for Dryers
Original Instructions
Keep These Instructions for Future Reference.
CAUTION: Read the instructions before using the machine.
(If this machine changes ownership, this manual must accompany machine.)
Read all instructions before using unit. • Installation of unit must be performed by a quali-
fied installer.
WARNING • Install clothes dryer according to manufacturer’s
instructions and local codes.
• DO NOT install a clothes dryer with flexible plastic
FOR YOUR SAFETY, the information in this manual
venting materials. If flexible metal (foil type) duct is
must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explo-
installed, it must be of a specific type identified by
sion or to prevent property damage, personal injury or
the appliance manufacturer as suitable for use with
clothes dryers. Refer to section on connecting ex-
W033 haust system. Flexible venting materials are known
to collapse, be easily crushed, and trap lint. These
conditions will obstruct clothes dryer airflow and
WARNING increase the risk of fire.
Safety Information............................................................................. 6
Explanation of Safety Messages................................................................. 6
Important Safety Instructions....................................................................6
Before Drying.................................................................................... 8
Energy Saving Tips....................................................................................8
Helps and Hints....................................................................................... 8
Maintenance................................................................................... 13
Lubrication........................................................................................... 13
Care of Your Dryer.................................................................................. 13
Motor Overload Protector........................................................................13
Lint Filter............................................................................................. 14
Troubleshooting............................................................................... 15
Contact Information............................................................................... 17
Safety Information
Explanation of Safety Messages • Install this dryer according to the INSTALLATION INSTRUC-
Precautionary statements (“DANGER,” “WARNING,” and “CAU- STALLATION manual for the proper earth/ground connection of
TION”), followed by specific instructions, are found in this manual the dryer. All connections for electrical power, earth/ground and
and on machine decals. These precautions are intended for the per- gas supply must comply with local codes and be made by li-
sonal safety of the operator, user, servicer, and those maintaining censed personnel when required. Do not do it yourself.
the machine. • Do not install or store the dryer where it will be exposed to wa-
ter and/or weather.
DANGER • Do not dry articles that have been previously cleaned in, washed
in, soaked in, or spotted with gasoline or machine oils, vegetable
or cooking oils, cleaning waxes or chemicals, dry-cleaning sol-
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if vents, thinner, anything containing chemicals such as in mops
not avoided, will cause severe personal injury or and cleaning cloths, or other flammable or explosive substances
death. as they give off vapors that could ignite, explode or cause fabric
to catch on fire by itself.
• Do not place items exposed to cooking oils in your dryer. Items
WARNING contaminated with cooking oils may contribute to a chemical re-
action that could cause a load to catch fire. To reduce the risk
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, of fire due to contaminated loads, the final part of a tumble
could cause severe personal injury or death. dryer cycle occurs without heat (cool down period). Avoid stop-
ping a tumble dryer before the end of the drying cycle unless all
items are quickly removed and spread out so that the heat is
CAUTION dissipated.
• Items that have been soiled with substances such as cooking
Indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, oil, acetone, alcohol, petrol, kerosene, spot removers, turpentine,
may cause minor or moderate personal injury or prop- waxes and wax removers, should be washed in hot water with an
erty damage. extra amount of detergent before being dried in the tumble dry-
Additional precautionary statements (“IMPORTANT” and “NOTE”) • To reduce the risk of fire, DO NOT DRY plastics or articles con-
are followed by specific instructions. taining foam or latex rubber or similarly textured rubberlike ma-
terials, such as shower caps, water proof textiles, rubber-
IMPORTANT: The word “IMPORTANT” is used to inform backed articles, and clothes or pillows filled with foam rubber
the reader of specific procedures where minor machine pads.
damage will occur if the procedure is not followed. • Do not tumble fiberglass curtains and draperies unless the label
NOTE: The word “NOTE” is used to communicate in- says it can be done. If they are dried, wipe out the cylinder with
stallation, operation, maintenance or servicing informa- a damp cloth to remove particles of fiberglass.
tion that is important but not hazard related. • Do not allow children to play on or in the dryer. Close supervision
of children is necessary when the dryer is used near children.
Important Safety Instructions This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including chil-
dren) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or
Save These Instructions lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance
WARNING by a person responsible for their safety. This is a safety rule for
all appliances.
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, serious injury • Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children
or death to persons when using your dryer, follow without supervision.
these basic precautions: • Children less than three years should be kept away unless con-
tinuously supervised.
• Do not reach into the dryer if the cylinder is revolving.
• Read all instructions before using the dryer. • Use the dryer only for its intended purpose, drying clothes. AL-
WAYS follow the fabric care instructions supplied by the gar-
ment manufacturer and only use the dryer drum to dry textiles Always contact your dealer, distributor, service agent or the manu-
that have been washed in water. facturer about any problems or conditions you do not understand.
• Always read and follow manufacturer’s instructions on pack-
ages of laundry and cleaning aids. Heed all warnings or precau-
tions. To reduce the risk of poisoning or chemical burns, keep
them out of reach of children at all times (preferably in a locked
• Do not use fabric softeners or products to eliminate static un-
less recommended by the manufacturer of the fabric softener
or product.
• Remove laundry immediately after the dryer stops.
• DO NOT operate the dryer if it is smoking, grinding or has miss-
ing or broken parts or removed guards and/or panels. DO NOT
tamper with the controls or bypass any safety devices.
• DO NOT operate individual units if they have been separated
from a stack unit.
• Dryer will not operate with the loading door open. DO NOT by-
pass the door safety switch by permitting the dryer to operate
with the door open. The dryer will stop tumbling when the door is
opened. Do not use the dryer if it does not stop tumbling when
the door is opened or starts tumbling without pressing the
START mechanism. Remove the dryer from use and call the
service person.
• ALWAYS clean the lint filter after every load. A layer of lint in
the filter reduces drying efficiency and prolongs drying time.
Keep area around the exhaust opening and adjacent surround-
ing area free from the accumulation of lint, dust and dirt. The
interior of the dryer and the exhaust duct should be cleaned pe-
riodically by qualified service personnel.
• Do not repair or replace any part of the dryer, or attempt any
servicing unless specifically recommended in the user-mainte-
nance instructions or in published user-repair instructions that
you understand and have the skills to carry out. ALWAYS dis-
connect the electrical power to the dryer before attempting
service. Disconnect the power cord by grasping the plug, not
the cord.
• Electric Models: If supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced
by a special cord or assembly available from the manufacturer
or its service agent.
• Gas Models: If supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by
the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified per-
sons in order to avoid a hazard.
• Before the dryer is removed from service or discarded, remove
the door to the drying compartment.
• Failure to install, maintain, and/or operate this machine accord-
ing to the manufacturer’s instructions may result in conditions
which can produce bodily injury and/or property damage.
STRUCTIONS appearing in this manual are not meant to
cover all possible conditions and situations that may oc-
cur. Observe and be aware of other labels and precau-
tions that are located on the machine. They are intended
to provide instruction for safe use of the machine. Com-
mon sense, caution and care must be exercised when in-
stalling, maintaining, or operating the dryer.
Before Drying
Energy Saving Tips 2. Separate lint shedding fabrics and lint receiving fabrics. Towels,
flannels, chenille, cottons, rugs, etc., shed lint. Corduroys, knits
• Make sure the lint filter is always clean. (including socks), permanent press, and synthetics attract lint.
• Do not overload the dryer. 3. Separate no heat, low heat and high heat items.
• Do not overdry items. In any kind of drying, lightweight fabrics will dry faster than heavy-
• Remove items to be ironed while still damp. weight fabrics. If mixed loads are dried together (such as sheets
• Large loads of similar fabrics dry the most efficiently. However, and towels), remove the lighter weight fabrics when they are dry to
dry permanent press in smaller loads to prevent wrinkling. prevent overdrying and wrinkling. The best method is to dry clothes
• Use the correct cycle for the type of fabric being dried. which require the same time, temperature or dryness level in the
• Locate your dryer so the exhaust duct is as short and straight same load.
as possible.
• Do not open the door during the drying cycle.
• Plan to do your laundry on low humidity days; your clothes will
dry faster.
• Dry multiple loads of clothes one right after another so dryer
interior does not have to be reheated for each load.
• Static electricity may cause garments of synthetic fibers (as • Do not overload your dryer. Bulk, not weight, determines the
in lingerie) to cling together, especially if they are overdried. The load size. If the dryer is overloaded, it could cause discoloration
use of a liquid fabric softener in the rinse water of the washer, or permanent heat damage to the load.
or a fabric softener sheet in the dryer, will soften clothes and
• There should be space in the dryer for the clothes to tumble
reduce static electricity.
freely and help to reduce wrinkles.
• Do not wash or dry clothes that shed lint in the same load with
• Large and small pieces together make up loads which will tumble
permanent press or knit garments.
well. Permanent press loads should be smaller to provide room
• Remove permanent press loads immediately after dryer stops. for tumbling. Proper tumbling allows for fewer wrinkles.
• Follow the care labels on FLAME RETARDANT, SCOTCH- • A load can be too small. Just a few small pieces will not tumble
GUARD™, etc., garments for proper washing and drying. properly. They will take longer to dry and they may be wrinkled.
• If loads should be damp for ironing, use the Damp Dryness set- For small loads, add a couple of large towels or non lint shedding
ting, in an Automatic cycle. items to aid in tumbling.
• The following illustrations show the ideal load sizes for fabrics.
Sort The average load will fill the cylinder one third to half full when
If you have correctly sorted the items for washing, they should be wet.
properly sorted for drying too.
1. Sort by color.
Control Panel
Preset Cycles
Power Start
Prem Delicate
AUTO-SENSING Regular Press
Temp Signal
No Heat Low High Door Open
Damp Near Dry Dry Heating
Level Sensing Wet Dry Cooling
Digital Display be set by changing the Dryness setting. Auto-Sensing cycles are
Energy Saver cycles that help prevent over-drying.
The two-digit display is used to show the time remaining in a cycle. When a wet load is put into the dryer it takes a certain amount of
When the control is powered off, the right-most decimal in the dis- time to reach the desired dryness level. The time will vary with load
play will flash every one to five minutes to indicate that the machine size, type of fabric, amount of moisture in the load, air flow and the
is in Idle Mode. laundry room environment. The estimated time will be shown in the
digital display.
The display also shows diagnostic codes.
NOTE: The time shown before starting the cycle is esti-
Idle Mode mated by averaging the last 5 cycles run on the selected
cycle/dryness combination.
If no keypads have been pressed for five minutes after a cycle is
finished, the control will enter Idle Mode. A light in the lower right The Auto-Sensing cycles are not suggested to be used for small
corner of the digital display will flash every one to five minutes. loads such as two small towels. For those loads, use the Time Dry
Press the Power/Cancel keypad to exit this mode and power the cycle.
display for cycle/option selection. This light will flash again after five
minutes when it re-enters Idle Mode. Cycle Use
Cycles Regular Use for sturdy items like play or
work clothes.
The following cycle descriptions will help determine which cycle to
choose depending on the type of laundry being dried. The cycle set- Perm Press Use for permanent press items
tings may be modified using the Selections and Options. and synthetics.
Auto-Sensing Delicate Dry delicate items on this cycle.
digital display. The cycle time can be increased or decreased using Door Open The Door Open status light is lit
the up and down arrow keypads. The time and temperature selec- any time that the dryer door is
tion may be adjusted manually at any time before or during the cy- open.
Heating The Heating status light is lit
Selections to indicate that a heat portion
of the cycle is currently operat-
The following selections can be used to modify the currently chosen ing.
cycle. The default selections will be lit after choosing a cycle.
Cooling The Cooling status light is lit
Temp during the cool-down portion of
the cycle.
Press the Temp keypad to change a Manual cycle’s temperature.
NOTE: The Heating or Cooling status light flashes (1
Choose from No Heat, Low or High.
second on/1 second off) during the warm-up period. The
Dryness status light stays lit until the motor starts running.
Press the Dryness keypad to change the dryness level in an Auto- To Dry Clothes
Sensing cycle. Choose from Damp, Near Dry or Dry.
Damp Leaves load slightly damp for TIONS before using dryer.
easier ironing.
IMPORTANT: Before using dryer for the first time, use an
Near Dry Use for normal loads. all-purpose cleaner or a detergent and water solution
and a damp cloth to remove shipping dust from inside of
Dry Use for heavy items such as dryer drum.
blue jeans and blankets.
1. Sort items into separate loads.
Over-drying can cause wrinkling, shrinking, excessive lint conditions, NOTE: Remove all objects from pockets such as
and will use more energy than necessary. To increase energy savings lighters and matches.
and to make sure loads are dried without over-drying, set your Au-
to-Sensing loads on Near Dry. If items are damp or over-dry at the
end of a cycle, increase or decrease the Dryness setting the next
time these loads are dried. Remember the settings that work best
to get ideal drying results.
Moisture Level
The Moisture Level status lights will be lit during an Auto-Sensing
cycle. The Sensing light will be lit at the beginning of the cycle.
The Wet and Dry lights will be lit based on readings from the mois-
ture sensing system.
NOTE: Remove all sharp objects from laundry to
Options avoid tears and rips to items during normal machine
The following options can be used to modify the currently chosen
cycle. 2. Clean lint filter.
The Status lights are lit during the cycle to show what part of the
cycle is running.
4. Close loading door. Dryer will not operate with the door open.
All moving parts are sealed in a permanent supply of lubricant or
are equipped with oilless bearings. Additional lubrication will not be Any disassembly requiring the use of tools must be
necessary. performed by a suitably qualified service person.
The exhaust duct should be inspected after one year of use and
WARNING cleaned if necessary by a qualified service person to remove any lint
build-up. Inspect and clean exhaust duct every one to two years as
required thereafter.
To reduce the risk of an electric shock, serious injury
or death, disconnect the electrical service to the dryer Every two years a qualified service person should remove all front
before cleaning the interior. panels and vacuum the inside of the dryer
W132 NOTE: This recommended maintenance is not covered
under the terms of the warranty.
Dryer Interior
The weather hood should be checked frequently to make sure the
Wipe the surfaces using a soft cloth and household cleaner or a dampers move freely, dampers are not pushed in and that nothing
non-abrasive paste of powdered laundry detergent and hot water, has been set against them.
followed by a short heat cycle with a load of rags. Keep dryer area clear and free from combustible materials, gasoline
To remove crayon or ball point ink off the dryer drum, put the heat and other flammable vapors and liquids.
on high and use old rags in the dryer to absorb the crayon or ink. If Do not obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilation air.
unsuccessful, contact the appliance dealer. DO NOT use any chemi-
cals in the dryer. NOTE: Verify proper operation after servicing.
IMPORTANT: The use of chlorine bleach for removing Motor Overload Protector
any discolorations should be avoided because bleach
could damage the finish. The dryer’s motor overload protector stops the motor automati-
cally in the event of an overload. The control’s digital display will
Cabinet show “Er”, “ro” alternately. After cooling, the overload protector will
reset itself.
Wipe the dryer cabinet as needed. If detergent, bleach or other
washing products have been spilled on the dryer, wipe immediately. The control can be cleared by pressing START and the dryer can be
Some products will cause permanent damage if spilled on the cabi- restarted by pressing START again. If overload protector cycles
net. again, remove the dryer from use and call the service person to cor-
rect the problem.
Control Panel
Use only a damp or sudsy cloth for cleaning the control panel. Some
spray pretreat products may harm the finish on the control panel.
DO NOT use products that contain alcohol on the control panel.
Exhaust System
To reduce the risk of electric shock, disconnect the
electrical service to the dryer before cleaning.
Lint Filter
The lint filter is located at the front of the dryer in the lower part of
the door opening.
Annually remove lint filter and screw to vacuum the duct under it.
1. Lint Filter
Figure 2
Try these troubleshooting tips before making a service call. They
may save you time and money.
Dryer won’t start • Make sure the power cord is plugged all the way into the electri-
cal outlet.
• Make sure loading door is closed.
• Press Start/Pause button to start dryer.
• Make sure the laundry room fuse(s) isn’t blown or loose, or cir-
cuit breakers aren’t open.
• The dryer itself does not have an electrical fuse. An electric
dryer has an electrical circuit with two fuses.
• Check if motor overload protector has cycled. Wait 10 minutes
and try again.
Dryer won’t heat • Electric dryers only – Some homes may have two fuses or cir-
cuit breakers for an electric dryer; both fuses or circuit break-
ers should be checked. Make sure the laundry room fuse(s) isn’t
blown or loose, or that the circuit breakers aren’t open.
• Make sure control is not in Cooling part of cycle or that the
Temp selection is not set to heat.
• Gas dryer only – Make sure equipment and main gas line valve is
turned on.
• Check exhaust duct to outside to see if it is kinked, blocked or
needs cleaning.
• Check weather hood to make sure flapper moves freely, has not
been pushed in or has not been blocked.
Dryer doesn’t dry clothes satisfactorily • Check exhaust duct to outside to see if it is kinked, blocked or
needs cleaning.
• Check weather hood to make sure flapper moves freely, has not
been pushed in or has not been blocked.
• Auto-Sensing cycle – Adjust Dryness selection.
• Manual cycle - Allow more or less time.
• Clean the lint filter.
• Make sure the load isn’t too small. Small loads may not tumble
properly or dry evenly.
• The Auto-Sensing cycles are not suggested to be used for
small loads such as two small towels. For those loads, use
the Time Dry cycle.
• Check load being dried. Heavy items dried with lightweight
items will not dry as quickly as the rest of the load.
• Refer to Sort section for proper sorting information.
Table continues...
Dryer is noisy • Check dryer for foreign objects (nails, coins, bobby pins, metal,
plastic toys, etc.). Remove items from dryer.
• Make sure dryer is level. Uneven leveling can cause vibration.
• Normal operating sounds include the heat source going on and
off and the humming of air moving through the dryer and ex-
haust system.
Clothes are too wrinkled • Check heat setting. Overdrying can cause wrinkling.
• Check load size. Large loads may not tumble properly and may
cause wrinkling.
Clothes have odor • Check room for odors before drying clothes. Any odor (fried
foods, paint, varnish, cleaners, burning wood, etc.) will transfer
to clothing as the dryer draws air from the room.
• Ventilate room before drying clothes.
Cycle advances too slowly • When in an Auto-Sensing cycle, the time it takes depends on
the type and size of the load being dried. When clothing has
more moisture, the cycle takes longer than when the clothes
are more dry.
Er, ro on digital display • The dryer’s motor overload protector has cycled.
• The control can be cleared by pressing the Start/Pause button
and the dryer can be restarted by pressing the Start/Pause
button again.
• If this code is displayed again, remove the dryer from use and
call a service person.
Model Number
Serial Number
1. Serial Plate
To reduce the risk of serious injury or death, DO NOT
repair or replace any part of the unit or attempt any
servicing unless specifically recommended in the
user-maintenance instructions or in published user-re-
pair instructions that you understand and have the
skills to carry out.