Model Question Paper
Model Question Paper
Model Question Paper
(1) Define the term Nozzle Efficiency. What are the effects of friction on nozzle performance?
(2) What is supersaturated flow through nozzle? Define: degree of super saturation.
(3) What is compounding of steam turbine? Why? Name the various methods of compounding.
(4) A single stage impulse turbine with a diameter of 1.2 m, runs at 3000 r.p.m.If the blade speed
ratio is 0.42; calculate the inlet velocity of steam.
(5) What is critical pressure ratio in steam nozzle? Find its value for superheated steam.
(6) In a 50% reaction turbine stage, tangential component of absolute velocity at the rotor inlet is
547 m/s and the blade velocity is 444 m/s.Calculate the power output in KW per kg of steam.
(7) Differentiate between: Impulse Turbine and Reaction Turbine.
(8) “Modern steam power plants are equipped with Reheater and Regenerator.” Why?
QUE: 2 [A] Derive the expression of Discharge (m) through steam nozzle, and also find the condition
for its maximum value. 8
dA 1 dp 1 − M 2
QUE: 2 [B] Derive the expression = . Discuss its physical significance.
A n p M 2
8 OR
QUE: 2 [B] Steam is expanded in a set of nozzles from 10 bar and 250ºC to 5 bar. Which type of nozzle
is it? Assuming the isentropic expansion of steam and neglecting the initial velocity, find
the minimum area of the nozzle to allow the steam flow rate 3 kg/s.If the actual heat drop in
this nozzle is 170 KJ, what will be the nozzle efficiency?
QUE: 3 [A] Find the condition for maximum blade efficiency in a single stage impulse turbine. 8
QUE: 3 [B] In Impulse turbine stage steam issues from the nozzle with a velocity of 400 m/s.The balde
operate close to the maximum blading efficiency. The nozzle angle is 20ْ .Considering
equiangular blades and neglecting blade friction, calculate for a steam flow of 0.6 kg/s, the
diagram power and the diagram efficiency. 8
QUE: 3 [A] Define the term” Degree of Reaction”. Show that for Parson’s reaction turbine the degree of
reaction is 50% 8
QUE: 3 [B] In a Parson’s turbine, the blade angles at the inlet and outlet are 75 and 20 respectively. The
mean blade ring diameter is 900 mm and the rotor speed is 2000 rpm.If the steam enters the
stage at 8 bar dry and saturated and lost in leakage is 8%.Calculate the blade height for 160
KW to be developed in a stage. Assuming stage efficiency 75%, determine the pressure drop
in ring. 8
QUE: 4 [A] Explain with neat sketch the methods to improve the thermal efficiency of a simple open
cyle gas turbine power plant. 8
QUE: 4 [A]
(i)Draw a neat sketch of Combustion Chamber used in modern open cycle gas turbine
power plant. What are the desirable requirements of it?
(ii) What do you understand by closed cycle Gas turbine power plant? Explain with neat
QUE: 4 [B] An Open cycle gas turbine power plant works on Brayton cycle in which the maximum
pressure and temperature are limited to 5 bar and 900K.The pressure and temperature of the
gas entering in to the compressor are atmospheric. Reheating is used at a pressure of 2.5 bar
where the temperature of the gases is increased to its original temperature at turbine inlet.
The air flow rate through the plant is 600 kg/min.
Calculate (i) Thermal efficiency of plant (ii) Plant capacity in MW.
The exhaust pressure of the turbine is also 1 bar. Assume isentropic compression and
expansion. Take Cp = 1 kJ/kg.K for air and gases.C.V.of fuel = 40,000 kJ/kg. 8
QUE: 5 [A] With neat sketch explain Combined Cycle Power Plant. List its advantages. 8
QUE: 5 [A] List and discuss the performance parameters of the combined cycle power plant.
QUE: 5 [B] (i) Explain the terms: Propulsive power and propulsive efficiency. 8
(ii) With neat sketch explain Pulse Jet Engine.
(1) Turboprop
(2) Energy losses in Steam Turbines
(3) Curtis Turbine
(4) Nozzle control governing
(5) Pass-out Turbine.
Prepared by…pvj