2020 Maneb Newsletter Vol. 1

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To conduct academic and other To be a highly reputable, To conduct valid and reliable
examinations at the conclusion credible and internationally examinations for certification,
of any approved course in Malawi recognised examining body. selection and placement
as it may be considered in the purposes; and provide
public interest and award professional advice relating to
certificates and diplomas to assessment and examinations.
successful candidates in such

Preserving the integrity of national

1 examinations through quality assessment

01. ED’ s welcome remarks..............3-4

02. Editor’ s Note............................4

03. Highlights of 2019 exams..........5-6

04. Impact of registration errors on

examinations results.................7-8
Signing of the MEMORANDUM OF
UNDERSTANDING (MoU) 05. Assessment principles and
practices at MANEB...................8-9
06 Fair testing practices.................9-11

07. Integrity and professionalism...12-13

08. Signing of MoU .......................13-14

09. AEAA conference..................... 14-15

ing work
Te a m b 18 10. Customer service......................16

11. Sensitization campaign.............17

12. Team building workshop...........18

13. Inter-agency sporting


14. Our stories in pictures...............20-21

Police brass band during MANEB
strategic plan launch 15. Frequently Asked Questions......22-25
Preserving the integrity of national
2 examinations through quality assessment


results. To us this was a demonstration of the
highest support and goodwill from government
in our determination to provide credible and
competitive services to the nation.
The administration of leakage free
examinations was another milestone in our battle
against examination malpractices. As you are aware,
for the recent past few years we have been a victim
of leakage of MSCE examination. For instance, in
2018 three out of the 54 MSCE papers were shared
on the social media. Just like any other institution
which strives to achieve excellence in the provision
of services, we were devastated by this leakage. To
avoid a similar scenario in the 2019 examinations
we made some structural adjustments to our
operations during delivery of the examination. We
are glad to report that our efforts yielded positive
results. We received tremendous support from all
relevant stakeholders and consequently managed
Gerald Axel Chiunda, BEd, MSc to have leakage free examination.
We are also pleased to inform you that in
Executive Director, MANEB

2019 we were engaged in several benchmarking
e are pleased to present to you our activities with other examining institutions. We
first online newsletter. This newsletter hosted external examiners from Zambia, Tanzania,
is another platform for appraising you Kenya, South Africa and Namibia during the MSCE
with our aspirations, achievements and challenges awards meeting. Through this activity we once
in our efforts to fulfill our mission of conducting again got assurance that the procedures we follow
valid and reliable examinations for certification, for standard fixing and the quality of our grades
selection and placement purposes. compare well with those of other assessment
Looking back at 2019, we are delighted institutions.
to share with you some of our achievements. In pursuit of excellence and attaining
Among our main achievements was the release international recognition, we have flown our flag
of the Primary School Leaving Certificate of higher by participating in international conferences.
Education (PSLCE) and Malawi School Certificate We attended the 46th International Association for
of Education (MSCE) examination results before Educational Assessment (IAEA) meeting in Azerba
the commencement of the academic year. We jain. In August we participated in the Association
were greatly humbled and honoured to have the for Educational Assessment in Africa(AEAA)
Honourable Minister of Education, Science and conference which was held in Nigeria.
Technology, Dr William Susuwele Banda preside We are also currently chairing the Southern
over the announcement of those examinations African Association for Educational Assessment

Preserving the integrity of national

3 examinations through quality assessment
(SAAEA)Research forum. management of the examinations to increase our
We are proud to announce that for the first efficiency and mitigate risks.
time in the history of MANEB we have developed We believe that with your support we shall
Examinations Management Policy (EMP) and this continue to conduct valid and reliable examinations
is in line with our strategic goal of achieving well to maintain our reputation.
managed national examinations and assessment
systems. Our anticipation is that the policy will be a
fool proof document to guide our operations in the


By Mayamiko Chiwaya- Public Relation Manager (PRM)
Dear Readers, Principles that MANEB applies you challenges it experiences

in its operations to ensure that with candidates’ registration data
n this newsletter we have a national examinations are valid which is received from schools
number of articles intended to and reliable have equally been and the impact of such challenges
inform, educate and sensitize articulated in a number of on examination results.
you, our esteemed readers, about articles. Additionally, you will This being MANEB’s
various activities and initiatives note that the newsletter includes maiden newsletter your
undertaken by MANEB to achieve information on how MANEB suggestions and feedback to
well managed examinations. is taking its services closer MANEB will be most appreciated.
Through these articles MANEB to valuable clients and what MANEB hopes to continue giving
also expects you to get essential efforts have been undertaken you a snapshot of its activities
and correct information regarding to enhance team building spirit which depict its aspirations,
its operations. among its employees for efficient values, beliefs and culture,
2019 examinations are and effective service delivery. meanwhile, enjoy reading.
long gone but there are some MANEB is a member of Thank you!
activities that MANEB still several professional bodies and,
highly values and has drawn therefore, engages with other
lessons from. In this newsletter, examining institutions at different
therefore, we give you the levels for information sharing and
highlights of the 2019 PSLCE and socialization. This too has been
MSCE examinations with special reflected in some of the articles.
focus on examination results. MANEB also shares with

Preserving the integrity of national

4 examinations through quality assessment


By Mayamiko Chiwaya
between MANEB and Ministry
of Education, Science and
Technology. Venue for the press
was Ministry of Information
Central Office in Blantyre. On 2nd
September MSCE examination
results were released at another
joint Press Briefing presided over
by the Honourable Minister.
The release of the
examination results well before
the opening of schools for the
2019/2020 academic year was
a remarkable achievement for
MANEB and the nation at large.
Honourable Dr William Susuwe Banda-announcing This was attributed to several
the release of 2019 MSCE examination results factors, the most significant of
which was the capturing of scores

he 2019 Primary School ascribed to lack of confidence during marking using double
Leaving Certificate of among Open Distance Learners data entry system to check
Education (PSLCE) and (ODL), who had registered correctness of scores entered.
Malawi School Certificate of in large numbers for the This innovation increased
Education (MSCE) examinations previous year’s examinations. efficiency compared to previous
started with registration The 2019 PSLCE and years’ practice whereby markers
processes at school level. Total MSCE examinations results used to manually check scores
registered candidature for the were released within a from mark sheets. Government’s
two examinations was 282,428 space of one month. On timely approval of the results
and 92,867, respectively. 5th August, the Honourable also facilited the speedy release
The 2019 MSCE candidature Minister of Education, Science of the results.
dropped to almost half of 2018 and Technology Dr William The overall pass rate for
and mostly comprised internal Susuwele Banda announced PSLCE was 77.46%. Pass rate for
candidates. The tremendous PSLCE examination results male candidates was 82.47%
drop in the candidature could be at a joint Press Conference, and this was higher compared to

Preserving the integrity of national

5 examinations through quality assessment
the 72.15% for females. The pass abolished in 2016. To a certain For MSCE examination 5.5% of
rate for Special Needs candidates extent the examination results those that had registered for the
was 67.14%, a slight increase were a reflection of how the examination were absent.
from 63.33% of 2018. new curriculum is performing in In the spirit of
For MSCE the pass rate secondary schools. transparency, MANEB ranked
was 50.36%, which was much In his statement schools according to their
lower compared to the 63.23% during the announcement of performance in the examinations.
of last year, 2018. The number the results, the Honourable For PSLCE examination, the best
of female candidates that sat for Minister of Education, Science performing school was Natiswe
the examination was 41,708 and and Technology, Dr William in Dedza. Phalombe emerged
their pass rate was 42.89% ,and Susuwele Banda commended the top most district to have
this was lower compared to male MANEB for its efforts in curbing produced the best results. Faith
candidates’ pass rate of 56.46%. leakage. The MSCE examination Mhanda of Mkanda school in
The pass rate for the MSCE Special only registered 6 cases of Mulanje district was the best
Needs candidates was 52.71%,a cheating,a sharp contrast to the overall candidate.
drop from 56.36% of last year. 152 cases that were recorded Loyola Jesuit Secondary
The dismal performance at that level of examination in School of Kasungu district was
of MSCE candidates could have 2018. This is another positive the best performing school at
been caused by a number development and MANEB owes MSCE level and Arthur Promise
of factors. Firstly, the 2019 it to supervisors, invigilators Chibondo of Zomba Catholic
MSCE examination was the and security officers that were Secondary School was the best
first examination for the new engaged in the administration of candidate with an aggregate of
secondary, school curriculum and the examination. six points.
such being the case the candidates The problem of To sum up, the 2019
were not yet acclimatised. absenteeism of candidates PSLCE and MSCE examinations
Secondly, the cohort that sat during examinations remains were unique and will go down
for the examination mostly a concern. The percentage of in the history of MANEB as one
comprised candidates who had absentees at PSLCE was 5.4%, of the best years in terms of
been full time learners and first a rise from 5% of last year. One the fight against examination
time takers of the examination. centre registered 11 candidates malpractices and dates for release
Thirdly, this was the first cohort but by the time examinations of examinations results. MANEB
to take MSCE examination were to be administered 10 of hopes to do even better in 2020
without having attempted the the candidates had dropped examinations and beyond.
Junior Certificate of Education out of school and they opted
(JCE) examination, which was not to sit for the examination.

Preserving the integrity of national

6 examinations through quality assessment

By Lawrence Msiska
papers to be mass produced School Leaving Certificate of
and number of invigilators to be Education (PSLCE)and Malawi
hired. Therefore, provision of School Certificate of Education
wrong data during registration (MSCE) examinations.
potentially has adverse effects All queries that were
on examinations. To avert the received from centres were
consequences that may culminate each read and recorded on to
into embarrassing crises, Microsoft Excel sheet according
MANEB prints nominal rolls, to their nature. The analysis
Lawrence Msiska- Principal which are sent to examination showed that at PSLCE the most
Policy Planning Officer centres for candidates to common query was on wrong

verify their registration details. spelling of names, seconded by
or every national examination
After receiving nominal rolls, wrong sex code, wrong date of
the cycle starts with
centres write back to MANEB birth and wrong disability code.
registration of candidates,
to present errors observed For MSCE the most common
which is done at MANEB approved
on the rolls for rectification. queries were deletion of subjects
examination centres. During
To appreciate the nature on the registration template,
registration, candidates provide
of errors and the point from inclusion of wrong subjects for
their particulars such as names,
which they emanate, MANEB candidates and wrong name
sex, age and subjects that they
carried out a quantitative analysis spellings.
intend to sit for. This data is used
of the nominal roll queries that From the analysis of
for making crucial decisions, for
were received for 2019 Primary the queries it was clear that
instance, number of examination


Preserving the integrity of national

7 examinations through quality assessment
the errors had been committed Consequently, they realised What is needed is attitude
during registration and were on the day of the examination change among candidates
typographical in nature. This that their examination numbers and school administrators.
discovery was contrary to were missing on the attendance Candidates must learn that it is
MANEB’S expectation. MANEB’S registers for subjects that they had important to follow instructions
purportedly registered for. Worse and stick to deadlines to avoid
assumption was that during still, after release of examination causing inconveniences to
registration, candidates had results some candidates wrote oneself. School administrators
been given an opportunity to MANEB demanding grades for must make a deliberate effort
check and verify their details as subjects they did not register to allow candidates to physically
per instructions in the circular for and others made requests check the correctness of their
letters that were sent to schools for name change or spelling particulars during registration
detailing the registration process correction so that their names and on the nominal rolls. The
and schedules. match those on other documents inconveniences that arise from
Some candidates, in their possession. This definitely such a laissez faire attitude are
especially MSCE external calls for justification and raises more grave than those caused
candidates, might not have some suspicions on why someone by sparing time to check the
even taken heed of the calls should ask for name correction correctness of ones’ details on
and reminders to go and verify after the release of examinations nominal roll, that is to say a stitch
their details on nominal rolls. results. in time saves nine!


good test measures what Each examination consists communicating to examiners
is intended, as set out in of different types of questions what is expected from candidates.
the subject syllabus, and based on Bloom’s taxonomy The marking schemes that MANEB
does not favour particular groups and has the ability to distinguish prepares are much more than
of candidates. candidates. Some tasks require just a set of model answers .They
In assessment, predictability is candidates to recall and others provide guidance on how to mark
a challenging issue. To overcome demand creativity to apply what common alternative approaches
this, MANEB ensures that each they know in a new context, that candidates might adopt in
examination that candidates take rather than just allowing a mere answering a question. Marking
requires them to tackle tasks that restating of knowledge and ideas. schemes also stipulate how to
are in some way different from MANEB also puts a lot deal with common occurring
what they have done before. This of effort into the preparation errors or misconceptions that
is to avoid negative backwash of marking schemes to ensure candidates might show. To
effects from teaching to the test, that they are clear and minimize ascertain that a candidate’s
while at the same time making the possibility of examiners score is not dependent on which
sure that the examinations are approaching the marking examiner marks their work,
comparable to those of the differently. Marking schemes MANEB uses the Conveyor Belt
previous years. save as the main tools in System (CBS) of marking. This

Preserving the integrity of national

8 examinations through quality assessment
STAGES OF ASSESSMENT CYCLE AT MANEB help improve performance.
The Chief Examiner’s report
further gives subject teachers
Assessment advice on how they can re-
design orientate their teaching
strategies to enhance students’
Ex post facto Exam learning and performance.
analysis of preparation In its quest to support
exams teaching and learning, MANEB
makes Chief Examiners’ reports
available to all stakeholders.
The reports are electronically
sent to schools through District
Release of Exam Education Offices. Teachers are,
results administration therefore, encouraged to make
every effort to access these
The above diagram
demonstrates the stages of
the assessment cycle, which is
Grade award Standardisation a continuous circular flow of
of marking activities and as such is intended
to benefit from continuous
improvement. At MANEB we
Marking use the model above to ensure
that the focus of assessment,
which is to provide valid grades
approach increases reliability and performance on each component to candidates, is met. Our
credibility of results. of a test paper by outlining; conviction is that learning from
After each marking where candidates performed our experiences during the
session, markers in each paper/ well and seemed less capable. assessment cycle can improve
subject discuss their marking The report also highlights future examinations and
experiences and compile a report systematic misconceptions the models we use to assess
called the Chief Examiner’s of the subject and provides candidates.
report. The report covers several suggestions on better teaching
aspects such as candidates’ and learning methods that can


By RF Lungu-Chief Examinations Logistics Officer

airness in testing implies; absence of bias, RF LUNGU-
equitable treatment of test takers, equality Chief Examinations
in outcomes, an opportunity to learn the
rights and responsibilities of test takers. MANEB
Logistics Officer
strives to make tests fair for test takers of different
gender, ethnic backgrounds, geographical, cultural
spread of the schools and handicap conditions.

Preserving the integrity of national

9 examinations through quality assessment
Fairness is also achieved through the passing MANEB sends, a list of materials, chemicals
on of necessary information to the right people. and equipment for MSCE science subjects such as
MANEB, therefore, uses different platforms to Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry and Physics to all
communicate necessary examination information examination centres that offer these subjects. The
to candidates, school administrators and the public. list is normally sent six months before administration
Information regarding examination registration of the examination for them to prepare.
period and procedures is passed on through Special Needs candidates are provided with
circular letters, internet, radio and newspaper appropriate forms of tests such as Braille papers
for visually impaired candidates and large print
examinations for Low Vision candidates. Special
Before implementing the new curriculum,
arrangements are also made for appropriate test
MANEB furnishes schools and other stakeholders
administration procedures for some of the special
with the necessary information, such as, coverage
needs candidates. Such arrangements include
of the test and type of question formats. This
provision of additional time, special invigilators oral
information is made available to all test takers
examinations and scribers for candidates that are
through sample papers which are dispatched to
not capable of writing.
approved examination centres a year before the
To ensure fairness in the marking of
administration of the examination. The purpose is to
candidates’ scripts MANEB uses a conveyor belt
ensure that practicing teachers as well as students
system(CBS) of marking are double data entry
are acquainted with the new format and the scope
whereby a candidate’s script is scored and entered
of the test before they face the examination.
by more than one person.
It is a known fact that experiments require a
MANEB holds awards meeting, which is
certain minimum infrastructure such as a laboratory
a process of awarding grades to candidates. At
with some basic equipment and consumables on a
MSCE level the meetings are attended by Chief
recurring basis. Assessment of practical skills in a
Examiners, officials from Ministry of Education,
sound and objective manner is by no means an easy
Science and Technology( MoEST), the Malawi
task. Lack of appropriate infrastructure has resulted
Institute of Education( MIE) and external examiners
in the unfortunate neglect of experimental work in
from examining institutions within East, Central
some of the schools. It is with this understanding
and Southern Africa. During awards meetings
that MANEB promotes activity and experimental
Chief Examiners provide most of the information
based learning by ensuring that science practical
regarding the validity of the examination papers
examination papers do not demand costly
and their comparability with previous papers, the
equipment or other unrealistic requirements.
conduct of the marking exercise and the students’
In view of the critical importance of
qualitative performance. Officials from the MoEST
practical examinations, great care is taken during
and MIE are invited to these meetings to get first-
the formulation of the examinations to ensure that
hand information on policy and curriculum issues
the examination papers are fair, realistic and do not
that need to be addressed. The presence of
cause hardship to any student or school. Questions
external examiners adds to the credibility of MSCE
in science practical papers demand materials that
certificates in Malawi and beyond.
are locally found and, therefore, the administration
During the release of examination results, the
of some papers, such as Agriculture and Biology,
public is informed through a Press Release. Among
does not require several sessions. It is our conviction
others, the press release states out components
that these initiatives are an important step not
of performance according to gender and Special
only to give practical lessons their due place in
Needs learners. The statement also stipulates
science subjects but also to promote the culture of
number of candidates whose results have been
conducting practical examinations in schools.

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10 examinations through quality assessment
withheld for contravening examination regulations. In this regard, MANEB reviews the performance of
Furthermore, the press release makes provision test takers on free response items by studying their
for submission of results queries and the deadline scripts after the examinations have been written,
for receiving such queries, which is normally scored and results released. The review aims at
one month from the date of release of results. finding out the performance of examinees on each
The MSCE notification of results slip, which is item and suggesting possible causes for the same
issued to every candidate through their respective by focusing on three indexes; the difficulty, the
examination centre, shows grades obtained and discrimination and the reliability. Results from such
provides information on what each grade denotes. studies feed into subsequent examinations.
To inform schools about candidates’ MANEB also conducts field studies on
qualitative performance in specific subjects, performance of candidates in examinations to
MANEB electronically sends PSLCE and MSCE Chief validate information contained in Chief Examiners’
Examiners’ reports to key stakeholders and to schools reports, which is based on the marking exercise.
through District Education Managers Offices. This MANEB will continue to provide examination
is done to enable teachers make observations on services that promote fairness and equitability
specific problematic areas to candidates requiring by having necessary measures in place, sending
teachers’ attention. essential communication to schools and providing
In most cases factors that Chief Examiners the required support to SNE candidates to address
attribute to candidates’ performance remain their test taking needs. These efforts are in line with
untested and anecdotal. Therefore, without a MANEB’S core values of equitability and fairness.
scientific study, it is not possible to single out the
issues that are responsible for the performance of
candidates hence the need for some form of study.


By Mayamiko Chiwaya

ANEB applies its core values in all among others.
examination procedures, including The process of marking starts with training of
marking and processing of the results. the markers and this is done by MANEB officers with
For both Primary School Leaving Certificate of the help of Chief Examiners. After the training, Chief
Education (PSLCE) and Malawi School Certificate Examiners take charge of the rest of the marking
of Education (MSCE) examinations, markers are processes. MANEB practices the conveyor belt
drawn from all the 34 Education districts in the system(CBS) of marking. Allocation of the markers
country. PSLCE markers are identified by District to the marking belts is done by Chief Examiners.
Education Managers (DEMs) through the District The CBS approach increases the reliability and
Select Committees. For MSCE marking, teachers credibility of results.
apply stating their qualifications, subjects of Candidates scores are transferred from the
specialization, and years of teaching experience, script into computers by data entry clerks and this is

Preserving the integrity of national

11 examinations through quality assessment
done right in the rooms where marking takes place. Malawi Institute of Education (MIE) officials.
The score for each candidate is entered twice by two Attendees to MSCE awards are drawn from all
different data entry clerks. A computer programme the aforementioned institutions including Chief
matches the two entries to make sure that the Examiners (CEs) and External Examiners. During
scores entered are indeed correct. After completion the awards meetings, Examinations Development
of the data entry, security personnel carry out Officers (EDOs) give a comprehensive analysis of
random data checks to validate the entered scores candidates’performance and this is collaborated by
against those shown on the candidates’ scripts. This qualitative reports from CEs reports. Decisions on
is done to ensure that the scores captured into the cut scores are guided by reports from EDOs and CEs.
computer reflect scores indicated on the script, Determination of the cut scores is done using print
making MANEB accountable for the candidates’ outs that display national mark distribution graphs,
scores. which give a holistic picture of all scores at national
After validation of scores by MANEB security level for all subjects. Decisions that are made on cut
personnel, data files are locked and the only people scores are unanimously agreed and signed for by
that can have access to the files are designated the awards committee members. MANEB keeps a
computer programmers who have access rights. record of such decisions for future reference.
However, any entry into the files leaves an audit After the awards meeting, the Board of
trail. Directors holds a meeting to consider and approve
Assigning of grades to scores is done the results. PSLCE results are submitted to MoEST
during awards meetings. PSLCE awards meetings for selection, after which they are further submitted
are attended by MANEB officials, Ministry of to government for approval. Announcement of
Education Science and Technology (MoEST) and results is done after government approval.

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The former Police Inspector

MANEB Executive Director ,
signing the

By Mayamiko Chiwaya

ecurity is paramount in MANEB enters into a pact with former Police Inspector
the entire processing and national security agents; Malawi General, Mr Rodney Jose and
administration of national Police Service and Malawi Prison MANEB Executive Director, Mr
examinations hence the need to Services. For 2019 examinations Gerald Chiunda are signing a
engage security agents. the signing of the agreement took Memorandum of Understanding
To mitigate security place in Zomba and Lilongwe, (MoU) on 2019 examinations
challenges during administration respectively.This was done prior security arrangements.
national examinations and assure to the administration of the
provision of security personnel examinations.
for the examinations, every year In the picture above the

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13 examinations through quality assessment


“Innovations in Educational assessment ”
By Fannie Chilunga
Council (WAEC), at Transcorp Logistics Officer); Mrs Fannie
Hilton Hotel, Abuja – Nigeria Chilunga (Senior Examinations
from 5th to 9th August, 2019. Development Officer) and Mr
The conference theme was: Francis Luhanga (Examinations
Innovations in Educational Logistics Officer).
Assessment. Research papers MANEB made two
were presented and deliberated presentations as follows:‘Causes
on under the following six of candidates’ poor performance
sub-themes: in Mathematics at PSLCE
Examinations’ and‘Mantel-
• Assessment for and of Haenszel Analysis of Gender
Fannie Chilunga- Senior teaching and learning; Differential Item Functioning
Examinations Development Officer (DIF) in Malawi School Certificate

• ICT and innovative
educational assessment; of Education (MSCE) Computer
ANEB is a member
• Innovative assessment for Studies Examination Items’.
of the Association
quality education; The presentation on
for Educational
• Prospects and challenges PSLCE Mathematics was made
Assessment in Africa (AEAA),
in computer based by Fannie Chilunga and the
an organization that was
assessment; focus was on an analytical
established to promote
• The role of ICT in curbing study that was undertaken to
cooperation amongst examining
examination malpractice; determine the causes of poor
and assessment bodies in
• Assistive and adaptive performance of candidates in
Africa. Members meet annually
t e c h n o l o g i e s PSLCE Mathematics in Malawi
to discuss issues and share
foreducational and factors that contribute to
information on best assessment
assessment for learners the poor performance. The
practices for attaining academic
withspecial needs. analysis was premised on the
and moral excellence to
fact that MANEB exercises care
promote sustainable human
MANEB attended the conference and diligence in developing test
resource development for
and was represented by: Mr questions to ensure that they are
Africa and the world at large.
Gerald Chiunda – Executive fair for students who have done
The 2019 annual
Director; Mrs Betty Zimba the eight years of learning at
conference was hosted by the
(Principal Examinations primary school, level. Despite the
West African Examinations
examinations being fair, MANEB’s

Preserving the integrity of national

14 examinations through quality assessment
statistics show low performance PSLCE mathematics. To address by Mantel-Haenszel (MH) DIF
of many candidates in these problems the presentation detection procedure to enhance
Mathematics making it recommended interventions on the validity of examinations.
imperative to find factors learners’ acquisition and practice The presentation showed that
responsible for such performance of basic knowledge and skills in category ‘B’ and ‘C’ DIF magnitude
so that necessary measures are Mathematics at lower sections of was detected in 3 out of 34 items
taken to address the problem. primary school education. analysed representing 8.82%. Out
This is in view of the fact that The presentation on of the detected items, 66.67%
Mathematics is one of the ‘Mantel-Haenszel Analysis had uniform DIF whereas 33.33%
enviable subjects in life and a of Gender Differential Item had non-uniform DIF. Both items
foundation to other science Functioning (DIF) In Malawi with uniform DIF disadvantaged
subjects which are fundamental School Certificate of Education females. It was recommended
to the development of Malawi (MSCE) Computer Studies that examining boards should
(Saiti, 2007). Examination Items’ was made by consider adopting gender DIF
The presentation Betty Zimba. analysis to enhance examination
highlighted a number of causes quality.
of the poor performance, From the presentations
among them; candidates’ and deliberations at the
failure to convert units, giving conference it was observed there
wrong/incomplete responses to was need to embrace innovative
questions that require application ideas in assessment to improve
of mathematical concepts, wrong the quality of education. It was
interpretation of mathematical further noted that technological
terms, failure to draw or use innovations in education
graphs and tables and inability to assessment were indispensable
construct geometrical shapes. and a vital tool for curbing
The presentation further examination malpractices.
showed that; lack of practice Member institutions were also
to master the content for the encouraged to continue to
syllabus, poor Mathematical explore means of addressing
background knowledge, lack threats of ICT to educational
of drawing skills (manipulative
Betty Zimba - Former
assessment and advocate for
skills), poor comprehension Principal Examinations test assistive technologies in
of Mathematical language, Security Officer assessment so that candidates
failure to relate Mathematical with special needs are not
concepts to real life situations, Betty’s presentation was based disadvantaged.
inadequate coverage of the on a re-examination of gender
syllabus and lack of teaching Differential Item Functioning
and learning materials are the (DIF) in MSCE Computer Studies
major factors that contribute examination items using a
to the poor performance in Classical Test Theory (CTT)

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15 examinations through quality assessment


PP .
By Mayamiko Chiwaya

ood customer service regions of the country. On 1st certificates by accumulation and
enhances the public image July 2018 the first ever regional transcripts, among others.
of an institution and is an office was officially opened in the In this regard, our clients
important aspect for the good northern region by Mr R.Z Agabu, based in the two regions no longer
reputation and success of any the Director of Inspectorate and have to cover the long distance to
organisation, firm or company. Advisory Services in the Ministry the Zomba head office to acquire
For any institution that is meeting of Education, Science and a service that could cost less than
the needs of its customers, there Technology. The northern region their transport fare.
is a positive reward. The rewards office is located at Luwinga. To keep a record of
include mutual trust and customer Three months later , the services rendered to our clients,
satisfaction, which attracts Central Region office was opened a client tracking system was
more customers. As one way of in Lilongwe Area 3 within the introduced at the Head Office in
offering satisfactory services to premises of Malawi College of January 2018.The system records
the Malawian populace, MANEB Distance Education (MCDE). such information as clients’
has so far introduced a number Both regional offices are fully particulars, contact details,
of innovations to serve its clients operational and services offered type of service they require
better. at the offices include receiving and duration taken to render a
As a response to the needs examination results queries, service. The tracking system has
of assessment related services candidates’ registration data and helped enhance accountability in
from clientele in other parts of Identify card forms. The regional service provision among MANEB
the country, in 2018 MANEB offices also receive applications employees.
expanded its operations to other for certificates replacement,

Regional Office North Regional Office Centre Head Office

The Regional Manager (North) The Regional Manager (Centre) The Malawi National Examinations Board
The Malawi National Examinations Board, The Malawi National Examinations Board, P.O.Box 191, Zomba.
P.O.Box 20289, Mzuzu. P.O.Box 130, Lilongwe. MALAWI
MALAWI MALAWI Tel: +265 1 525 277/ 1 525 212
Email: maneb@sdnp.org.mw

Preserving the integrity of national

16 examinations through quality assessment


“ SP
By Mariagoret Sikanda
candidates conduct before conduct for all those involved
and during examinations . in national examinations.
As a way of engaging Apart from the drama
candidates who are usually the performances, MANEB put
main culprits in malpractices, across anti-cheating messages on
the host schools were given a electronic media such as radios
chance to prepare messages and televisions in order to reach
on examination vices through the wider audience.
poems, songs, traditional dances We salute District
and comedies, among others. Education Managers (DEMs)
This was done before a play for cooperating with us in
Mariagoret Sikanda- by MANEB drama group which identifying performance venues
Intern in PRMs Office brought out serious examination and contacting the host schools
issues through some comical prior to our visit. We are also

performances. At every venue grateful to the teachers and
ANEB has an in- the audience was thrilled in candidates for the good rapport
house drama group, the manner the drama group exhibited during the time of our
comprising MANEB exposed some of the irregularities tour in their various localities.
staff, which preaches against committed by candidates This is evident in the way they
examination malpractices. Every and those entrusted with the patronized and participated
year the group tours some responsibility of administering in the sensitisation activities.
parts of the country to sensitize examinations. The drama group Indeed, united we stand, divided
teachers, candidates and the gave guidance on the right we fall!
public on proper conduct during
national examinations. For 2019
examinations preparations, the
drama group embarked on
a similiar tour reminding
candidates and teachers
the evils of examination
malpractices and urging them
to join the fight against the vice.
The drama performances
covered several topics such as;
preparations for 2019 science
practical examinations,
checking of nominal rolls, the
role of community in anti-
cheating campaign, penalties
for examination malpractices, MANEB drama group on anti-cheating campaign
Preserving the integrity of national
17 examinations through quality assessment

By Mariagorret Sikanda

M ANEB has a workforce of about 200 the institution’s vision of being a highly reputable,
and all with one accord ‘to preserve credible, leading and competitive examining body
the integrity of national examinations in Malawi.
through provision of quality assessment’. Among
the workforce are, directors, technicians, human
resource personnel and support staff who rely on
one another to fulfill MANEB’s mandate. In this
regard, issues of team building are paramount.

The ED and management team with officers from

Regional Offices at Chikho Lodge in Kasungu for
team building workshop
The facilitator, Mr Ernest Thindwa took
the employees through a process of reflection
on how they relate with one another.He also
Mr EL Thindwa facilitating a team building work
dwelt on features of effective and dysfunctional
shop for MANEB officers at Hapuwani court in Mulanje
teams. Officers received tips on how to create
To enhance the institution’s efficiency great winning teams and noted that, overall, the
in service provision MANEB held the first ever building of great winning teams rests on good
team building workshops in February and interpersonal relationships. Overall, members were
March 2019 at Hapuwani Court at the base of reminded that a team becomes great when its
Mulanje Plateau for its head office employees. members have a shared mission, vision and goal.
Regional offices staff attended a similar workshop With the knowledge and skills acquired
on April 2019 at Chikho lodge in Kasungu. during the team building workshops it is anticipated
In his opening speech MANEB Executive that performance and output of MANEB employees
Director, Mr Gerald Axel Chiunda, highlighted the will greatly improve. The workshop was in line with
need for MANEB to strategically reposition itself the performance management system that the
in terms of improving service delivery to achieve institution will be implementing shortly.

Preserving the integrity of national

18 examinations through quality assessment

By Mariagorret Sikanda

rocessing and administration of national 2019 .This trip was full of fun and rich interactions
examinations is hectic and stressful. making it one of the most memorable.
It is commonly believed that travelling The warm welcome by Nicky Ndhlamini, the
improves the general wellbeing of a person and, ZIMSEC Public Relations Manager at Nyamapanda
therefore, a good way to relieve stress. At the border post made MANEB personnel feel home
end of the examination cycle, MANEB, has since although it was miles away from Malawi and more
2018, been arranging trips for its members of miles to Harare. The two institutions featured
staff to neighbouring countries. football, netball, volleyball and chess. MANEB
In 2019 MANEB management organised team lost the unfamiliar sack run which turned out
a trip for its ninety employees to Zimbabwe for to be the most entertaining sporting activity. The
inter-exam sporting activities with the Zimbabwe atmosphere was electric and everyone supported
School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC). The aim one another.
of the trip was to accord members of staff an The hospitality in Zimbabwe included an
opportunity to play games against a foreign team excursion to some places of interest, meals and
and give a chance to employees who have less entertainment by a live band, which spiced the
chances of travelling abroad on their own to dinner that was hosted in honour of MANEB staff.
experience life beyond the borders. The trip was Commenting on the trip, MANEB staff members
also another occasion for MANEB staff to interact acknowledged that the hospitality by ZIMSEC and
with ZIMSEC counterparts in terms of sharing work at the hotel was amazing. They thanked MANEB
experiences. management for organising the trip which they
MANEB staff left for Zimbabwe on two would live to remember.
buses on 29th of August and returned home on 1st
of September,

MANEB social football team MANEB sisters versus ZIMSEC sisters

Preserving the integrity of national

19 examinations through quality assessment

As a professional body, MANEB carries out its activities in a transparent manner and engages a number
of stakeholders. Here is a summary of some of the activities in pictures

Participants during a working session at a

workshop for development of Examinations
Management Policy (EMP) at Crossroads
Hotel in Lilongwe ,
da w
M emo EB
19 AN
t h e 20 ry of M
ts to isto
r tic ipan in the h
Pa nd
h e seco

The ED addressing 2019 Examinations Administrators at

the official opening of the 2019 Examinations
administration briefing session

Preserving the integrity of national

20 examinations through quality assessment

Mr D.C Yadidi, the retired Deputy Executive

Director for MANEB, speaking to MANEB staff
at a farewell function for retirees

B staff on a ards
ANE aw
i n e rs and M 2019 MSCE
al exam hi afte
Extern n in Mangoc eting
io e
excurs dard fixing m
and st

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Malaw e launch of 7. This rem ons
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during December 2 orable occa
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on 20t B’s most me Attende
of MA excursi
es to th
on at Li 2019 SAAEA
vingsto r
nia Bea esearch forum
ch in Sa during
lima an

Preserving the integrity of national

21 examinations through quality assessment

Q 1. How can I report examination authenticity.
malpractices? 4. The Transcript is wax-sealed and sent to the
A. MANEB welcomes information from employer/organisation in question.
whistleblowers. You can call us using our landlines
• Processing fee is as follows: MK5, 000.00
or mobile phones. You can also write us or send an
for local use transcript and MK10, 000.00
email to maneb@sdnp.org.mw
for international use transcript. ( Processing
fee will be determined from time to time by
Q 2. Can I register for examination at
one centre and write the examination at
another centre? Note: We encourage applicants to send their
transcripts themselves as MANEB does not shoulder
A. No, you cannot. Once you register at a centre you posting charges. Applicants are further warned
sit for the examination at the same centre. against opening the wax-sealed envelope because
doing so invalidates the transcript.
Q 3. Can I change my name or insert
another name on a certificate? Q 5. Does MANEB equate certificates?
A. Once a certificate is produced , MANEB does not A. Yes, we do for certificates issued by us. The
have the mandate to change names, insert new application procedure is like that of academic
names or initials on certificates. transcript. Processing fee is 20USD or an equivalent
of the same in our local currency.
Q 4. How can I get an academic transcript?
Q 6. How can I get a notification of results
A. Transcripts are issued when an individual
requests MANEB to provide information on how
he/she passed in any of the examinations that we A: A notification of results slip is a document which
administer. Below is the procedure: MANEB prints in triplicate for every candidate
who sits for MANEB national examinations. This
1. An individual fills transcript application
document is meant to be used while waiting for
Form which requires name, examination
the processing of a certificate. MANEB delivers
number, school(s) attended, subjects
notification of results slips to District Education
passed and their grades , contact details of
Manager (DEMs) Offices from where examination
the addressee of the transcript e.g. postal
centres (schools) collect. This being the case,
address, email address
candidates do not have to come to MANEB to
2. The transcript is addressed to the employer/ collect their notification of results slips as they
organisation (as indicated in 1 above) collect them from their respective schools for free.
However, if a candidate comes to MANEB and
3. The Transcript carries MANEB seal for requests that we reproduce a notification of results

Preserving the integrity of national

22 examinations through quality assessment
slip for him or her—instead of collecting from equal, hence applicants who need documentation
their school—we process it at a fee of K5,000 per urgently should process an Academic Transcript.
triplicate( Processing fee will be determined from
time to time by MANEB). When processing is done, MANEB will contact the
applicant using contact details indicated on the
Q 7. What is the procedure for replacing a application letter. The applicant should come with a
lost or damaged certificate? valid identification document i.e.National Identity
card to collect the certificate.
A: In the event that a certificate is lost or damaged, a
certifying statement will be issued upon submission Q 8. My certificate got damaged Is it
of application. The application letter must indicate possible to have it replaced?
all contact details, including phone numbers of the
applicant, and be submitted together with: A: You apply for replacement. The processing fee
is currently K10,000 but is to be revised from time
• Police Report; to time by MANEB. The application shall comprise;
application letter, a copy of the damaged certificate
• School Reference or Testimonial from and a national ID. In certain circumstances we may
the school where an individual got the also require a police report and reference letter
certificate or a letter from the District from your former school.
Education Manager, if the school is no longer
operating; Q 9. I have more than one certificate, is
• Reference from a notable or well-known it possible to merge them into one by
person such as Member of Parliament choosing the best subjects only?
(MP), Doctor, Reverend, Chief, Magistrate
A: No, it is not. Once a candidate manages to qualify
etcetera, testifying that he/she knows the
for the award of a certificate in one examination
applicant personally
sitting, that certificate cannot be changed.
• A national Identity card.
This notwithstanding, a candidate is free to
• Payment of processing fee of K10,000 to re-write any number of subjects as he/she wishes.
be deposited in MANEB’s National At MSCE level, if the subjects re-written are less that
Bank Account No. 1123688 – Zomba those required to qualify for a certificate, they will
Branch. Payment is done after the vetting of be issued with a Notification of Results slip to be
the application hence the need for applicant used together with their certificate. Alternatively,
to indicate contact details in the application. one could be applying for an academic transcript
(Processing fee will be determined from which could chronicle all the subjects passed and
time to time by MANEB). including respective years of passing.

The applicant should, then, hand-deliver all these If a candidate writes enough subjects and qualifies
documents in person to MANEB Offices, Off for the award of a certificate, he/she will be awarded
Malemia Road, Next to Old Parliament Building a certificate but he/she should choose a better one
in Zomba. Applicants based in the Northern and and surrender the other to MANEB to be destroyed.
Central Regions of the country are encouraged to
submit their applications to our Mzuzu and Lilongwe Q 10. I have more than one certificate and
Regional Offices, respectively. An application made use just one. Can I donate the remaining
through a third person will be rejected. certificates to my relation?
Processing takes at least two weeks, all things being A: No, you cannot. Otherwise it is a crime, punishable

Preserving the integrity of national

23 examinations through quality assessment
by law you.

Q 11. My brother is dead but had a very Q 15. After I have met requirements for
good MSCE. Could I be using it? certificate by accumulation, will MANEB
automatically produce a certificate by
A: No. This is a crime as it breaches Section 360
of the Penal Code which criminalises uttering/ accumulation for me?
tendering of false document. Those found to be A: No, you fill some forms at our offices or write a
engaging in this malpractice will be arrested and letter applying for “Certificate by Accumulation” to:
prosecuted in a court of law.
The Executive Director
Q 12. I have been writing examinations MANEB
more than once but I haven’t been able to Box 191
get a full certificate. Is there any way out?
A: Yes, you may apply for a Certificate by
Accumulation. This certificate is produced when E-mail: maneb@sdnp.org.mw
a candidate, who fails to pass enough subjects to In the letter, explain that you have satisfied the
qualify for the award of MSCE in a single examination conditions for the award of a certificate by giving
sitting, qualifies for the same in several but not details such as: years when you sat the examinations
more than four consecutive examination sittings schools attended, examination numbers and grades
i.e. from 2010 to 2013; 2011 to 2014; 2012 to 2015, obtained.
2019 to 2022 e.t.c as long as it is within a four-year
bracket of the same curriculum. NOTE: Your application will be vetted after which
you will be advised to pay a processing fee, of
Q 13. I sat for 2017 & 2018 MSCE K10,000. The fee is subject to revision from time
examination but wasn’t able to get a full to time by MANEB. You can pay cash at our head
certificate . I also sat for 2019 MSCE office or deposit in our account and send us a copy
examination, and passed a few subjects of the deposit slip. If you are in the Northern or
Central region drop your application together with
Am I eligible to apply for certificate by the deposit slip at our respective Regional Offices.
accumulation using grades from previous
examinations and the 2019 examination? Q 16. I have a private school and would
like to have an examination centre number.
A: No, you can only accumulate grades from
examinations within the same curriculum. What procedures should I follow?

Q 14. I sat for 2019 MSCE examination but did A: You should
not pass. I have registered for 2020 examination 1) Have a School Registration Certificate
using a different name. I would like to combine the issued by Ministry of Education, Science
2019 grades and those to be obtained in 2020 to and Technology
apply for certificate by accumulation. Shall this be 2) Apply to MANEB for centre inspection
possible? 3) Pay centre inspection fee ( amount to be
A: No, you needed to maintain the same names determined by MANEB from time to time )
otherwise our system will recognize you as two in MANEB account. MANEB will advise you
different individuals and, therefore, shall not be on the dates for the centre inspection.
able to produce a certificate by accumulation for

Preserving the integrity of national

24 examinations through quality assessment
Q 17. What other services does MANEB Q 18. If one passes MSCE examination
offer? should they come to MANEB offices to
A: (1) Conducts aptitude testing for collect their Certificate?
identification of suitable trainees and job A: No, they, should not. MANEB sends certificates
placement. to candidates’ respective schools.
(2) Undertakes research in educational
(3) forensic handwriting analysis
(4) Provides metadata for research

Preserving the integrity of national

25 examinations through quality assessment

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