tube and fire tube [7M]
b) A boiler is to provide 7000 kg/hr of steam with superheated by [7M]
40ºC at a pressure of 20bar. The temperature of water is 60ºC. If
the thermal efficiency of the boiler is 75%, how much fuel oil will
be consumed in one hour? The calorific value of oil used is
45000 kJ/kg. Take specific heat of superheated steam as 2.093
kJ/kg K and also calculate the equivalent evaporation from and
at 100ºC
3. a) What is the effect of friction on the flow through a steam nozzle? [7M]
Explain with help of h-s diagram.
b) Derive an expression for maximum discharge through [7M]
convergent divergent nozzle for steam.
4. a) Explain with a neat sketch of combined velocity diagram for a [7M]
velocity compounded impulse turbine.
b) In a single stage impulse turbine, the blade angles are equal and [7M]
the nozzle angle is 20°. The velocity coefficient for the blade is
0.83. Find the maximum blade efficiency possible. If the actual
blade efficiency is 90% of maximum blade efficiency, find the
possible ratio of blade speed to steam speed.
5. a) Draw the combined velocity triangle for a single stage reaction [7M]
turbine and derive an expression for work done per stage.
b) The outlet angle of a blade of Parson's turbine is 20° and the [7M]
axial velocity of flow of steam is 0.5 times the mean blade
velocity. Draw the velocity diagram for a stage consisting of one
fixed and one moving row of blades. It is given that mean
diameter= 710 mm and speed of rotation = 3000 r.p.m. Find the
inlet angle of blades if the steam is to enter the blade channels
without shock. If the blade height is 64 mm, the mean steam
pressure 5.6 bar, the steam dry saturation (vg= 0.3434 m3/kg);
find the power developed in the stage.
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