2020 Maneb Newsletter Vol. 1
2020 Maneb Newsletter Vol. 1
2020 Maneb Newsletter Vol. 1
01. ED’ s welcome remarks..............3-4
2019 we were engaged in several benchmarking
e are pleased to present to you our activities with other examining institutions. We
first online newsletter. This newsletter hosted external examiners from Zambia, Tanzania,
is another platform for appraising you Kenya, South Africa and Namibia during the MSCE
with our aspirations, achievements and challenges awards meeting. Through this activity we once
in our efforts to fulfill our mission of conducting again got assurance that the procedures we follow
valid and reliable examinations for certification, for standard fixing and the quality of our grades
selection and placement purposes. compare well with those of other assessment
Looking back at 2019, we are delighted institutions.
to share with you some of our achievements. In pursuit of excellence and attaining
Among our main achievements was the release international recognition, we have flown our flag
of the Primary School Leaving Certificate of higher by participating in international conferences.
Education (PSLCE) and Malawi School Certificate We attended the 46th International Association for
of Education (MSCE) examination results before Educational Assessment (IAEA) meeting in Azerba
the commencement of the academic year. We jain. In August we participated in the Association
were greatly humbled and honoured to have the for Educational Assessment in Africa(AEAA)
Honourable Minister of Education, Science and conference which was held in Nigeria.
Technology, Dr William Susuwele Banda preside We are also currently chairing the Southern
over the announcement of those examinations African Association for Educational Assessment
By Mayamiko Chiwaya- Public Relation Manager (PRM)
Dear Readers, Principles that MANEB applies you challenges it experiences
in its operations to ensure that with candidates’ registration data
n this newsletter we have a national examinations are valid which is received from schools
number of articles intended to and reliable have equally been and the impact of such challenges
inform, educate and sensitize articulated in a number of on examination results.
you, our esteemed readers, about articles. Additionally, you will This being MANEB’s
various activities and initiatives note that the newsletter includes maiden newsletter your
undertaken by MANEB to achieve information on how MANEB suggestions and feedback to
well managed examinations. is taking its services closer MANEB will be most appreciated.
Through these articles MANEB to valuable clients and what MANEB hopes to continue giving
also expects you to get essential efforts have been undertaken you a snapshot of its activities
and correct information regarding to enhance team building spirit which depict its aspirations,
its operations. among its employees for efficient values, beliefs and culture,
2019 examinations are and effective service delivery. meanwhile, enjoy reading.
long gone but there are some MANEB is a member of Thank you!
activities that MANEB still several professional bodies and,
highly values and has drawn therefore, engages with other
lessons from. In this newsletter, examining institutions at different
therefore, we give you the levels for information sharing and
highlights of the 2019 PSLCE and socialization. This too has been
MSCE examinations with special reflected in some of the articles.
focus on examination results. MANEB also shares with
By Mayamiko Chiwaya
between MANEB and Ministry
of Education, Science and
Technology. Venue for the press
was Ministry of Information
Central Office in Blantyre. On 2nd
September MSCE examination
results were released at another
joint Press Briefing presided over
by the Honourable Minister.
The release of the
examination results well before
the opening of schools for the
2019/2020 academic year was
a remarkable achievement for
MANEB and the nation at large.
Honourable Dr William Susuwe Banda-announcing This was attributed to several
the release of 2019 MSCE examination results factors, the most significant of
which was the capturing of scores
he 2019 Primary School ascribed to lack of confidence during marking using double
Leaving Certificate of among Open Distance Learners data entry system to check
Education (PSLCE) and (ODL), who had registered correctness of scores entered.
Malawi School Certificate of in large numbers for the This innovation increased
Education (MSCE) examinations previous year’s examinations. efficiency compared to previous
started with registration The 2019 PSLCE and years’ practice whereby markers
processes at school level. Total MSCE examinations results used to manually check scores
registered candidature for the were released within a from mark sheets. Government’s
two examinations was 282,428 space of one month. On timely approval of the results
and 92,867, respectively. 5th August, the Honourable also facilited the speedy release
The 2019 MSCE candidature Minister of Education, Science of the results.
dropped to almost half of 2018 and Technology Dr William The overall pass rate for
and mostly comprised internal Susuwele Banda announced PSLCE was 77.46%. Pass rate for
candidates. The tremendous PSLCE examination results male candidates was 82.47%
drop in the candidature could be at a joint Press Conference, and this was higher compared to
By Lawrence Msiska
papers to be mass produced School Leaving Certificate of
and number of invigilators to be Education (PSLCE)and Malawi
hired. Therefore, provision of School Certificate of Education
wrong data during registration (MSCE) examinations.
potentially has adverse effects All queries that were
on examinations. To avert the received from centres were
consequences that may culminate each read and recorded on to
into embarrassing crises, Microsoft Excel sheet according
MANEB prints nominal rolls, to their nature. The analysis
Lawrence Msiska- Principal which are sent to examination showed that at PSLCE the most
Policy Planning Officer centres for candidates to common query was on wrong
verify their registration details. spelling of names, seconded by
or every national examination
After receiving nominal rolls, wrong sex code, wrong date of
the cycle starts with
centres write back to MANEB birth and wrong disability code.
registration of candidates,
to present errors observed For MSCE the most common
which is done at MANEB approved
on the rolls for rectification. queries were deletion of subjects
examination centres. During
To appreciate the nature on the registration template,
registration, candidates provide
of errors and the point from inclusion of wrong subjects for
their particulars such as names,
which they emanate, MANEB candidates and wrong name
sex, age and subjects that they
carried out a quantitative analysis spellings.
intend to sit for. This data is used
of the nominal roll queries that From the analysis of
for making crucial decisions, for
were received for 2019 Primary the queries it was clear that
instance, number of examination
good test measures what Each examination consists communicating to examiners
is intended, as set out in of different types of questions what is expected from candidates.
the subject syllabus, and based on Bloom’s taxonomy The marking schemes that MANEB
does not favour particular groups and has the ability to distinguish prepares are much more than
of candidates. candidates. Some tasks require just a set of model answers .They
In assessment, predictability is candidates to recall and others provide guidance on how to mark
a challenging issue. To overcome demand creativity to apply what common alternative approaches
this, MANEB ensures that each they know in a new context, that candidates might adopt in
examination that candidates take rather than just allowing a mere answering a question. Marking
requires them to tackle tasks that restating of knowledge and ideas. schemes also stipulate how to
are in some way different from MANEB also puts a lot deal with common occurring
what they have done before. This of effort into the preparation errors or misconceptions that
is to avoid negative backwash of marking schemes to ensure candidates might show. To
effects from teaching to the test, that they are clear and minimize ascertain that a candidate’s
while at the same time making the possibility of examiners score is not dependent on which
sure that the examinations are approaching the marking examiner marks their work,
comparable to those of the differently. Marking schemes MANEB uses the Conveyor Belt
previous years. save as the main tools in System (CBS) of marking. This
airness in testing implies; absence of bias, RF LUNGU-
equitable treatment of test takers, equality Chief Examinations
in outcomes, an opportunity to learn the
rights and responsibilities of test takers. MANEB
Logistics Officer
strives to make tests fair for test takers of different
gender, ethnic backgrounds, geographical, cultural
spread of the schools and handicap conditions.
ANEB applies its core values in all among others.
examination procedures, including The process of marking starts with training of
marking and processing of the results. the markers and this is done by MANEB officers with
For both Primary School Leaving Certificate of the help of Chief Examiners. After the training, Chief
Education (PSLCE) and Malawi School Certificate Examiners take charge of the rest of the marking
of Education (MSCE) examinations, markers are processes. MANEB practices the conveyor belt
drawn from all the 34 Education districts in the system(CBS) of marking. Allocation of the markers
country. PSLCE markers are identified by District to the marking belts is done by Chief Examiners.
Education Managers (DEMs) through the District The CBS approach increases the reliability and
Select Committees. For MSCE marking, teachers credibility of results.
apply stating their qualifications, subjects of Candidates scores are transferred from the
specialization, and years of teaching experience, script into computers by data entry clerks and this is
By Mayamiko Chiwaya
ecurity is paramount in MANEB enters into a pact with former Police Inspector
the entire processing and national security agents; Malawi General, Mr Rodney Jose and
administration of national Police Service and Malawi Prison MANEB Executive Director, Mr
examinations hence the need to Services. For 2019 examinations Gerald Chiunda are signing a
engage security agents. the signing of the agreement took Memorandum of Understanding
To mitigate security place in Zomba and Lilongwe, (MoU) on 2019 examinations
challenges during administration respectively.This was done prior security arrangements.
national examinations and assure to the administration of the
provision of security personnel examinations.
for the examinations, every year In the picture above the
“Innovations in Educational assessment ”
By Fannie Chilunga
Council (WAEC), at Transcorp Logistics Officer); Mrs Fannie
Hilton Hotel, Abuja – Nigeria Chilunga (Senior Examinations
from 5th to 9th August, 2019. Development Officer) and Mr
The conference theme was: Francis Luhanga (Examinations
Innovations in Educational Logistics Officer).
Assessment. Research papers MANEB made two
were presented and deliberated presentations as follows:‘Causes
on under the following six of candidates’ poor performance
sub-themes: in Mathematics at PSLCE
Examinations’ and‘Mantel-
• Assessment for and of Haenszel Analysis of Gender
Fannie Chilunga- Senior teaching and learning; Differential Item Functioning
Examinations Development Officer (DIF) in Malawi School Certificate
• ICT and innovative
educational assessment; of Education (MSCE) Computer
ANEB is a member
• Innovative assessment for Studies Examination Items’.
of the Association
quality education; The presentation on
for Educational
• Prospects and challenges PSLCE Mathematics was made
Assessment in Africa (AEAA),
in computer based by Fannie Chilunga and the
an organization that was
assessment; focus was on an analytical
established to promote
• The role of ICT in curbing study that was undertaken to
cooperation amongst examining
examination malpractice; determine the causes of poor
and assessment bodies in
• Assistive and adaptive performance of candidates in
Africa. Members meet annually
t e c h n o l o g i e s PSLCE Mathematics in Malawi
to discuss issues and share
foreducational and factors that contribute to
information on best assessment
assessment for learners the poor performance. The
practices for attaining academic
withspecial needs. analysis was premised on the
and moral excellence to
fact that MANEB exercises care
promote sustainable human
MANEB attended the conference and diligence in developing test
resource development for
and was represented by: Mr questions to ensure that they are
Africa and the world at large.
Gerald Chiunda – Executive fair for students who have done
The 2019 annual
Director; Mrs Betty Zimba the eight years of learning at
conference was hosted by the
(Principal Examinations primary school, level. Despite the
West African Examinations
examinations being fair, MANEB’s
PP .
By Mayamiko Chiwaya
ood customer service regions of the country. On 1st certificates by accumulation and
enhances the public image July 2018 the first ever regional transcripts, among others.
of an institution and is an office was officially opened in the In this regard, our clients
important aspect for the good northern region by Mr R.Z Agabu, based in the two regions no longer
reputation and success of any the Director of Inspectorate and have to cover the long distance to
organisation, firm or company. Advisory Services in the Ministry the Zomba head office to acquire
For any institution that is meeting of Education, Science and a service that could cost less than
the needs of its customers, there Technology. The northern region their transport fare.
is a positive reward. The rewards office is located at Luwinga. To keep a record of
include mutual trust and customer Three months later , the services rendered to our clients,
satisfaction, which attracts Central Region office was opened a client tracking system was
more customers. As one way of in Lilongwe Area 3 within the introduced at the Head Office in
offering satisfactory services to premises of Malawi College of January 2018.The system records
the Malawian populace, MANEB Distance Education (MCDE). such information as clients’
has so far introduced a number Both regional offices are fully particulars, contact details,
of innovations to serve its clients operational and services offered type of service they require
better. at the offices include receiving and duration taken to render a
As a response to the needs examination results queries, service. The tracking system has
of assessment related services candidates’ registration data and helped enhance accountability in
from clientele in other parts of Identify card forms. The regional service provision among MANEB
the country, in 2018 MANEB offices also receive applications employees.
expanded its operations to other for certificates replacement,
“ SP
By Mariagoret Sikanda
candidates conduct before conduct for all those involved
and during examinations . in national examinations.
As a way of engaging Apart from the drama
candidates who are usually the performances, MANEB put
main culprits in malpractices, across anti-cheating messages on
the host schools were given a electronic media such as radios
chance to prepare messages and televisions in order to reach
on examination vices through the wider audience.
poems, songs, traditional dances We salute District
and comedies, among others. Education Managers (DEMs)
This was done before a play for cooperating with us in
Mariagoret Sikanda- by MANEB drama group which identifying performance venues
Intern in PRMs Office brought out serious examination and contacting the host schools
issues through some comical prior to our visit. We are also
performances. At every venue grateful to the teachers and
ANEB has an in- the audience was thrilled in candidates for the good rapport
house drama group, the manner the drama group exhibited during the time of our
comprising MANEB exposed some of the irregularities tour in their various localities.
staff, which preaches against committed by candidates This is evident in the way they
examination malpractices. Every and those entrusted with the patronized and participated
year the group tours some responsibility of administering in the sensitisation activities.
parts of the country to sensitize examinations. The drama group Indeed, united we stand, divided
teachers, candidates and the gave guidance on the right we fall!
public on proper conduct during
national examinations. For 2019
examinations preparations, the
drama group embarked on
a similiar tour reminding
candidates and teachers
the evils of examination
malpractices and urging them
to join the fight against the vice.
The drama performances
covered several topics such as;
preparations for 2019 science
practical examinations,
checking of nominal rolls, the
role of community in anti-
cheating campaign, penalties
for examination malpractices, MANEB drama group on anti-cheating campaign
Preserving the integrity of national
17 examinations through quality assessment
By Mariagorret Sikanda
M ANEB has a workforce of about 200 the institution’s vision of being a highly reputable,
and all with one accord ‘to preserve credible, leading and competitive examining body
the integrity of national examinations in Malawi.
through provision of quality assessment’. Among
the workforce are, directors, technicians, human
resource personnel and support staff who rely on
one another to fulfill MANEB’s mandate. In this
regard, issues of team building are paramount.
By Mariagorret Sikanda
rocessing and administration of national 2019 .This trip was full of fun and rich interactions
examinations is hectic and stressful. making it one of the most memorable.
It is commonly believed that travelling The warm welcome by Nicky Ndhlamini, the
improves the general wellbeing of a person and, ZIMSEC Public Relations Manager at Nyamapanda
therefore, a good way to relieve stress. At the border post made MANEB personnel feel home
end of the examination cycle, MANEB, has since although it was miles away from Malawi and more
2018, been arranging trips for its members of miles to Harare. The two institutions featured
staff to neighbouring countries. football, netball, volleyball and chess. MANEB
In 2019 MANEB management organised team lost the unfamiliar sack run which turned out
a trip for its ninety employees to Zimbabwe for to be the most entertaining sporting activity. The
inter-exam sporting activities with the Zimbabwe atmosphere was electric and everyone supported
School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC). The aim one another.
of the trip was to accord members of staff an The hospitality in Zimbabwe included an
opportunity to play games against a foreign team excursion to some places of interest, meals and
and give a chance to employees who have less entertainment by a live band, which spiced the
chances of travelling abroad on their own to dinner that was hosted in honour of MANEB staff.
experience life beyond the borders. The trip was Commenting on the trip, MANEB staff members
also another occasion for MANEB staff to interact acknowledged that the hospitality by ZIMSEC and
with ZIMSEC counterparts in terms of sharing work at the hotel was amazing. They thanked MANEB
experiences. management for organising the trip which they
MANEB staff left for Zimbabwe on two would live to remember.
buses on 29th of August and returned home on 1st
of September,
As a professional body, MANEB carries out its activities in a transparent manner and engages a number
of stakeholders. Here is a summary of some of the activities in pictures
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Q 1. How can I report examination authenticity.
malpractices? 4. The Transcript is wax-sealed and sent to the
A. MANEB welcomes information from employer/organisation in question.
whistleblowers. You can call us using our landlines
• Processing fee is as follows: MK5, 000.00
or mobile phones. You can also write us or send an
for local use transcript and MK10, 000.00
email to maneb@sdnp.org.mw
for international use transcript. ( Processing
fee will be determined from time to time by
Q 2. Can I register for examination at
one centre and write the examination at
another centre? Note: We encourage applicants to send their
transcripts themselves as MANEB does not shoulder
A. No, you cannot. Once you register at a centre you posting charges. Applicants are further warned
sit for the examination at the same centre. against opening the wax-sealed envelope because
doing so invalidates the transcript.
Q 3. Can I change my name or insert
another name on a certificate? Q 5. Does MANEB equate certificates?
A. Once a certificate is produced , MANEB does not A. Yes, we do for certificates issued by us. The
have the mandate to change names, insert new application procedure is like that of academic
names or initials on certificates. transcript. Processing fee is 20USD or an equivalent
of the same in our local currency.
Q 4. How can I get an academic transcript?
Q 6. How can I get a notification of results
A. Transcripts are issued when an individual
requests MANEB to provide information on how
he/she passed in any of the examinations that we A: A notification of results slip is a document which
administer. Below is the procedure: MANEB prints in triplicate for every candidate
who sits for MANEB national examinations. This
1. An individual fills transcript application
document is meant to be used while waiting for
Form which requires name, examination
the processing of a certificate. MANEB delivers
number, school(s) attended, subjects
notification of results slips to District Education
passed and their grades , contact details of
Manager (DEMs) Offices from where examination
the addressee of the transcript e.g. postal
centres (schools) collect. This being the case,
address, email address
candidates do not have to come to MANEB to
2. The transcript is addressed to the employer/ collect their notification of results slips as they
organisation (as indicated in 1 above) collect them from their respective schools for free.
However, if a candidate comes to MANEB and
3. The Transcript carries MANEB seal for requests that we reproduce a notification of results
The applicant should, then, hand-deliver all these If a candidate writes enough subjects and qualifies
documents in person to MANEB Offices, Off for the award of a certificate, he/she will be awarded
Malemia Road, Next to Old Parliament Building a certificate but he/she should choose a better one
in Zomba. Applicants based in the Northern and and surrender the other to MANEB to be destroyed.
Central Regions of the country are encouraged to
submit their applications to our Mzuzu and Lilongwe Q 10. I have more than one certificate and
Regional Offices, respectively. An application made use just one. Can I donate the remaining
through a third person will be rejected. certificates to my relation?
Processing takes at least two weeks, all things being A: No, you cannot. Otherwise it is a crime, punishable
Q 11. My brother is dead but had a very Q 15. After I have met requirements for
good MSCE. Could I be using it? certificate by accumulation, will MANEB
automatically produce a certificate by
A: No. This is a crime as it breaches Section 360
of the Penal Code which criminalises uttering/ accumulation for me?
tendering of false document. Those found to be A: No, you fill some forms at our offices or write a
engaging in this malpractice will be arrested and letter applying for “Certificate by Accumulation” to:
prosecuted in a court of law.
The Executive Director
Q 12. I have been writing examinations MANEB
more than once but I haven’t been able to Box 191
get a full certificate. Is there any way out?
A: Yes, you may apply for a Certificate by
Accumulation. This certificate is produced when E-mail: maneb@sdnp.org.mw
a candidate, who fails to pass enough subjects to In the letter, explain that you have satisfied the
qualify for the award of MSCE in a single examination conditions for the award of a certificate by giving
sitting, qualifies for the same in several but not details such as: years when you sat the examinations
more than four consecutive examination sittings schools attended, examination numbers and grades
i.e. from 2010 to 2013; 2011 to 2014; 2012 to 2015, obtained.
2019 to 2022 e.t.c as long as it is within a four-year
bracket of the same curriculum. NOTE: Your application will be vetted after which
you will be advised to pay a processing fee, of
Q 13. I sat for 2017 & 2018 MSCE K10,000. The fee is subject to revision from time
examination but wasn’t able to get a full to time by MANEB. You can pay cash at our head
certificate . I also sat for 2019 MSCE office or deposit in our account and send us a copy
examination, and passed a few subjects of the deposit slip. If you are in the Northern or
Central region drop your application together with
Am I eligible to apply for certificate by the deposit slip at our respective Regional Offices.
accumulation using grades from previous
examinations and the 2019 examination? Q 16. I have a private school and would
like to have an examination centre number.
A: No, you can only accumulate grades from
examinations within the same curriculum. What procedures should I follow?
Q 14. I sat for 2019 MSCE examination but did A: You should
not pass. I have registered for 2020 examination 1) Have a School Registration Certificate
using a different name. I would like to combine the issued by Ministry of Education, Science
2019 grades and those to be obtained in 2020 to and Technology
apply for certificate by accumulation. Shall this be 2) Apply to MANEB for centre inspection
possible? 3) Pay centre inspection fee ( amount to be
A: No, you needed to maintain the same names determined by MANEB from time to time )
otherwise our system will recognize you as two in MANEB account. MANEB will advise you
different individuals and, therefore, shall not be on the dates for the centre inspection.
able to produce a certificate by accumulation for